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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1909)
very Child is Particularly Interested in the Mercantile World at this Season of e Tear and right they should be for it is these the happiest days of their lives. No store in all Oregon is more anxious to serve the children or more able to supply their every desires than the Golden Rule Store. Your list should be brought direct to this store for it is here that you will find the best collection, here tha ; your money will do double duty. The fol lowing list is only a partial one of this stores varied Xmas stock, and is intended to assist you in deciding more definitely the articles you prefer to purchase. In making this store your headquarters for Christmas shopping ycu are assured of substantial suvin-s fcr it is here and here alone that Xmas Novelties are marked an a dry goods basis. Included in the large assortments which will interest the children most will be found TREE ORNAMENTS, WONDER PIC TURES, MAGIC DRAWING BOOKS, TOY DISHES, TOY TRUNKS, FLORAL CHILD'S SETS, POP GUNS, AIR GUNS, CLOTH ANIMALS OF ALL KINDS, NODDING HEAD ELEPHANTS AND ANIMALS, SURPRISE BOXES, WATER WAGONS, IRON WAGONS, DOLLS, DOLL'S SHOES AND STOCKINGS, TOOL CHESTS, WASH BOARDS AND TUBS, TOY FURNITURE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AS DRESSERS, CUPBOARDS, CHAIRS, MUSICAL TOYS, DRUMS, HORNS, ETC., RAILROAD TRAINS, AUTOS, and hundreds of articles that will be found most interesting. Fancy Combs. A selection made here in Combs and Hair Ornaments will prove a satisfactory one. . Silk Waists. New assort ments, attractive prices and hitfli grade workmanship are features of this stock. Sweaters for girls and wo men in the better grades will please your wife or daugh ter. You'll find them here. Handbags in all the new est styles here and at prices most interesting. They make acceptable gifts. Silk Petticoats in staple shades and black, made by reliable manufacturers, very reasonably priced here. Fleecy Robes for baby cribs that will be good for several vears. Have vou a little friend? " Novelty NecKwear for Xmas So much in demand at present are the new, dainty Collars and Fastnings for the neck, which are very stylish this winter. They could not have made their appearance in a more appropriate time, for as every one knows, it is no trouble to make the proper selec tion from these stocks, and forwarding of same to distant friends becomes especially easy as well as inexpensive. No one will offer you better or more up-to-date assortments than we do and remember when making your purchase here, you are not paying fancy prices just because it's Christmas time. Select Your Christinas Goods Before the Rush It is human nature to procrastinate, par ticularly so in buying Christmas goods. We are anxious to have you do your buy ing early and for that reason are making our display earlied than usual. And, by the way, it is the largest display of Holiday Goods we have ever made, which means the largest ever shown in this place. The assortments are more complete and the varieties shown are greater. Come in at once, .make your selections and if you wish us to lay aside your goods until Christmas we will gladly do so. Hy doing this you will be assured of having first choice from complete stocks. lb'ing the children to see the Toys and the many other attractive novelties, such as will delight them and also afford amuse ment for the older folks. Everything is priced with a view to making a quick dis position of the goods. Scarfs in many new de- Belts will be found here signs are one of the most iin- in endless variety. All the portant items to add to your popular shades, including list. the new black jets. Fancy Hose for men and Suitcases will be highly women make ideal small ai)1)recjated by both sexes gilts. Especially m the 11 Men's section you'll find aild hel'c yu fintl the these novelties. best selections. Umbrellas are a necessity Sweaters for men and boys yet what makes ajnore ap- will prove very desirable as propriate gift? Our stock .is Xmas gifts. No store has entirely new. better assortments. aidt en GRANTS PASS, ORE. S iolidav Handkerchiefs Assortment Greatest Here is one of the most important Holiday lines Holiday Handkerchiefs for its from these vast as sortments so many thousands of gifts must be se lected, especially gifts which are dependent on Uncle Sam for delivery. When in doubt what to get, Handkerchiefs by the box or in less quantities as sures you of proper selections. In both Ladies' and Gentlemen's Handkerchiefs you will find the stock most complete here. Large assortments Initial Handkerchiefs, in silk and linen; also made of a superior texture cloth preferred by a great many. WEBB CASE WILL BE AGAIN ARGUED Tho c-iliuo of maliciously sotting f 1 1 o to timber In tho national re serve, for which L. H. Webb, of Door inn. una nccuHod and subse quently arrested one your ago, Is to again coiuo before tho public. This trouble, It will bo remembered, oc curred Just ovor tho California lino on the head of Klk rtvor. In th first trial December 28, 1908, the Jury disagreed, there being eight for conviction und four for acquittal. Another trial will bo hold In tho United Stat oh court of San Francisco on December 13, and ninny witnesses In thin city nnd the surrounding country have boon subpoenaed to ap pear there at that time. Among some of tho more Important witnesses to Appear t the t rlul are M. J. Vnder son, forest supervisor, of this city; Al Dean, of Gold Ileach; Walter Jones, of Crescent City, and II. M. Outhrlo, of Portland. Considerable Interest was caused by the firttt ap pearance of this case In the San Francisco courts and It Is likely that It will revive at tho second trial. Another case which Is causing some Htlr In forestry circles, Is the case of C. W. Anderson, of Washing ton, who a year ago was Indicted for alleged criminal action In Illegally cutting timber on lands not a valid homestead. Since the time of this trouble the man has boon a fugitive nnd has only recently been appre hended and arrested. The complaint , alleges that ho cut several hundred ! thousand feet of timber without put tlnu tho land Into cultivation accord ling to the rule of the reserve. This land Is located on the south fork of the t'((iillli river, township VI S, rnnge 10 west. This trial will take pin i-o thU week In the United State court of Portland and M. J. Ander son nnd Henry llaefner left for that place Wednesday as witnesses In tho case, Mr. llaefner first going over the land In question, taking measure ments of same. The next time one of the children catch cold, give It something that will promptly and freely but gently move the bowels. In that wav the cold will at once be driven out of the system. Kennedy's Laxative Cough Syrup moves the bowels promptly and freely, yet Kentlv, and at the same time heals Irritation and stops the counh It Is especially good for children. Sold by n druggists. The ladles of Presbyterian church wlsn to announce that their cook book will be ready and for sale about nerember IS. ll-So-St and during the coming year trains will be run Into Central Oregon, mak ing a wide agricultural region acces sible to farmers. New railroads, too, nre entering the coast country, while In the southern end of the state, rail road builders are pushing north from Klamath Falls to Natron on the new Southern Pacific line. Electric projects nre active In the Willamette valley. On the whole It looks like tho coming year will be a record one In railroad building for Oregon. For Xmaa-cases. Sabln has traveling r BUY llailroad Hull. ling Otvgon. An army of men is at work build ing lailrond up the n.rhntcs rv,.,. to the Interior of the state. The w In ter season Is not stopping the work lhe symptoms of kidnev trouble! are urlnnry disorders, wenk back nnd I backache, rheumatism and rheumatic pains and twinges, pains In the groin ' etc There Is nothing as good fori kidney nnd bladder trouble as Do V Itt's Kidnev ninl Hlu, tun., v.... , i-mv I I 111(1, 1 IU1 tuny depend upon them to give en tire satisfaction. They nre anti septic, Hot promptly and soothe the pain. Sold by all druggists. Any Old Thing or Any New Thing SECOND HAND That you have to sell such as Furniture, Hardware, Tinware Onus, etc. See me and get my prices before disposing of your Roods, You will be surprised at the prices I pay. I PAY THE BEST PRICES AND SELL THE CHEAPEST IKE M. DAVIS li i