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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
punAV SEPTEMBER 10, 1000. THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER, PAGE TIIREJB $1.00 School Dictionary School BooKs and School Supplies SPECIAL $1.25 and 1.50 Fountain Tens . 97c At CLEMENS SKLLS- ! ri:i:so.i, axi local i rs. J. J. Mur;. W!S the Sliest Of il, Loan, of t!;i.s ; V. Ml baby i .iii i' 1 1W s. if Aslilano. ifUT, Mrs. Will ti'.y, Moudav. a;:d Mrs. k. Smith and lUi.irW Friday f,-ym Kos-i-b .11-4;. ' t!";' iwa vis.iiiu Mu ff Grants Pass fidw.Co. Plumbing and Heating a Specialty Hammocks and Refrigerators Rubber-tired Buggies Road Wagons Everything in General Hardware TREES ! Tit EES ! TREES BUY YOUR TKKES FROM "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries" and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. GEO. H. PARKER. Agent Office with J. E. PETERSON JOB PRINTING NEATLY DONE AT THE COURIER OfflCE ' SJ-V Ulul utters OoiUfii Gate i-s i'i' best i-uiliv na ine market. ; nia ii tuiil' aiul oaoy, wiu: !,,rt" l-l't'lH Ult' summer camping ui 1. inula, e, liiun- up Tuesday U)l- it :l,"'h s visit with Airs. Unit s parents, mi. u;,d .n-s. u. I). Williams. 1 Alls. J. S. Harbison and throe children armed nuia Albany Sauir nny lor 11 two wivUs' isit with her hi'il;or and sister, Fred Smith aud Irs. W. C. Fry. Tiny will also visit uia Smiih ut Kerby. C. Bradbury, who recently loft drains Pass, has purchased a 100- acre farm near Jefferson after scouring both sides of the Willam ette river from Corvallis to Port land. His daughter, Miss Irene, will enter the Jefferson high school this year, and his step-daughter, Miss Bish, will attend the university at Eugene. John Patrick, of this city, brought to the Courier office this week a branch of a Hungarian prune which was two feet long and had on 55 prunes. Mr. Patrick Said that 16 more had dropped off in handling. These prunes were of good size aud fine quality. The bunch containing the fruit was placed in a front win dow where they make a fine showing. S. W. Forbes, one of the oldest pioneer prospectors of Southern Oregon and for years storekeeper at Browntown, recently has been compelled to seek his old quar teers at Kerby, where he will be pleased to see his old ' friends and neighbors. He will be found at Mc Gowan & Co.'s store, where he will do notarial work. Mrs. S. Loughridge returned to her home In this city Wednesday, after an absence of two and a half months In the east. Mrs. Lough ridge accompanied Mrs. Hinkle to Colorado Springs at the time of Mr. Hlnkle'8 death and then Mrs. Lough ridge went to Hill City, Kan., her old home, where she has since been visiting. As Usual ,Pa$e Fence Leads Four Carloads delivered last week THERE IS MORE PAGE FENCE SOLD IN THIS COUNTRY THAN ALL OTHER MAKES COMBINED THERE IS A REASON BEST WIRE, REST STYLES, MOST REASONABLE PRICES Page Rabbit, StocK and Poultry Fences LEADS THEM ALL AND WE CAN PROVE IT Why pay almost as much for a soft, flimsy wire fence -that the m.nufac . i,,.i.t for "protection against stock, thrw, four or more strands barbed T lule strelched side the so-called rabbit fence to p"tect the klnge Joints and trip hammer kinks from Injury by stock, when you can buy a real 54-Inch PAGE Rabbit -StocR FENCE .nnnln tTM ft T I II H UUUV'" w .A Ak a kilttflfll spacingsai m enarant every rod to be VV oMisl in uir ti"i.- - .... Of thli Style SOKl in mis roimuj- 0 on op, superior to any fw tells for -and this fence ONLY 6c PER ROD) , .. t ;-; ,. ,nJ ,., , pro , , .... Gaddis & Dixon .. D. FUANHLIN. Local aepre.entntWc ,1 i. Torn inf. v r-v 1.1. r Ilnnf n ll'ArU"'"' OREGON PKltSOXAL AM) LOCAL Prod Cook visited friends at Mod ford Tuesday. !.'iiomy Fruit Jars at lluir Kl.Ulle Hardware Co.'s. Vis. John Lewis arrived Monday from Portland to visit with relatives. Jim Logan, of Holland came in Sunday to spend a few days In Grants Pass. Joe Field, an uncle of Amos Smith, arrived here Tuesday from dlendale on business. P.liner Shank, the real estate man, sp'i't Saturday and Sunday in the Illinois valley. liniie Meiklo spent a few days in Holland last week, returning to this city Sunday. Charles Piggerstaff was in from the Swede Basin on business a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colvln came up from Glendale Monday to visit with Mrs. F. W. Schallhorn for a few days. Supt. E. It. Crouch returned Tues day to the Almeda mine after a few days spent with his wife In this city. Miss Florence Schmidt left Tues day for Eugene to attend the fair and visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Maude Miller and little cousin, Muriel Mayhew, went to Eu gene Monday evening to visit with relatives. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Coe and two children came up Monday from Mer lin to spend a few days with relatives. Misses Ada and Annie Smith re turned Saturday from their trip to Portland, where they have spent the pnst six weeks with relatives. J. C. Wells, of Wildorvllle, was a visitor to the County seat last Tues day and while in the city paid a visit to the office of the Courier. Mr. and Mrs. James Tolln de parted Thursday on their return trip to Mazatlan, Mexico, after having spent the past six weeks with rela tives in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Grizzle and baby, who have spent the past week here with Mr. Grizzle's sisters, Mrs. J. D. Fry and Mrs. Eclus Pollock, re turned Tuesday to their home at Klamath i alls. Miss Mary Galvln, who has spent the summer vacation with her par ents here, left Monday evening for St. Paul, Minn., whore she will re mime her studies nt St. Catherine's academy and will graduate this year. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pook came up from Eugene Sunday to visit with Mrs. Pook's parents, and other friends. Mr. Pook returned Sunday evening but his wife will remain here visiting for several weeks. Miss Eva Burns, who for the past four years has made her home with her grandparents, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. G. Burns, of this city, left Monday even ing to Join her father at Spokane, Wash. Mrs. William Mack was In the city n few days this week to consult I with the lawyers here In the Interest i of her husband, to try and secure a 'new trial for him. She returned to her home at Spokane Monday evening. ' Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tetherow nnd 'daughter arrived homo Thursday evening from a month's outing it t Newport, Portland aud Seattle, Miss )i'Ette remained In Albany for a few days' visit with Mr. nnd Mrs. Prank Pook nnd arrived homo Sun day. Alex George, who has spent the .summer nt Montague, Cal., arrived I here last Friday and expected to I meet his mother and Hlster, who ar rived the day before from the east, but they had departed for their home nt Kerby before he arrived. He re turned to Montague Monday. A. It. Cornell went to Medford Wednesday on a business trip con nected with the Oregon Life Insur ance Co. Mr, Cornell has established THE SCHOOLS OPEN . MONDAY MORNING t'ul! list of U00U a lid Supplies Will lie Found Below. The schools of this city will open next Monday morning. During the vacation season many Improvements have been made nt the various school liuildiiu'.s and every room has been put in order for the work of the en suing s.-hool term. Of course, there is hustle and bustle of prepurr.tion and all the modern machinery used In teaching the young Idea how to shoot Is all ready for September the I"th when the various grades of scholarship will be represented on the road to school. The long list of teachers are ready to take their places the day nnd hour of tho open ing. These will be headed by Sup erintendent U. U. Turner, who has so successfully conducted the Grants Pass schools the past three years. He has been hard at work tho past two weeks assigning new comers to their places on the rolls of the schools and preparing the work for teachers. '.-..Vv,r-'"'- 4. Ji.,i.T..;ui Coffee Just Coffee, but perfect Coffee. Your grocer will Krlnd It--better if grouud at home not too 11 uo. Practice Hook l 5o Spelling Book. 25c Spelllog Blank Be Penholder nnd nun. School hooks are the all import- TftbUt and ,H,nclli Composition book. Dictionary, School ...75a First Music Header 30o a branch office at Medford and has to make frequent trips In order to attend to the business at that end of the lino until his assistant becomes futnlllur with tho work. Mr. Cornell says he has no Intention of removing to that rlty, but will continue his residence here. ('has. F. Blxby arrived In Grants Pass Saturday to enter the photo-; graphic business, and he has leaned the former Loverldgn studio, next hack of the Hotel Lnyton. Mr. Illx by was In the business In Los An geles for tunny years until three years ago, when he went to Alberta, Can. At that time he considered Grants Pass u posKlble location, hut he was desirous of a more decided (hiinge of climate. He says ho does not rare to spend another winter In Alberta. Ho has rented a house tit GiM South Fotnth street nnd ex puts .Mr'. I!lhy and th" children to it r I le I "'It). ant subject which now Interest the children and tho Courier comes to their aid this week and publishes a complete list of both books and supplies. First we give the list of teachers and their assignments to buildings and grades during the school year: Central Building High school: Miss Fay M. Newton, Latin. Mies Turnball, science and mathe matics Miss Pearl V. Darker, English. Miss ,dith Cartttr Kinney, German and mathematics. Mlsa Alberta W. lliwley, history. Miss Chrlatina McLean, commercial. 8th grade Mist Blanche Crane. Bib B and 7th A Minute L. Tuffs. 4th giadu A and 5th grade B Nellie Dement East Building 7th grade, J, A. IIIbIi, principal. Oth grade, Miss Flora Shaw. 5th grade, Juliette B. F. Parramore 4th grade, IMm Lowry. llrd grade, Alice Horton. 3rd grade B and 2nd grade A, Cora P. McVYan. 2nd graile, Mrs, Zoa V. O. Bryant, 1st grade, Mrs. Lillian Dcnison. Kiversido Building 7th grade, II. B. Hartman, principal. Oth grade, Miss Helen McCoy. 6ih grade, Miss Margaret William son. 4th grade, Miss Lucio M. (ieorge. 3rd grade, Mis Emily Callahan. 2nd grade, Mrs. Ava E. Thompson Ikt grade, Mr. Mollle Holding. Music aud drawing, Miss Ethel Chapman. The following is the complete list of book nnd supplies to be uied in our public Khool thia year, together with the price of each hook First (irade B Wheelor'a Primer 25c Sloan'i First Book 25c Hlntear.d pencil 5c First (irade A Wheeler's Kirst Reader 25c Sloan's First Reader 25c Practice Book A , 5o Slate and pencil Tablet and encil Water colors 25c Drawing pencil. Eraser. Second tirade 11 Wheeler's First Reader 25c Sloan's Second Roador 30c. Copy Honk 1 flo Prscllco Book A Tablet and jiencil Water colon 25c Drawing pencil. Eraser. Second (irade A Wheeler's Second Reader 35c Sloan's Second Reader 30c Copy Book 1 5c . Practice Book A 5c , Tablet and pencil ! Penholder aud pen. j Water colon 25c l Drawing pencil. Eraser. Third Grade B- I Wheeler's Third Reader 45c Primary Arithmetic :i5c ICopy Book No. 2 f,0 ; Practice Book A 5c SKilllrig Book 25c i Spelling Blank Co Composition book, , Pencil and tablet. Penholder and pen. Water eolora ,...,2 Drawing pencil. Eraser. Third (Jrade A To above list add Modern Fniilish Lesson! 40i; Fourth ( irade Cyr'a Fourth Header f,oe Hmlth'i Elementary Arithmetic .. ..'I'm- Modern Englili !esom 4o Introducr ry ' e-vraphy 5V I Copy Hook No. 3 5o Drawing pad, 0x12. Water colon 25c Drawing pencil. Eraser. Fifth Grade Cyr'a Fourth Header 50c- Practlcal Arithmetic C5c Modern English Lcssoni 40c Introductory (ieography 55c- Flrst Bonk In Hygiene 30c Common School Dictionary 75o uopy LiOOK ino. 4 oc Practice Book B ,, 5c Spelling Book 25c Spelling Blank 6c Penholder and pen. fablet and pencil. Composition book. Thomas' Elemental? History 60e First Musio Header 30c- Drawing Pad, 0x12. Water colors., 25c Drawing pencil. Eraser. Sixth Grade Cyr'a Fifth Header COe Practical Arithmetic CGe Modern Eng Ish Griinimsr fiOc- School Geography f 1.15 Gi nih il LusHona In Physiology 50o- Conoiion School Dictionary 75c Copy Book, No. 5 6o i'ra.lce Hook Ct 6o Spelling Hook 25c Spelling Blank , fjo, Composition book. Tabid a ml pencil. Penholder nnd pen Elementary History (lOo Second .nunc Keiulur 30c Drawing pud, 0x12. Water colors 2fkr Drawing pencil. Eraser, Seventh Grade Cyr'a Fifth Hoador 60tr Douh'aU. 8. History $1.00" Modern English Grammar 00c- School Geography $1.15 Common School Dictionary ,75c Spelling Hook ,,.25c. Spelling Blank. , enliolder and pen. Tablet and pencil. Composition book. Copy Book, No. (J ftv- IYactlce Book C 5c Practical Arithmetic 05c Graded Lessons In Physiology &0C Second Music Header 30c Drawing pad, l'xl2 10c Water colors 25c Drawing pencil. Eraser, Eighth Grade II- Doub'a U. S. History $1,00"' Practical Arithmetic S5o- Modern English Grammar 00c Agriculture for Beginners 70c Graded LchhoihIii Physiology 50c Spelling Book 2Cc Spelling Blank. Tablet and pencil, Penholder and pen. Composition book. Copy Book, No. 7 fW l'rnctiee Book I) f,. Common School Dictionary 75c- Second Music Reader , Jc Drawing pud, 0x12. Water colon , Drawing pencil. Eraser. Eighth Grade A Same a ahovs, except omit Graded Ii ssoiu In Physiology. Do not bo decelvod by unicrupul' ous linltntnn who would have you believe that the Imitation pills art as Kood n DoWltt'a Kidney and ' Bladder Pllia. Thero isn't anything. Just as good as these wouduiful pllla for the relief of Backache, Weak Hack, Inflammation of the bladder, urinary disorders and all kidney complaints. Any one ran take Dh Wltt's Kidney r-r,d n'"d d.-r J'llls m U'l'.'t.-.l in pe..,l confldcmv ol good results. Bold by all druggist. m ti jut