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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
FRIDAY, 10, 11)09. THR ROGUE RIVER OOtlUEtt. A III RNT CHILD the fire. The dread is wholo- T;-Wr 1 dreads r-i 'kM IJ V V t A 3 I Vv !Sonu ,)llt 1H)t the burn; that ran bo sttt-' , ncaiod ami instantly roi.ovoii by a;-i Y.v"x plying Ballard's Snow Liniment BEWARE OF DANGER OUS HOUSE FLY tA . f T-l .. . - v uiutfvri-nii7 turret From ill M WITHOUT IDnifinn., 19 Write frr f m muir.. Lrw nook cf K. anntiM,imiuit))rorcon)ia.,rtiloninl "f Choc Fruit. Hut ind Onwntntil Trwi. Grip F Vmei, Smill fruit Pljntt md Shrubbery yf uik UAIXES JNfnSKIUKS r MlnOmoB,124GnmdAre,Portlnd,Ore. K Be prepared for acet .lent by ketiitiir a bottle always la the house. Best for sprains, bruises, cuts, scalds, rheumatism, neuralgia, bunions any and all aches and pains. Trice 25. 50r and fl.OO. Sold by National Drug Store. Ralph Looney, secretary and treasurer of the United Copper-Gold Mines Co., visited the property at Pickett creek Friday. Strong Appval for People to Pro tect Themselves Against the Poisonous Tests, VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers of SEWING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MAKING A PURCHASE, Dots It run easy Eoes it look good. Does it muke a good stitch Does it sow fast. Is it wall mad. Is it easy to operate. Is it simple in construction. Docs the manufacturer put hit name on it. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities ot all other machines. It i: ih'Z ktest,be3t and most con p 1 c t e a c h i c v 2 m e n t i n b u i ! d i n 1 oi a sewing machine. Com nare it with all other ma chines in anything in which they claim to excel and ycv. v.ii iinci 1.. ... Ctiinj Che best. fREE SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO. ILL. For Sale By Ike Iff. Davis IT RAISES THE DOUGH Hi EGO-PHOSPHATe mum POWDER and does nioro than the higher price powders und does it better. ONE POUND 25 CENTS SOLD BY CXOCCRS 1 CHICHESTER S PILLS Lad ! t Auk your Uru i hUfhM-trr'a Dilution I'llls In -d ni Oold bmet, sealed with ItltiQ I ake no other liny If Ycu Want to Spend several of the plcasantest half hours you ever put in ;et the September EVERYBODY'S and read" in this order: " I lappi ncss," "The Mellowdrammcr" and "What Shall We Do With the Old?" After that read where you will you'll say, "Here's apod magazine." Try it and see. SEPTEMBER EVERYBODY'S Special display by Clemens', National, Sabin's and Domuiay's. HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN, If yoa have pains In the back, Urinary, Bladder want a certain, pleasant tils, try MotlierGray'i lrurl.t. Ask fort'lll UlAMi Ff 1 iM ' or Kidney trouble and nictjiiicv7 1 herb relief from Women's KlUxm. V , 'Al.'NTIlAI.lAN-l.K.ll'V orjrour I ro,.uliitor. and relieves all 4'IIKN.TEHH lb 13 a null. i.iiuii Feinalu WoafcmuM!, OSl II KAMI I'lLl.M, f,i I' wuu iiK "" veanknownMllt,Sfe5t.Alwklliill ry uiiiuii-w.iii i ....u.-jr " 'Ky"" SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE AdUrvsi, l ba Mother Gray Co., Lo Uoy, N.i'. E-RU-S4-The 'Jnly Lawful Pile Cure. Because E-RU-SA CURES PILES, and DOES NOT contain narcotics, mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drug. U. 8. Dispensatory recom mends every ingredient of E-RU-SA. Drug laws make "false and mis leading statements" a crime. Therefore, the sale of all other or narcotic pile medicines Is Illegal because they affect the brain and spinal marrow, produce oonatlpatlon and never cure. E-RU-SA Is not for sale at opium Joints. Only druggists ef highest standing sell and endorse E-RU-SA. National Drug Store, Clemens, Sabin's Drug Stores, Grants Pass, Ore. The Merchants Association of New York , Is without doubt the most re presentative body of men to bo found in any city of the world. This association Is made up of those who are loyal to New York and dare maintain its Integrity against rings and grafters of all sorts. The motto of the men who are connected with the association Is to do any and all things which will make the city a better business cen ter and a healthier place of resid ence. The latest subject which this organization has taken up is a fight for the destruction of the house fly. In an address, largely to the children of the city, it makes some startling announcements which concern peo ple everywhere and for that reason we publish the address in full. This document is sent out by the Merchants Association's committee on . pollution of the waters of New York. It reads as follows: Flies are the most dangerous in serts we have. They are much more datmerous than bees or hornets: these may sting you, and the sting is painful, but you soon get over the pain. Flies do much more harm than this. They walk over filthy plaees like sewers and garbage fans, and after eating the filthy food which they find there, they come in to your house and walk on the food you eat, carrying on their feet the tiny germs which live in filth just as you live In a house. These germs are not only filthy and disgusting, but many of them cause such dis eases as typhoid fever, cholera in fantum and summer complaint. When the flies bring them from some dirty place to your food or leave them when they crawl on your face or hands, you may swallow these germs without knowing It and be taken ill with one of these diseases. So the fly that seems so harmless may do you much more harm than a bee or a hornet. Your parents should place screens at their doors and windows during the warm weather, to keep the flies out of the house. If they cannot screen all the rooms, they should screen those In which food Is kept; and If anyone is sick In the house, Flies should be kept from the sick room, so that they may not carry germs from the sick person to the rest of the family. Children may help to keep flies from swarming in and around houses and from carrying germs of sickness Secretary Uallingcr Talks the Mat er Over With I'resident and Wins Out. A dispatch from Washington claims to give the result of an inter- PRACTICAL TALK ABOUT IRRIGATION Ileverley, Mass., which says on what U claimed as apparently reliable au thority that President Taft upholds Richard A. Ilallinger, Secretary of the Interior, In the fight made on Mr. Hallinger by fi if ford I'inchot and friends of Mr. Pinchot. In n conference lasting two hours and a half at the Taft cottage last night, the President went over in de tail with Mr. Hallinger and Oscar Lawlor, Assistant Attorney-General for the Interior Department, most of the phases of the charges connected with the Cunningham coal claims In Alaska and the accusations made by Mr. Pinchot that the water power trust has been aided by Mr. Mailing- fron, one pov ,-n to another. In tho iyf. yaj PJNCH0T first place, they should not bit candy, fruit or other food which is left in front of stores or ar.ywhero else where flies may feed and walk on it. Flics lay their eggs chiefly In stable manure, and If this is left without screens or other rovers to keep the flies away, great numbers will be hatched In every stable. If you know of stores where food Is not covered from flies, or of stables that have swarms of them around, get your father or mother to write to the Hoard of Health about them. and the Hoard will make the store keepers or stablemen obey its rules. But before you report other people for being careless and dirty and so making It possible for flies to be come a nuisance, be sure that your own house is clean, and that no garbage-cans or boxes are left uncovered to attract flies. If you and all the people you know will follow this advice, there will not be nearly so many flies to plague you In hot weather, and there will not be nearly so much sickness and death, especially among children, as now. Keep the flies away from the sick, especially those 111 with contagious diseases. Kill every fly that stravs into the sick room. Ills body Is covered with disease germs. Do not allow deaylng material of any sort to accumulate on or near your promises. All refuse which tends In any way to fermentation, such as bedding, straw, paper waste and vegetable matter should be disposed of or cov ered with lime or kerosene oil. Screen all food. Keep all receptacles for garbage carefully covered and the cans cleaned or sprinkled with oil or lime. Keep all stable manure In vault or pit, screened or sprinkled with lime, oil or other cheap preparation. Cover food after a meal; burn or bury all table refuse. Screen all food exposed for sale. Screen nil windows and doors, es pecially the kitchen and dining room. Don't forget, if you see flies, their breeding place Is in nearby filth, it may be behind the door, under tho table or in the cuspidor. If there Is no dirt and filth there will lie no files. If there Is a nuisance in tho neigh borhood write at onco to the Health Department. 'being 10." feet long and 40 feet in ! circumference. There are 2-i of tho MUST RESIGN i'1'- sti(ka nml tho' niw ,H'lns ccm ! si-nod to China, where they will be used to rebuild the temple Yen, the most famous house of worship In all China. The Chinese government purchased them hero for the pur pose. They will ho rafted up the Grand Canal in China for 200 miles and taken overland six miles to the temple. The only possible way to . . ! ... it . .n . . . i ue uetweon rrestuem nut ana tlio cot b,R Bt(t,.a Ujis d8tonre 3 for Secretary of the Interior, Hallinger, trt ,.,.,.,. thom u ,,. bnrk8. at the President's summer home at ;ThIs mi)0Ssll,0 ,ut It Is ac tually done in China "In transporting big timbers over mountain trails, as will be done In this case. Probably tho largest shipment of pheasants ever raised In captivity by one grower In the country will be shipped by R. V. Simpson, of Leban on, to the Idaho game warden, and the birds will be turned loose to stock the state for the Idaho hunters. Mr. Simpson w ill send a carload and he Is said to be the only man ' In America who could fill such a big order. NOTK'K OK 1(1151 KITl'llK. To L H. Little, his heirs or assigns, er's handling of public lands In tho Greeting:' Notice Is hereby given West. He found nothing to shako !that tn0 'erslgned has. In compll- his confidence In Mr. Hallinger. On the contrary, he found that the fight made by Mr. Pinchot Is not justified. All that Is known of the solution of the nalllnger-Pinchot controversy today Is that Mr. Hallinger is victor, and, ns the fight as been a bitter one, so will tho vlstory bo all tho more complete. Friends of tho President are pre dicting hero that the whole Forestry Bureau will be overhauled and that Mr. Pinchot, Its head, and Assistant Forester Price will go by tho board. It Is taken for granted that Mr. Hal linger will not remain in tho serv ice If Mr. Pinchot continues to hold office, and between the two tho Pre sident will fall on tho Forestry Bur eau In an emphatic manner, A llurglar In Town his name Is "bad cough." Ho doesn't care for gold or silver but ho will steal your health nway. If ho np pears in your house arrest him at. once with Ballard's Horohound Syrup, It tuny mean consumption If you don't. A cure for all coughs, cold and chest troubles. Price 2r f.0c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by National Drug Store. (Continued from Page One.) sfciisW 1LJ Your VACATION )W at our expense in.' And always bear In mind that all Irrigation principles come to one point. A complete soakln;; of tho ground with as long Interval as pos sible Is way t'liend of the daily sprinkling of the mere surface. A dally sprinkling is a distinct datn :tge except I'n a case wlnTe you wish o keep a lawn ini.Ui on top or where ; o'l wisli the poor re,s to .;iow and prosper. nnco with tho Revised Stntutes of tho United States and tho laws of the State of Oregon, performed tho an nual assessment or development work upon the "Treasury Oroun," consisting of the "llattlo Davis," "Copper Hollo" ntnl "Cooper Holla Extension" quart. lode mining claims, situated In Gallic (unorgan ized) Mining Diiitrlct, Josephine County, Oregon, for tho calendar years Nineteen Hundred and Seven (1007) and Nino-toon Hundred and Eight (1908), and thnt unless you, tho said L. II. Little, pay your just and duo proportion ns owner of an undivided one-third Interest In the said mining claims, to-wtt: the sum of Ono Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for tho year Nineteen Hundred and Seven (11107) and One Hundred Dol lars ($100.00) for tho year Nineteen Hundred and Eight (1908) within ninety (90) 'days from date of pub lication of this notice, your said one third Interest in tho aforesaid min ing claims will become the property of the undersigned in accordance with law. WALTER J. MARVIN, Co-Owner. Date of first publication July 30, 1909. A Choice of Four i,1. 1 r he: S'.TT"" 'ZT.1 ll ii H )-3 n a 1 n y (noil l' "I took two H'nivu' Ii and Liver T; Mid I feel lil'lv per i I 1 1 M W f( I "i I.. ." 'one, i.r ,... iin ; evtainlv a Ii n i - mil ." P' i- : le l, .';.;.;.!. - I,-. .-. LllioilMiess. of Chamberlain's r 'IV'! ' ' Iv I night :l IiM'.t tlian , .1. I. - i. "Tin e I,,-,, for 1 , : ! it m cl I I I'.. Livestock Showing for Kepti-mber. PORTLAND, Ore., Sept 0. Extra ordinary attractions are booked for the coming annual moot of tho Port land Fair and Livestock Show, dur ing tho week of September 11-0-25, and tho event Is expected to bo tho biggest of its kind over hold In tho Noi l Invest, Harness and running races, livestock show ami special features will occupy the six days. I'robably the biggest days will bo Thursday, September 23, which Is Willamette Valley day, and Friday, September 2 L. which IS I ollllnlila Uiver Valley day. The first will bo open day for all I lie towns of Westell! Oregon where the livestock industry nml the har in :'S im liig game hae boon so well developed of recent years. Officials and i ' 1 1 m 1 1 1 e i' i -j a 1 bodies of Hie varl- loWHS Will cii-iipei'llte with the NOTICE FOIt lTWJCATIOX. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore., August G, 1909. Notice Is hereby glvon that Antone A. Ilanseth, of Drydon, Oregon, who, on May 13, 1903, made Additional Homestead Entry, No. 12753 S. R. 03495, for NWVi of SMVi. 8 of NE'4, Section 8, Township 38 South, Range 7 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Five-Year Proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before Joseph Moss, U. 8, Commis sioner, tit (Irants Pass, Oregon, on tho 15th day of September, 1909. Claimnnt names ns witnesses; Artnur Daniels, of Drydon, Oregon; Marlon Crooks, of Drydon, Oregon; William Powers, of Drydon, Oregon; Jacob llnoseth, of Drvdon, Oregon; BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. loil:- Is Offered You Qolp. Kurini A-Y-P CLtitSliL Exposition Yellowstone National Park Yosemiie Valley LaKe T&hce ill! e'l-a (,' ( lire Si, III" M'lflll I', I III S! ii;i :i-ti Mum Lai k. lei !',!. mm. lb, I I III! ill ill slim. Tlie following be i!'arlei by the pne , -.; i if mil -of tow ti i i a i ' i e i a i! i i 'ad ra I e -:.;--!i Coin all nnliit: ! i !i!;t w ill l,e !;nl;i .-' i (Vents will be ii fill 1 1 l'e; i, ll Welll'lll.g lion has laivoii up the III making It. a big occa- J lay, too, will In e of tlioiis- iii '.ls, ;ei al - hllVe been III il'I'lilloll ay and npe. ia I of the lissorla w oi k of in gil II- : ion w ' i i a ii ' Co a SXPEMLES PAID ! I: i :, ! : : i mi i i . ! i ' a w a v ; lo i' il VII I v ill i' I t a Iimx i ' f Vi mi a ' 0"e '. lol ', W jC III' e : ' ! I a ' v I i ; :' i ! no! i-derfiil n i. H. ' V. ee, on I a i. r.i t a" I I'll- ' ,' I o " ! iu:i v. a '.t -a i . hi mi a 1 1 or j a V , I I I WO '.'. eci , J oil will I ,j w In-!:!;:. I w oiei a v. Iio wa n! t o have i I '.nig in i on lo woi li al oik i o'ii i n " en i t tli held III tills Hel The lie ' I will In of tilt- I Ii is i a r'.-i e and I hey w ill get lo make the foiih- IIIO'il llolahle I'Vel on of the connliv. Iield on the n omuls on i a I of lliis i lly. Ion.- will, undoubted- NOTICE FOR PI BLK'ATION. Department of tho Interior. I'. S. Land OHIoo at Rosohurg, Or., July 23, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that John H. Stent., of Olymtila, Washington, who, on October 13. 1 90S, made Timber Apolleatlon No. 0 1 SI 2, for N E ' i of NU'i', , Lot 4, Section 30, Township 3S South, Itange 7 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to eslalill'h c la I in lo the land above df. rcilbed, before Joseph Mo-is, V, 8, ('oiiiiiilsslniier, at (irants I'nss, Ore gon, on the !Hh (1,'IV of October, 1 :ii9, Clnliiiiiiit names as wlttieines: Carlton F. Harmon, of C.rnntS Pa-1, Oregon; William O. Wright, of Ciants Pass, Oregon; Jo eph W. Venllu, of Crants I'iihs, Oregon; James T. Hums, of fi rants Pass, Ore gon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. "I A 11 l WW," y, liaie n marked el I'' ft In building 1 1 I be ll ( stock illdl si IV 111 t lie rail lie Noithui .1. j Oiegon's many pi mliei s that are j Many n IJr.iiiN Puss Lender Will Fool Ci atiTnl fm- 'this Informal Inn. I 1. o, I a, ,. hi . i ' l hoiiid try . , n the in '. I'll' ! V e If you r.ave friends in llu: c-tsl vAv v ant lo visit the Pacific mm In lug gal lu i ( d n' liani-'t are addit.g l.n wial'li ol tin- -i,ate and P . him (liter I ll' i) I be t un fioyi the 'oil Ma! Low Ii.- Individually and !'.'. '1 lie '.'!,ile' V.ool l ;i ; o.' I.. '. le ill I ' I, will , ly lo the the ValloilH j i ai ly re e a fili I I ollei ll.-- . v.!.. h has I When your back gives out : Beconieii lame, weak or aching; the annual When inlmuy Iroiibles set. in, Woiir kidneys are "In a bad way. Ilium's Kidney Bills will cure you. IP 1 1 S good evlilelr o lo prove It. . DM, (oilier D and Sixth s' i e. is, Mi iII'oi d, ( Ire , says: "I suf-f- fin in Mirn y trouble for four 1 1, i i . I'lU. or live bother . I 'ir.M : l Co:"l. vo can p.rrnn'yj' il Mais. The me nun li at It would pa Wo! e . 1 1 O ' ' V I ( III ' ill ll bin ! thai '.. I- bi ll I' '.I,'-. Ill 'I i off did not an I I I g row d 'gun n.'.i'lK .ol! not ''be,d . I' I I . 1 1 HI i A k l'or foi,i; b t" ialnrm.itioti .e S,' J I I I i I it.. ti d It I"! i ' l.'i ti I.'