FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1800 m noons rivkii oouiuek. PAGE EIGHT Housewife this esta vour Gro- It Means Something to you Mrs. to pitrnizo lishmcnt for cerirs, for here ytu are positivo of thcso prices and that quality represent the best value for your money. A iwtion A your patronage Solicited J. Pardee CFr ont Street Grocer HENRY PERNOLL THE PITCHING KID There haB been much talk around town among the baseball fans as to what "Jud" Pernoll would do to Casey's Colts when ho went aguinst them with the Black Cata of the Northwest League. Well, Aberdeen had loHt three straight to Portland up to yesterday (Thursday), even big leaguer Eddie Solver, who was purchased by Aberdeen from Minne apolis and who has attracted much attention, got his bumplngs. Pernoll went In the box yesterday und shut out the Colts 1 to 0, and allowing them only 3 hits, thus breaking the hoodoo for Aberdeen the second time this season and winning tho first gamo of the present series from Port land. And what's more he won his own gnmo by a timely hit in tho fifth. This makes 7 games out of 9 that he hnn won for Aberdeen this year. He lost his first game to Spokane In the first series und the other was lost to Seattle two weeks ago, when he himself was responsible for the one run made by Aberdeen, by knocking a home run. Just keep your eye on that boy, be Is certainly a coming kid and next year may see lilm In the Amerlcnn or National League. The following Is what Mike Don II it, formerly captain of the New York National League team says of him In today's Oregonlnn: "This youngster, Pernoll, seems to be something of a pitcher, for he surely had everything yesterday and the Portland batsmen were unable to solve his delivery successfully, Portland scored three hits, and only one of these, Cooney's drive to left In the ninth, was n good healthy hit. The other two were scratched out by Mni'ay and (iuyn, but went for naught. 'Pernoll, who, I am told, comes from Southern Oregon, looks likely enough to be ripe for the big leagues light now, lie has a very effective underhand ball, and a most deceiv ing delivery, with very lltle motion. I do not believe thai he will remain in this league another season, for 1 doubt If he finishes with Aberden, as some club in the big leagues would be willing to pay big money for a left-handed pitcher apparently ns reliable as this lad." A Musical Treat. Lnt Saturday evening and the preceding Saturday were the open ing days of the new clothing estab lishment of Holeomb, llallgus & Eastwood. These events were cele brated In a manner In keeping with the up-to-date style in which this store will hereafter be conducted. The Grants Pass orchestra rendered excellent music throughout the even ing and the store was crowded with ladles and gentlemen who passed several hours admiring the up-to- date apolntments and elegant wear ing apparel, as well as enjoying the music. On the last evening Ernest Umphlette, of Glendale, added very materially to the program by a well rendered vocal solo. This new store Is one of the finest in Southern Oregon and all the ar rangements and fixtures are of the latest Improved pattern. The firm will carry a complete line of gent's furnishing goods and their motto "If men wear it, we have It" Is every where exemplified In their wearing apparel, which Is elegant and ex clusive in style and fit. Among the latest additions to their stock Is a handsome set of Mission chain which will be used In the store for the comfort and convenience of cus tomers while purchasing goods. Al together the Peerless Clothing Co., Incorporated, Is a valuable addition to our city and the public may be sure of courteous treatment at the hands of the firm. the only way in which the merchant can play even on the bad account end of the transaction Is to add suffi cient profit to those who do pay their debts to cover the loss sustained by those who don't. Many merchants will deny this statement to their cus tomers, but Just watch the expression on their countenance when they try to palm off their fairy story on you. Under the Rochdale system of doing business on a cash basis, the bad ac counts are not even contracted, therefore no possible chance lor a loss. The stock of the company draws an annual dividend of 8 per cent per annum or SO cents per share. The main benefit to be de rived by the stockholders is the re fund each receives at the end of the year on his' or her purchases made during the year. For Instance, let us take the c ' itomer who buys on an average of $U0 per month for the year, or a total of ?3G0. The gro cery business Is considered good for 15 per cent clear profit carried on in the ordinary manner. Under the Rochdale plan the members or stock holders get the benefit of the profits on the purchases of those who are not stockholders, and after the first year (which is always the expensive one In getting Btarted) the Rochdale company should be able to muke a refund of close to 20 per cent on every dollar worm purvuoacu. the stockholders. Even a 10 per cent refund on the above amount of 360 amounts to 36. Are you get ting even this kind of a refund from your present grocerynian? If not, why not? And if not, are you doing your trading where you should? It Is not the Intention of the com pany to cut prices In order to secure j business, but to meet all competition of our opponents. We must sell at regular prices in order to be able to buy from the wholesale houses. One thing which the Rochdale company proposes to do is to abolish the "swapping" of groceries for but ter and eggs. Our stockholders can get cash or trade as they desire. We will not limit our stockholders as to the amount of fresh eggs which they shall bring. This is contrary to the custom heretofore. In short, the Rochdale store Is a store by the peo-1 pie and for the people, anil the peo- pie are going to stand back ot it. New stockholders are coming In ' every day, and the daily receipts are ; Increasing very rapidly. , We are still laboring under the j n:..lvnntfi!ro of not being able to i We Have the Choicest Line of Teas and Coffees to be found anywhere in the country. Here are some of them: iff TEAS Golden Crown Japan C. F. D. Spider Le Lipton's Blend Schillings Bulk Spider Leg Bulk Gun Powder Trophy Uncolored All the Standard Prices COFFEES No. 70 Blend (Best 25c) F ancy Gautamala Monopole M. J. B. National Crest Palace Car "Wadco Teas have advanced but we are still selling at the same old price. C. F. DIXON, J3he Front Street Grocer have a little more patience we will soon be in a position to give them better service along that line, unless our opponents are successful In put- ,et the general delivery to deliver j ting us out of the market enure y our goods, but if our customers will We are fighting for your interests because your lnieieaio aic u. ...wr ests, and we must all fight and hang together. Any further Information regard ing the Rochdale Co. will be cheer fully furnished at their store located at 411 Front street, the old Tea and Coffee store. The Rochdale Co-operative Store. The Foreman of the Almeda. E. R. Crouch and wife were visit ing the homo of Mr. II. B. Hendricks this week from Gallee and also tak ing In the big show. Mr. Crouch Is foreman of the Almedu Consolidated and has worked at tho Almedu al most constantly Blnce tho Almeda company nculred possession of this mine. He started In as an under ground hard rock miner, then was the blacksmith and machinist. He has only been absent from the mine long enough to finish a special course he took in assaying in Port land two years ago, and since that lime has done all the assaying for the company at the mine saving great expense to the company. .Mr. Crouch also took up civil engineer ing and photographing the works ut the mine both underground and outside; and made thorough dia grams and blue prints of the entire work of several thousand feet, of tun nel work, which has made matters more comprehensive to any one de siring to Investigate the Almeda properly, Mr. Crouch returned to the mine on the l!tli to resume his duties there. We expect greater things of the Almeda mine than we are able to tell Just now. Recent work there has uncovered great bodies of fine ore In the lower tun nels, which without any other ore taken from that which Is blocked out In the first, second or third tun nels will Insure paving work with the smelter that the company expects to start up In the not very distant fut ure. GRANTS PASS AND MEDFORD PLAYED BALL The baseball game last Sunday be tween Medford and Grants Pass was not exactly what you would call a good game, as both teams seemed to have n basket of errors to dispose of, which they did very prettily, that Is It Is generally understood that their supply was nearly ex hausted at the end of the nine Inn inn, which were played out to the Mtter end. Medford started up the merry go-round In the first Inning when Elfert reentered at rnch of the respective stations and accident ly getting his spur Into Vaublon's arm at third which disabled that young man to the extent of several errors, there wn nothing doing for the local boys till the slth when there wn n big explosion on the part of Medford nnd four of the boy In gray i:ot on quite friendly terms with the home plutc, but even nt that nnd with two more hnrd rnrned run1' that ciree nrro In the seventh nnd ninth, making six In all, wnsn't ceough to capture the Kiune M th Medford li., In the menu time, hid fil'n n ci' minted quite i collection, they having run In ten O shorn pitched hi usual good pnnn MrlUnpt out 1T while Pvtdt (tot only S. Wall for Miss Noses, the Boston impersonator. She gives an enter tainment under the auspices of the Ladles' Auxiliary. The Rochdale Co-Oper ative Store is Progress ing Under Adverse Conditions. It has been truthfully stated that nothing will build up n worthy cause or object more rapidly than unjust persecution. This has been fully demonstrated during the last few days in the operation of the Modulate Co-operative Store at ('rants Pass, In order that the pnlf lle may realize the Importance of this store In their midst It may he well to give an outline of (heir ob ject and plan of operation, then it will he plain to be seen why some , of the old time merchants are niak- lag every effort to keep It from get- ! ting a foothold in this county. j The Rochdale company Is nn In- ' corporated stock company with a capital stock of $r.,nii divided Into i r.nrt nhuiv of $10 cadi. The stock ' or membership shares are sold to ; members of the association, not over live share being sold to any one : person. So far only n small portion h:e purchased more than one share each. The company does strictly a wish business, and opens no accounts with punhasers who are not stoik holders. Stockholder who wish cre dit for not to exceed So d;is, can le nle ciedlt for one-half of tho amount of stock they own. It Is the In!' Mien of the company to keep the i i edits of even the stockholder down to the lowest pox-lWe lln.s M Is a ell know n fact I ' at u store whlih doe a credit besln.-ss must neicssailly hsve bad a-count, and p-T .y-.iwf fTflfflBll'l i "" "im' 11 TT"n CLOTHES FOR A i j 1, r I Lil EC'" Are you satisfied with the way you look, or do you believe in im provement? Progress is the spirit of the age this is nowhere more noticable than in Alfred Benjamin Clothes. ALFRED BENJAMIN CLOTHES I in 1 im (""'fi"iiif';iiyjB'w-' If Wc Have It, It's RiQIit. 3 1 J, r Ml ! mm Mt - - wffwn ry Wk Wm ' few ht S jy A " I J J copiomt iot U If It's Ri$htt Wc Have It. I MADE BY ALFRED BENJAMIN NEW YORK Hyou'lwantno feel the glow of living, the tingle ofjubilant spirits try an Alfred Benjamin Suit. The models designed and made by Alfred Benjamin of New York are exclusive and set the fashion in advance of the day. They give to the wearer the supreme charm, strength and confidence of being uncommonly well dressed. They cost no more than the ordinary kind. Every suit Guaranteed, SHOES Walk-Over and Florshcim Haberdashery The Latest and Best Zi2