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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 19, 1909)
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, UU0 riTB ROttTE It t COl'KIKK. PAGE TWO PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. C. KINDLE Yf M. I). Practice limited to Jtttf, BAR, NOBE and THROAT. . Glasses fitted and furnished. Office boars I to 12; 2 to 5; and ea appointment. Phones 261 & 77. Jrants Pass, Oregon. S. LOUGHHIDGE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. Phono 714 Cltr or country calls attended day r night. Sixth and H, Tars Bldg. Office Phont 211. Grants Pass, - Oregon. B. F. DeVORE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND 1UHOEON City and County calls promptly inswered. Office hours, 9 to 12 a,m tad 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 473; Office 941. Rooms 1, 2, 3, Bhallaora Bldg. Grants Pass, Oirg. llll. H. O. KIMDLEY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Prat t b e of Obstetrics a Specialty Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m 1 to B p. in. Other hours by. appointment. Phonos: Office 17-U; UoHldenee 88. Rooms 201-201 Conklln Dldg. Grant i Puss Oregon J. S. McMUKRA Voice Culture Studio over Residence nail's Art Store T18 Lee Street H. D. NORTON, ATTO RNE Y-AT-L A W Practice in all State and Federal Courts. Office Opera House Bldg Grants Pass, Oregon. OLIVER 8. BROWN, LAWYER Office over DIJou Theater. tirauU Puss, - Oregon 0. S. BLANCHARD, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Banking St Trust Co. Bldg Grants Pass, Oregon. ). M. WOODSON Civil Knuliioor, Surveyor and Draughtsman Formerly employed In Surveyor-Gen oi'ul'it offioo, Wauhlngton - 30 years' experience. Residence: Third houso south of bridge on Wont side. Grants Pass. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. UIM II IIROS., Proprietors. (Successors to N. E. McGrew.) PROMPT AND RKLIAIILIO SKRVICE PiiuioN and Organs Carefully Removed Phone 1,11)1 Grants Pass, Ore. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bank Eendurs the Public DEPOSITS Tho itsfiwt and linplet y of ktwploK your money it by dspotiilng it In a KelmU Dniik. Tlilt Hunk rooeivv 1- potltl Mlttjtftit to Cb'k, uron df iiianirrtlflrW of lironit or en time trtfnVW of DwHmitA. On time doposlu pay 4 Mt CENT INTERE31 DRAFTS The but and thpit wy to transfer MOtnty li b Hank Draft. W nil Drtfis payabM tn all parts of U oountry. LOANS One of ths moit Impor tant ftt lie lion of th Kink. Ws snJuaror to supply all miiMtUt n.H of our cQitouisrs. Capital and Burplua f 71,000 Stockholders' Additional : Rtsponrlbllity $30,000 OFFICERS L. 11. l m i., rrld.nt J. t), l'ntu., Yiue-I'ras. II L Utt ttT, OwhWr K. tC. Hv strr, (VMer HUk Headache. This dint reusing dlsense results from a disordered condition of the stomach, and can be cured by tak ing Chamberlain's Stomach and Uver Tablets. VM a freo sample at M. Clemen's drtin store nud try It. FRANCIS HENETf NOW IN OREGON Francis J. Heney has announced that he will resign his position at San FranclHro as assistant district! attorney at once, and that he will leave for Portland, Ore., to resume his position as prosecutor in the government land frauds, but Mr. . Heney asserts that he Is not prepared to state which of tbe?e will go on trial first. Mr. Heney left Thursday night for Portland to take up and complete his Interrupted work in the Oregon land frauds. Just when the cases will come to trial Mr. Heney does not know. His first step will be to set the date for the trial of Binger Her mann, and this date will be contin gent upon the engagements of Her mann's attorney, Mr. Worthlngton, of Washington, D. C. Mr. Heney ex pects to return to San Francisco in a week or ten days to conclude his du ties in connection with the district attorney's office, and will then re turn to Oregon. When Heney under took the San Francisco graft prose cution, the Oregon work would have taken probably two months to com plete. Mr. Heney Is to have full charge of the land fraud cases, and will probably follow the same policy he outlined when he was an appointee of the Roosevelt administration. What Christinas Present? Which makes the better Christmas present the 52 issues of The Youth's Companion, costing only J 1.75 for the whole year, or one book, eostlng $1.50 to $2.00? In quantity, variety and value of reading The Companion excels. Is not such u paper, bringing every week Into the home circle charming stories, articles on a thousand sub jects by famous men and women, de lightful short' sketches, humorous, anecdotes, and an Infinite variety of other wholesome, entertaining read ing Is not such a paper the very one for an appropriate, acceptable Christ mas present? Think of it! In a year The Companion gives you as much rending as twenty 400-page books of travel, history, fiction, miscellany, biography and humor, and not a line In it that shakes one's faith In truth and honor, not a phrase that makes light of the things that are sweet PRO 'Y business has been excellent, and constantly growing. I have calls for all kinds of desirable Fruit and Farm Lands at reasonable prices; also for business and resi dence lots, well located. List with me whatever you have to seli. TO BUYERS I can supply you with desirable properties of every description at reasonable prices. Can also guaran tee you the most careful, conscien tious consideration, and information that can be depended upon. I have personally investigated other high class fruit districts and unhesitatingly indorse this locality as the BEST for a careful money-making investment. If in the city, call personally. If out of the city, write at once for inform ation, stating the kind and size of property desired, also for what pur pose, that I may give you definite information. EBIU A. N. PARSONS UKAL K STATIC (i and pure. Is It not a Christmas Sift worth having a cnristmas fin uw. Is "worth whib;"? Send your subscription ($1."j) at once so as to receive free all the Is sues of The Companion for the re maining weeks of I'joO, as well as The Companion's "Venetian" Calen dar for 1910, lithogrnpnea in uw teen colors and gold. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Companion Hullding, Uoston, Mass. New subscriptions received at this office. Upper Williams Creamery Sold. The Upper Williams creamery, es tablished In 1907 by J. D. Graham & Sons, and placing on the market the "Josephine" brand of butter, was sold last Friday to Frank Sutton, of Ashland, for a number of years con ducting a confectionery business on Fourth street in that city. Mr. Sut ton has been In the dairy business and is familiar with the creamery operations and will no doubt manu facture a superior brand of butter. He took charge this week. This transfer includes the cream ery, capacity 800 rounds ot Dutte' per day, 155 acres choice alfalfa land adjoining, 30 head of dairy stock, ranch stock and implements, and the price paid runs up to nearly $10,000. Mr. Graham and family expect to spend the winter in the Williams district and will later locate near Grants Pass. DeWitt's Little Early Risers the safe, sure, gentle, easy little liver pills. He sure to get DeWitt's Cnr bollzed Witch Hazel Salve, the orig inal. Always refuse substitutes and Imitations. The original DeWitt's Carbollzed Witch Hazel Salve Is good for anything n salve Is used for, but It Is especially good for piles. Sold by all druggists. Croup Cured and a Child's Life Saved. "It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who have been benefited by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My child, Andrew, when only three years old was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks to the prompt use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy his life was saved and to day he Is a robust and healthy boy," says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. This remedy has been in use for many years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and it has never been known to fail. For sale by M. Clemens. PE1TY NEIS UQE3E 514 F ST. HANTS PASS, ONE. S) FiDiCAlli At ILK i morn'ltvr TTTfTv 7 Attempt to Place Script on Mining Property of Tinted Copper (Jolrt Co. A matter which Is far reaching in Its effect and of vital importance to miners particularly, who are operat ing on unpatented lands, either sur veyed or unsurveyed, as well as to the homesteader or squatter, was on hearing before the United States Land Office in Roseburg last week. The defendants In the case were gentlemen from Salem, Messrs. F. E. Newberry, president, and O. A. Thomas, vice-president, of United Copper-Gold Mining company, whose properties are near Merlin, Josephine j county. ! They were'aeeompanled by Mr. Geo. C. Wcslby, mining expert from McGill, Nevada, who appeared as a j witness. The facts In the contest are that on the claims of the United Copper-j Gold company is a lot of fine timber. ! An. Eastern corporation representing j r extensive lumbering interests in the! west, assayed to take possession of: the lands and timber in question by. il. nM, ... , ' uie scrip juiiceas. i ut eiiMuiu pie, however, made an offer of ortm- promise, asking the timber to be glv - en them without, protest, and for . such consideration they would not ! Interfere in the miners' work. j This proposition was refused by! the Salem people, therefore the case ; was filed for contest. j The scrip by which this transfer ' of title Is expected to take place, is j Northern Pacific Railway paper. It j is obtained in some instances at least, ! by the railroad corporation relln-l qnishlng its right and title to a .piece j of undesirable land, or to a piece' that may have been claimed by some homesteader in the railway's limit in ! the state of Washington, receiving scrip therefor from the government, j This scrip is good way down here in j Oregon, 500 miles from the railroad's! line, and it is with such paper as this j that the eastern corporation is trying' to gobble up properties in Josephine county iMid by so doing oust a mining company who are at work on the premises and spending their money to develop the resources of the state. If the department submits a de cision adverse to the local organiza tion it will establish a precedent that Is fraught with grave results to vari ous properties similarly situated, as to title, In Southern Oregon. Rose burg News. iii:i:i Tin: wak.mxo. Many (Jrants Pass People Have Done So. When the kidneys are sick they givo unmistakable warnings that should not be ignored. Bv examining the urine and t renting the kidnevs upon the fir.-'t nlgn of disorder, many days of suffering nuiy be saved Sick kidneys expel ., ,!ark, ill-smelling urii: full ,f "hriek-dust" sedi ment and painful In passaire. Slug gish kidney cause a dull pain in the small of the back, headaches, diz zy spells, tired, languid feellng.s and Irequenll.v rheumatic twinges. iHma's Kidney Pills are for the kidneys only; th-y cure sick kidneys, and rid the bhiod of uric poison. If you suffer from nny of the above symptoms you can use no better rem edy. Grants Pass people recommend Doan s Kidney Pills. J. M. Jones, N. Fifth street. Grants Pass, Ore., says: ' I have used Doan's Kidney Pills and am glad to state that they have helped me greatly. Por some time I suffered from svmp toms of kidney trouble, such as an Irregularity of the kidney secretions and pains through the small of my back. The many remedies I tried, failed to give the least relief until at last I procured Doan's Kidney Pills at Clemen's drug store. The pains and aches left, the kidney se cretions became normal and my health was greatly benefited. I gladly recommend a remedv of such merit as Donn's Kidney Pills." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember tho name Doan's and take no other. Newport in Winter. Newport Is an Ideal winter resort and the low rates now In effect from all S. P. and C. & E. points, with the Improved train service now establish ed, places It within a few hours' ride from the Valley, arriving there at 8:00 p. m.. In time for dinner P. cellent hotel accommodations nt rea- i sonnuio rates. For further particulars call on any 8. & E. or S. P. agent, or write to Wm. MrMurrny. C.enernl Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. 11-10 -It Ernest Iwls returned Monday levening from a short vacation trip spent with his brother at finllce, where the two gentlemen had great sport fishing nnd hunting. 10 Go 3 Choice Splendid SPECIAL BARGAINS Choice Residence Property. 2 acres of .ground, good location, rich red and black soil, four blocks from school; lVi-story dwelling house, good as new, eight rooms and bath, pantry, brick cellar and store room, all modern, except beating; tent house; barn; chicken house; wood house; fine shade and ornamental trees and shrubbery. Good well water, city water and irrigation water. This Is Al In every respect. On the market today for the first time. Price, for a short time only, $3200.00. Terms easy. Fine Peur Lund. 5 acres deep black soil, level, within city limits, In good state of cultivation, absolutely the choicest tract In the valley you will say so when you see it. Fine pear or apple land. Will grow anything. All under ditch as now completed. Price $2200.00. Easy terms. Newtown Pippin Apple, Pear and Alfalfa Land. 25 acres fine river bottom soli, just outside city limits of Grants Pass. Adjoining lands, no better than this, held at $200.00 and $300.00 per acre. This tract for a short time at $130.00 per acre. Good terms. A good buy. This- land Is under the ditch as now completed. 0 Acres F'd Fruit Land. c 0 !M Here is an Al investment for you. It will make you good money. Good deep red soil, some cleared, half balance easy clearing, con siderable good wood, all can be planted, foot hill land, southerly exposure, well protected, excellent Tokay grape, peach, Spitzenberg apple and walnut land, suitable for subdividing Into 10-acre tracts, worth double the money we are authorized to take for quick sale. Price $15.00 per acre cash. Four miles from Grants Pass. JttO-Aere Ranch on the Applegnte llivcr. 50 acres rich river bottom land, 50 acres deep soil bench land, balance Tokay grape, pasture and wood land, about 90 acres under ditch, about 50 acres cleared, cultivated land nearly all in al falfa and fruit; large farm house In good repair; free water; free range; free fuel; six miles from Grants Pass; easy road to town. This is a good combination hay and fruit ranch. A good home, a good investment, a bargain at $60.00 per acre. Terms reasonable. These are specials. We have a well selected list from which to choose if your requirements are not described In the above. Call on or address Ue Clements-Basler Realty Company Phone 4 Ml ROOM 1 MASONIC TEMPLE GRANTS PASS, OREGON' BUY Any Old Thing or Any New Thing ' SECOND HAND That you have to sell such as Furniture, Hardwpre, Tinware, Gnns, etc. ike me and get my prices before disposing of your goods, You will be surprised at the prices I pay. I PAY THE BEST PRICES AND SELL THE CHEAPEST IKE M. DAVIS Money and time invested in a training at this school Insures the pos session "of substantial dividends throughout life. We take a personal In terest in the welfare ot each student, Uyine eznenses low. Send for catalogue. W. I. STALKY, rrindpaL TREES ! TIt-E13J ! buy your trees from "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of Retting just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. CEO. H. PARKER, - Agent Office with J. E. PETERSON ! I JOB PRINTING NEATLY DONE AT THE COURIER OfflCE Sells n.... iome Investments Salcin, Oregon.