FRIDAY, MAY 21, 1009 THE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. .... .1 11 j im . i ii i . i i , i rAUK IHHKO NEW FURNITURE and House Occupy one entire floor. All new Goods I SATE YOU MONEY ON EVERYTHING I still buy and sell second hand goods Ike M. Davis 304 South 6th St. Special Prices ON L YPov 2 Weeks Only Black inch, per 100 feet, $ 4.30 34 inch, per 100 feet, 5.10 1 inch, per 100 feet, 1 14 inch, per 100 feet iy2 inch, per 100 feet 2 inch, per 100 feet, 7.10 10.2." 12.50 10.25 Galvanized Vi inch, per 100 feet, $ 5.-10 inch, per 100 feet, fl.50 1 inch, per 100 feet, U4 inch, per 100 feet, Inch, per 100 feet, 2 inch, per 100 feet, 0.00 11.00 10.25 22.00 NOW LS THE TIME TO BUY We have Land Fertilizer in Stock. GrantsPas slidw. Co. iiimmer Rates East During the Season 1909 via the Southern Pacific from GRANTS PASS To OMAHA and Return $68.95 To KANSAS CITY and Return $68.95 To ST. LOUIS and Return $76.45 To CHICAGO and Return $81.45 and to other principal cities in the East, Middle West and South. Correspondingly low fares. On Sale June 2, 3; July 2, 3; August 11, 12 To DENVER and Return $63.95 On Sale May 17, July 1, August 11 Going transit limit 10 daj-8 from date of sale, final return limit October 31. These tickets present Borne very attractive features in the way of stopover privileges, and choice of routes; thereby enabling pas sengers to make side trips, to many interesting points en route. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a Blight advance over the rates quoted. Full particulars, sleeping car reservations and tickets will bo lurnlHlied by any Southern Faclflc local agent, or VM. McMURKAY General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon Oregon, the Land of Opportunity, The following editorial taken from tne Evening Telegram of Portland contains suggestions of great im portance which should be read by every citizen of this county. Oregon should have a population of more than 5,000,000,000 of people. Our orchard lands, mines and lumber in terests will Justify this statement: "Oregon is truly a land of oppor tunity, yet the fact is just becoming known imperfectly to the nation at j large. Stump land now worth $5 to $35 an acre hides the future or chard that will be worth $S00 to J $1000. Rich river bottoms and slopes, either wastes now or pastured .at little profit, are the future truck land garden farm, the berry patch jand the small orchard. Verdant hills that never shed the green mantle : outline to the observer the greatest dairying and livestock district of the j world. j "Who knows this? Only a few. Have the thousands of thrifty, pros perous American farmers rushing to ! the Canadian Northwest heard the j orchard story? We fear not. Has the scientific horticulturist ' of the ! Middle West, where frosts, drouth and hot summer winds attack his j fruit alternately, been told properly of Oregon's latent orchard wealth? .Surely not, else he would have come before. How many of the busy na tion realize that there are 4.000,000 1 acres of peerless fruit haul in this state, an area capable of producing the choice varieties of the whole country, which land when properly planted yields from $100 to fUtiu, gross, per acre each year? Certainly few as yet. Does the average invest or grasp the wealth of this timber paradise, this balmy home for live stock, this land that has rich soil, moist airs and tempering breezes? He cannot and give them so little at tention. "Good work is being done but not enough. Something more effective is needed. The state must have more graphic description, more wealth of fact. Living, Irrefutable examples must be held up continually. Every great success must be dinned Into the Eastern ear every day of every month. All of the people of all the state would have to feel the prompt ings of this duty, and never fail to herald Oregon as the land of un numbered opportunities." Sell Liquor, (io to Jail. This was a bad day for Pendleton bootleggers, three of them having been arrested, prosecuted, convicted and sentenced to jail in short order. One of them was serving his sen tence within an hour after the com mission of the crime. One of the trio is a white man, one a half-breed and one a negro. They are James Myers, Frank Parr and Rufus Fletcher. Fletcher, the young colored man, made the mistake of delivering the bottle of booze to the wrong Indian woman. A similarity of size and shawl proved his undoing, for the squaw to whom It was delivered be ing a Carlylo graduate and a re spectable Indian, promptly turned the firewater over to the police. The arrest and conviction was but a mat ter of minutes. A fourth bootlegger Is under suspicion and will probably be arrested tomorrow. -Oregonlan. liiiildlng Tor Sale. The small building situated on the lot. next to the Parker & Rnrkhalter llverv stable for sale. Ilids will bo received. A. E. Voorhles. KIks Herd at Roseburg, On Saturday, soon after noon, the special train of the II. P. O. E., Ash ! land to Roseburg, stopped for a Jew minutes at Grants Pass to take or members of the order and to alio the excursionists to mingle with the local herd. The train was composed of three coaches and one baggag car, all appropriately labeled with purple banners. The Ashland concert baud and also the Ashland Chinese band discoursed music and the pur ple goat was given an airing. They picked Dr. Flanagan, C. E. Harmon, Jno. Russell, W. E. Mc- Grew, Tom Gilmore, A. Fetsch and D. W. Ileni and then proceeded to Roseburg where they were met bv thousands of Douglas county citizens and visitors and given a royal wel come extending far Into the niirht. The Ashland team had charge of the stunts and it Is safe to say that the "branding" was done In the most approved manner. The Roseburg Strawberry Festival of which Saturday was the closing day, was the most successful event in the city's history and hospitality was dispensed which will be long re inem bered. The Drotlicihooil Convention. Portland Presbyterians are putting their best foot forward in their ef fort to get ready for the Brotherhood Convention, June 8 and 9. The Portland Commercial Club has been secured for the opening event, which will be a banquet, or fellowship sup- ier. Mr. Robert Livingston, one of he well-known citizens of the state, will preside. It is expected that W. W. Cotiou, general attorney of the llarrinian lines in Oregon, will give in address of welcome. Wallace Mc- Camant, of the Portland bar, will speak upon "The Appeal of Historic Presbyterianism to the Men of To day." The moderator of the General Assembly will probably be present and will respond to the sentiment, "The Presbyterian Church of Today.". President Charles S. Hoyt, of Chi cago, will speak on the "Presbyterian Brotherhood." The convention theme will be the claim of the church upon its men. "The Man and His Master," "The Man and Ills Minister," "The Man and the Family Altar," "The Man and the Bible School," "The Man and the Boy," "The Man and Ills Com munity," "The Man and Education," The Man and Missions," "The Man end Personal Evangelism," will be presented by some of the leading Presbyterians of the state. Among the speakers are: A. C. Schmltt, of Albany; J. F. Ewing, E. C. Herlow, Judge E. C. Bronaugh, Dr. J. R. Wil son, Jesse J. Ross, all of Portland; R. B. Morton, of Pendleton, and W. Cragln, of McMlnnvllle. A round table conference and open parliament will be conducted by the national of ficers. Wednesday evening a popular mass meeting will be addressed by Dr. Landrlth and President Holt, and Dr. Foulkes, of Portland, the latter speaking upon the theme, "The Pa cific Presbyterian Brotherhood." Jlbsolutely Ture Renders the food more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. The only baking powder tnada from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar. llaiiquet to Japanese Officers. The Japanese visiting fleet is in Puget Sound and has been invited by the Chamber of Commerce of Portland to that city, but Roar Admiral Ljichl declines to take the fleet so far inland but has excepted the invitation for himself and twelve of his officers and promises to arrive in Portland on the morning of June 7. The Japanese residents of the city will take the party In charge on their arrival and In the evening the Chamber of Commerce will banquet them at the Hotel Portland. The president of the chamber says that the banquet will be open to all mem bers of the organization and that few, If any. Invitations outside of the membership will be extended. It Is claimed that the banquet will be no ordinary affair. The Portland Chamber of Commerce has the good taste and Its members have the money to give the officers of the Japanese fleet a proper reception and banquet. The people of the state of Oregon will bo pleased with the courtesy extended to these visit ing strangers. WITH TUB CHIKCHKS 10 votes with a case of Sampson's i pears. ti:y Tin: monev-imck CUM'. H)l! IMWiESTION We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In nil business transactions and fin amially ablo to carry out any obllga tlons made by his firm. WALDINO, K INN AN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken In teiiially, nctlng directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 7."c per bottle. Sold by all drugglBts. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that Is by constitutional re medies. Deafness Is caused by an inirlnined condition of the lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deaf ness is the result, and unless the In flammation can bo taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for cir culars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Christ Ian Church. Morning subject, "Law." No ser vices in the evening on account of the union service at the Presbyterian church. J. N. Mc CONN ELL, Minister. Seventh Day Advent 1st Church. Services Sunday evening at Seventh Day Adventist church, 8 p. m. Subject, "United States in Fro phecy, its Present History." Pastor, T. L. Thuemler. i First Christian Science Society. Service Sunday, May 23, 1909, 11 a. in., In W. O. W. hall. Subject: "Soul and Body." Wednesday even ing meeting at 8 p. m. in same hall. You are cordially Invited to attend. Bethany Presbyterian Church. The Baccalaureate sermon will be delivered In Bethany , Presbyterian church, Sunday night, before the graduating class of the Grants Tass high school. All tho churches will unite In this service. Tho Sunday school and morning Hervlce will ho as usual. First Baptist Clmriii, Sun., May 23. Tho morning servlco Is at 10:30, mucuos nnd the pnstor preaches on tho sub ject, "Jesus as Prophet." The Blhlo school Immediately follows at 11:15 under the direction of R. K. Ilackett. Tho Young People's meeting at 7 p. m. will be in charge of Mildred Churchill. Topic, "The Message of the Birds and Flowers." At 8 o'clock occurs a union service at the Presby terian church with sermon before the High School graduating class by Rev. Robt. McLean. E-UU-SA-Thc Unly Lawful Pile Cure. i Because E-RU-SA CURES riLEB, and DOES NOT contain narc"tl'' ' r mercury, cocaine, lead or any poisonous drug. U. S. VlBp5?9fa? Jn5 .X 1 ' mends every Ingredient of E-RU-SA. Drug law s ma ho also an d m Is- , leading statements" a crime. Therefore, the nnle of all other or narcotic i? nllo medicines Is lllecal because they affect the brain and spinal marrow. . produce constipation and never K Uuci for sate a, , joints, uniy aruggiBiB ui uifcuum Bi.uu... ----- n National Drug Store, Clemens, Sabln's Drug Stores, Gratis lass, ure. BUY YOUR TRICKS FROM "Old Reliable Albany Nurseries and you are sure of Retting jiwt what you order. We grow our trees for quality not cheap prices. CEO. H. PARKER, Agent Office with J. R. PETERSON II Nlin' cv-vs in ten stomach derange- 1 1 1 .-s ; i- - responsible for sallow i om i'l"!i. dull t yi'S and thin body. i Is tin- s'oiiiiuii that supplies iirMiitr.; blond to the muscles, the v. - ;r;.l ihe sMn. If the stomach N h'althy, plenty of nutritious mat in' will be absorbed by the blood. If it i, not healthy, (he food will fer ment, and undigested, will pass . .li i.. r L.l. I .. Il'nli;; I lll'IHK',11 Uie liowris, iui lliBlliils mi ;Mie ii'itiitloiM matter that the til. mil t.ei omen linproveiished anil the glow of health vanishes. If you suffer from nervousness, sick h'eadaihe. belching of gas, sour last.' In the mouth, heaviness after eating, or any other miserable stom ach disturbance, you need Ml-o-na, and the sooner ou get It the quicker you will be healthier and happier. It will relieve any distressed atom in h condition almost immediately. It will cum If used according to di rections. Detiuiray sells It f"r f0 cents a large box, and he thinks onough of It to guarantee It to cure Stale Convention of County Officer. On June 7 next there will be held It: Portland a State Convention of County Commissioners and County Judges, a movement which has Just been started for the Instruction of these officials and to secure con certed action In the various public Improvements which come under the direction and discretion of the county courts. It Is to bo hoped that the Josephine county commissioners and Judge will be ablo to attend th's ((invention. This Is a most Import ant matter to the people of all the counties of the state. These con ventions have worked grcut good In other states and will In Oregon If our county Judges and commissioners all attend. mm AIDS ALCOHOL MOPIUM-TOBACCO lltiblt Pmltln-lT tur-l. Onlrmitlii.Tir.Ml twii'i in. tlW la (. Write tr llltwirnw-i clrrlr. MUT Minnm. JU.1 1 ran. Indigestion. BUSINWCDILKf fllWHIWi . - vi'BtTl FOR CATALOG BIB WBU Take DeWltt't Kidney and Blad- er Pills. They are for weak back, acknehe. rheumatic pains and all "Idney and bladder troubles. Sooth qk and antiseptic. Regular ilz r.Oc Bold by all druggists. Selections from thto finest private art galleries In Italy, pictures, statu ary and other art creations that have never before been taken out of thn t.... country Bre to b" exhibited at tho .ii-i hiilnlin' Alafka-Yukon-Paclflc Exposition at iPmXOHIM-0-Mt) rir. 4 cnt irrli if money b:nk. .r ...!,.. it 111 Clll'l!'1' l""lltl)t Inhalerfl. Kit buttles 60u. DruiMs. ( Seattle this summer, The State (.range. McMlnnvllle, Or., May 13. 1909. Editor Courier: The State Grange convened May 11, with representa tives from all the twenty-four coun ties that have granges except Crook. There Is great enthusiasm nnd much earnest work being done. Jackson county has one delegate, Josephine two; tho worthy overseer Is from Deer Creek. McMlnnvllle gave us a royal welcome and are doing every thing possible to assist us and make our visit pleasant. Tho reception at the Imperial Theater was most en- oyable. Several measures are being dis missed that will be of great benefit o the state, for the same Influence the ('.range has brought about In the legislature before will bo ( Xelted again and II measures for the public good cannot be reached through our present representatives they will be Invited to stay at home. This convention Is no child's play, i nit a band of earnest workers for the public good. Three discussions the delegates from Josephine county per day and committee work be tween. The delegates from Josephine county have I n placed on the fol lowing committees, some of which have reported while others are still at work: Education, Agriculture, Division of Labor and Conservation of Water Supply, Wo leave for Illinois Saturday. MR. and MRS. II. B. ALVERRON, Delegates from Joseph Ino Couuty. Spec! I Meeting of Auxiliary There will be a special meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary Monday, 3 p. m. As It Is of unusual Importance every member Is urged to be there In tho Commercial Club rooms. Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Smith left Sun day night for Albany to attend the annual meeting of the Rebekah As sembly, of which organization Mrs. Smith Is state president, Mrs. O. S. (Joodnow and Mrs. Minnie Harmon left Monday for the same place as delegates to tho Assembly. Mrs. Rosa Smith has purchased the two residences on D street near Eighth, from O. J. Knlpps. It required five flat cars compos ing a special train to haul the long est single piece timber flagstaff In the world to the Alaska-Yukon-Pacl-flc Exposition at Seattle where It will be erected In place by the Washing ton society, Sons of the American Revolution. Ask votes. your hnrilware dealer for COM I NO KVEN'TH. May 23, 8unday Sermon to Gradu ating Class at Presbyterian church. May 28, Friday Commencement Ex erclsti at Opera House. May 28, Friday Schools close for the summer. May 80, Sunday Memorial 8orvlces at Presbyterian Church. May 31, Monday Miss Noyes, Im personator, benefit of the Ladles' Auxiliary. (o Mi M pill Coffee Quality clean -perfect Your proper will nrlnd It hettrr If ground at Lome not too flue. 4 mm