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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1909)
f AGE WIGHT J DM I ' Groceries New Goods Canned Fruits Vegetables Fresh Nuts and Candies for C h r i s t m a s J. Pardee Phono 86-R - X5he Front Street Grocr COMIXG EVENTS. Dec. 6, Monday City election. Friday, Dec. 10 Apron by Dec. 10 Apron Sale ladles of Baptist clurch. Dec. 10, Friday The High School will present the cantata, "Ply mouth Ilock," at the opera house. I list Baptist (liurcli, Sun., Dec. 5. The pastor preaches the fifth ser mon In the series, "The Disciples Magna Charta" topic, "The Kings De Hlre." The right hand of fellowship will ho extended to new members af ler which the Lord's Supper will bo observed. The session of the Bible uchool is at 11:45 and under the charge of n. K. Uackctt. At 6:30 occurs the D. Y. P. U. meeting led afternoon I'EKSOVAL AS I) LOCAL The Rogue River Hardware Co. have been adding to their store furnishings by Increasing the num ber of their floor show cases. Melvin Dunn arrived Tuesday from Yreka, Cal., to take charge of the 160-acre farm recently purchased from H. T. Day, about two miles south of Murphy. Mr. Dunn's fami ly is expected to arrive early in the week. The corner window of the Cramer Bros, hardware store has an excep tionally clever display in represen tation of a mantel on which is an assortment of silverware which would be hard to equal in the city storcB. They have also added' some new display cases to their store furn ishings. A Presbyterian Cook Book is a Christmas present easily sent by mail. MisB Myrtle Pease, district visitor and Investigator for the Boys' and Girls' Aid society, was In the city Friday on society matters and seek ing a home for a little girl of '8 years. This little girl is of good parentage and very bright. Mrs. F. W. VanDyke may be corresponded with In regard to children for adop tion. It Beems as though at nearly every performance at the Opera house there is some "smart Alec" to taka advantage of the oportunity to make himself noticeable. At the last con cert one young man, who Is old enough to know better, spent his time talking to thh ulrl he was with, much to the annoyance of many who came to listen to music. Let there bo a stop to this kind of annoyance. There was an alarm of fire Friday to which the department by Mabel Whipple; topic, "Life Les- j responded promptly. Tt. proved to sons for Me from First John." At bo at the homo of Mr. Patterson, ovi the final service of the day, the pas- Front street near the foundry. It tor preaches on the words spoken nppears that they were heating coal to Judas, "What Is That to Us? See tar on the stove vtien It took fire Thou to It." A cordial welcome Is and scattered all over the room, set- : ( x - I i Copyright l(ioo by Fart Srliaffner Marx j!y YOU may be just as critical as you please here in buying clothes or any of the other good things we sell ; we know you'll find the right stuff here. We handle here Hart Schaffner & Marx fine clothes , we'ye got the right style for you in a suit or overcoat; the finest weaves, the tartest pni terns, the best tailoring and finish, the most fashionable models. - There are no other clothes madeso good as these; all-wool fabrics always. GEO CALHOUN CL Outfittersjto Boy and Man extended. Buy for a wife. a Presbyterian Cook Book Christinas present for your TREES Fruit, Shade Ornamental CYPKIXS AM) I'M YET HEDGE PLANTS Home Grown Tokay Grape Roots First class, 4 to 6 foot, 1 year old trees In Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry, Etc. It will pay you to see me be fore buying. Special prices on largo orders. J. T. Taylor Office In Brick, near Court House. ting the place on fire. It is reported that nothing was saved except a sew ing machine. Mr. Patterson is a night employe at the round house. The second number of the enter tainment course, the Central Grand Concert company, appeared at thft Opera house Thursday night and en tertained a big house. The company consisted of a violoncellist, soprano, THROUGH MORNING SER VICE TO PORTLAND Beginning Sunday Southern Ore gon people are given a daily morning local passenger train that runs through to Portland. That is, train No. 18, known as the Roseburg local, which formerly left here at 8:12 a. m., and ran to Roseburg, where after a night's layover another train could viollnlHt and pianist, the first two bo taken and the journey to the me- montloned being ladles and the latter tropolis thus completed, now leaves two gentlemen. Each was an artist npre nt 9:10 n- m- antl reaches and tho ronentod enenroo rnvo nvi. Portland at 10:40 p. m. the same , ... r- v denco of the appreciation of the lis- dav- w'tn tnls change, the people toners. The onlv criticism trmt of this section now havo all that could be made Is that the program f0,'d ',? desired in the way of train wus too lengthy after responding to wvlce on the Southern Pacific and For Xmus-lets. -Subin has gift book- repented encores. A Parker Fountnln Pen makes a nice present for hhn or her, and get It nt Deinnrny's. Elder J. L. fircone nnd family ar rived a Rhort time nijo from Wood burn to take charge of the Church of Cod work nt this place. This de nomination have had a church build- the management of the Oregon lines of this company have shown that they are alive to the Interest of its patrons. Four daily passenger trains each wuy per day is a good Indication of the development of the Oregon country the past few years, as i Is not so many years ago that a single passenger train each wav nnr ilfiv mi f t'lf,l t, Vi.nwlin i,a t u ng on south Sixth street, nor the lwn, nml tno throilKh ,Hlsll( bridge, but recently disposed of tho property and are now looking for a more suitable location where they will build. Mr. Croon has been a resident of Woodburn for 16 vears Distinctive That Is the only way to express the line of goods at this store. Every lino Is distinctive and has a standing of its own. Es pecially Is this true of the Mecca and Orient pattern of thin blown cut glass ware. Thin la a line that has to bo seen to bo appreciated and tho prlco Is so low that you cannot help but appreciate that also. Ileinouilier this storo Is open every Saturday evening and It would please you to drop In nnd look our line over whether you wish to buy or not. Hull's Art Store Store Telephone, 105 nestdonce Telephone, 88 Woman's llcllcf Corps. The Woninn's Relief Corps were entertained at the home of Mrs. Ilat- tln T .n 111 litinrii 711 u; ..I i- where bo labored earnestly. Hp has t ' " Ul'1' , . .' ' Thursday afternoon. About f.O mem- no,o. m i ana nootn bcr9 nn(Hnvlt0(1 KU(,stM wm, )ir(is(nt .The afternoon was snent In sew I nnr Largest stock of gold nnd gold fll- and topics of Interest relative to led Jewelry In tho city Is nt Letcher's, ! corp'g work, and an Inter purchased streets at prices that nre right. a. W. Phillips and O. expect to lonvo Saturday or Sunday for Portland to attend the meeting of the Oregon Stnte Horticultural society In session In the Meyer & Frank auditorium December fi to ft. So far as we can learn Josephine county will not bo represented by an exhibit. This Is unfortunate as there will be exhibits from all parts of the stnte and thousands of people will bo In attendance. The Southern Pacific Is offering reduced rates on the certificate plan with tickets good from the 4th to the 10th. For XmnB Snbln has wood to burn. In another column will bo found a stntement by Mr. Norton as to the position he takes as a candidate for mayor. . Those who know him well will tell you that he means at all times, Just whnt be savg. Much misrepresentation has been Indulged In during this nnmmhMi liv n,i I - r I I Ml l class of people who prefer to be wrong rather than rkbt. Tho hon est voter who may be In doubt should carefully read what Mr. Norton savs after which be will havo no trouble sting pro- jgrnm wna given. At the close re A. fioodnow i freshnients were nerved by the re freshment committee, Mrs. llorden, Mrs. Brant, Mrs. Brltton, Mrs. Cal vert and Mrs. Curtis. Those twlce-a-nionth mooting at the members' homes have been both a pleasant and profitable feature of tho year's work In the Women's Re ncr lorps work. It has hoon de cided to discontinue those meetings until after the holidays. SALE OF TIMBER Grants Pass, Oregon, November 24, 1909. Seal bids, marked outside "Bid, Timber Sale Application, November 24, 1909, Siskiyou," and addressed to M. J. Anderson, Forest Supervisor, Forest Service, Grant3 Pass, Oregon, will be received up to and including Janu ary 4, 1910, for all merchantable dead timber standing or down, and ?!! thn live timber marked or de signated for cutting by the forest of ficer before cutting begins, of about 1U9 aires in the unsurveyed town ship D3 south, range 10 west W. M. on the1 south bnnk of Mule Creek, a tributary of Rogue River within the Siskiyou National Forest, Oregon, estimated to be 1,323,000 feet live and dead Douglas fir saw timber, log scale, more or less. No bids of less than $1.00 per thousand feet B. M. for live and dead Douglas fir will be considered, and a deposit of $200 payable to the First National Bank of Portland, must be sent that bnnk for each bid sent to the Forest Supervisor. Timber upon valid claims Is exempt from sale. A right to reject any and all bids is reserved. For further Information nnd regula tions governing sales, address M. J. Anderson, Forest Supervisor, Grants Pass, Oregon. . 12-3-ljt John Dennison went to Reuben Wednesday to spend a few daya at the mill. For Xmas Sabin has purses. , Ray Wright, having his train tied up at Gold Hill this Friday, spent the day angling for the finny tribe. For Xmas Sabin has books. A Reasonable Query. Why should It be necessary for aj candidate for the office of m?) one who has already served tt terms, to assure the public over b signature, that he Is in favor of i! enforcement of the existing law! If there was no doubt in the pt'J lie mind; if he had Bhown hta ready to enforce the laws bete would he not here appeal to bij it cord? : Did he try to enforce the laws! i A. VOTE. For Xmas Sabin sets. has smoking January 4 to Februnry 18, tfOD. Practical work, lectures nnd dem onstrations will be given In such vltnl subjects as General Farming Fruit Culture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Poultry-keeping, tho Busi ness Side of Fanning, Forest rv, Cnr I'entry, P.lncksmlthlng. Mechanical Drawing. Cooking. Sewing. Dress making, Home Management, etc. All regular courses beeln .Tnnimrv 4 and end February n. Farmers' Week rt brunt y 11 to IS. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all Interested. Good accommodations may be so- . . urcu ni reasonable rates. No age limit above lfi years. No entrance fiil 11 I fold 111 tt tt- i.. . t In ronvln.-lnir t,i.,,Unif .,t ,. ...... ... '.' "" ."'nneni lecturers . , , " " ' l"1 c;navo neon secured for special topics should vote to serve the best Inter-! The Instructional force of the miio est of the town In which he live J n,,"',,,i' 100. Excellent cnulnment. nnd Is Interested A Special fentnrn ta tlm r . wo , w.,.,1, ,B If el.v.n.i .m ..... i . . ' uus year room In which he live Mr. Norton. , '," 1 ' rrry 14 ,0 1S- I'Ttnro. dlsru.slons .1. . in rinj I'lnni' in- iuKos in tno """ a general re-nnlon. sinned article published In thh Is. I v"r further Information address- sue. i Registrar. Oregon Agricultural Col lege, rorvallls. Oreeon. Wake up take a look at this then come to HEADQUARTERS and get a BARGAIN New Goods JUST UNPACKED Alumlnnin Pin Trays, Cc and 10c. Combined Thermometer nnd Barom eter, lfic. Steroseope Views, set of 25 for 25c. Steroscopes, Gun Metal, 50c. Alarm Clocks, good ones, 85c. Hand Saws, spring Bteel, 75c to $1. High Back Dining Chairs, $1 to $2. O. K. Rockers, 12.25 up. Dressers, with good bevelled Mirrors, $8.50 up. SF.COM HAM) (J(M)DH come nnd be convinced that thoy are big Cheering Horns for football games, 15c. Extension Hanging Lamps. $1 up. Stand Tables. 50c up Large Fasels, 50c up. Child's Tricycles. $1 to $3.50. Sewing Machines. In good order, $3.50 nnd $:.. Washing Maehln , $2 up. IV... . ' e.anuna incubator, $15. Good new. Petaluma Brooders, $1.50. Stoves from $1 to $10. ' Ranges from $10 to $30. Two Good Organs, $20 and $25. HEADQUARTERS Hty Hun, 7 sixth Strvot. New Jewelry Store The large, new stock of Jewelry for Grants Pass. Complete and big line of Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass and hand-painted China, Clocks Hope yon will give us a call, and see for yourself what we have in good prices. You will find us doing all we can to suit you. We need some of your patronage and will appreciate to have you look over our stock. You will find an "elegant selection for Christmas Presents at prices that will in terest you. CARLQUIST BROS. 501 FRONT STREET Bitulitfiic Pavemen as Is the best Pavement for the Property Owner IT INCREASES VALUES Clean, Sanitary, Durable Sure, Safe Footing for the Horse Warren Construction Co 317 Ie k llldg., Port hind, Ore.