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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. (j. KIM UIjKV, M. 1). Practice, limited to Xti, RAM, NOSK arid THROAT. Glauses fitted and furnished. Office hours 9 to 12; 2 to 5; and on appointment. I'bonea 261 & 77. irunts Pmha, Oregon. S. LOUGilltlDGE. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Res. I'hone 714 City or country calls attended day r nljht. Sixth and H, Tuffs Bide Ofllcc I'hone 261. GraaU I'". Oregon. 13. F. DcVORE, M. D. PHT3ICIAN AND SURGEON City and County calls promptly answered. Office hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 5 p. m. Phones: Res. 47a; Office 941. Rooma 1, 2, 3, Shallhorn Bldg. Grant I'nss, Oregon. ii. (J. kimhlky OSTKOPATIIIO PHYSICIAN General, Acute and Chronic Practice Office I lours: !) to 12 and 1 to 5 p. in. Other hours hy appointment Phonos.: Office 175, KcHldcnoe 1053 Uoenu 201 and 202 Conklln Hhls. (Jiaiils VnsH Orei.n .nam i a Di thai O.rpc liters Iay or Contract Work Iiox 4 78 819 N. Tenth St., Grants Puss, Ore. 8-20-4t ,T. & McMUIWAY Voice Culture Studio over Residence null's Art Storo 716 Leo Street II. I). NORTON, ATTORNHY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Ceurts. Office Opera Uosse Bldf. Orauts Puns, Oregon. OLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER Office over HIJou Theuter. tiruuta Pass, - Oregon. 0. S. IiLANCHARD, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Ceurts. Banking & Truet Co. Bldg. (Jrrnits Pass, Oregm. GRANTS PASS TRUCK CO. V. C. 1'iy, Proprietor PROMPT AM) RIXIAM.i: hi:rvick PiilllllS 1.11(1 Organs ('Hiefully Removed Phone ITIM (i.iinls Pass, Ore. CEMENT CEMENT U. II. (illJ'U.LAN Phone 711 (iruiiU P, Or. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon (iutils I'js-., Oregon Sums of tlio Service that a Hank Hoiulei'H tlit) Public DEPOSITS The itU-t met nt'opln t wnv el Uvpitu: our nullify If by drMMtlin; it 1 11 h r.tili.iM.i HivnW. 1 Ids l'.;iiil imvnes IV 'OHI MH'JI'l't le ( In'' I, ui oil itrinilinl Ci'ltilii'iiti't of 1 1 1-1 e,l or till tltu" I'm lltli llW- of IVpieotV Oil 1 . 11' i' .ln.e it we prty 4 irm iM lSU RiSI DHAFTSi Mi,' In t nml i In l '"-l m to 1 1 t'i-ii'i' ni'Me'v M l.v l''.nK I'uCt. V -,11 l1! 1 I. 1 n 11M' 111 :i'.l I it I - el 1 l,r , oilllU u ;N . ('' ,',.! 1 !,, lee .1 lie iel - ! ' 1 ' '.II.. t I I ilf 1 .1 . 1 . '. . :.i i I ;. i I, ' I. THE NEW CURE BY DCVrHnT!IPTPYlv;i.w.s liad been arranged, ho fon!:-l I lilslmn Fallow:, nio!, e, of th" I ;;rcat. Iiio einon t , hoi i:Tii ;;.'. which Is rapidly hrlninu new con verts to lis cull, addn sse.l the public at the Seattle exposition Iie-t. Sunday, September ", on th" work which has been ac omplislc-d by the application of Christian ss deuce t'j the nervo'is Ills of mankind. The bishop was u valiant soldier In the Civil War and was a w arm personal friend of General Sherman, lie was unanimously elected two vara hi,! as Chaplain-General of the Grand j business, world, to the humblest II Aruiy of the Republic, lie is a re- literate::, crushed by the bitter striiK cognl.ed authority on therapeutics j Kie f(,r livelihood of family and self. and a gifted speaker whose remarks were listened to with great interest not only by scientists but by the pub lic In general. Bishop Fallows' address at the ex position marks an epoch In the his tory of f. not her kind as well, for when attention Is called to a states man or clergyman, he Is known as a whole In his various lines f work. Therefore the name ef llisbnp Fal lows carries with It an in' 'test in th" new inedii'o-relllous mov t : 11 1 of which he is the rei'ei! leader. This si.hj.rt of ('hrls'iaa I' ivehol-o:-ry, or Religious Therapeutics," scores a point unprecedented In nie diial hl.tory, for this w 01 Id-re nown- ed science has the co-o Hon of the ce:;y, scientists, the ic;s eminent medical workers of and the whole civilized world. The success which has welcomed "Psychotherapy" litis swept the minds of Intelligent, thinkers back to the scriptures where is recorded the fact that "the Immediate success ors of the apostles In the primitive church were both ministers and doc tors, uniting religion with medicine"; and "it was these early clergymen who were the founders of the first hospitals worthy the name, and of the best medical colleges of their times." Ilible Student Supplants Apostle. What tile beloved npostle, St. Luke, was to suffering humanity of tlie early Christian era, so Is this present day student of the bible, whose modern medical training In college teaching and clinical experi ence has now brought Into church clinical work the cure of nervous and mental diseases which the medical profession send to him for rest of soul and restoration of nervous and mental poise. Quoting from numerous printed articles in newspapers and magazines of the whole country, the following italeinents appear: "When the announcement was first made that Ulshop Fallows, of Chicago, bail declared from the pnl l)it Ills belief In the power of 'faith to effect cures In cases of nervous afflictions, and that he had decided to hold clinics In his church for the treatment of such oases, there en sued a wide diversity of cotniu uit." Power lii Ileal liv ( lii'i-l. "Christian pschniu.:y Ii leli"ie:s therapeutics; therefore It Is lih rally applied Christianity. It Is the Di vine power v hii h Cod ve-.i, . church In I he beginning for I h in-; of tiie M' k. a id to he dert'iil el flcn'-v the 1 htn h I . ac.alii being slow Iv nwnko'ic.l.' l a meeting of the Chicago clans' club ii on r u go, Hi In lows w a reipii".ei to gildr. al tlie heal WO'! no a hvsi o'i Pal- .S the CW, Jet )'o lee! t fle.ll- ''l,e i l! e f., 1 lull on the subi' 1 I of tl d, di.'lll s i, acbliur in 1 1. a pi"i'ii" inl cellece fill' twi the 1 1 1 1 , 'inns pre H" vi 1 f cut in el low lie: sia'emelit : "That In his opinion ;ecniv per cent of the ailments afi'll. I In ; oui modern Amerb an cl ill "itieu c of the i''i vous or li fuiller staled that could not take car. Mai otd r. lb' the Uel' ot,.:' :( -of one ti nth ef e c,l : '," This otic .er celit of the e c,l statement was unchalb in .1. In. liv ill ii.i 1 f Hi" pa t tolhiued He ha -n.l ii e ol le tlenro Ii few safe a, t. lead h'.'i' will the tri ' 'U the months and eon ntineiit of h u t i ll i lie ; the IJishop t vn(he lie d I III lOKtllte t Mil t h iie t'h - .l,i us who v No : .'t I 't:t w ;. ti ud II "i" -is bv l .u ., I .f tie 1 ' i ' 1 1 I : the msho;. arrived, expo, tin to find lloce Ol' loin' Willi WllMIU llu"f- I ... 4 . 1. 11 ..' awaiting nun i-v jnoine, uu nr...... i::i; n 1 1 . -f fl'OlU nOilie ill of body e, mind. The I" -r.-'ins v io passed In and 0..1 ; i.f the rl.apel door from the time of ! 1 he first meeting in last January to j I Lis scunner's aatlon have repre sented the whole gamut of mental s.iffeririL'. Cr ef. tear, worry, Uis appointment, discontent and selfish j ,.SH showed their ra vases In all j ..n,in 0f nervous diseases; and every ,-iass of society was found anions It ho pithtits from the highest type of brain workers of the professions and Xerves the Great Menace. The Hrhop's own words best ex pressed his concern in what he wit nessed and learned: "The deep joy of being permitted to show to some of tliese poor, helpless ones the way to hialth and peace is not to he measured In words. But the experi ence seemed to me especially im portant as indicating certain gener al causes of break-down, and also certain methods for the correction of the causes; for deep in the springs of Individual character- in the domin ant ideal which shapes the whole life, is an Intelligent self-management, wherein lies the source of nervous health, and for such an education in pysohothorapy,' medical and spiritu til, has an unlimited field. Nervous disturbances characterize this age and seriously threaten its pence as never before in the history of man kind. "The fact that ignorance and not wilfulness Is responsible for so many nervous ailments, makes the out look for the future hopeful. And an improvement In health has Invari ably been accompanied by a quicken ing and deepening of the spiritual life. "The mind and body are wonder fully inter-related and act and react upon each other. How System Is Worked. "The church clinic treatments nre simple nothing could be more sim ple, yet the results already have been so wonderful as to preclude any but a Divine explanation of the origin of the cause of the cures. Hut it is no small work to inoculate seventy millions of people with new stand ards of comprehension nnd belief. Yet if there Is to be any abating of this national malady which in real ity is an international disease too) the human mind of all classes must grasp the problem It is now being forced to face." This new science of religious thera peutics is slmillar to the Kniaiiuel movement of Hoston, but is perhaps broader in Its scope and consequent ly, more far-reaching. Obeying the Divine law of the first Christian church. Ulshop Fallows heals bodily and mental ailments through the soul of tlie sufferer by the Grace of Cod and the help 01 earthly appoint ed agents the clergyman and physi cian. 1IOPP1TY HOP. Are you just barely gettin a round I liv t he aid ol crutcties or ti cane. ; : 11 '"s 1 111 ha 'futility If i ,1:1, 1 h 1 1 1 1 i;i " Mivthing of hist a lliuh or have your troulil" i ; 'd'.eii 1, sprain, vti'.'f .i"i: is. like nature t-- !'al- , 1 Snow I .in i 11 n t oa can thmw aw:iy il in no 1 i,ne vour ci'.n re. Vt i. bv N.ri tie: I h.e a. .1 .:.e in I 1 1 Tlie l tiling Man Tun l mm:;. Cupid was t ii t in d down at o i 'h Hie ( 'oil II ! con I'l lei" e T I a'.d 111.' i' i 1 Ills ei !e. t" .'II,..! : .i.ninli.-, at least, ol siie lr !.' lit. All ih.v Ion,; tl wo I lie ,'i' w ,','. , It the I .e.' ! 1 a It ', but the del I, and WieiM r.' 1 l.'le ill t: , .! r the ,i.-:.m witn. ".ses and I :.He W,it. bed !";e, h , t i I tt w ith It no . lie mailers th, i w a th t t! 'flic ii . i. t'halin i. ipant s, t i.itni:', in: ; mm i."i lie isir " k a t I i I. b In old. till. ; 1 1 1 I. b.i : to W 1" . t.ll 111'. I nnd" tit1 I i n;t am :n- 10 a t the na. and JJJ Jg YEAR 1910 PRO- HIBITION STATE YIDE' !'eii,pei;i'i'e People Are Actjvo Detcnnim il to Drive Out the F.vil. A dispatch from Portland says that prohibition, state wide, will be . the issue submitted to the voters of Oregon at the general election in 1010. The dispatch farther states: "Under the operation of the local option law during the last five years noi one " '".u.e, ... iu state is entirely wet. Nineteen are altogether dry, while, with the ex ception of Multnomah, the sale of in toxicants Is prohibited in more than .'0 per cent of the territory of the other 15 counties. In Multnomah county the saloon has been placed under tlie ban in about 40 per cent of the area. Wet oil Technical (rounds. "Since June, 190S, the vote by which Curry, Grant and Jackson counties went dry, has been set aside by the courts on technical grounds. As a result., only the precincts in these counties which von d for pro hibition are denied the right to sell liquor. There is dry territory iti each. "Curry county emerged from four years' drouth only last week, when Circuit Judge Coke held that the last election, whe 11 the question was sub mitted and carried by the cold-water people, was invalid and of no force, for the reason that the county court had failed to make the proper order which was necessary to make the re sult of the election Jegal. On tech nical grounds the result, of the elec tion by which Jackson and Giant counties voted dry in June, 1 90S, litis also been set aside hy the courts. The vote in Jackson county was 21 lis for and 1SS1 against; in Grant, C59 for and 673 against. More than 50 per cent of the territory of tliese counties, however, remains dry, as a result of former local option elec tions. Vote in Harney This Full. "In Harney county, where the question of county prohibition is to be submitted this fall, more than 50 per cent of the territory Is already dry. An attempt to nullify the re sult of the election by which Union county went dry in 1 90S was defeat ed on an appeal to the supreme court. "The question of state prohibition in 1910 will be submitted in the form of a constitutional amendment rather than hy a direct vote on sa loons in the different counties. "The 1!) counties of the state in which the sale of liquor is prohibited are: Iietiion, Crook, Douglas, Gil liam, Hood River, Josephine, Klam ath, Lane, Linn, Malheur, Morrow, Polk, Sherman. Tillamook, Fniatilla, 1'nion, Wallowa, Wheeler nnd Yam hill. "Count ices in which over 50 per cent of the territory is without sa loons, with tile single exception of Multnomah, are: linker, Cla'Untnas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry. Grant, ilarn. y,, .In, kson,' Lin coln, Marion, Multnomah, Wnsco and V;i"!:ii!".!.i.." sioo i;i:u i;d sko. Th, a si tea I to i.' -i el tin i paper will b" ' it ' l.nt there is at least '' - a - i bet b te e ha . 1 ii' ' in alt its :.ta:;. . 'i!:l- '. il lll's C-.l-ii 'li ! '!iV line m iv, !: ! a I i'r.i!.en,iv. ; : con ii ut , is--;'.' ! it 'it ma 1 tp at- ' I i, ' e ; tie , l i 'at a n !: . :i s", r- I. lent . interna bio,,,; ; s:'.li"il. Ca' till'.: fl C-tfe is t;l,e;: lilectlv ut oil th" s 1 l l'.e ev el' the b'StlOYilU' Hie 'lis.';!':,., and civ Cii I.y th. lid. it i I t III bv . 'Ill b'lihlin a i ; i, Id' pro- h in it; ' V' (I'l- " that it Of lestl-l- CO., no t ;-..n t I'l i. t 'II i ll'Hl. I'aiN Hum i d .1 l. cur. ' 'i list for I-', .i. c;i;:i:v d. S.d.l by a", I like II. ill'. ea: ion. (1 ci) ". u I . I ami t. Tills for enn- I Note e This t'le !'. under -lis,dlll in is to noli, of ;e! I'art nci'ship. i'l'i-soii. that I W ; :,' . Is the best Pavement for the Property Owner IT INCREASES VALUES ?Trara.' - Clean, Sanitary, Durable Sure, Safe Footing for the Horse hrren Construction Co. 317 Beck Building. Portland. Ore. Peaches, Pears, land Other Fruits Can be taken care of by ueing our FfRUBT JARS 1 quart 2 quart New Economy, per doz. $1.20 $1.40 Second Hand Jars doz. .00 .75 150 dozen Second Hand Jars now in Stock Ike M. Davis S Economy and general satisfaction are always combined in the great Fire! ess It cooks while you sleep 1 Tents and Camping Outfits, Wagon Covers, Folding ewell Hdwe. Co , W'ViH.iK..H FL0U1 Grants Pass ('onier MONEY LOAN EE ON REAL ESTATE R-idiblo Representatives Wanted. 'V hi; i 1 vement Ji'Jiiii - .TCTJu iuw.i Coo Camp Beds, etc. t J i3 F F Feed Store nnd ,1 Streets. Ea. v i A t ' Iv S ). lisisii,;i;. .ller D