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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1000. TR8 ROOTS RIVER COURIER, PAGE TIIREK FL0U1 Grants Pass Feed Store Comer 6th and J Streets. t liurth Services Sunday. 4 Methods, hurdi, Smith Morning: Subjc.t, "The Constrain Ins 1-ovo of Christ." Evening "The t-ouil Shepherd." S-lMlliay 8,h0ol ,, a- m. Prayer meeting, Thursday. I'-ot) p. 111. THE CORELESS APPLE IS LATEST FREAK I Man .Tour Spokane Crms New riety AYntihmeti Guarding the Tiw. P u Is the best Pavement for the Property Owner - IT INCREASES VALUES Clean, Sanitary, Durable Sure, Safe Footing for the Horse First Christian Science Six lety. Christian Science service will b held Smi.i. n 1 . - a. m., isovenunr '1. 1909, at W. O. W. hall. Subject. "Soul and Body." Wednesday even ing meeting at 7:30 t. m. in tho First Baptist ( IuhtIi, Sum., XoV. 21. The hour of morning worship is! 10:30. The pastor nrearhes the! third sermon in the series, "The' Pis- tples Magna Charta' Core less as well as seedless are the : apples produced tn a single tree of! , unki own variety in an eight-acre or- chard at Moraia Prairie, flvo mli.w north of Spokane, owned by B. K. Short, n rancher. The largest of the hall. You niv cor,n.,n,. ... f,,'H Is three inches In diameter. tb - mntru (u attend. ; coloring being of a yellowish green, streaked with red. The apples have ieep pin R cheeks, and the flesh Is firm and of excellent flavor. The tree Is between 12 and 15 years old and is growing in sub-Irrigated soil at an altitude of 2225 feet. Short '- v :s"-v J't. mW Economizes flour, butter XWtkd eJ& the 100a cicsstiiis cndnsalll,ii! ,r f k- jjaiuiisi rower is ine r ."'V" pa......- . ? 1 i. t-rl .ul.i.t i.nm oiiiv fit. riii " v Ing the Bible Full." The sessions of i1o(s :lot c,llinl tor developing uie unite sc hoo nt 11-J-. u,-. - . V' Mil. it I s I he direction of R. k. Hackett.,"The ..lemg of a Thankful Heart" is the topic of the 11. Y. P. r srrvl-e. led !'r Mr. Hoy Lathrop at 6:30. At 7:20 occurs the final service of the 'lay; yvMc-t cf the sermon. "Whv Docs the Cross Draw Men t ehH.f" V cordial invit.nt Bethany Presbyterian Chimb. Regular preaching services nt 11 :i. m. and 7:30 p. ni. In the morn ing the topic will be "The Child of Destiny." In the evening the pastor will give the sixth of the series on "The Gospel In the Old Testament." The subject of the discourse will be "What Shall We Do With the Ark?" The Young People's society of Chris tian Endeavor will hold a special Thanksgiving service at G:30 p. in. A full attendance Is requested and nil rlends are cordially invited to fce present. The Junior Chrisi Ian ' En deavor society will meet at 3 p. nt. lofistructlon Co. ill" Beck Bids., PoiIIhikI, Ore, I ( lirisiian Church. I Sunday, 10 a. m., special rally ! session of the Bible sc hool. Mr. :!il!im;ton will have npe ial a mess- i a'v for the school concerning "Front I , Line" work. At tli 11 o'clock hour' the coreless-seeillpca inula H Ing it Is a freak of nature. Seven of the new apples w:ero hri-tight to .the offices of tho Na tional Apple show in Spokano and quartered In the presence of Ren II. Rice, secretary-manager; Trofessor August Von lloiderbeke, formerly state commissioner of horticulture of Washington, and several growers from various parts of the northwest, -Ai'B 1 . - I.s. ('.mm lid Mskcs most Iicalthfiil lovtl No nlum no Hinc phosphates Th nnlv KnTrlnd "J 'w.UAtj, sv JUAtlli V7 from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar hut none was able to classify the Z Y lienr,1J(;einer' wfi080 fruit. Professor W. S. Thornber, 'l0'"6 .wa" Clnclinutl. Ohio., horti,.tt,i.t o . ,, but ho J9t arrived from Den- WnnlllniWnn I. ., ..,.1 1... J. .1 nmn r.t ,.. i ?ear- The' nr0 now making their make a thorough examination of the J0" h 8' tree to determine Its origin. L S. ' r ,T' r Short has engaged three watchmen ?Ug.h f.r' ,Ml39 Ce" rnw, wrote - ""lowing versos lor mo ami ver- guards In his orchard to prevent ln- ft r ("-, --'lirTII Ji rh "i iii ttfHfcfclin'i - - A Splendid Overall for every use. Cut generous ly full. Two hip pockets. Felled seams. Cnn tin it nm r:ii fly. lot 5 f : i:!!fjcft. pre.-i'ut the Child, and the "Five Sun (!:30 n. in. us. I'ev. nniin'-'.ton wil i tin me, "Jesus, the ' Ch'.irch." At 7:30 : d.iy School Ca'iij'ai m., Y. P. S. C. i:. ayer nn'i ting: theme, "The I!l"--i!i::; of a Thankful Heart"--N'eh. S:S-12. Thursday, s p. m., midweek devotional and training clas. Friilay. S p. m., Uihle school Worln r.i' i ov.ferenci; ;.nd b-sson study. Yon will he wch omed to th"p jTYlcrs. n;;:i)i:iiic m. drdoke, .Minister. Team Caught in Barbed AY ire Fence. A team belonging to Amos Smith, owner of the. National Dray Co., was badly cut in a barbed wire fence a short distance below the foundry Saturday morning. The horses had, in some unaccountable manner es caped from the barn during the night and were grazing near the railroad track when Mr. Smith found them, While he was attempting to drive them home a train came along and the horses became frightened and In trying to get over the fence, were badly cut by the barbed wire. One horse was cut through the shoulders and neck and the windpipe laid bare. The other one made an attempt to go through the wire and becoming entangled had his gs frightfully torn by the treacherous barb. The horses were in a terrible shape when Mr. Smith finally succeeded In get ting them home, and were unable to travel sufficiently to be taken to a pasture, so he t.'uded the two of them for another horse that he could use in his draying business. The horses are being cared for by their present owner and It Is thought that In time they will recover. When you have ;i cold tho first iii:-": to do is have the bowels move, Do not take anything that may con st i; -it and most old fashioned i o ;ii curia do constipate. Try Ken nedy's Laxative Cough Syrup. It dilves the cold from the system by a free yet gentle rrtlon of the bowels; It stops the coimh, it Is pleasant to take. Children like It. Sold by all druggists. Mrs. II. C. Kinney and Miss Mur jorie spent last week In Portland. Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence P.rown and ha by returned to their home at Hilts, Cal Wednesday, alrer a L w days' visit, with relatives In this city. Fvciiision to the Orient. The Seattle Commercial Club Is ore.aniit'.g an excursion to the Orient for business men, their families and connections, to leave Seattle by the S. S. Minnesota on December 2?, and roMirn about .March ,", 1!H". The Minnesota will touch nt Kobe, Yoko hama, Nagasaki, Shanghai, Manila and lloni;konc. First-class round trip will he $2r.0.i.m. Space fur exhibit on board will be provided. Stops will be made of from one to thne days at all pons, and seven teen davs nt Manila. AV. M. LAI)1, President T. It. AVIM'O.V, Ylrc.Prcsidcnt WHY? . s.- - - .11-1 iii n i i 1 . 1 I v t , jury to tho tree. He Intends to graft the scions on other trees the omlng spring. Expert pomologlsts say if the process is successful he will have made a discovery of great er commercial Importance ,than any yet credited to Luther Purbank and other plant wizards. They add that while the seedless imole Is no lonirer a novelty, the production of a core less one, long sought ly growers throughout the world. Is a distinct triumph In apple culture. A Hair's Breadth Ksenpe. Do you know that every time you have a cough or cold and let it run on thinking it will just euro itself ni are Inviting pneumonia, con s'lmidion or some other pulmonary trouble? Don't risk It. Put your lnn.-'s hack In perfect health and stop that, cough with Ballard's Hore bo'ind Syrup. Price 250, 50c and J1.00 nor bottle. Sold by National Drug store. Trains Now Itimiilng on Schedule. After a blockade of twelve days, trains nre again passing through tunnel No. 1 on schedule time. The first train went through the tunnel Friday noon, but. the passengers were obliged to walk around as the S. P. company did not care to take chances of another catastrophe, but Saturday morning traffic -was resumed as usual. The carpenter crews from both the Kennett and Coram smelters were sent to tin? scene of the wreck Friday to assist In timbering the tun nel and the sides of the cut where thought dangerous. This Is the most serious tie-up the railroad company has ever had on this division, and has cost the company hundreds thousands of dollars. of Valuable roasting pnn Ih given free with each can baking powder. Grand Fnlon Tea Co., rooms 203 201 Conklln Bldg. Phono 174-U. FOB STOMACH .;ont. Ask C. 11. Denmniy About' Ml-o-im, it (iives Belief In I'hc Minutes. pni.nciMnTiniJ i1,11 1,(1 1:1 v " 1 UVJlllUJllJi i v i ii, i km im , VvkV-1' ! UVJ'icJvtcrif .ho WoiYs ) ... V- -J - .- r1- ';i s ,( ,;,,((.;. lii.t t fcr the V "JV:.. ; tc: vm it (i i: I us is j-ii ti. ; .;: ! tuus f "i (( ii:t c ': t t ur.tkr. ; ' ,. ... . i . . ( - - 'V . POLICY CC'Ft til.l tl- Dlltl Ml 1 i Str.d us the date cfjccrrihard Id u frtvicc . ;l:t ( f I'.ttCtiCT. '.t'1' ' j vie'e Mil fcith an . . . . . , . i - He will tell you that, lie guaran tees Ml-on-na to relieve promptly and cure pei luunently all diseases of the stomai h and Indigestion, or he will return your money. Have you gas on stomach? One Ml- i na tablet and the misery .i ended. Are bilious, dizzy or nervous? Ml-o-na tablets will put you right In a day; cive rif in it) minutes Now, (b ar reader, don't go on suf fering wi'h stomach trouble. He fair to yourself; throw uslde prejudice are! try Ml o mi. Il Is a gnat doe- tor's No doctor ever w role a 1, Iter one. And money link from C. If. Dem it rn v If yo i dou't Fay Ml-o-na I woith I'n wekiit. In gobl. Sold by biding dni:;iists everywhere, but In (irant-t Pa t by '. If. Dcinatay, 50 cents a late box. Tept Kdtilplo free fiom liooth's Ml-o-na, Buffalo, N. Y, Mis. Maty Hut' hlnr.n says: Pains and distic.'H in my Mtonifuh and a c f 1 1 n 1 'tutnach complaint was 1 1 1 1 1 . I is ii , for ine by the use f;f t'AO boe. of Mi o-na, and I bav i.o he'.i'atoa in lecoiniiiciiding t pi"." 5 OS P.firl Strcd, Ypsllanti, Mich,, IiecimlK r 1 0, 1 A Diamond Anniversary. The first diamond wedding anni versary ever recorded at Grants Pass was celebrated lust Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doerner, whoso ver, where they passed the last three sary: When two souls have found each other And are wedded firm and fast, When from Wood through Tin and Crystal And through China they have passed. When tho Silver and tho Golden Milestones they have left behind, And they Journey on together Till tho Diamond height they tho crowd of common mortals Looks on them with wondering eyes: In the wheel of life's great lottery They have drawn the highest prize. So today, dear Father, Mother, Hall to you, our diamond palrl Sixty years of happy wedlock, 'TIs Indeed a blessing rare! And on life's descending journey May your pnthway still bo bright, AVhllo tho sun of lovo and plenty Sheds on you Its kindly light. C. D. There Is ono best In everything. The range best Is tho Malleablo made In South Bend, which will bo on ex hibition at tho Ilalr-Rlddlo Hard ware Co.'s store next week, Novem ber 15 to 20. Call and seo It. A souvenir Free to tho ladles. DEAN'S Furs nt Dean's Prices lower, A good month for furs Pretty ones ut Dean's, Don't cost Dean's. much The furs nt Flat furs, hook and chain com fortable and stylish. Prices to make you glad, at Dcimi'h. Customer: "That coat.. Is not a good fit." Steelhnmor: "Yell, vat you ex pect for flfo dollars? An attack of epilepsy?" Some have paid a lot more feu furs than Dean's prices. If you need a fur go to Dean's and see the nleo ones nt Bitch low prices. You know you like nleo furs, get one at Deafi's while the. prices art) down -way down. It is a sure tiling that Dean's aro selling furs at very low prices. DEAN'S "lympic v ; " ifW! M. i 1 1 i It 1 K. COOKINGHAM, Ylcc-rriKitknt 8. I". I.o('UV' " ' ' r. I .I)' i i f mtIi - r :ron(v brick. Jcct I -ej! in. r c'.h too'i. fit, Including I .'. !r(l. l.ii. iM.ttlys&'n Lrugi;lj!t. mnkes f;ooil ry, too." tT.Oi,t ' iUVillVH t I Tlieiiluiiip. liaril iri ains. Bi lecled r fi out I lie cnl ire N'oi tliwi si i ti wlient croii find tlmrcly t'leiincil niiilHeoiiicd - itit t (ill tin' lill for a perfect puslrv flour lu.'iden it U tin1 Hour lovcwA lr;il mid rtike;4 ami liiHcnitH. Olympic I'lour uhvavH tho name, al- viiyn cleiiti, pure, wliolenoino andlmtll tiouH Um nil tn rutlier than a tet ff tt youiiL'Lotisewife'H ability. If your L-roeer can t fiiiiiily von o-'M tell yon vrhocua A tut insist tijrf.n Olympic--(k- jC-A": "; -I 1 !. ,1.1.. i. .... A UJ.IJOI It -IIH1U I III Mil ,0.- m fry . HctUirur?)(cuutifV r: i . u i rt.tK Lc-..,.,.vr AT YOUR GVOry: rovn.A vp Hi.S'i uttu . n...i m s... . .. .