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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEfU, ,;i..l h Winn -" PAGE BIX AMOS ANDERSON ! PROFESSIONAL CARDS General Confectionery 1508 So. Sixth St. GRANTS TASS, OKKGON Raises th dough etR'iiJfffs. and complie with KZyzss&&j mm DESCENT KFG. CO. Makers of MA PU.INE (better than Maple). 1 ,rv raj M. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to ifitui, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Olllce hours 8 to 12; 2 to Si and q appointment. PhonoB 261 & 7i. rants Pass, Oregou. S. LOUUilPvIDUE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. Phone 714 City or country calls attended day jr eight. Sixth and II, Tuffs tildtf. Oilice Phone 261. Urauts Pas, Oregon. We have the red lands down here; b very best for orcnaiu The recent high water aian i u WheQ you wlsh BOme c much damage, but delayed the mall of ,and glve us a call, for several days. Where Is that i d Ferr,n ,s Btaylng w i J 4 1 KatipAO 1 county bridge? Mr. Monroe UIUJ uiiusv. . voungesi Buu, r . , One of our near neighbors, Mrs. K. ! ou gentleman has not been feel- Hudson, passed away. She , leaves ; & ma wlnter, although a husband and seven children to or a centenarlan. ho- inna lonno,! tn have a sitell- iuuuiu . ,l,,l U 18 UBUJS " L ' Mr. and Mrs. ueer ami contest between Pleasant wu daughter, of Almeda, returned from , t wildervllle school. .. . ' mnn ha visit ''" " . . , . . Iha flld- UW Mrs. NETTIE HARRISON'S 4-DAY ! I AIR COLOR. It is the only entirely successful and satisfactory prepa ration for the purpose. Simple - Harm less - Certain. Sold for 20 years, and its friends are lesion. It never fails. Price $1.00. At all druggists and at CLEMENS' DUKJ STORK (il'UMtH I'llKM 'ainles Dentistry ... i, 3 unt or town poopra "'I io bve their clnto unci tirniRUworK un f '. Ik' .'.V In AtiA fiu if nHoenfiarr, We will gin you a ttooi 22k (old or porceli crown for S3. 50 5.00 50 1.00 . Tf 'iaEntm) filling 1.00 J.2A.-ML.. ..... ' (A jt;8ilver lilllnjl " ; ,.' Ilntay Fillinp 2.50 f ...V iQ0tl(J Rubber A : , 4 put. 5.00 'SmfiL. I.. K-Ji tiJBHt M Rub- na w i unxt- mmi.iimUiii.ii bor riatsi i.ov , It nm iii.'miimI m Ntntm Patnleii Extr'lton .50 WORK GUARANTEED FOR 18 . Cilnliid t.jIriiiMlon t rno lion r InUwor hrlilno wnr onlcnxl. tkinmilUtlon Vrvn, Ym cHnnot BntlwtUit mIiiIivh work loiii unrlnn. All work fullyrnnr iiidcil. Miiluruili trlotiiuliuaut. Hunt n.iiluoO. Wise Dental COt portend, "oAegom ''J'.'-."' Hllr Crown 5.( Ki " i;l22kBrl()g.T..lh3.! V.-5,,' VO 0oM Filling. 1.J DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City and County calls promptly wiuwerd. OUic hours, 0 to 12 a.m. md 2 to 5 p. ui. Phones: Res. 472; Ottlce 941. Rooms 1, 2, 2, Sliallhorn Bldf. urunw 1'S8, - Oregou. DR. II. G. KIMiiLEY - OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Practice of Obstetrics a Specialty. Ut'Iice Hours: 9 to 12 a. m., 1 to & p. in. Other hours by appointment. Phones: Office 17-R; Residence 88. Rooms 201-201 Conklin Bldg. (jirunta Puss . Oregon J. S. McMURRAS Voice Culture 6tudio over Residence mil's Art Store 716 Leo Street Portland after two months viu with friends. f. t r xTattiaon returned from Spokane where nhe has been visiting four months We would be pleased to see no fashioned spelling noois rev.veu. Bert Ferrln drove In to the lass today. The condition of the roads will make it anything but a pleas- ur month3. , -r triD Bert Fain returned to his home In Borr;on November 30, 1909, at ants Pass after a months pleasant Grove, to Mr. and Mrs. .u .. I ,1 . . - -tt hnhv If T I )- Grants Willi Uirnu.T u.. ur UnauiA rpturned time lYllB. 111. after visiting her mother and sibtor on Applenate. Noah John left about a week ago for Merlin for a freight load of pro visions but got caught on me ouihi rt hnbV. It til) ifd the scales at 10 pounds. Mother and chill dolnj well at last acco-nt. FKTITDALE. The Thanksgiving grange ptc:lc, Sde of Z water and which was held Saturday . a H. D. NORTON, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera. House Bldg. GranU Pass, Oregon. OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Office over Bijou Theater. Grants fuss, - Oregon. had to make Merlin his home for a week. . . ... . Ros Crow 13 back to nis oia tram again, help running the pack train for Lee Draubough, A load of machinery was brought In for the saw mill and air compress or of the Oriole mine. C. HuBsie ha3 bought Interest in Barlow Bros.' store. Fred Holsinger, of the Oriole mine, made a trip to Grants Pass. SPARKS FROM Hl'GO. , W. W. Wilson left Saturday for Grants Pass where he expects to spend the winter. Joseph Jennings made Grants M. Muddle made Glendale a visit Sunday. J. P. Jinny made Grants Pass a visit Monday. We are having fine weather here now, as Mr. Hennery has got the roof about on hl3 wood shed. t null and wife left here Tuesday for Redding, Cal., where they expert to' stay a while. Miss Grace Kenny made uiemuue a visit Thursday. CAPT. JACK. Elizabeth Robins j tin- r:iiiiicMt Kn;!lish authoress, vriu ;s In nt tin.' r.iuMish out lY.i ( lus. She f.'lls vhv they Ivmi:i t. th'.- viulnu'L- tluit l.uuls till 111 lil j 111. i S.i. ; ;i I'.'tlc of ytir i"-li.'ii:i- lion t.u the th;iiti.-is i !' ' The p HiMst ami the luniik-" arc S to conic. Juilgc Limlsev li.iMi't really staitcil to get to the heart of his story yet. DECEMBER EVERYBODY'S A lo u ikt frcninfitil Spi'diil display by ('Ii iiii'iin', .Viitioual, Hablu's mid iH-mniny'N. 0. S. BLANCIIARD, ATTORNE Y-AT-LAW Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Banking & Trust Co. Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. 1). M. WOODSON Civil JiiiKlin-cr, Surveyor and Draughtsman Formerly employed in Surveyor-General's office, Washington 30 years' experience. IcKldonco: Third liouao south of tu-lilge on West Kltle. Grants Pass. Taxidermist and Furrier I mount big ga..- ,lrd.-, i,.- ; nialio fur runs; reiiii.-. tuul cliar fur giiriiu; buy tars iitul spei-l-liuu'.s .I nil kliul. Express ami mall on.i ii tu-'-aip'. i.v atteiulel to. V. M. HARRIS .." Wavlilimtou St, Portland, Ore Telephone Main 3D00 M. T. UTLEY ( WUI'KYi i:u ;km.i: i. com p. actor 111 Jiilililng Work a Specialty Phone ill 71 :t X. ."iili Street, (Ji-nnti PaN, Ore, D. L. JOHNSTON ASSAY I. It Rooms 0 and 7 Opera House Uloek North Stairway GRANTS PASS, OREGON' CRAMS PASS TRUCK CO. Ill M II ItKOS., Propileloi-s. (Sueeessors lo N. E, Mel'.rew.) PROMPT i kei.iaiim: SERVICE I'lattoN and ri;nn!i Carefully Removed Plume Kill I CiauU Piimn, Oi o. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Granti Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bank Renders the Fubllu DEPOSITS Tlio hafi'Mt and siniplent way ol kevpinK your iiiiiin,y Ik by depositing it in h lit'liuiiiu think. This Hunk rceeivcn i"e pnnilM MUlijei't to Click, or on ili'iimiul l'trtilieivs of ili'i'onit or on time Orliluate of leionit. On tunc ili'poMtii py 4 I'LR CENT INTERES1 DRAFTS The lie.if anil I'lirapwt' wa to trmiifiir inoitoy ii hv Hank iTHlt. W evil lrnlt pnynlilv In all parl.t of tin1 eouutry. LOANS One f Hie moil linpor timt .luiietiiuiM of tlx IWnk. V riiilcnvor to supply nil reiiMiiuitilii iHi'il of uuc cusiiiiucrit. Capital ami Surplus $73,000 Stockholders' Additional . KMpon-ibMty $50,000 OFFICEnS I,. It. lUl.t. I'roiilt-ht J. t'. Campiiki.i,, Vii'(-I'nn. II L. Mn khy, l'nlm r K. tv. lUeRrTr. A-t. Cschler MIRPHV. Mr.. Dave Jones and sister, Miss Anna McCallister, of Wlldcrville, spent Thanksslvlng with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Mcuainsier. Reverend Mr. Pepper, of Wllder uMi nrpnrh'd to a fair-sized con gregation Sunday, both morning and afternoon. - Nearly all the Murphy young peo ple attended the dance at Grants Pang the 24th. All report having a fine time. , . Pat Me'Fadden and Dan Osborne attended the dance at Ruch Friday night, and the girls smiled so sweet iv nn thnm that, thev announced their Intention of going to Jacksonville to a dance Christmas. A school meeting was held Satur day and Ed. T. Perry and L. u Hayes wore elected as directors, to fill the vacancies caused by removal of G. W. Wlnertout and resignation of Ed. CockcrUnc. Miss Ressle Lelth. the present toucher, was letalned as teacher for f lip next term of school. Mrs. Alex Joss and children left last week for Salem, after a visit of several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Centner. Mr. Jess recently disposed of his property near Wllibuvlllo and puivhined f farm near r-'aloin, where tiny will malic their future lioiiie. We wish them pro;-.:'. Tit?- in their new iioinu Will niul E.'eiif Hayes ami Miss Winnie 'Oshorn entertained the fol lowing guests at dinner Thanksgiv ing I.. M Mitchell. Miss Dora Mit chell, Elmer and Alva Gilniore, Miss Goliile Jennings, Mr. and Mrs. o. o. Hayes, Eunice and Lucille Hayes, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Osborn, Wheeler, Dan and Joste Osborn. All were loud In their praises' and did ample Justice to the excellent dinner served bv Miss Osborn. Peter Burleson and family are residents of Murphy again, having moved this week. We understand that Jas. Darnelll and F. M. Hayes are going to operate the Oscar Creek placer initio the com ing season. Literary Saturday nlijlit was fair ly well attended. Dan Osborn hav ing resigned ns president. ('. C. Wynant was elected to fill Hie va cancy. . Next Saturday night will he n de bate on the iiuestion: "Resolved. That fire Is of more uic to mankind than water." We don't see much room for debate on Mint question, lU'STKK HUOWN. ..- nr.o!a Over twenty were nrpaont. which was a good attend ance for the bad weather. Altho-isi th cooks had already cooked cne Thanksgiving dinner, the lunch v:rs all that could be desired, 89 also were the appetites, 'ihe program was made up of readings and short stories of Thanksgiving and the climax was reached when the d bate was announced. The debate, "Re solved, that there is more tile;- -ire In pursuit than possession," b' -.v .-en George A Hamilton and Robert Harris for the affirmative, and ii. C. Bateham and Gail Hamilton .r the negative, proved both interest!;-. - and mirthful The iudges. who were Florenz Breitmayer, J. II. Harrij and George Stanborough, decided In favor of the affirmative. One per son was heard to say "This Is the best program yet," and it voiced the sentiments of all. Mr And Mrs. Robert HucK nave moved to town temporarily. Alonzo Jones was In town Tues day night at the home of his father, Vin Is nnlte ill. Fruitdale is expecting a rural free delivery service soon, i propoM Hnn has been annroved by the in spec tor and a mattpr of the county's taking over a road, and tnen ousy fruit reen will not have to go to town for their mall. Mrs. Walter Co-'tant, Miss Pattl Grpv and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bate- hfn and children attended the Grange picnic Saturday. Andy Dodson and sons have moved on Robert Huck's place to take car of It. P Q Stove s Stoves Monarch Ranges, Small Cookers and all sizes of Heaters -INCLUDING small oil stoves suitable for Tents and small rooms morn ings and evenings. CALL AND SEE US Grants Pass lidw. Co, How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that ennnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, ano tin ancially able to carry out any obliga tions made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cifre h 'nk--n liv tnvnnllv. nctlne d! recti v rnon the blood and mucous - ii system. Testimonial. Price, 7rc per bottl Druggists. Take Hall's Family V stipation. A CARLOAD OF National Wire- fence Just received. The best that money and brains can produce, and the price is just right. Your inspection is requested. Jewell fid we. Co. i ! i.r: 3 w in. : . r. i k i v 1! V v I'll i. ry Hi" tor lli ECZEMA A GERN DISEASE Myriads of Microscopic Animals In fest the Skin of the Sufferer. THE I.IXAMI 111 iHiET. The carpenters who are to build the new depot have arrived nnd com menced work Monday morning. E. Huntington and family arrived Sutiih'y morning from Red Lodge, Montana, and expect to make their future home here. We understand that Mrs. John Ahlerson has sold lirr place In the canyon throiuli the agency of Mr. Carson. Horn- On November 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Gene Coff, a ten-pound hoy. Mrs. WINmi and children and Mrs. Heiuilion returned to Grants l'nss Sunday evening. Mr. Wilson went out Morday evening. We hav When the skin of an eczema suf ferer itches and bvfrns In untold agony, do you know what Is going on within the pores of that skin? Myriads of microscopic animals are gnawing at the flesh, breaking down the fine cells and causing fes ters, thick Bcales and that terrible Itch. The germs multiply faster than Nature can throw them off. Now, there Is only one way to get rid of these germs they tr'ist ho killed In their lodging places. Dos ing the stomach or trying to cure the blood will not, of course, kill the germs, and that Is why all tho blood remedies fail In eczema: that Is also why salves which do cot penetrate can do no permanent good. Ordinary oil of wlntergreen prop erly compounded In liquid form will penetrate the pores of the skin and Mil the eczema germs. If properly mixed with thymol, glycerine and other Ingredients (as In D. D. D. Prescription) this wash will build up the tissue of the skin and promote Us healthy growth, giving Nature a banco, while killing the germs fast cr than they can multiply. Druggist M. Clemens, of this city, recommends D. D. D. Prescription, also D. D. D. Soap. How One Dmlor SurcoHsfully Treat. Pneumonia, "lfi treating pneumonia." sa Dr. W. J. Smith, of Sanders. Ala , "the only remedy I use for the lungs Is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. While, of course, I would treat other symptoms with dffferetit iiiedlclms, been Informed that T. Hull, of Placer, has purchased the soft drink establishment located here. Mr. Barclay, the steel bridge In spector. Is In this vicinity on busi ness. J'tir !' ma, T of 1' ah; M a l y f. lie IU, Irlli T unit Salt Rlieuitl. Hi bin j i haractei 1st 1c Andes I Given Ills Llhrrtr. J. H. Andes, who was nrrested at Grants Pass some time nco on n charge of embezzlement, has been released without n trial, nnd we take on mist-1 , . , MINER, j l,,,,ft8,irp quoting nn Item which I lias appeared in n recent Issue of P1.EVSWT GROVE. ( the Sacramento Bee, as Mr. Andes As this vicinity has tint been heard ha friends in this section: ill, fill' u.iln.i ltd... ..... .. Ml M.I.I . .. . . . ... . .iii,. i, ... Y . . """';', Alter nnving j. u. Andes, a i ior e' n inii1 n no p I u ti ii n i i l s in inn i ii nitj in iii.ui,ii...i in my laedL al pi:e lice and have yet Grove pre. luct. ! hmwr pnHl"'P 't the firm, nrrested Our school Is progressing fine 111 umnts lass, ore., extradited and were lucky In procuring nn ex- brought hack here for trial, the Ml , Northern California Construction t.ompany divided that it did not failed to find a i a-ie where it has not lontrolleil the tiouMe I have Used It myself, iu has ah-o ii,y wife for toughs niul ield ren a' idly, and I Us Is niumst lusiatitlv i U,M "..r..o ami me. iiuiiy reconi- I'! ..iu''.m l.ila'n Salve j ll " -"i'iier lo any ..ther e ,a.s luue l.een ,u, 0lJ j "h r. aie.h lo io knowledge." l or bale by M. Clemens. l l,r v:xW ' Clem, us. !f;o vg;j va-:s-i to knavj about a o'-.dGViS ii2v ihiie9 hcc.lih and :.G:;ey"Saiijjj IrHdscEi convenience! Then yon should sco co-vMo lino of "l" Pure Spun Ai"r.-i:ium Coo!:--..-' ULcnrib now on exhibition at your deaLr:, 'A ihis ware is guarantee. by tre makers for 2 years, A T , t A 1 t . 111'' it is aosoiuieiy pure, wnoicso;no ana tnorougniy nygienic, will not crack, scale, peel, break, rut, tarnish, scorch or Durn. TRADF llil! MARK i Aim It is litrht weight, easy to handle and easy to clean, makes kitchen work a delight instead of drudgery; your money, time, fuel; protects your health atpins ii Ping of small particles into the food, which is one ox wf 1 dangers from the use of the old style enameled wares. . iou Duy patent carpet sweepers, egg-Dcaiuo, -- U'lcnnra;v,rr.. f linn irvifi fltlCl W" ..w. v.uui.o-iiunmio unu many uuiti mi nmvf saving conveniences, but there is nothing that wiH PgJ a greater practical household blessing than the rurc Spun Aluminum Ware. Lrose no time in seeing tor yourseu wnavu ji Your money back if this ware fails to do what is dawi for it. D ROGUE RIVER HARDWARE CO. till tin line teaciier In Mils district. Addle Robinson Is leaching .in .. . 1.1.... 1 , . . I. . , ' 1 1 1 1 iiii-ii nun i o fiaooi. Otis McCnlllsier has sold his place. : B"1 ,0 1,1',1S,' ute or did not have Real estate Is .hanging hands quite sufleletit evidence against Andes. nit. hi In .hid ii.,.-. ,.r i... . m.. . ... " "'" "' .I'luoiuuiiy. j mis moinitig Andes was Treed upon, motion of tho complaining party. It wns declared that a further examina tion of the company's hooks Fhowed that Andes was not iui embezzler n;i had been chsrcd. It was also slated that tho company was pa.vln',' . . . . ...i...' .-nfarccd lf" penses in auutu ,. that the niutler bad betn " ily s.Uled out of cou. mento Deo.