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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
FRIDAY, V;W:MUER 19, 1DO0. THE RlXAU 1UVLK CUlUlfcUi PAGE FIVE The Brilliancy of true cut glass is its value. This is an industry in which the United States excels all other countries. I have the agency for the "J. H. Hoare" cut glass. This is one of the big factories located at Corning, N. Y. The quality of this glass speaks for it- li-'ij . .... . mi Ben in me gieam 01 u. a new shipment, which comes the long journey to San Francisco by water In order to save the great . freight rate charged by the rail roads on this class of goods. We shall be glad to have you Inspect it. Sabin, uG Druggist "Count, Weigh and Measure every thing you buy," American Grocer. The season for Turkey, Mince Pie and CK.YXBKRKY SAltE is now here. We have M1XCK MEAT, r.OILKD C1HEII NEW CITRON LEMOX niul OIIAXGE l'EEL NEW SEEDED RAISIN'S (1(1 oz.) IVr l'kfr. 10c. XKW SEEDLESS SI LTAXAS (in bulk) per pound 7c XEW EXTKA FANCY 15LEAC1IE1) SILTAXAS, 12 Our new WALNUTS and AL MOXDS have arrived. The present price is 2(ic will be higher. Both I1L.UK and WHITE FIGS are very good this season. We have them at 10c per pound. New Jersey CKAX1JEKUIES, per quart, 13c ' Merced SWEET POTATOES, Bleached Celery, Oranges and Lem ons (both sour), Bananas. SLICED HAWAIIAN TINE. APPLES, fancy, per can, 2."e. Canned Pumpkin, very nice, per can, 20c. Van Camp's Hominy (hulled corn). DEST MACKEKEL we've had for several seasons, 2 for 25c. Sauerkraut the shredded kind, per quart, 10c. Canned Peas (Early June and ex tra sifted), 15c to 25c. Our 12 Viz Canned Corn is hard to beat. FHESII OYSTEKS for THANKS GIVING. 50c per can. LEAVE YOIH OKDEItS EAKLY. Quarts are the regular size, 30 Oysters in a can. Pints, ner can. 35c. Last but not least, Chase & San- boms Coffee (of course you can no without it so can a wagon do with out grease, but it goes hard.) Remember the place. MAIL DOX 1'KEE Have You One? White House Grocery 1 f - y fr7J Now is the Season For New Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums and Mattings jd find the largest assortment and best p.Ues Is nt A. I . U AN .K find North Sixth Street. 'ras:'V! 7 f. I fVnlA Linoleum is the Best ALWAYS, ana urn w A. U. Viii North Sixth Street PERSONAL AXD LOCAL Bazaar and sale December 3. The Cha.nean for Fine Millinery. Mrs. L. R. Steelhainmer visited Medford Wednesday. Do you know fur hats are "It." See The Chapeau's new ones, just in, before buying. Mrs. C. L. Clevenger returned Wednesday from a 10 days' visit with relatives at Roseburg. Hand-made, tool steel wedges and sledges can now be had at Jas. Trimble's blacksmith shop, 513 I street. 10-29-4t Henry Baeher and II. A. Corless went to Crescent City Monday with the gold saving devl'.e recently pat ented by Mr. Corless, and will try Its efficiency on the beach sands. They wiil probably go up the coast as far as Bandon. Have you called at Bishop's and examined those fine Pendleton Robes and Couch Covers. They will show them with pleasure. The eyes of the world are focussed n Korea today. Take a trip to that Interesting land on Thursday night, December 2, at tne Presbyterian hurch lecture by Rev. Robt. Mc Lean. Admission free. An offering for missions will be taken. Thanksgiving Dance at Colistinm Rink Wednesday night, November 24. Everybody come. Superintendent Lincoln Savage last Saturday attended a school board convention at Central Point, which was called by Jackson county to discuss questions pertaining to the betterment of the schools. Im portant resolutions were passed which will be presented at the Lane County school board convention, which meets at Eugene Saturday. Leave your orders now for Cran berry Sherbet for Thanksgiving. Russell's Confectionery. Miss Celia Doerner has just arrived from Denver with the intention of locating at Grants Pas. She was em ployed for a number of years as a teacher in the Cincinnati High schools, bavin;; last taught at Wood ward High school, from which Presi dent Taft was graduated. She Is a competent instructor in mathematics, Latin, Gorman, French and other branches and will be pleased to re ceive private pupils at her residence, 402 II street. Take notice of the Coupon at the bottom of page 4, it is money to you. J. P. Dobbvns. superintendent nt the Sugar 1'lne mine at G:ilie creek, j came in fn"i th" mire Wednesday! with some very l Mi samples of t ! -: lurlde ore wi.i.'h th ;- hav been tak ing out bef.v i r;iH,'. " and 3. Tin-. ore is high r:ii"!e ju:d will run $:. some sample.-! running as high as; $500. Mr. Dobbvns leaves for Port-; land Saturday with the samples. A ! Bhipment of Sugar Pine ore will be I made to 'the Selby Smelter In San Francisco about the 25th, Dr. E. N. Bywater, of Iowa, n cousin of Mrs. J. G. Rlgga, Mrs. E. E. Blanrhard and Mrs. A. W. Bnr--,,trv,0 nrHvert here on Tuesday and Is visiting his relatives in this city and at Fruitdale. The doctor Is the; purchaser of Mr. Blanchard's Fruit-; dale ranch and will take possession 1 of It In a few days. His family will' follow later, and it Is the doctor's intention to make his home In this city. These good people will be a valuable acquisition to Grams Pass j society. ' , Saturday. November 20, Is the last . day of the special offer on the South Rend Malleable Range at the Rogue River Hardware Co.'s, successor to Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. 11-19-U Have ite. AS 111, eilt. Store PERSONAL AXD LOCAL Bazaar a:.d srk I)e?vmber 3. I-;::ae He it. was fit Ju -noavHU' e.:;--M-.y o:i burin s-s. j .::!.. HI . i l-.w ..r aud no little, j 3.:ib, Karl, it L;-.".;.:ey, j Kan., are visUIng Mrs. Fowiei 'j j,ar. j cuts. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Anderson, j Go tii Bishop's and se.' those and s,K' those - Christmas Kaspendcrs and Haffler:;1 and fine N be the 1.. ; for Chiitu.a That store will i s for Men's Goods, The Cou;.ou on page 4 will save' you money if yen will let it. Ii.' ; sure and read it. St Clold Ciitrii!. familiarly knov. : among his friends ns "Rabbi," came down from Medford Tuesday evening for a few days' visit, with friends and to have some dental work done. Thanksgiving Dance at Coliseum Rink Wednesday night, November 24. Everybody come. Mrs. C. E. Sj,ii;h "arived Saturday .oui Chehali-i, i,-h., to visit her iiother, Mis. Theresa Layton, nnd 'ther relaiive.5 and friends. Mrs. Ipihli was a rei-ident of Grants Pass few years ago, her husband con-l-tcting the Layton hotel. Subscriptions for all magazines taken We meet all combination offers. C. ii. Demaray, druggist. 11-12-tf Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Fry, of this city, have purchased the Merlin hotel, known as the Massle House, and are moving to Merlin this week to take possession. Mr. Fry was In the dray business of this city for a short time, he having purchased the Pioneer 'truck Co of N. E. McGrew, but was compelled to give up this business on account of ill health. F. & O. Chocolates. Nothing bet ter. Russell's. U. S. Deputy Surveyor Fred Menseh returned home last week from the Deer Creek country where lie has been for nearly four weeks finishing up a government contract. The Deer Creek work was at the head of the west fork of the creek and the head of Thompson creek, not far from Dryden, a part of the land hav ing been settled on by homesteaders who have been on the land from two years to six or neve'ii yv.r.-. Your choice from n pretty, new col lection of Hat Pins with each $3.00 Hat at The Chapeati until November 30, 1909. Order your oysters now for Thanksgiving. Russell's Confection ery. .lust received a limited number of beautiful Hat Pins. In spite of our hi usually good prices, wo w ill give one of the pins with each purchase !' $:..i0 until November 30, 190!). The Cliaponn, 208 Conklin Bldg. Meat Choppers at Cramer Bros. Don't be satisfied with reading about them. Come in and look at them; examine them carefully. You'll find they are the best that money can buy. Special Offer $5.00 $3.00 C. 103 SIXTH STREET PERSONAL AXD LOCAL Bazaar r.:J sale December 3. lllir ! ioi't, Sunday for Los AngeU v ii ... ho exper ts to remain for ' tla... A brother, Byron Lee . ; .:d sis:.; :, Miss Myrtle "Lee, are both at that place, A w s,w,y ot off(ce flles and fi-m . , ,,t i i.Miisrnv'a Drusr Store. fii n 11-12-tf H. ! i.ilar has bought two very j.j ,,,! h at ,jl0 torner 0f West C a ul C.'iii strets nnd on Tuesday was eo:i" uced the erealon of a neat five ree , bungalow with all modern 'i-eiivojiien-ea. The ground space Is vvx4S, with n seven-foot front porch. VIM , 1 1 r a c t has been let to D. A. I'it;:; aid, who returned last week from r.scburg where he built the JU';: 0 residence for Henry Booth. Something about Oregon made v,m n3. When we put in a large stock of Oregon Wool Blankets and Navy Blue Over Shirts some people said they won't sell, but they have sell nnd we have had to re-order. We find the people of Grants Pass want as good merchandise as any where. Bishop Hemly Tailored Clothing. The success that has crowned the efforts to place their line on this market by C. P. Bishop & Co. has been very gratifying to the firm, coming into the city without Influ ence or pull and relying on business principles only. Two fundamental points, reliable merchandise and square dealing, always have and al ways will bring satisfactory results. One of the Important matters which the Williams grange, which was organized a week or more ago, its talking of taking up Is tho hold ing of a grange fair each fall, a gath ering where all the members of tho neighborhood nnd other sections may meet nnd display their produc tions and spend the day together In sociability. This Is one of the very Important matters which should re ceive consideration in every commun ity. Vernon Anderson left Tuesday for West Forkwhere he will Join Henry llaefner and the two gentlemen will proceed to Eden Ranger station, . a point about 20 miles from West l-'oik mi Hie heat! of Cow Creek Minyon. Th"se gentlemen go to start a nursery of foreign trees, most of them o the Japanese, variety, which It. is hoped will be useful In covering the barren places whore, the native tree will not flourish owing to lack of moisture nnd excessive heat. This Is an experiment on tho part of the forest service, which, if It proves suc cessful, will he n great aid to the service as well as to the community nt large. The trees planted will be of a hardy specie, used to great heat and little moisture. ISIiOp S eady Tailored Clothes Worth of Furnishing Goods given with each suit or overcoat at $20 $25 $30 Worth given with each suit or overcoat at . . $12.50 $15 $17.50 P; BISHOP & CO, Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. Carving Sets at Cramer Bros. J.E.Pfiterson.PioneeiiDsuraaccMaa. M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist China Lily Bulbs at Cramer Bros. Taddock & Manuel buy second hand goods. City Hall Bldg. 10-22-tf Highest cash price paid for green and dry hides at J. II. Ahlf's meat market. 10-1-tf If you want good goods for little money go to Paddock & Manuel, City Hall. 10-22-tf Roger's Silverware at Cramer Bros. Alfrtd Letcher, Registered Opto mttrlst and Jeweler la Dixon's old stand, Front St. Eyts tested free.' Curtlss & Co., Jewelers, are still In business at the same old stand. Rannle, the plumber. Jas. Trimble now has In stock a number of fine hnnd-mnde, tool steel sledges and wedges. 10-29-4t Leave orders for Thanksgiving turkeys and chickens at Gus Earn er's, 405 G street. Phone x 133. Headquarters for everything In the meat line. ll-5-3t Saturday, November 20, Is the last day of the special offer on the South Bend Malb iiMe Range at the Rogue River Hardware Co.'s, successor to Halr-Rlddle Hardware Co. 11-19-lt Twenty Yearn Old. The First National Bank of South ern Oregon, located In this city, was 20 years old on Friday of this week and many of Its friends tendered their congratulations, and among others the comptroller of the cur rency at Washington, who tele graphed that he hnd Issued the bank a new charter to no uusiness ror another 20 years. This bank has long been a strong nnd prosperous Institution nnd has rendered good service to the people of Grants Pass and Josephine county. It has with stood all tho financial storms of its time with no moro sign of a shake or a shiver than tho Bunker Hill monument In a snow storm. BOltX. COLVIO On Jones creek, Thursday, November 19, ,1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Colvig, twins, a son and a daughter. BRACE At Murphy, Oregon, Fri day, November 12, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Brace, twins, a Hon and daughter. RL'CH At Grants Pass, Oregon, October 21, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rui h, a daughter. Notice the llltf Cut In Prices on Perfection Oil Heaters at tho Roguo River Hardwaro Co.'s, formerly Halr Rlddlo Hardware Co. X' :. ' V you will need Carving a goo We have a nice assort ment of two and three piece sets with guar anteed steel knives. It is easy to carve your bird with a good sharpe knife. 2-pitce set $t nnd up 3-ph'ce set $1.85 and up Cramer Bros. Odd Follows Block Chicken plo Biipper at The Rose bud Sunday, 5 to 7 o'clock, 40 conts. 5 to 8 o'clock, 50 cents. Thanksgiving Banco nt Coliseum Rink Wednesday night, November 24. Everybody come. Rev. Frederick Bartlett went to Eugene Thursday to exchange pul pits with Rev. P. K. Hammond, of the Episcopal church. Mr. Bart lett will also be able to witness the football game between the Univer sity nnd tho Oregon Agricultural College hoys. Ernofit E. Jones, special represen tative for the International Corres pondence schools, with headquarters r.l M.,,1f,.r,1 u'na In 4hn dtv Weitnoa- I1L, Kli 11 i I'l il . . " .-.,. ....... ..... day on his regular trip. Mr. Jonen Is much pleased with Grunts Pas nnd ho has made a request of the company to be transferred to this place as tho company receives more business from here than from Med ford. It Is probnble that he will purchase a home here, . -sc. 4 'rr. .J J-V? W :.b'l -, ! VV .V:' ....7 J. Vv OPPOSITE TOSTOFFICE Set lj ' V 't f ' V ,'. 9 "A