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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER i0, 10oo I'AGK KIOHT Groceries We have tho best brands of FLOUR Hitfhflight and Olympic A$k about them J.fPardee Phono 8G-R J5he Front Street Grocer ri;i:s.).w, and local 4 Chicken pie supper at The Rose bud Sunday, 5 to 7 o'clock, 40 cents. 17i-It. Grand Union Tea Co. Cash Hendricks returned Satur day from Galice and adjacent points, where he has spent the past several weeks doing as-iesotiient work on his property In that vhinlty. Mrs. O. Crockett returned to Grants Pass Thursday after an ab sence of two months spent at Hugo attending to her property,, interests there. Mrs. Crockett will spend the winter In Grants- Pass. Try it. Wouldn't you enjoy the Thanksgiving sermorf much better if you had a. new Hat from The Chapeau. Try It. Don't forget that Cranberry Sher bet for Thanksgiving. Russell's Co'ifectlonery. Mrs. R. Collins, of Portland, has been the guest for the past few days of Mrs. Sam Neas, of this city. She left Thursday for Los Angeles, where she will spend the winter with re latives. Mrs. Collins Is a sister of Mrs. Geo. Palethorp, formerly of Grants Pass. Thanksgiving dinner at The Rose bud Thursday, November 25, from 5 to 8 o'clock, 50 cents. John Miller, the capitalist, dislo cated his jaw bone last week praising iolger's Golden Gate Coffee. Mr. and Mrs. J. I). Kesterson, of i Montesano, Wash., who nave been visiting at (lie homo of Mr. Kcster roii'h brother, II. ('.. Kesterson, of tills city, left Thinviby for Ashland where they will visit for a few days before returning to their home In Washington. Wool Waists at Greatly reduced prices, 208 S. Sixth, Mrs. Rehkopf's. Tickets for the Central Grand Concert company will be on ex change and sale at Russell's Con fectionery Saturday, November 27, at 10 o'clock. This Is ih sr-.o-id number of the F-'.-; uilnji'ent Coi:.-se. The Ccntr-il Grand com pany appears at t Opera House on December 2. Mrs. J. G. RUrgs and Mrs. Arthur W. Borroughs, who lefc here three weeks ago Saturday fo' t visit to Mr. Hut-roughs, who Is str ing at a sana torium at Portland, returned on Rogue River Hardware Co. Monday. Mr. Riggs went to Port- Hereafter when you purchase j land the week before and returned goods nt the Halr-Rlddle Hardware with them. Mr. Rurrotighs, it is said, Co. you will bo dealing with the, is improving in health and will be COMING EVENTS. 20, Saturday Prof. O'Gara .Iks to fruit growers at Commcr iil Club. :.-. 22, Monday Ward Convention. ...v. 23, Tuesday General conven tion at Court house. .Ciiv. 2 4, Wednesday III;; Thanks giving Rail will b.: given by Dean's On nostra at Coliseum rink. 23, Thursday Thanksgiving Day. Dee. 3, Friday Sale and bazaar by ladles of Newman M. 10. church. Dee. C Monday City election. Friday, Dec. 10 Apron Sale by Indies of Baptist ;;,;irch. Dec. 10, Friday The High School will present the cantata, "Ply mouth Rock," at tho opera house. Emit Growers' Meeting. Prof. P. J. O'Gara will bo In Grants Pass Saturday and will speak to the fruit growers and others in terested In fruit growing at tho Com mercial Club room- Saturday after noon, at 2 o'clock, on the subject of planting an orchard and other mat ters along the same line. All who tin interested In tho Industry should no on hand. you Roguo River Hardware Co. the same people, the samo goods the Htimo location, simply a change of name. , Tho business has been con ducted under tho name of the Halr Rlddlo Hardware Co. for more than 10 years, tho firm being composed of W. M. Hair and Geo. Riddle, since home for the holidays. J. F. Settle has taken a five-years' lease on the new Clans Schmidt building, 40(1 South Sixth street, and will open up a harness shop with a full stock of everything In that line, also repairing. Mr. Settle has Just sold1 out his harness business al Med that time Mr. llalr disposed of hlsI(;i , will, with bis wife and tw. Interest in tho business to V. L. j children, remove to Grants I'ass tin Ireland and for some time past has : rirst of the coining month, liad no connection with the business. I iiislol, tV c. Miik.iinas Hem! Tho change of nntno In this instance j ,,,..,. f,. Men -See us abou' has no effect upon the business, as ... ,, presents for Men. Y ----- . -.Tt- -.-'-,; :-rr"T , ' - tho officers remain the same and tho business policy of the firm will continue as heretofore. Tulip Bulbs at Cramer Bros. Hyacinth Bulbs at Cramer Bros. Narcissus Bulbs at Cramer Bros. CHRISTMAS IS COMINC But Our Christmas Goods Are Here There never was a tnoro com plete or more handsome lino of goods brought to this city than this store has. The pub lic are especially Invited to call and look tho lines over. Special Our lino of Leather Novelties are the latest and most up-to-date ever seen here. From now on until after the Holidays this storo will bo Open Sat unity Evening Hall's Art Store Store Telephone, 105 Residence Telephone, 88 have just what they want. Men' Fancy Christinas Hosiery, four pal In a beautiful box for $1.00. Hand some Umbrellas, all kinds of Dies Gloves, besides the swellest line of Neckwear that was ever shown In the city, C. P. BISHOP & CO. Malleable Ranges at Cramer Bros. Grants Pass will continue to be the manufacturing point for the now famous Sampson Spray, Martin Angel having leased tho plant from the cannery trustees, and has secured the services of Herbert Sampson, who will take charge of the manu facture of spray. This article has had an extensive local nnd outside sale, orders of a carload at one ship ment having: been received. It has proven to be tho best Bpray ever sold j here. Thanksgiving dinner at The Rose bud Thursday, November 25, from Remember the Bazaar and Sale by the ladles of tho M. E. Church, Friday, December 3. Mr. and Mrs. C.uthrlo left Friday for Portland where Mr. Guthrie will be temporarily employed In the office of the district forester. This Is in accordance with the policy of the service In detailing all supervisors nnd deputies to work In the head of fice In order that they may become familiar with tho work of the district office. Mr. Guthrie has been In the forest service since April 1, 1906, and came to Grants Tass a year later with Supervisor Anderson to assist In organizing the Siskiyou national forest. Friday, IVceinber 3. Is the date set for the grcnt Christmas Sale and Bazaar by the ladles of tho Newman M. E. Church. Bo on hand nnd make your selections early. Saturday, November 20, Is the last day of the special offer on the South lleml Malleable Range at the Rogue River Hardware Co.'s, successor to Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co. 11-19-it mS' lull 7ir. fWTK T?f & Copyright Hart Schaffhcr & Marx "thanksgiving Hart Schaffner & Marx Good Clothes Makers T1; Mil T X 7 e had to depend for our food on our own skill with the rifle, a lot of us would go hungry. Similarly, if we had to make our own clothes a lot of us wouldihave to stay at home. You can get Thanksgiving turkey easier-than with a rifle; and you can easily get here Hart Schaffner & Marx good clothes ; such clothes ;is nobody else makes ; all-wool fabrics, fine tailoring, perfect in style, correct in fit; the highest type of clothes made. FREE TURKEY (10 to 12 pounds) or Nugget Hat with each Hart gchall'ner -Marx Suit or Overcoat until Thanksgiving day, Nov. 25, 1909. This store is the home of Hart Schafiner & Marx Clothes GE O. S. CALHOUN CO. Orri' to Boy and Man !'ei i' ;..! '.i.l 1.7.1 si.e ei.t : " i r "lit Iv . ' lard ware in . "i.1 l'.e llai',v : . r.i" ."FLA.-:"' I"s, s;lnk, bat! You'll nevi r l lo not toi (lifts will be o'i Friday, Pot enh. r Pouters. Kerala:1 '!.71; regular $;?."id i. at Ro;;ue Ilivcr 'u . s.sor to 1 ialr- ' ni:r pots, ket tub; a'l woodvvorl;. , ith :..t It. t t!.a! Christmas at the Ua'aar There will be both useful and ornamental alleles. ItiU Cut in Feifeitlon Oil Heaters. No. K0, I'eirular prb'e $1.7.1, our special price, $3.7.1; No. 120, regular price, $3. .10, , our special, $2.f.0. Rouue River Hardware Co., formerly Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co. Two pairs of twins were born In this county during the past week. Dr. Smith, In announcing the birth of the CoIvIk twins on Jones creek, states that It Is the third pair of twins born within a half mile of each other during the past 18 months. It Is understood that prop erty on the creek Is held at a hlsh flKure and there Is none on the mar ket. FrusBlan Poultry Tonic makes nenB lay. For sale by Cramer Bros. "FLASH" antiseptic hand cleaner contains no lye or potash. O. P. Hoff, state commissioner of labor and factory Inspector, wag a visitor to Grants Tass on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. He Is looking over the Grants Pass dis trict to note with care the work of his district deputy. The office Mr. Hoff holds Is an Important one and his administration of It has brought good results. His vlBlt to this city was a highly satisfactory one to his many friends nnd especially his former associate In the railroad busi ness, Q. W, rtonnell. wlson ami Grace H Robson; Judge Stephen Jewell officiating. OATNKY-RAKKK At the court bouse in (Wants I'ass, Oregon, November 10, 11109, Arthur L. Cat -iey and Minnie L. linker; Juds'e Stephen Jewell officiating. noitx. ANDREWS At Grants Pass, Ore., Sunday, November 14, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Andrews, a son. M AIUUI.D. OI.SONROIISON At the court house In Grants Tnss, Oregon, November 11, 1909, Charles H. Dli:i). ANDIi!-:VS -At. the family home on North loth street, Grants Pass, Tuesday, November Iti, 1909, the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvln And rows. GRAY At Grants I'ass, Oregon, November 1 4. 1 909, Stlllman A. Gray, aned 32. Deceased came to Grants Pass five weeks ago from Hilt, Cal., suffering front Rrlghts disease and entered the South Pacific hospital, but the dis ease had too great a hold on him and he was unable to recover. Mrs. Gray came with him from Maine, their home, to Hilt nnd then to Grants Pass. Tho funeral was held In Hall's chapel under direction of Grants Pass lodge A. F. & A. M., and Interment at Masonic cemetery. Mrs. Gray has not yet made up her mind as to future plans. COLE At Chlco, Cal., Monday, Nov ember 15, 1909, Mrs. S. E. Cole, aged 22 years, after an illness of several months' duration. Deceased was formerly Miss Lydla Reymers, of this city, and many friends here regret to hear of her death. She was married In this city one year ago to S. E. Cole and since that time has resided at Chlco. About three months ago her mother, Mrs. Victor Reymers, was summoned to her bedside and since that time has been constantly with her up to the time of her death. The remains, ac companied by the bereaved husband and mother, reached this city Wed nesday evening and the funeral takes place this Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the PreRbyterlnn church, with Interment at Granite Hill cemetery. Two sisters of Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Mabel Hnynes and Miss Lillian Reymers, arrived here Thurs day morning from Rlack Rock, Ore., to attend the funeral. Some Potatoes. There are on exhibition In the dis play windows of the Rogue River Courier some potato samples which are attracting considerable attention from passersby. They are of the Early King variety and were raised by Clinton Cook on the Sorenson place on the Applegate. Mr. Cook had some six or seven acres from which he dug nearly 800 sacks that he has already marketed at 1VI to 1 t cents per pound. The tubers at the Courier office are large, some being a foot In length nnd over a foot In circumference. A single hill nroduced 10 potatoes which, In the aggregate, weighed 15 pounds. 1 We m Iff Frultrtnlo (iraiiKe Program. Saturday, November 27. Roll call. Things we are thankful for. Reading of Governor's Proclama tion, Worth Hamilton. Recitation, Ralph Huck. Song, Grange. Four short stories on Thanksgiv ing, Mesdames Clements, Stan borough, Dateham, Hamilton. Debate, "Resolved, that there Is more pleasure In pursuit than In pos session." Affirmative, Geo. Hamil ton, Wm. Johnson, Robt. Harris. Negative, II. C. Bateham, Robt. Huck, Gale Hamilton. CORA B. COUTANT, Lecturer. Following are a few selerttej from our Hat and which we believe be the best obtainable: Medford ft, Grants Pass 0. Although cold and stormy Satur day afternoon, the rain could not dampen the enthusiasm of the good sized crowd which attended the foot ball game played at the baseball ground between the Grants Pass High school and tvie Medtord High school teams. The game came off as scheduled, but the result was not what was anticipated by the Grants Pass faction. In the first half Med ford kicked a field goal from the 25 foot line and scored three, and this was the only score made during the gnme. On the whole both teams play ed a good game and enthusiasm ran high, but next time we expect to get a bigger slice of the glory. 1 ACRE. 3-room bungalow, nor. side.. Price $1100; $600 dorf ti-UOUM HOUSE, two lots, Bor- slde. $1000, cash. 40 ACRES, timber, 5 miles fr' j town, no Improvements. terms. 1 0 ACRES, 4 miles out, river bottom small house, barn, fruit tr; Half cash, balance 2 yer: Price $750. 1 ACRE,- G-room house, chlci- house, wood shed, small fri. closo In. Price $2000, half H' 318 ACRES, 6 miles out. tfi building, 80 acres under cultin! tlon. Trice $8000; cash, W L ance terms. - J Vt ACRE, 6-room house, ditch, north side. Price Wi 5-ROOM HOUSE. 2 OtS. BOUiu n i Bargain. $800; $300 cash, ! per month. J 8 ACRES, close to town, north, W level road, easily cleared of or-; Only $400. State land Co. Rooms 203-204 ConkUs ilMJ daker. In Artists' Paints, Holiday Hints TO MAKERS OV CHRISTMAS GIFTS ryroRraphy Wood in the 1itJ hnllnrn. cVianoa And 1" liniii;, id, dub" "I cessorles.. Calendar Mount for the . Kj many ne npttnllPA. A.u nM Mwt Arf Studies. You are Invited to call i look over our extensive line Staple and Fancy Dox iJt at exceptional values, from up to $4.00 a box. Rowell's Music Store 500 (1 Street ''l,,,nf