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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 100. r l'HK ItOtil'B RIVER COCIUKK. PAOK FIVE Some Things that Sabln the Druggist has for the Xmas purchaser: Books our line Is especial ly good. Cut Class the best quality. Fountain .Pens "Water man," "Ideal" and "Conk lln" self fillers. Manicure Sots with fittings that are good. Toilet Sets and traveling Cases. Palmer's fine Perfumes. Gillette and Auto Strop razors. Photo and Post Card albums. These are but a few of the articles which we select ed with great care, hoping to please you. We suggest that you come early and make your selections while the stock is complete. Sabin, Drug'g'ist ' Rain Hinders Building, 7 The rainy weather of the past four K-eeks has greatly retarded building iperations in Grants Pass. There ire contracts out for residences and Ixtenslve repairs on many houses ,nd all these are at a stand because i the heavy rains and continuous ;ad weather. It is to be hoped that he usual bright and balmy Decem ier weather will again be with us jid give the rosea a chance to bloom b becomes the climate of the Hogue liver valley. I For Xmas Sabln has post card joxes. For Xmas Sabln has handbags. 'i "Count, Weigh and Measure every ning you buy." American Grocer. HERO? Christmas Nuts Candies E7)e White House Grocery How Does It Looh To be able to buy a Wood Bed for $1 and. an Iron Bed for $2, and a Yum-Yum Spring for $2.25? If you will call at the store of A. U. BANNARD, North 6th St., you can do so as long as the lot lasts, and then some on all the stock. We Want to MaRe Room and want the cash A. U. BANNARD ': Big North Sixth Street PERSONAL AM) LOCAL Miss Helen Henry came up Satur day from Hugo to spend a few davs lth her sister, Mrs. Harry Schmidt. Bert Fans, who hn Bnon .1.., .... nH , ?! " GaHce vlsitiQS Wends jand looking over the mines of that I dlstrlct- turned to this city Monday. I Mr. and Mrs. A. Umphlette came I up from Glendale Wednesdav after i noon to spend a day in our city. Mrs jlniphlette had some dental work done while here. The ladles of Presbyterian church wish to announce that their cook book will be ready and for sale about December 18. ll-26-3t Herbert Smith returned from Portland Monday morning after several days spent there on business and pleasure. B. B. Taylor was in frnm th ca en Wedge mine at Galice the fore Part of the week and states that the new machinery is being Installed at .the mine. Compressor machinery, ,ar drills, hoist and an agitator 1 plant for the cyanidfog equipment are among the additions being in i stalled. The Golden Wedge is oper ating n stamps. Vern Anderson returned Friday evening from Eden Ranger station, where he, in company with Henry Haefner, had been to plant a nurs ery of young trees. The gentlemen succeeded in planting about two acres, but were driven out by the deep snow which is beginning to fall In that region. Cook your Christmas dinner after the recipes in the Presbyterian Cook Book. On sale December 18. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary will be held In the Com mercial Club rooms next Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. A special program is being planned. The sub ject under discussion for the after noon will be "What Other Cities Are Doing in the Way of Civic Improve ment." It is hoped all will be pre pared to contribute something to the discussion. Hand-made, tool steel wedges and sledges can now be had at Jas. Trimble's blacksmith shop, 515 I street. 10-29-4t Happy Christmas. Just imagine how happy that little wife will be when she gets one of those beauti ful Pendleton Robes or Couch Covers. You can get them at C. P. Bishop & Co.'s. Chas. Pienlng. of Gold IIlll.Ts In this city an inmate of the South Paci fic hospital, where ho wns operated on Wednesday by Dr. I.ouhrM'r" for fluid in t!"' n'-:;!;'! civ!".-. Th gentleman cn"" ihro-i.uh the cpern tlon In fine shfin ,md then- is o question as to hi; c-nti'v r". nvery i the near future. Herman Horning wns missed from his place at the Russell confectionery store Tuesday and It has leaked out that he went quail hunting but no one has been able to find out Just how much game ho secured. No one need be surprised, however, should he find a whole quail in one of those hot tamales this week. For Xmas Sabln has cut glass. A show advertised to be given on Tuesday evening at the skating rink did not make such a hit as the man agement could have desired, as tV crowd was very small, and the free dance advertised to follow the per formance was not forthcoming, ow ing perhaps to the scarcity of dancers to take part. Those who attended declare the affair a complete failure In every particular. An Italian and his wife were the chief participants, a trained dog also being on the pro gram. Store Grants Pans, Ore PKUSONAL AXi) IA)CL Frank Kjainsa spent Thanksgiv ing with his parents at Gold Hill,, re turning to Giants Pass Frldav. Mrs. A. v. Panr.ard retv.rned home Saturday after visiting for several weens In trie Sound country aud with ; 11-12-tf her daughter, Mrs. Goodall, at Salem, j J. Q. Jarvis. the Gold Hill drug Mr. and Mrs. Frank Goit and faml-' K,st- wni in Grants Pass Friday on l.v are visltlne thr intr' ! ... . . t . .MIO.I Jno. Summers, before returning 'to Michigan, their former home. Subscriptions for all magazines taken. We meet all combination offers. C. H. Demaray, druggist. Mrs. T. B. Cornell and Mrs. A H. Gunnell left last Friday for Jefferson to spend a week or ten days with relatives. Miles Melntyre left Tuesday for a trip to San Franciseo, Oakland, Berkeley and Sacramento, expecting to be absent a few weeks. F. W. Holonib, of Uoise, Idaho, has boon In the city d irins the past week. Mr. Hokomb is a mining man with years of experience and has been the discoverer of some very valuable properties. The Presbyterian Cook Book makes a good Christmas present. On sale December 1 S. J. D. Holton, of rioclio, Nov., has been visiting hi.? fattier, Dr. I). S. Holton, at Merlin for the past three weeks but will return shortly to Nevada where he has mining inter ests. The Baptist ladles will sell y vj a nice Xmas Apron at Hall's hall Friday, December 10. He sure and come. Rev. Arthur Leonard Wadsworth, A. M., field editor of the . Pacific Baptist, of South Tasadena, Cal., was in our city Thursday in the in terest of that paper and renewing old acquaintances. Rev. Francis Mayeur arrived Sat urday night from Mount Angel to itake permanent charge of the St. (Ann's Catholic church at Grants j Pass, Father Notkor having re : turned to Mount Angel some two I weeks ago. Services were held S-un- day and will be held regularly. For Xmas Sabin has safety razors 1 One dollar for fifty cents at C. P. Bishop & Co.'s. We have a new nnd ' large supply of those One Dollar Gloves for 50 cents. Nothing beats them at the price. C. P. Bishop & Co. Mr. and Mrs. John S-inunors are to leave ioon for Michigan to spend the holiday Sanson with relatives -''nd friends. Tlr y expert to be gone six W'. e'r.s or so. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Xovl'.i rein will occupy their home while they are away. Klcftrlc ( l!i !-s that rnr. uiuio'it vit;dli": oni' ! ei p'TM-rt time. Hun two ye:;!-:, without, change of battery. The only place in Josephine county where they are for sale is nt I Letcher's. For Xmas Sabln has toilet ceses. We have it on good authority that negotiations are under way for a re turn performance in our city about December 14, at the Opera house, by that pleasing musical organization I The Schubert Symphony Club and I Lady Quartette, of Chicago. Many of our readers have heard this popu I lar company and no doubt everyone i knows of the high favor In which jits 20 years of success has placed jit. The great variety of tills com nnnv's urogram has endeared It to i the hearts of American music lovers, ' until todav It stands undoubtedly first in their affections. Their new i urogram is said to bo the best they ihave ever presented, and no doubt their house will be large here If they 'are secured for an entertainment. I Choice English Christmas Cards and booklets for sale at Denmrny's Drug Store. Having too large n rtock of Dia mond Jewelry of all dov.'ilptlons, I want to reduce and In 'order to do so I will give a discount of '.") per cent till January 1. Alfred Lecher Tim 5-yenr-old son of Mr. nnd Mrs. D. L. Young, of Hornbrook, Cal., who wns brought to this city November 24 to take treatment from Dr. Find ley, Is now getting along nicely. The little fellow wns Injured by the ex plosion of n dynamite cap, which he struck with a rock while holding it In his hand, the explosion tearing off two flncers and the thumb of his left hand nnd a particle lodging In one eye, destroying the fight. Dr. Findley opernted on thn rye on Wed nesday, nnd thinks he mny be able to save the ball of the eye nnd restore the sight. The little fellow Is now at the South Pacific Hospital. Dr. Findley nln performed a very critical operation on the eye of Mrs. Eliza beth Hllty, of Medford, on Thursday rtiornlr'. Both patients lit" doing nicely. , r at,ti !nn Took ItK.l.-. On file .. i; r i ;. F rd It :h a flu W j,tc.; M t'J your filer. 1 t t PKKSOXAL AM) LOCAL F. V.. Vanclv-o went to 'Klamath IV.. s Monday to spend a few days la looking over that section. A new supply of offic files nnd fixtures 'at Domaray's Drug Store. bui.tnoss Waffles was lost lu Portland but you can find .better ones at Hall's hall Friday, December 10. A. F. Goettsehe, of Dlllard, ar-riv-d here Saturday afternoon to spend a few days with his son, A. C. Goettsehe. Silverware of all kinds at Let cher's. George Grey broke his leg yester day kicking because he couldn't get Fo-lge-r's Goldm Gate Cof.fee. Mr. and Mrs. John Patrick spent Thanksgiving with friends at Wood- ville, returning to their home in this city last Friday evening. Get a choice piece of Llbby Cut Glass for her at ' Domaray's Drug Store. Geo. If. Dimes, secretary of the Oregon Historical society, snent Friday in Grants Pass on his way home to Portland from attending the historical meeting at Berkeley. Is it safe to buy Jewelry of irre sponsible people or those who are not permanent residents? Buy from Letcher, who guarantees everything as represented. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Burcroff re turned to their home at Portland Wednesday evening after spending week with Mrs. Burcroff's sister.! Mrs. F. Mensch, of this city, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis York, of Murphy. Curtis & Co. are giving some won derful bargains In Jewelry and Sil verware. The Grants Pnss 4 assembly of United Artisans have been meeting every Wednesday evening in the Modern Woodman hall for the past two or more months for the purpose of receiving new members, but here after the meetings will bo held on the second aud fourth Wednesday, even ings only. The Baptist ladles will serve hot waffles nt their Apron Sale December 10, nt Hall's hall. For Xmns Sabln has albums. Business men of the city desiring to take advantage of the Courier's advertising columns during the Is sues immediately preceding Christ mas should make arrangements ear ly in the week, and all copy should be In this office at the earliest pos sible moment. A. A. Hyde brought to the Courier office some uplendld specimens ,of onions grown on his place near Murphy. Each onion weighs nearly three pounds and five of them laid side by side measure 29 inches. Mr. Ilydo raised five tons on one-ninth acre and they are worth from 1 to IK cents per pound. Thus, it will bo seen, thnt there is profit to bo made by raising onions. I F you want to break into good society- or'good business Wear Bishop's Ready Tailored Clothes AVt! sell good clothes clothes that are right, right in (style, right in price, right for you or any other man who wants the best in the world for the money. There's a Reason Christmas is near We are ready to serve you witli a great many useful articles for men and boys. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS C P. BISHOP &t CO - r , IUMXKSS POI.XIERS 4 Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surteon, J.E.Peterson.PlouaerlnsuranccMaa. M.Clemens, Prescription Druftlst It you want good goods for little money g0 to Paddock & Manuel, City Hall. 10-22-tf Alfred Letcher, Registered Ooto- raoirisi and Jeweler la Dixoa'a old stand. Front St. Eyea tested free Curtisa & Co.. Jewelers, are till In business at the same old stand Ranale, the plumber. "FLASU" Is excellent for the bath, as it cleanses tho pores, leaving the skin sweet,, dean and free from un healthy matter. Mrs. Martha Jess has refitted the Curry house, corner of 5th and D streets, No. 502. with first-class rooms and board nnd invites a share of the public patronage. Grants Pass, Oregon, 11-26-21 Physicians nnd surgeons recom mend "FLASH" the antiseptic hand cleaner. Will Hoteling left Tuesday for Neillsvllle, Wis., where he will visit for two or three months. Detachahlo Umbrellas for ladles' and gentlemen at Letcher's. See display ad. The attention of mining men and contractors is called to the notice appearing on page 7 of this issue, asking for tenders for the construc tion of a dam on Briggs creek. For Xmas Sabln has bibles. Judge Stnckpolo and wife of Ket chikan, Alaska, arrived on the noon train Friday. They have been on a visit, to their daughter, Mrs. Robt. Randolph, of Hugo, and are now the guests of Mrs. Staekpolo's brother, E. T. MeKlnstry. Judge Stackpole is United StatOB Commissioner with a district nearly as large as the state of Oregon. Fine Brush and Comb Sets for holiday presents have Just arrived at Demaray's. Oregon Blankets. . Just in another lot of Oregon,, iriade Blankets in greys, mot t lea nnd vicuna mixes. Re member these goods at our store are about 15 to 20 per cent cheaper than you will find anywhere elso. C. P. Bishop & Co. Twenty per (cut off on .dlrvnonds until January 1, 1 SH 0 , nt Letcher's. B. W. IJIggs returned Wednesday from a two months' visit nt his old homo at St. Mary's, West Virginia, cnlled there on account of the serious Illness of his mother. Mr. Rlggs had not been home for 20 years and It is heedless to say thnt ho found ninny chnngoH. The old farm on which he lived Is now an oil field and Im mense nianiifat torles with thousands of employes are In operation where he wns accustomed to ftsh along the streams. Mr. Rlggs states that his mother, who is 71 years old, was so far recovered that she discharged tho help and is attending to her house hold duties. For Xmas Sabln has traveling cases. or a good position Opening Dav and Calendar Dav on Saturday, December 4 When we will have on display our elegant stock of i ' Holiday Silverware and will present to our friends and customers a beautiful Osborne Calendar for 1910 Dou't forget the date, DEC KM I tic It 4 Cramer Bros. Odd Fellows Block 'On Plymouth Rovk." Under the above- title a very pleasing cantata will bo presented by the pupils ot the High school at the Opera house on Friday, Decem ber 17. The caste numbers about sevonty-flve and has been In train ing under Miss Chapman for several weeks. .Aside from the cantata the program will be made otherwise pleasing and entertalning-by several special features In the way of drills and special music. The proceeds of the evenlng' entertainment will go to library and to school decoration. one phase of our school work that has been much noglected. "Ou Ply mouth Rock" should, therefore, re ceive a very liberal patronage and at tendance. Vnlvernlty Gleo Club. During the week preceding Christ mas, the University of Oregon Gleo and Mandolin Clubs are going to mako a tour of Southern Oregon, stopping nt the towns of RoseburR, Med ford, Grants Pass and Ashland. Three years ago the Gleo Club boys made a similar trip, but during the past two seasons havo toured tho In land Emplro Instead. College songs, comic songs anil lots of enthusiasm has been the slo gan of the club thlB year. How well they havo succeeded It will be for the people of Sonthern Oregon to Judgo. At any rate 30 college hoys ought to mako things lively for a llttl while. At Opera House December 2.1, A Flue Homo Without Money. $2000.00 equity In $3500.00 resi dence property to exchange for good unimproved fruit or .alfalfa land. 8eo The Cloments-Dasler Realty Co., room 4, Masonic Temple, Grant' For Xmas perfumes. -Sabln has Palmer's 103 N. SIXTH STREET V- I ' ! v . . ... .j m f K