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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1909)
i life irteT -0L' X' GmXTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OHlnTVa , . ... - - - - . . so. e BROWN TAILED MOTH-DESTROYER FRUIT GROWERS SHOULD ARM . AGAINST THIS ENEMY HAS COST MANY MILLIONS caterpillars the brown-tall moth are covered with barbed hairs, which, when they come Into contact with the skin of a hu man being, penetrate into the flesh, causing blood poisoning and result ing In a rash all over the body. A Full Description of this Worst Enemy of Fruit and Shade Trees. We' are told that the brown tall moth has arrived In Salem, Oregon, being brought there In a shipment of nursery trees direct from France. This moth Is one of the most destruc tive Insects known In the fruit -world. Many of the eastern states, notably Massachusetts, has expended millions in destroying this pest, which attacks fruit and shade trees alike. Connecticut and Massa chusetts each have strict laws re garding the bringing of these in sects within the borders of their commonwealths. The people of Oregon are. interest en In this matter and every commun ity should protect itself against this worst enemy of fruit and forest tree. It Is all important to the public gen erally to have a knowledge of this invader of our Oregon orchards. The Northwest Farm and Home publish ed at North Yakima, prints the fol lowing description of tire peBt: The perfect brown-tall Insect is a white moth with the wings perfectly white. Itis about the size of a cab lage caterpillar. It gets its name from the fact that there are tufts of brown hair on Its abdomen. It ap pears In August and deposits its eggs, wihch soon hatch into cater pillars, which in turn begin to feed upon the foliage and the trees are soon stripped of leaves. Soon they begin to form a nest in which to pass the winter. This is done by fasten ing a number of leaves together and covering them with a thick web of silk. These are from three to four Inches in length, and are securely fastened to the branches. They are grayish white in color and are easily seen. The worms develop rapidly in the spring, soon becoming fully de veloped. They are then about an Inch and a half In length. They are of a brownish color with a broken white stripe along either side of the hack and with two red dots near the rear portion. Rlinds Down. Chief of Police E. C. McLane has been doing business on a large scale during the last few days, taklne me preliminary steps in the enforce ment of the city ordinance regulat ing soft drink establishments. This ordinance is drastic in its require. ments and was made to stop the sale of intoxicating liquors. The Boft annic establishments have all been notified to take down their screens. partitions, etc., as the ordinance re quires. Some object but they well be given only to a certain date to com ply with the law when arrests will take place. Chief McLean and his assistant, F. W. Capp, can be de pended upon to do their whole duty and it is safe to say this ordinance will be enforced. CONTEST FOR QUEEN OF. THE FLOAT Miss Ethel Bartlett Stands at the Head of List With Miss Johnson Second. The result of the voting for Queen of the Grants Pass float at the Port land Rose Festival as showed below indicates that a good start has been made. Most of our merrhnnta giving a vote with a cash purchase of $1.00. There is a special on Sampson's Brand of Canned Pears, the grocers giving 10 votes with a cas, of pears ($3.00). Ask your dealer for votes. They are very will ing; to give them, but often forget it in the rush of business. The contest will run along on the present lines until May 21. The highest four candidates after the count on that date will be declared the official candidates for Queen, and froni that time on till the end of the contest, May 31, the voting will be come strenuous. The committee In charge of raising the funds to pay tor the float are sanguine enough to hope that the contest for Queen will pay all expenses of the float, and .'will leave a surplus to give to the Ladles' Auxiliary for park Im provement. If every member of the Commercial Club and of the Ladles' Auxiliary will take an interest in the voting, they will help the committee which is working for the success of the contest. From this date the standing of the contestants will be found posted at the following places' GOOD MONEY IN WHAT THE UNITED STATES DE- I ARTMEXT SAYS AHOUT IT MARKET GOOD YEARROUN Profitable Occupation for Many Per- sons in Josephine County But They Must Learn. jthe past winter and spring many strong veins nave been uncovered land much Imnnrtnnt )nu,ln,.. nrrr ' 1v'v'"i,""ru- HlIlN X Mill I TUVrork ha3 been done Fu,1 . down LUUU U 1 (JUL I III flne PrPert'e8 will be shipping ore s soon as an electric road is built to connect with the Southern Pacific either at Grants Pass or some nearer point. A road can be built from this city to Almeda over a route that is within a distance of not more than twenty miles. This road would pass the Gallce post office and accomo date a large number of mines, and would find an almost endless ton nava of (Iia a i j luo Aiuicua mone to say noming about a dozen other good impositions in that locality. Grants lass business men should take more Interest in the development of this wonderfully rich mining district which is capable of being of great vaiue in a business way to this citv and which Is already attracting more capital than any other line of invest ments in this county. iChurchi -R irus Land Cn . r v While the insect resembles the: Bishop & Co. and Cramer Urns ranker worm so well known-it U Every evening the result will be to be much more feared for the fol-; thrown on the screen at the moving lowing reasons. (1) the broods are picture theuters. much more numerous and (hey are The vote Friday morning stands- of greater size; (2) Instead of con- Ethel Hartlett 258 rinlng itself to the apple and other Ethel Johnson !!!!!!!! 230 trees, the worm feeds on all trees Dei-nice Fallin !!!!!!!! 104 of the orchard and the forest; ( 3 ) It p(.arl Kearns . . 80 lias no counteracting parasites In the Ada Smith . . ... " United States as has the canker Tulare Llnkey .. '. 70 worm; (4) the moths can fly, thus Emma Loughrldgo' .' .' .' 56 spreading their young over great Maude Dullbon 02 areas, while the female canker worm LaCoHta Mangum :, Ut ever Follow WE LEAD O'Neill Is Always on Top A FEW HINTS FOR SUMMER O'NEILL THE HOUSE Furnisher ... You Will Want Stccii Poors, Window Screen Porch Screens T!i l'st made, to fit all size porches. Lounging Chain and llmiiiuix ki Ovr refutation on hammocks Is established. Seeing our line means buying. Nuff Sed. Refrigerator, Water ScN. (.Iai Merry Set 0 n't forget the baby put them In one of those n ). roomy, collapsible, com bination (io-Curt Mint O'NEILL Is showing. Over 3." different patterns to select from. Headquarters For Wall Paper, Linoleum, Carpets. Largest Line In Southern Oretfon The production of eggs and noultrv nas oecome a highly profitable oc cupation for many families through out the middle west and while the business is increasing in the section Indicated it fails to receive the at tentlon that it should in Oregon. The people of this state should wake up to the fact that there is money in raising poultry and producing eges uuuochiicii ui mis scale can build up an Income which will buo ply many comforts to their children and themselves. Investigation of this subject will prove highly inter esting and may lead to good results, The department of agriculture has issued circular No. 140, in which is discussed the egg trade of the United States and shows clearly that the production is not all what It should be and again that there is an enorm uuo wusie iroui spoiling or eggs, which might be prevented by care on the part of the producers, and the dealers. It lays down practical rules for the production of good eggs and the marketing of them in a profitable way. Condensing thl3 part of the report the following covers the points: Use hens that produce many and moderately large eggs such breeds as Plymouth Rocks, Wyandottos, Rhode Island Reds, Orpingtons and Leghorns or Mlnorcas; -give good housing, regular feeding and water ing, and above all clean, dry nests; gather eggs dally, and twice a day when the thermometer Is above 80 degress; confine broody hens as soon as discovered; reject for market and use for home all eggs found In a nest not visited the previous day; place summer eggs as soon as gathered in as cool a place as possible; prevent moisture In any form from coming In contact with egg shells; dispose of young cockerels before they begin to annoy hens, and sell or confine old male birds from the time hatching Is over until cool weather In the fall; use cracked and dirty, as well as small, eggs at home, market all eggs at least once a week, of toner if possible; keep eggs as cool and dry- as possible while on the way to town and while In country stores; keep eggs away from musty cellars or bad odors; use strong, clean cases and good fillers; ship to the final market at. least once a week, and as much oftener as passible. The egg as a food product Is In demand the year around and tl':-e Is no reason why they cannot be pro duced In sufficient quantity to sup ply the market, and by care they can bo so handled as to make them avail able at all seasons. In Josephine county the poultry business can be Increased safely many times and a shipping trade which would become very profitable can be established without delay. The occupation re quires reasonable cure and In some respects close attention. A paying trade In poultry nnd eggs can be started and carried on with less capital than almost any other profitable Industry, but there is something to be learned before un dertaking this occupation on a large stale. The Department of Agricul ture nnd the Oregon Agricultural College will be glad to supply special bulletins on this subject that can be bad on application. Our fishing tackle comes dlreet irom factory. That means aualitv At the right price. Cramer Bros. SOUTHERN OREGON MEDICAL ASSOCIATION About Thirty Southern Oregon Modi- cos Are Expected Here on the 11th. The annual meeting of the South ern Oregon Medical Association will be held in Grants Pass on Tuesday. May 11, 1909, and public session will be held in the opera house in the evening at 8:15 sharp. Dr. Pierce of the Portland Tubercular Sanitarium, will give an illustrated talk on "Tuberculosis," and Dr. Coffey, of the North Pacific Surgical Sanitorlum at Portland, will speak on the subject of "Cancer and Malig nant Growths." Theso subjects are of absorbing Interest to everyone and it Is hoped that the atendance will be largo. It is expected that 2" to 30 medl- os of Southern Oregon will be In at tendance, besides several from Portland. The Grants Pass Concert Orches tra will furnish music for the occa sion. Mayor H. C. Klnnev u-111 !....- - . ,7 l'l v - Ide at the meeting. This session Is free nnd everyone is cordially In- Ited to attend. BUSINESS IN VISIT CANALS TRIPS ARE MADE TO THREE OF THE IRRIGATION DITCHES to orchards and gardens in many states, and as a result great financial loss has come to a class who can ill afford such disasters. Fortuuatoly, our own country has escaped severe freezing and it can be said that the damage to Truit and tender vege tables has not been great. Schools Close Soon. Three more weeks of school and books will be laid aside by the Grants Pass lads and lassies for on the 28th TAKE AUTOMOBILE RIDF WlU m,r the Co,"'nencement exer aulvnUDlLL AWL clae8 ot the Grant8 PasB , . This year the graduating class con- tumors wen satisfied with the Work Which Has Already Keen Accomplished. slsts of nine students as aeainat is or last year. They are Josenhin Randle, Leona Blsch, Dessie Cole. Anna May Thomas, Clara Calhoun, now webber. Worth Hamilton, enry iNorton and Daniel McFarland. on Friday evening, May 21. will The IrrienMno. At. ,... v..,., occur the class day exercises and the center of h piay; lne sermon to the graduating . v.. ,u uunug lUU ,i,Mwln v. . ... , ... entire week. A large number of our V. 7 0ue,"erea Kev- Kert citizens are deeply Interested In thl Sunday evenn. May 23. enterprise and are In full sympathy I , Cm'nencement dress will with the efforts to secure water for wn!! r, Pre8'dent Hman' of a considerable portion of the district JVi,,aett Ter.lty, Friday even- for the present season, and they ful- 4 ,n ine ')era noU8- ly appreciate the great task the managers who have charge of the construction work have in hand. Last Tuesday morning some fifty of our leading business men visited the ditches and made a careful ex amlnatlon of the work that has been Will He Produced With Local Cast WILL RENDER SACRED CANTATA "JOSEPH" accomplished on both the high line ditch above Fruitdale, the big grav ity ditch on the south side and the 200-foot level canal above Grants Pass. They were taken in automo biles to various points of construe tion from which places they followed on Monday, May 17 t opera IIOIINC, All Grants Pass lovers of muslo are eagerly anticipating the Bacred cantata of J. Astor Droads, "Joseph," Meeting f City Council. The city council met Thursday Ight and transacted some business Importance. An ordinance was fought up providing in case of an indication for the use of the refer- ndum, the party applying for the UM ,11.. ..t. .. I I It.. niiiuv; mm 1 ,nv MI. j'omn. An oner- ency was declared to exNt and the rdlnancu was passed. Then came up the application for referendum permitting the question f a franchise to the Citizens Tele hone Co. to n vote of the people. he law in the case iieimitu tiw, n.ncli f0 grunt a franchise and save n flection If they feel It Is to the st Intercut of the public; and in cord 11 nee with this a Vote uiih taken, and only three voted for It, so it. was declared lost, nnd the mat ter will come to vote of the people. the ditches the entire lenirth nnd ..v. i.. 1... . . . . .' - v r i.v uu Kivt.'ii iiv h i ru 1 11 on nn Aenn nnM amlned closely the work. It was The cantata Itself is one of the hlgh a hard forenoon, but having started est order. The sen,, vii.n at seven o clock and being rushed the Incidents, tithe life of Joseph rom point to point by the swift mov- from tlJ'tlmo ofhls being sold Into ng autos, they were enabled during Egypt by his brethren, including his the day to see the construction work sojourn them . n,, 1.,- ... on the three lines above mentioned, tnlnment later to the position ot The Courier representative had the prime minister in the court of Pilar- ,...,..-,, ui m.King wim quite a oah. The scen ,,f M,a m.,i 1 umber of our citizens who made the tween the hmi !,.. fi. . trip and the general opinion was that years of Reparation presents a most no only had the work been well done dramatic climax upd the music rises but that much had been accomplish- there to n'rnn.lei ed with the money expended. It was thl ... ' the first time that a largo majority tlonally beautiful.! conspicuous os" I of these business men had examined peclally for its alHlf i,.mn the canals and they expressed them- The chorus parts will be rendered by scdvcs not onlysurpr.sea'attheprac- a chonw of forty vol(,8 undor thJ t leal methods employed but highly Bble tralnlng of Prof j g M Pleased with their examination of rftV. Th mi f .I,.-;...,. . ...... the irrigation system. , ,, " : J Z i ' " ! . m I 11 ip, luiUlnO win a uur larmers are very nnxlous to full symnathv and secure water early In Juno and no the imrt. Tho of tfc " e ort w ll be spared to accomplish l)rolhL.r8i noul)0n nnd Judah( uns, out mucli depends on two taken 1V Clan fIMI liwm n n A 1 things; First, the amount of help Veatch, while Mr. Voorhles takes the he way of teams nnd men that the rok, of ,ho ,,, futh(, Jll0ob. Mp winners can give on construction t..w. 1.. ... Ill ML 111 I III! I- 111! I )' Ask Halr-Rlddlo Hardware Co. to show you their 7-tooth spring tooth ultlvator. Brown Leghorn and White Leg- Paroled, Elope With Miff. Sheriff Russell on Tuesday of this week received word that a paroled prisoner named Charlea Single re nldlng at Williams Creek had eloped with hh niece, a lli-year-old girl named Meek. The sheriff at once communicated with Governor Ren son and started In pursuit of the fugitives and followed the parties Into Jackson county where he learn ed they had gone to California and h" at oiue followed them Into that Ktfite. Friday morning a revolution of Hlagle's pardon was received nt the sheriff's office from Knleni. Slagle was convicted of murder In the second degree In the .losei.liine work. Second, the prompt payment of tho assessments levied on the stockholders. Theso two are the great considera tions at this time and they are d mnnds that must be met If we are to have water this Benson. All that human effort can accom plish Is being done by the officers of the compnny. Resides Mr. (illkey and Mr. Carner, Mayor Kinney has given a large share of his time from early In tho morning till late In tho evening to the accomplishment of this enterprise; not only has hn given his time, his business ability, but from the very first has urged and encouraged his neighbors and friends to nsslst In this Important under taking. Secrctnry Rlggs has from the very first meeting called to en courage irrigation worK been ralth- lini,.t tt.ri, t .. .... mi ui wie cause, i-ew people tin i. realize the amount of of Phnroah, with Miss Marian Clark as tho Queen, and Miss Acosfa Mail- gum as Princess. Mrs. Wnlker will delight everyono as Joseph's sister. Mrs. McLean, who Is regarded as a most able accompanist, will assist at the piano. A violin obllgato will bo played by Miss Marian Clark. Very particular attention Is being given to tho appropriate costuming and setting of tho affair. Tho situ ation Is a picturesque one In itself, with Its Egpytlan splendor of color and tho rich, Oriental costumes of Pharoah's court. Mrs. (iunnell has this In charge nnd It promises to be perfect In every detail. There Is llttlo doubt of tho exist ence or much musical talent In Grnnts Pass, but It Is some time since an entertainment emnlovlnir thn the city s has been given here and all IHimnittHIIIg I urn evnncl Imr a rm.l ...... mi ;;;;lnV,,rf t,,t h ct.vo .,..,, ;4 ZZ On a visit a few days ago by a repre- wn-i, ... sen atlve of Is paper to the office Ul0 V, of the irrigation company he found to, to lniluro Tl :i :iu . ::,H ""r n,r; lr -t .m iaCk nothing .n drama. Vmt-ti ittii f 1 fin f..p 1 - I "l v"""" i bounty court on the 4th day of Sep. " (tcnilier, 1S93. for the killing of lAlitone. On Remember 23. 1'lflS hn was released on a conditional par don and these condition having bein Violated, the governor revoked Hi parole and ordered Llm bin k to tl.e pi nlt ntlary to serve out Hs life mntf-tice. A Rich Mining HMrlct. The Gallce mining district Is at tracting the attention of the inli.ltii: world generally nnd hni become known ns out 0' '!;- b l m!i,!rig rnmpi on the Pacific (mt. Durlnir young lady stenographers and book keepers and Mr. Rlggs all busily en gaged addressing notices and stale ments to Mockbolders, working on the books of the company, examining accounts, etc. With the exception of the two young ladles those at. work receive no pay. Mr. Rlggs has nt tended all the meetings and made written reports of each and perform ed all the duties of a secretary from first to last without rr numeration. It ran be further suld for the com puny that Its finances are managed with the most careful attention to de tails by tho regularly elected officers of the corporation. tic and artistic effects under such able directors as Mr. McMurray and Mrs. Gunnoll. It Is hoped tho rltlz'ens of Grnnts Pass will show their nppreclntlon of thin effort by more than filling tho Opera house Monday night, May 17. Especially Is this desired as a gener ous part of tho proceeds go towards tho park Improvement fund, under tho charge of the ladles' Auxiliary, The Importance of this work in genernlly recognized and In tho en joyment of tho concert, 0110 lends material aid to tho Improvement of our dty. Gold pani llier picks, shovels nt On- Frosts have dmin much dntiinije