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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
FRlDVjy, NOVEMBER .9, K KIVER COURIER. PACK FOUR int. The Rogue River Courier Published every Friday by A. E. VOOIUHES, Proprietor. C. O. COUTANT, Editor. Entered at the Postoffice at Giants Puna, Oregon, us second-class Matter. Subscription Rates, One Year, lu advance Six Montli.'i Four Months Single Copies Advertising Kate Furnished on application Ol'flce, or by mall. Obituaries and resolutions of con dolence will ho (barged for at 5c per line; Card of tbanka, 50c. . .$1.50 . . .75 . . .5u . . .05 at the FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1909. WILL BRING BIG SALES. Without doubt one of the most important matters to be looked after now la the clearing up of the old orchards In the county. This will be In the Interest of the owners of uch properties, who lost altogether during the past season the sale of Dot less than ?1 0,000 worth of fruit by scale, cod I In moth and bitter rot. To some the lows stated may seem over estimated, but these are the figures of Fruit Inspector Burke, who assures us the loss Is over rather than under the amount mentioned. The Importance of this crusade for Clean fruit which the Inspector Is now making can hardly bo over Btated, as It will not only affect the orchards operated on but the clean orchards which are In danger of con tamination if the diseases are not eradicated without delay. It seems Btrange that there should be owners of orchards who refuse to spray their trees and thus prevent the ravages Of these diseases which mean loss, Bnd yet thero are men of this kind. They have llttlo Idea of the Injury they cnuso to others as well as them selves. The mnn who has smallpox In his family and exposes his neighbors to the disease Is not regarded as a good citizen and yet ho Is no worse than the man who scatters fruit diseases broadcast among the orchards of the county, causing great loss and Injury to those who live near him. Tho law should require the In spector to put up a disease flag on every orchard where Hi" owner nor slots In refusing to spray. Blight, scale and nearly all the fruit dlea '.sen are contagious In character and the inspector Is a health of titer and he should be clothed with the same au thority as the health officer or the city, (onnty or state, who looks after tho conlnglous diseases of humanity lind hangs out, a flag at tho homes I where those diseases exist, The next legislature should amend the fruit j inspector law In this particular and, thus do a great service to fruit j growers generally. Tho fruit com-i jnlssloneis of the state are deter mined that tho law shall ho enforced to the very letter and they ask the County courts to appoint Inspectors who will do their duty. In this county Inspection Is going on with great energy nnd It Is to ho hoped the county commissioners will give the needed financial assistance to the Inspector so that he may take out nil trees where the tfwnor refuses to spray or clean diseased trees. An example Is needed now and the Inspector should he encouraged to act promptly nnd with great decision. This will never become a fruit, grow ing county of Importance unless there is close Inspection and prompt action. Tho county court, we trust, will do its full duty as well as tho Inspector.: numeration, and this was done at the expense of his own business, which often had to he neglected, and for the benefit of Grants Pass, and the people of this county. As coun cilman his far slghtcdness gave to us an up-to-date telephone service. We had an abominable system, twenty years behind tho times and our citizens were without hope of secur ing a better service. When the Citizens Telephone company asked for a franchise and offered to guar antee a service second to nothing In the entire country, Mr. Rlggs said In his place in the council that the old company was taking the money of the people without giving them a fair equivalent, and for that reason he favored the new company. Other members of the council joined him and a franchise was granted for an up-to-date telephone system for Grants Pass. The mayor vetoed the ordinance but the company asked for the referendum, and in the mean time the old company rushed materi al on the ground and commenced the construction of an up-to-date sys tem. Having secured this the ma jority of the council were satisfied pnd the appeal to the people went no farther. We all realize today that If Mr. Rlggs had not stood firm the city would still be using the worst system to be found anywhere. Our service today, thanks to the majority of the council, headed by Mr. Rlggs, Is the very best In use In tho country. UNION THANKSGIVING SERVICE THURSDAY Tho union Thanksgiving service will be held in tho Newman M. E. church Thursday, November 25, at 11a. in. The sermon will be given by Rev. Mr. Dills, pastor of the M. E. church, South. All the pastors of the city will take part In the services. It Is customary to take an offering at these services for benevolent work in tho city, the fund thus obtained being placed at the disposal of the Ministerial Association. The plan of the association Is to Investigate all cases of distress and need and when those In need are affiliated with any church, to turn the enso over to that church. Where they have no church relation the association relieves the necessity from the common fund. Lot the people make a thank-offering as the Lord lias blessed them. tSV '2 . mm? Wmm ' liff ' STR IDES The strides that have been made in Men's Ready-to-Wear Clothes are not equaled in any other line, unless it be airships. The placing of the one-time crude Ready-Made in a place equal to and above custom tailored is a thing every man is interested in. In this race, as in all races, some one must lend, and some one bring up the rear. Which will you be with? Alfred Benjamin's and Adler's Suits and Overcoats have, by the Vote of particular men, taken the first place. They come iu snappy styles fur young chaps, and conservative styles for the man of affairs. .You'll not know exactly what fa the real thing until you've soon thei. $12.56 to $40.00 V- -a g .;3 On another page will h, found an Interview with Councilman Ulggs of the First Ward, In which ho r.V(M bis opinion or the different kinds of pavement In use lu Port hind. Mr. Rlggs has given nimh intention Rids Wanted. Sealed bids for building the M. E. parsonage will he received up to and including Monday, the 22nd Inst,, as per plana and specifications, whhh will ho on file In J. E. Peter son's office, the 15th Inst. Building committee reserves the right to re ject any nnd all bids. ll-12-2t Saturday, November 20, Is the last day of the special offer on tho South I lend .Malleable Range nt tho Rogue Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. 11-19-lt Free! Free! Free! Carving Set Remember we are still giv ing away those beautiful Carv ing Sots with each Suit or Over coat costing $12.50 or more. This offer good until November 25th. So don't fail to get one. You may need it Thanksgiving Day. GRANTS PASS, OREGON n 11 kt aweii Hew logger? ft r ti 1 . r i or manKSgwing a man gives to bis aD- LOW PRICES COIPLEI) WITH QUALITY THE JiAX W E OUTFIT FOR THANKSGIVING WILL HE OBSERVED FOR JUS CORRECT DRESSING. The day when special attention pearance. All that Is new choice and of the best for your Outfitting Is here. Suits, Overcoats, Trousers, Hats, Shoos, Xirkwear, Shirts, Gloves, Hosiery, Fto. ESSE acst BUSINESS MEN MEET FOR CONSULTATION 11. It. Norton Recommended to tho Convention as Candidate for Mayor. There was a conference of business men held at the Commercial Club rooms on Wednesday evening at S o'clock and the subject of the neces sity of eloctlnu business men to the municipal offices which are to be come vacant on tho rirst Monday In January, 1!Un, was discussed. M. J. Anderson, by request, called tho mooting to order nnd stated tho ob ject of tho gathering and asked that a chairman and secretary bo elected. with tho times. R. L. Coo said that he had been a resident of Grants Pass for 20 years and that there was now more unity of action than at any other time. He thought the people were determined to build up the city nnd the general business of the town. Mr. Gllkey said that some man must be found who wns able and loyal enough to the city to sacrifice his time for the benefit of Grants Pass, and that man must be one who could be elected. Mr. Durham also made a talk along the same line and upon the necessity of choosing an able candidate. There was a motion by Mr. Parker to proceed In the selection of a can didate to be recommended for mayor. He thought the proper way was to proceed by ballot, permitting every person present to write his choice on a ticket, and accordingly tellers were appointed and a ballot taken. First Rallot. Dr. J. C. Smith 8 It. C. Mnney M chief Engineer Hall, of the Irrlga JaR' 1,11 rs K' I company, who Is a practical man " 1 ! only in building irrigation canals Goo. C. Rabin 3l,t In preparing tho ground for the "inncunru 2 water, has written 11. 11. morion 14 lug Important '. i- c ry l have the residents of the four wards go Into caucus In the four corners of the room and decide whom they would have as their candidates. The first ward selected J. E. Hair, the second ward Jas. Tuffs, the third and fourth wards thought it best not to make a selection as there were not enough representatives present to justify such a proceeding. On motion the meeting adjourned, but before the chairman made the announcement he urged that all parties present be sure to turn out to the ward conventions on Monday night and the general convention the following night. Saturday, November 20, is the last day of the special offer on the South Rend Malleable I bin go at the Rogue River Hardware Co.'s, successor to River Hardware Co.'s, successor to Halr-Riddlo Hardware Co. 11-19-lt CLASSIFIED ADS. XEW TODAY. Faultless Stump TuHers cannot be excelled for speed of operation, strength and durability. Sold only by Rogue River Hardware Co., form erly linir-Rlddle Hardware Co. CHIEF ENGINEER HALL I ROES PREPARING LAXH A A I ouus suojec. for any months, and j no' stated that no politics would bo mo I'lriiHiiii are moso or a timet on luiKiness man, mid his real Interest In this city and county makes him personally concerned In the prosper ity of the city, even outside of the municipal office bo hold:' During the past twelve months no man has done more Tor Grants Pass and .loc phlno county than Mr. Rlgg. He has given a year's work as secretary Of tho Josephine Irrigation Power company without tho slightest re- recognized In this meeting. On mo tion Mr. Anderson was made chair man and W. L. Ireland secretary. Mayor Kinney, who was present, stated tho object of tho meeting nnd Total r,n When Mr. Tuff's name was men tioned he declared that ho was not n candidate nnd could not be Induced to accept a nomination, and that It wns useless to tirgo i,n), phe chair man staled that all were workln for the best Interest of the cltv and no one had n tight to refuse the nomlna- I tlon. Some one moved that nil but the was followed by Jas. Tuft's and Attor- "u'00 "'tfhest bo dropped nnd that ney Clements. The general trend of opinion was that Grant Pans Is ap proaching an Important period In Its history and that It neod.4 not only ii large amount of paving but many I other things to enable It to keep pace COUPON 1. This coupon costs ou nothing but cut It out and us tieroro December I i.nd nial.e It cost us something oiiiiK us with a call of Inspection onlv. ,au ex,!,,,, spool of thread, San silk, paper of pins or cake of 1, will glvrt tho cash purchaser ten per cent discount on tailored Suits. Coats, Skirts, Waists and Ci-o, l.en 'v" one oi our novs mioi'I I'ant Suits f,.i- t up to un nmi alues. ages ;t to in v ,,.,' Mm' nt. I 'P I ..... 1 .1.1.. ... .. . - ""-'i 1 eiinns-n ui". 1. men Nile Is imw are moving fast at the bom., of Munslnr 1 n,, good thlnoi oti inav m , ,t f,.r wlm.... The Suiinr Pine Atot Kcinombi r to l it Dili out (.'id btiv; it v, , .coupor on tll prc-rut 11 to " lady fav ' this for a : t te.ll,. It Pur-!. Shoes, It will rve se run goods ill the second ballot be taUn. Mr. Kin ney objected to this saying tli:i all candidates had a right to !. voted for until a choice was made. This 1. ... fi 1 "as nun:iv agree, to when the otid ballet was taken. Second IV1H0I. U. 1). Norton J. E. Hair ' J. C. Smith S Jus. Tuffs r. Gcv C. Sa'.ln .1 Snitteiin ' ''"I see .31 Total 57 Chairman Anderson announced t"nt II. p. Norton having rerelved the majority of all votes cast was to l'o recommended as the candidate for mayor. The question of the selection of candidates for the rlty council wa taken up nnd dlsatwd nt some length and It wn finally decided to a letter eontaln- informatlon to water I users which we take pleasure In glv , tag In full, which Is as follows: j "I wish to urge upon nil who In tend to use water tho coming season 1 for Irrigation to get their land In j shape this winter. Do not set out an orchard withont first having brought the land to a grade so that every tree can be watered. This .1..... 1 ..... noes uoi mean Hint t in s nun time! e uniform, but that if a knoll or ridge Is higher that the surrounding 'round It should bo cut down. In many places throughout the valley young orchards are now growing that seem to have been planted with regard 'to nothlni? evei.nt i,nf n,.-. . 11 It L III," trees be In straight rows. As soon as Irrigation Is nttempted the difflcil-l ; ties will begin. The trees on the hills will hum nnd those In tho holes will drown, Much of this enn still ho I remedied. Remove tho trees where necessary, grade tho ground nnd then reset them. When planning your laterals bear In tnlnd that it Is necessary not only to run tho water jON. but to run the excess nnd seep t ago OFF, nnd plan a system of drainage. "HORACE C. HALL. I "Engineer for the Josephine , Co. Irrigation Tower Co." WNT) -Lady's fur, at Courier office. Friday. Call 11-10-U CHICKEN'S Chickens wanted at Russell's Confectionery. 11-19-lt FOR S A LE FI n e residence, two stories, 8 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, modern plumbing through out, lot 95x150, handsomely Im proved, fine shade trees, roses, etc. Inquire at Cramer Bros. hardware store. 11-19-tf X drive single or double. Inquire! JRIoffat, Grants Pass Hotel, STRAYED -Came to the premises the subscriber, April 1, a red niuley cow, marked wittf smooth cron and siir fc- . .. w. M ear, small white spot on the bi k uw ncr can nave the same by p; Ing property and paying chaw Mrs. Josephine Messlnjjer, r Murphy, Ore. FOl'fsALE Timber 1MI- DRESSMAKING and plain sewing. Mrs. E. Galllard, 223 I street, corner Third. ll-19-2t NOTICE -Notice Is hereby given that the co-partnership heretofore existing between M. C. II. Day and D. A. Fitzgerald, under the firm name of Day & Fitzgerald, contractors, was dissolved Satur day, November 13, 1909, and they will each hereafter transact busi ness under their own names. ll-19-2t ..1 .. 1 nr nana, sica, Soc. 24, Twp 37,. 7 West, J' phlne county. For partitas address H Walter, conductor, te Townsend street, S. P. Co., r. Francisco, Cal. FRUIT Trees for immediate dellrf Good home grown nursery slcl Yellow Newtowns, Spltzenbei and Jonathans. From 3 to 4 fry 15 cents; 4 to 6 feet, 20 cents. quire of or address J. C. Dutcti 2i miles down Applegate ti r 1 1 n iiA iuurony. ivie. FOR SALE Ono American box hi bowling alley, new, a snap. autre, at the New Racket itcl 419 O street. H-1 WANTED to trade team mares for any old thing, graphophone pre ferred. P. 0. nox C82. 11-19-lt FOR SALE 4 large residence lots In Riverside addition, between 8th nnd Pth. A bargain for quick sale. Inquire 205 Second street, cor. D. ll-19-2t FOR SALE Four firat-class tl cows, making 1 pound of buKy per day. A. M. Jess. R. F. D. & 2, Grants Pass, Ore. FOR SALE 2900 choice posts. Apply at Elmer Shank'i flco, Grants Pass. lO15' WANTED FOR SALE I Fireside Heaters nt Crnmer Pro, j Your p'oucy bark. If you wnnt t, I for any South Rend Chilled plow you I buy of tho Re-un River Hardware ,Co., four -rly ILi'r-nbl '! i 1M I have a fine lot of Magoon Strawber ry plants nt M per 1000, and some 1 ... .. 1 1 1 . ... i ..i iw oui i,ogan piants at 94 per 100. Will have Logon, Phenome nal nnu Mammoth Blackberry tips for spring delivery. W. J. Stur gos's, llox 615, city. 1 1-1 2-2t I NSTA LM ENT 5-room cottage njid throe lots on Overland Ave. for sale on the Instalment plnn. In quire Mrs. N. p. Dodge, 211 West A street. 11-12-tf FOR SALE sonnble. A FEW -Good roll top desk, ren Domarny'B Drug Store. choice brown Leghorn cock erels for unle nt $1.00 each, by T. I'. Crnmer. 11-12-21 FOFR counter show cases In good condition for sale by Crnmer Rros. TEAM with harness and spring f"r sale cheap. Weight 1 K' po iris rnch. gentle, WANTED Situation as cooks man and wife. Inqulra Couri'j h4 WANTED New and second Eoods. Ileadnuarters, City building. AN Experienced orchnrdlst fe Colorado wants to devote part j his timo working In an ontoh pruning, grafting or Irrigating. . dress F. O. box 633. 14 CHINA Painting. Individual or cl lesson. Mtss Kato SIcMurtrt- 72G N. Sth street. Tlione DESIGNS. Cut flowers, potted plc bulbs. Medfufd Oreenni phone C06. on lrrigted 1 . 7-n MONEY by C. to O. loan Ament. wagon f.'.o-.f I. RANNIE. the plumber ! Im. fid 9 11 rireet. Telcpfc 6CS. - - f. MnVtTA In Innn nn real Ca'.fltO. u pngea bought nnd sold. Rohlins, lawyer.