Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, September 03, 1909, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    Fill I) A V, SEPTEMBER 3, 1WM.
:un SEVr,N
We are GroweraTluy direct from oa
.' Our TrHi are grown atnctiy
Write for free catalog. Larue took of
Choice Fruit, Nut end Oraimentil Treet. Grape
Vines, Small Fruit Plant Hid Shrubbery
Tnn Dalles Kl'ksekies '
JIlnOfl!oe,irJ GrandAve.Portlaad.Ore.
Bryan's Texas Farm.
It has transpired that Wi!
Jennings Bryan about a
purchased ItiO acres of fiaa hir.d in
the Rio Grande valley near Minion,
Texas, and will make of it one or
the finest farms in the whole coun
try. The entire quarter section is
under irrigation and a considerable
part of it is in cultivation. The farm
strange varieties of trees and plants
! which he has had set out upou his
farm. One of the attractive features
of this farm is a large vineyard
I which will soon be a producer of
.marketable fruit.
. itirAnlllTIAJI
iribvuv" -
for the Buyers of
Does it run easy
Does It looR Sood.
Does It mKe a good stitch.
Does it sew fet
Is it well made.
Is it easy to operate.
Is it simple in construction.
Does the manufacturer put bis
name on it.
sewing machine recently
placed on the market by the
Free Sewing Machine Co.
combines the best qualities
of all other machines. It i;
the latest, best and most com
plete achievement in building;
cf a sewing machine. Com
pare it with all other ma
chines in anything in which
they claim to excel and you.
will find FiISD easil;
the best.
For Sale By
Ike, M. Davis
Hani for Man and Beast.
A mosquito scourge never before
eOlialCtl ll CH!-n;iiltnr a,'a .1..-. r1..!
Is to be a place of real beauty; the .Coast section of Texas, causing actual
damage to cattle and other animals.
preliminary work of beuutifuation
has already received a good start.
A broad, curved driveway leading
from the main road to the site of
the proposed residence has been laid
out and upon each side of it has been
planted rows of date and palm trees.
These trees are doing well and have
made a good growth during the sum
mer. To the left of the driveway is
an orchard of several acres of young
English walnut and pecan trees,
while bordering the driveway on the
right is a large orchard of orange
In addition to these trees Bryan
has had many acres planted in fig
trees, lemon trees and many other
varieties of tropical and semi-tropical
fruit and nut hearing trees, lie sent
to remote parts of the world for
at. 1 '
( hl-rhpatf r' Iplumoiid Tlrunl
IMIUln Htd an'1 4I4 mrtallicV
txurt. teaJnl with Mine RiUwri.
it... r ..... v
TaL on other. Bur of Tour
UrwaaUU Askfot'llMirKN-TFRS
years known as Hest, Si test, Always Rellat l
If You Want to Spend
several of the plcasantcst half
hours you ever put in get the
and read in this order: u Happi
ness," "The Mellowdrammer"
and "What Shall We Do
With the Old?"
After that read where you
will you'll say, "Here's a good
magazine." Try it and see.
Special display by
Clemens', .National, Sabln's itud
Deina ray's.
Work in many of the rice fields in
southeast and southwest coast coun
ties has been abandoned because of
the myriad of mosquitoes attacking
the laborers, whose only protection
are boots and thick gloves. Owing to
the heat, the workmen cannot wear
thick clothes, and handkerchiefs
around the head and neck are easily
pierced by the long-billed mosqui
toes. Thousands of head of cattle sought
the gulf and bays and other water
ways, to get away from the pests.
Forced to stand In water neck-deep,
the cattle refuse to come out to cat,
and unless relief from the mosquitoes
comes soon many cattle will die.
Several of the coast line roads are
operating their trains without pass
engers because the mosquitoes in
dense clouds literally drove passen
gers under the seats, notably on the
Gulf and Interstate road, which
skirts the gulf shore for thirty-five
I miles. Even on Galveston Island,
I with a stiff gulf breeze blowing,
cattle and horses are suffering, and
tons of oil are being used to drive
away the large mosquitoes.
Trophies from Ro;sevclt. I
A disnnteh frinii Washington. I
dated August 24, says that an ex
press wagon loaded with nine black
barrels and one huge box containing
trophies of the Roosevelt hunting
expedition in the jungles of Africa
arrived at the Smithsonian Institute
today. More will follow.
Secretary Richard Rathburn, of
the Institute, was startled when he
saw the packages were marked with
the initials "T. R.," placed there
with white paint, and large enough
to he seen a city block away.
Secretary Rathburn had regarded
as a hoax the report that these Ini
tials of the former president were on
the packages, and he at once pro
nounced them to be the evidence of a
trick by newspaper men. It will be
some days before the casks can be
gotten Into aud their contents Inspected.
Office of County Surveyor of,
Josephine Couuty, Oregon.
Grants Pass, Ore., July 2:'. 1909.
To the Oregon & California Railroad
Company, Southern Pacific Com
pany, Marcus YY. Robbit.s, Mrs. T.
P. Lee, II. Wood, O. S. Blanchard,
Emma Fairchllds, W. W Cnnby,
Elizabeth Caldwell, Mrs. Lillian
E. Gilbert, owners of lands to be
SALE OP TIMBER. Grants Pass,
Oregon, July 15, 1909. Sealed bids
marked outs!d "Bid, Timber Sale
Application, July 14, 190'.). Siski
you," and addressed to M. J. Ander
son, Forest Supervisor, Forest Ser
vice, Grants Pass, Oregon, will be
received up to and to Include the 6th
day of September, 1909, for all the
merchantable dead timber standing
affected by the survey us herein-1 or down, and all the live timber
after stated: I marked or designated for cutting by
You are hereby notified that by re-1 the Forest officer located on an area
New Back for nit Old One. How
It Cutt Be done in Grants
Tuft Takes the Steamer Mississippi.
President Taffs managers have
arranged to take him from St. Louis
to New Orleans on the government
steamer Mississippi. The president
will attend the Deep Waterways
convention which takes place in New
Orleans on October 30 to November
2. Preparations are being made to
have a large fleet of steamers escort
the president's vessel and these will
be loaded with United States sen
ators, members of congress and St.
Louis business men. The Deep
Waterways convention will be attend
ed this year by a large number of
the most prominent men in the coun-
jMimicrs wiio vaitie tneir own comiort ana mo ,, , . .. . ,. .. ill
welfare of their children, should never be without a try. 1 he fact that the pi esident W 111
boxof Mother Uray'a Sweet Powders for Children, 1 intf,rPcf himself in the cause will
for uc throughout the Benson. TheyBrenlc unfolds, lnl,"M """""
Cure Feverishnef, Constipation, Teething Din- !make it the popular gathering Of the
II...JI.n.nJ Utmnrh H',...!.!... I'llL'SI
POWDKKS NEVE It FAIL. SoldbyallDniRStoreH, year.
2.1c. lMm t arrent any mumttute. A trial nacKaua
will be sent r'KKE to any mother who will address
Alien & Olmsted, Le Hoy, M. Y.
E-RU-SA The July Lawful Pile Cure.
Because E-RU-SA CURES PILE3, and DOES NOT eontaln narcotics,
mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drug. U. S. Dispensatory recom
mends every Ingredient of E-RU-SA. Drug laws make "false and mis
leading statements" a crime. Therefore, the sale of all othar or narcotic
pile medicines is illegal because they affect the brain and spinal marrow,
produce constipation and never cure. E-RU-SA ts not for sale at opium
Joints Only druggists of highest standing sell and endorse L-RU-SA.
National Drug Store, Clemens, Sabln's Drug Stores. Grants Pass, Ore.
dreads the fire. The dread Is whole
some, but not the burn; that can be
healed and instantly relieved by ap
plving Ballard's Snow Liniment,
lie prepared for accidents by keeping
a bottle always in the house. Best
for sprains, bruises, cuts, scalds,
rheumatism, neuralgia, bunions
any and all aches and pains. Price
. .... - 1 I 1... X.. 1...... I
2"., ride and si.uu.
Drug Store.
The back aches at times with a
dull, indescribable feeling, making
yon weary and restless; piercing
pains shoot across the region of the
kldnevs. and again the loins are so
lame to stoop is agony. No use to
rub or apply a plaster to the back In
this condition. You cannot reach
the cause. Exchange the bad back
for a new and stronger one. Grants
Pass residents would do well to pro
fit by the following example:
Mrs. Fred Paquette, 1103 Douglas
street. Rosebuni. Ore., says: I
used to live in Charlevois, Mich
and many of my friends there had
used Doan's Kidney Pills and praised
the remedy highly. When 1 began to
notice a disorder of my kidneys and
rheumatic attacks which were quite
severe, 1 started taking Doan's Kid
ney Pills and they gradually banish
ed the trouble. After I came here a
similar spell attacked me and I at
once got a supply of Doan's Kidney
PilK They went right to the seat
of the trouble and soon removed it.
1 would not be without this remedy
for anything." '
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name. Doan's
and take no other.
quest of Lynn D. Allen, I will on the
80th day of August, A. D. 1909. pro
ceed to Burvey In accordance with
Section 6 of House Bill number 113,
passed at Session of 1901 of the
Legislative Assembly of the Stato of
Oregon, the lands of said Lynn D.
Allen, which are specifically describ
ed as follows, to-wlt:
Beginning at a pine tree on the
east line of the James Vannoy Dona
tion Land Claim, No. 38, about 35
chains north of the southeast corner
of said claim; thence weit 660 feet;
thence north S S 3 .0 S to the east
and west center line of Section 16;
thence west to the southeast corner
of Lot 2; thenco north along the west
line of James Vannoy Donation Land
Claim, No. 38, to tho northwest
corner of said claim; thence east 20
chains to the northeast coiner of
said claim; thence Bouth to begin
Also lots 2, 3, 4, .i and the west
30 acres of the east 'ti of the north
east U of Section 1G.
All the above described land Is
located In Section 16, Township 3(5
South. Range 6 West.
Also the east H of the southwest
4 and the west Vi of the southeast
14 of Section 9, Township 30. South,
Rango 6 West of the Willamette
Meridian. Oregon.
And establish tho line and corner
County Surveyor of Josephine Coun
ty, State of Oregon.
Sold by National
IUillrouil Prosperity.
There Is a great prosperity among
railroads says a dispatch from New
York. Since January 1, It Is learned
orders have been given by various
railroad, express and dispatch com
panics for from $150,000,000 to
$175,000,000 worth of rolling
stock. Many plants that several
months ago were running on half
time, are today operating to their
full capacity, and thousands of men
who were out of work six months
ago have steady employment.
Ill V "
8 Vi 9 r
at our expense
Department of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Ore.,
August 5, 1909.
Notice Is hereby given that Antone
A. Ilanseth, of Dryden, Oregon, who,
on May 13, 1903, made Additional
Homestead Entry, No. 12753 S. R.
034 95, for NWVi of SKH . SVi of
NE4, Section 8, Township 38 South,
Range 7 West, Willnmetto Meridian,
has filed notice of Intention to ninke
Final Five-Year Proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described,
before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commis
sioner, at Grants Pnss, Oregon, on
the 15th day of September, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Artnur Daniels, of Dryden, Oregon;
Marlon Crooks, of Dryden, Oregon;
William Powers, of Dryden, Oregon;
Jacob Ilanseth. of Dryden, Oregon;
to be definitely designated by the
Forest officer beforo cutting begins,
of about 100 acres In the SE 4 of
Sec. 24. T. 37 S., R. 8 W. W. M.,
within the Siskiyou National Forest,
Oregon; estimated to be 125.000 ft.
B. M. of live and dead Yellow pine
and 100.000 ft. B. M. of live and'
dead Sugar pine, saw-timber, log-
scale, more or less. No bid of less
than $2.00 per thousand feet, B. M.,
for live and dead Yellow pine, and
$2.50 per thousnnd feet B. M. for
live and dead Sugar plno will be
considered, and a denoslt of $200
payable to tho First National Bank,
Portland. Oregon, must be Rent to
that bank for each bid sent to
the Forest Supervisor. Timber upon
valid claims Is exempted from sale.
A right to reject any and all bids Is
reserved. For further Information
and regulations governing sales, ad
dress M. J. Anderson, Forest Super
visor, Grants Pass, Oregon. S-tl-fit
To L II. Little, his heirs or assigns,
Greeting: Notice Is hereby given
that the undersigned has, In compli
ance with the Revised Statutes of
the United States and tho laws of the
Stnte of Oregon, performed tho an
nual assessment or development
work upon the "Trensury Group,"
consisting of the "Hattlo Davis."
"Copper Belle" and "Copper Bella
Extension" quart?. lode mining
claims, situated In C.allce (unorgan
ized) Mining District, Josephine
County. Oregon, for tho calendar
years Nineteen Hundred and Seven
(1907) and Nineteen Hundred and
Eight (1908). and that unless you,
the said L. II. Little, pay your Just
and due proportion as owner of an
undivided one-third Interest In the
said mining claims, to-wit: the sum
of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00)
for Iho year Nineteen Hundred nnd
Seven (1907) and One Hundred Dol
lars ($100.00) for tho year Nineteen
Hundred nnd EIrM (1908) within
ninety (90) days from date of pub
lication of this notice, your said one
third Interest In the nforesnld min
ing claims will become the property
of the undersigned In accordance
with law.
Dnte of first publication July 30,
A Choice of Four
Made Crazy by Socialism.
Arthur Falhaber, the 17-year-old
lad who has caused considerable ex
citement at socialist and suffragettt
meetings In New York recently by bis
pnpiii-'Sioned speeches, lias been com
mitted to llellevue hostd'ill to liae
bis mental condition observed. In
the last few weeks lie bad become so
enthusiastic over Ko- iali ;l e doctrines
. t hat be w as In t in1 habit of colle -;iug
crowds about Mm at all hours
of the day and ni ;h' , in' il the neigh
burs complained, and hi-t parents
P'odii"i i him in couit and asked that
his mind be examined by experts.
In tho County Court for JoHophlno
County, Oregon.
In the Matter of tho Estate of)
Charles W. McGee, deceased.)
Notice Is hereby given that Martha
J. Mctlee, the administratrix of the
Estate of Charles W. McGee, de
ceased, has filed In tho abovo entitled
court and cause her final account,
and that Saturday, September 4, A.
I). 1909, at the hour of two o'clock
p. in., at the County Court room at
the Court IIoiiro at Grants Pass,
Jonephlne County, Oregon, has been
fixed by order of the Court as the
time and place for hearing said final
account, and all persons having ob
jections to said account are hereby
notified to file nnd present the Biitno
on or before said date.
Dated this 4 1 li day of August. A.
I). 1909. MARTHA .1. M'-GEE,
S-d-nt Admlnlsl radix.
C1 li
m y r
la Offer ed
During A-Y-P
Yellowstone National ParR
Yoseraite Valley
LaKe Tahoe
:X lo vhit the Pacific
ll lv V, e l .HI l i M'-ioll'T
Mrs. S.H ab 1'.! Tiiieiips.iii,
" .v:n 1 a n e .1 en t lie lull
pension ni I ii e a sol ii' r
I 1 i . 1 1 : ai I"-, , il'- 'I la !
M i s. 'I iioi'ip nil v. ,1 .
;i - 1 1 ! 1 r, lan." l. I. 1 aa.:'
e re.l!ele. (!,- ,le-
1 i v;l at , hv d I -.1 in In .;
I i.r tn I -ib -ral !rmie! Ihe
1 ' 1 i 1 :i .Vorc.iii, the
t lie niily
el the
of the
Th 11 Milay.
e, lI'Mli.'.ed lf.
:. i,' SM'lIn ,
part el the
nnd ii per!
hidin ' place
A Burglar in Tow 11
his name Is "bad rourh." lie doesn't
i-ine lor gold or silver but be will
ileal your health away. If be ap
pears In your house niresl him al
,,nce willi Mallard's I lorebiniiiil
Syrup, it may menu consumption If
yiiii don't. A cure lor all roughs,
eold and chest troubles. Price 25c.
Mie and $ ner bottle. Sold by
National Drue Stole,
How 'in ;i; 1 at.
Lay Sluiuacli the Cause of Thin
ness, Mue Tillies ill Ten.
all ,
Department of tho Interior,
United States Land Offlco
Rosehurg, Ore., July 21, 1900.
A sufficient contest affidavit hav
ing been filed In this offlco by
Robert E. Smith, contestant, ngalnst
Homestead Entry No. 0795, mnde
October 8, 190S, for E Mi NW,i,
SV NE4 nnd NW4 SE4 Section
14, Township 39 S., Range 5 W.,
Willamette Meridian, by Daniel K.
Jones, contestee, In which It Is al
leged that said Daniel E. Jones has
failed to establish his residence on
tho said tract; nnd has cultivated no
part of tho same, built no house
upon the tract, done no cleaiiug,
fencing or other Improvement there
on, with the Intention of making a
home for himself; that said entry
man has not been upon said tract
since November 1, 1IM)S, aud that
said alleged absence, was not due to
employment In the army or navy of
the United States In time ut war;
said parlies are In rebv notified to
appear, respond, and offer evidence
touching said allegation at H) o'clock
a. 111. on September 9, 1 909, before
Hie Register II lid ueeelvel" lit tllO
I'nited StateH Land on lee In Rose
burg, Oregon.
The said contestant having, In ft
proper afridavll, filed July 21, 1909,
set forth fads wlib h i how that after
due illllcelice personal lii'l'Vlee of till
notice ran not be made, It Is hereby
ordered and diiecled dial sue 11 notlco
he given by duo and proper publica
tion. .1. M. LAWRENCE, Receiver
Not In- Is hereby given Unit the un-
dersli'tHd administrator of the i-slato
;''"! ; 1 1 w !io i:iab d and d-noi 1' d
'hi e
ALL YGlli!
If vnu Lave friends i.i
- ; , ;.'- cnf.l. vno v 'U.
j .1 1 -
Co;:.J I an airan
c it
'1!' Cul
o 1 tnl
1 lit In
ef Ell
1 lovr
Mistaken re 1
i!.:"lIii Iioiii
Monday. .-:i;s
j 1 1 11 f u; . n
: hv v
In II. e
! !-';, i
I; i!l
e litli.
' in ;.n.l
t I i ;' t
bill.', d
d I
a Deer.
II'I '' II'', 'I'" ,
John Mai hews,
shot and r.i-l
mil CIoHM- whll
11 on nt a i us in 11 1 !:' a
Saielay j 1 1 1 noon
: him lor a dei r.
! I llteie'l M ;t lle'.V -.'
inn w !.i te In his
tali 11 to Cii'm 1 )
1 t to I h' llll. l I,"
,,. I ' I' ':-
. j 1 1 l, I , till
I t I'i'l-I '
ir on :ne thin or
.-,ci iiw ii'- inias and U"ih, anl of William Gebhardt, dereaiied, line
.mow fat unless your food properly filed hh final accoiiiit. as iiuch admin
,11., -k. ' jlstrator nnd that bv order of Honor-
People take on fh'.'b in piopiiltloil jable Stepliell Jewell, coui.ty liidgo of
to tl-e nut ill Ions mailer whhb t he 1 jo'iephl ne County, Oregon, the lime
01 mis of illije-ilon ab. .nib and pass f,,r bearing obji -i Ions, If r uy, to wild
Int., the blood. I account and passing the same has
.hut as long as the nutritious '"'-J been fixed for August 30,1909, at
let- pa a.s along, wilhoiit being ab- j 1 0 o'c lock a. m., nt t be County Court
.01 bed, just so lung will you remain j room Grants Pass. Oregon.
thin. 1 T. K. ANDERSON, A'linihi su'aior.
Perhaps vour stoinucb, bowels and 1 T -II ' -T t
liver m i d a toiib'. If your digestion
Is lint pel fed , M I on a tablets w ill
el it light :,i Olice.
Mi on a will cure Indigent ion and
nun coii'i Ivahle ailment of the
I ilom.o ll p'olilpllv. It cuie by
lnillditig "I'd lonllii'. 11 1 1 and not by
' 1,1 . .; a mi a I ii 'il -'"ina. h toi "ii
li!t,.;,. It.- -hiii .-w and don't !i der.ttoy-
I i i.r 1 ... -( It 1 . t'l 1 1 1 T 1 ' lv 'III Vi? aw-iiv
'1 f
yL tea.
'1 a o,
d Vlll ie,
' 1 ,11 h , .l h III ll.' ol ",
r ' at Itig,
) ,:r ' i-i II 1 Ml
,1 hi' ee hex.
., e !'..:. ' I-
, vomiting '-! I 1 1
,e h dl 11.' I
I or complete
Informal ion addns
Re Oil 10, I l'Mll
Bid1;., San I'ihik ls o
1. ,
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, In avl-
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11 1 I a ' 1 ' el'H
and 1 at
ia hi , a ud
1 1 ' ; , or
- dru",-
NOI K II I'Olt l'( BI.IC A'l ION.
Depart un til of the Interior.
S. Land Office nt Roseburg, Or.,
July 21!, 1909.
Notice hi hereby given that John
II Stent,, of Olvmpla, Wnshliu'ton,
who, on October HI, 19US, 11. ndo
Timber Applh al Ion No, nSI2, for
ni:'; of nw, , Lot I, .'" iM a ;:,
Tonntdilp I! South, Range 7 West,
Wllli'im M" Mci ldlan. bus til- d notice
of Itili iilion In tn.'il e Final Proof, to li ( lalni 1 1 th" liicd alio; de-
V ill,, ,1, In fole lo .e,h Mo . , I'. S.
Coinini ! loin r. at Gi anls Pass, Ore
gon, 1,11 the ;i- h day of (clober, I '"'9.
Claliiiant names lis witln" .':
Cures Indistion
CmPou II.
P:r '. Or
of C'-a'.t ". Pa
V- 1 din. of di
.la'iie T. Bm ii
aiiiloll, Hi
Will I.-i m G.
Oregon; .lie
at Pas 1, 1 1
of Grinds Pa
d' ,U
" , E.
. 11;
L. EDDY, Reader.
It reli. v. ft rti'in i' h 1 j i ry, mur stom.
a'di, 1- I' liinyr.and cures nil rlnuwli dis
1 usi' i r iinuiey .:nk. 1-ad'n b"X of lab
ile ts in i'iit iiur';;i-,' in nil towiw.
Send your coov
an Ei. 1- :
if the C"