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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1909)
FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. fHK WKilH KIV KK X)CRIEK. PAGB TORES i Christmas New Years i Post Ca i I BUY At ri 1TCIS Seiis tmrM'M,"i"rllLi ffjnrerar- Any Old Thing or Any . New Thing SECOND HAND That you have to sell such as Furniture, Hardware. Tinware, Gins, etc. See me and get ray prices before disposing of your goods, You will be surprised at the prices I pay. I PAY TKE BEST PRICES AND SELL THE CHEAPEST IKE M. DAVIS HBuasnawssa TEMPERANCE IULIMX. FLOUt H fJ M D Grants Pass Feed Store Corner Oth and J Streets. in n ii in i i "mm I'm ii ii i i i ii 1 ' ." 1 Nllliiiiii' ASolendidOvcraJl I I 'Pli3bKi flUBVU t3TORl -r H ' lyfull. Two . . . :..'; ire. n : -w,.1 ,,lwaliwiMi.4. i ihiiii' Superlative MtMimii ss. If anything had been wanting to show tho superlative meanness of those t".:gned In tho Hqjor traffic It was furnished in tho Ir.-idnt hJ,-e given In The interior, of Ohicaau: "In tne little town of Cherry, il!., last weel; was seen aa uns'irpas.b!? UtiTtii;-.n of tho bt-' meanness that rhviiys goes with the business of sell;;,!! l!fi;;or. Immediately fol lowing tho horrible mine catastrophe that destroyed the lives of half the ton of that l!l-fated vilage, all of its too numerous saloons were promptly closed up by the loenl authorities. The keepers submitted until the morning of nay-day dawned. Thou they swooped suddenly down on the village officials and demanded per mission to reopen business, because forsooth a reason of devilish greed that only the nethermost pit could generate they could not afford to lose the profits of a day when the survivors of the calamity would have their pockets full of their latest earnings. "The village offit -lals to their shame be it said weakly granted the permission. And so in the midst of that pitiful town whl -h hearts and p vies thr.v.ghout li'.i.iots were open in? to li, !;, v hh -sympathetic charity, these wr'D'ir: In wed in over 1 I' ! r-rs the money which ''' voll k:v.- the Miners ought to save fr their families since the rr.lnod tttlro pf forded no further 1'i'omise of employment or if they were to part with at all. oucht to share with the helpless families of their dead comrades. Hut no sym pathy nor pity hindered tho heart less trade of the thriving wretches. They got, aa they planned, a big per eent of that tragic day's output from the mining company s treasury. And before night their industry had its natural result. The town was riot ous wlilt the commotion of drunken men, and the governor had to he called on to send in militia. If the saloon had never been guilty of any other sin than this, one villiany so ucsoenkable should promptly earn Hp death sentence." In connection with the above we can truly say that with all the vio lations of law In this county the out lawing of the saloons has cured one great evil,. that of rolling and rob bing drugged drunken men. It was a regular custom in Grants Pass to watch for the men who came in from the mines and mills, get them into the saloons, give them that, kind of liquor that knocked them out about the second round, then roll them for their dlo and turn them out lo be picked tit) and taken to the cooler by the marshal. Tho record of- days past is one to make all honest men lil'wb fur very sham". With the out-la-ing of the traffic that Ins been stripped. One sei rase no vo--hl i ( m,v land the perpetrM'Ti '"i'tud th" bar-, and thev know it , j Thh r ue thing I worth n'l that ;' .:: :. ha - r 't '' '' 1 1 a m i t . ed in the business, have no re .. for the law, authority or the ord!--,.ry ethb'a cf society. Here is V. iwtij Joluiion, of Portland, snr P h"d by the police In the act of serving drlnka Indiscriminately to half a dozcu patrons, lie held no r n '' ' l Uevdliil ii"'. i Abraham Llii-'oln l-ari'nticnt of ctrtiv.; !. I.i.volu: Vh"!l!.T : 1 w."ild bo beivf'te-l i-dirt-pt cf r.!l -mmmm ," ati . the who! '' iniemneranee lighted In sm !:; to ''i Men. "I'll !' vle:c- ! v.!Mi rem;.;-- ' . : (I' : ' illg w i;: ' '. .!bl3? "" ' ever r-'c-,"'. ' ' a kini: the bleo.t ,,. IrtrM ni. I ti) 'iilMii ! lii"n"e, and at the time was under science to 30 days on the rook pile, lie has been repeatedly arrested and fired, but the penalties of the law nv-? without effect on him. Ho sets authority at naught and Is a law unto hlitself. Such examples as his In tho community are one of tho most powerful of all the agencies in driving conservative men Into the nnk of those who are agitating ag::inst the traffic. "An equally flagrant rase Is that of Fred Morrill, keeper of the so called '12-mlla house." It Was his resort that was visited by the Joy ride patty a few weeks ago, tho se rve! to whfth was the road tragedy In whl h Mrs. Forrern was killed, rt was at the same place last Sun day that the joy party called short ly before the startling accident on the Paso Line road, In which the hmse of Dr. Itriggs was killed, three member of the joy party badly In j trod, and death for several escaped only by a 'freak of fate. In utter violation of law, drinks were served at Merrill's house practically all that day, notwithstanding tho fact that it was Sunday, and that Merrill had only a federal license. Merrill's as sertion that he was selling only 'soft drinks' Is absolutely untrue. "It is these flagrant and lnexcus aoie transgressions of tho law and the persistence In which they are widely engaged by many of those who sell drinks that are responsible for the constant and growing agita tion. People want the lawB respected. That Is what they make the laws for, and they grow tired of the trans gresslons, and tired of the men who transgress. If there is agitation, the dealers can easily and definitely see who It Is that th'fly have to blame. We have our "joy riders" In Grants Pass and our Merrill's who devote their places to whlskej drinking and are responsible for all the outrages committed In the name of soft drink establishments. These people have been before tho courts and fined. In some Instances twice and they are now candidates for cor rection n third time. It Is true that may for a time shove by justice and defy the law, but there will prime a time when the indictment will reach th" criminal In spite of local political influence. In tho third and fourth wards of this city are men banded together to soil whiskey ro gardlem of law, but the next term of (ourt will uncover their shame ful trad" and permit their dupes to see (Vat thev have been serving the p.-r- '-f blind pbvevlcs and boot l. .",. , ..nfeuslomiK end they wll H'H reit in the end that their low-i are of !'" low down Merrill stripe. .?:'- .tvM ' 7 i um nui urapc vrcani ui WW f i Elsies Fisesi, Poresl FesS l-r,-; "!-:: MANAGER LOYETTE I TOURING THE SYSTEM Pusseo Through Grants Pass at 0:10 on Sunday Morning of this Week. TI1.1TS I CH ! Til KI buy your trees from "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you ate sure of getting jiM what you order. We crow our trees for quality not clvap prices. GEO. H. PARKER. Agent Office with J. E. PETERSON JOB PRINTING NEATLY COSE ft! THE COURIER OfflCE ... -. - ,,r-: Mr.rarriK?t.;MF.ttaBBI r! Ill- US and generosity. What !! of us lint can mention some relative nirire liromlslng than all his fellows who has fallen a sacrifice to his Insatiable rapacity. II" over seems to have gone forth like the angel of death, commissioned to slao th" first born of every family. Shall he now be ar rested In his desolatlnc career? In that arrest all ran helo that will: and j who shall be excused thrt ran and( will not? Far around as hp-nth litis over blown, he keeps our father". onr brothers, our sons and our friends! prostate In the chains or m-ral (b ath. To all II v In -r v: rywbcv. wj cry, 'Come sound the morn! trump, that v.-o may or! an ! a ! h v.p'i'i thej" ;-lal!i, taut ti.r' liWV live. if the rr-latlve grandeur of re volutions nhall be Oi'tlmatcd by the atrount of human misery th-v alp'vl a'e. and the small anio ini tley Im-fll-t. then. Indeed, this v ill be th" fi,itidc-l th" world has ecr :-cen." Paddock & Manuel buy second hand goods. City Hall Dldg. 10-22-tf Highest cash price paid for green and dry bides at J. H. AhU's meat market. 10-1-tf Judge R. S. Lovett, the head of the Harrlman system, has been on a visit to the Sound country. Last Saturday he was In Portland and was met by many of tho loading business men of that city. Judge Lovett an nounced that a contract for the joint use of the Southern Pacific track be tween Portland and tho Sound had been entered Into and trains would be running on the first of the year. He said that his trip was one of In spection of the property and did not Include the extension of any of the system. The special train of the Lovett party passed through Grants Pass on Sunday morning. On board this train wns J. P. O'ltrlen, general manager of this territory; V. V, Cotton,' general counsel; It. H, Mill er, gonernl rrelght agent, and Wil liam MoMurray, general passenger agent. On reaching Grants Pass at 9:10, the train closely following No. 13, wns obliged to rake water, at the round house, and few people saw the official train or knew that It wns fx ported, eomu'iuont!y only one or two people saw the railroad party. While in the 5 arils here Mr. O'llilen talked over with .lud;;r T.ovett the necessity of building a new tbjiol here, and related to bi n the part Icti lars of a visit of Grants Pass husines men to Poniard last week ami how no had prot-ii. cd them tho Improve ments asked for. 1 lu-re roip". ni gonoinl dl 1 ",i!.'uon of llie rap growth of the orchard Interests of Josophlno county and particularly tho largo amount of clearing done this year. The train went on to Cali fornia and passed over all tho South ern Pacific linos In that utato. Church Services Sunday. I'irM Christian Science Society. Christian Science service will bo held lu the W. O. W. hall Sunday, December B, 1909, at 11 a. in. Sub ject, "God, the Only Cause and Creator." Wednesday evening meet ing at 7:30 p. in. lu the same hall. You are cordially Invited to attend. Lutheran. German Lutheran service will bo held Sunday, December 5, 10:30 a. m., In tho Advents church, by Uev. M. Markert, from Medford. V. M. LADI), Pres. T. li. WILCOX. Vlre-Pres. .? MVKS OF GKKAT MEX ALL UEMIM I s ' NOT IX TIME OU ini: T TIM M. Xty I Cf ! HIT MAUL PKO IMOX K K dill A ' Vb WITH COLI MIUA Lll-E A Till -s '' jjj rin th" oppressor's side wm And vet 1 knew that every However old, however strong, lint waited God's pvetr'.lng hour. pow er, wrong, I il?ea&s r 11 EVERETT B. BROWN General Agoni COO COX KLI N ISLW- Gl! V N 1 I knew that truth would 1 ut-h the . .1 Somehow, sometime the end would be; Yet scarcely dared I hope to see The triumph with my mortal eye. Why There I Agitation. i "n ,p' t i, o7i hove" cn pt ion th" Port land Journal of last. Sunday had nn editorial on the lri ior nuestlon in tint rlty which may apply In any lo cality In any tiU especially In p. ni Pass. It shows th" unreli ability of n very large class of thoso who hcII ll-iuir.'s Pass has snfb-rcd bv Hup' flii'tiant violations until those who sell in dctinre-" m 111.. Ml. I.J'I .11 ,.11 law ft'' r ' J' :i r i "i 11s puoie- Mho (b'STVe the Severest penalty. j;, oW p. th" editorial mentioned : There Is frequent wonder by those in the lluuor name 7 Itutlon .v.'il'rt H. 1 li'T wieebr why loial opifn i f""'!'11". lit,- a tMal wave over many p:irt of t; t.iry. nr.d why tlK-te U -late 1..! UI n I't rl.-M Hat. . f -Ai.teb r I X !!' -, - 1 ; h tl w h", '" Coffee Always uniform our best product sold In 1 lb., 2 lb., 2 lb. and 5 lb. cans. Your grocer will Rrlnd IV bettr r if ground at honi not lletbany Presbyterian Omivli. Morning service at 11 a. in. Even ing service at 7:30 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. Young Peopjo's meeting at G:30 p. in. In the morn ing the pastor will take for his theme, "What of the N'Ight?" The evening topic will be "Tho Church; Is" it Ulght with God?" Tho child ren's sermon will be on "What Jesus Old for Sick Children." ('hi-lstiaii Church. Sunday: lllhle school, 10 n. in.; morning worship ami Lord s Sup per, 11 n. ni.; Y. P. S. C. E., 0: 30 p. ni.; evening worship, 7:30. Thurs day: 8:00 p. m., devotional and teacher training. Friday: 8 p. ni., Bible school workers' conference.- FREDERIC M. BROOKli, Minister. Ill Health Is More Expensive Than any Cure.. This country Is now filled with tieonla who migrate nerosw tho con tinent In all directions seeking that which cold cannot buy. Mno-tentlis of them are suffering from throat snd lung trouble or chronl" catarrh resulting from neglected colds, anil spending fortunes vainly trying to ic gain lost, health. Could every sur feror bill undo the past and cure that first neglected cold, nil this sorrow, pnln and anxiety and expense could have been avoided. Chiitnbcrluln's Cough Remedy Is famous for Its cures of colds, and can nlwavs be do- nended upon. 1'se It and the more serlous'dlseases may be avoided. For sale by M. Clemens. The ladles of Presbyterian church wlsn to announce that their cook book will bo ready and for sab) about December 18. , 11-C-:it I -the result of nslnf I I It good flour, mob M, l I .mvmnleJMi mm ') V I Flour." j a. I j! Always insist MCi I clin and nutrl- irplTfWTx I ilwcitiirn whnat AT YOUIt GIlOCEirS oniWKerl tint, is n MM A 1 . I aioo lino. 1 l? i in hi i inn im i "wm wwKJ . i 1 ; -r-"--.' .-. ':&.!. .'t 1 t f-.!'i-k.vr'ii-rrrc's i ?1S'5,I?,?J ?UV" DEAN'S It used to bo Hilled "Cheap John Stuff"; liilr "Cheap Charley Goods," but now a smoother name Is used "Am tlon Goods," "Sheriff Sale Goods," i t e- but It Is tho same old starchy stuff. You cannot buy twenty dollar gold piece for eigh teen dollars; nor inn yon buy real good goods for loss than right prices. When prices lire below the regular price, look out for danger In almost every case and a whole lot of peo ple in Josephine county are finding It out. A great many mora people are bit) lug at Dean's than there wi re it few months simo. They bad to learn the lesson, that (heap staff sold cheap wits A toning plan. Also It Is known all over the country that Dean's sell real dependable good at tho lowest possible prices. And that Is the ruinon they have a good trade lt!i careful buyer. L tlioTit, dursbU, comlurlible U is r ni rut I for o r k in ( mi n B The tenderfoot nkod the oldest lubabltntit of Ginnls l'fs, "Do peo ple die very often hero?" "No, only once," n tho reply. DEAN ' S j