I.-JDAV, APRIL 0, 1909. - -- - ... nvnnwni DOU Ufl I'limftt. . Hianl m m . 1 1 i J . . . ' I ', lx ftoi oomIa In yonr neighborhood, writ , orUi nam of your drwlar. and w will mall i rwokat of flower mmU fraa f of toot trtmbla t.uM0 SUB IS., PSSTUN0. ISfAON, AMQ tfUJUIt. WUN Reliable Seeds So much has already been said on the importance of DUVlncr vnnr crlc fr,m I illlll i; u j I ; ' mi;u may arise through tSrJ? i" CZthaep"t,iis.0nlcareles8ne8S r versight on the part K t.-i .C nave I vTA iCir w.orth-0"r'ncreas- m.c uujinca is uroor nappil haf X m.nf i i . , C rL i t -n mc ii. .uiy lore- "S. most seedsmen nn th aa6VS!i j ' t FPS ARE r.sfci.; ir-iv..t JU-A-E-S -"' ''ve Xjfcagazme Ever hid trouble of your own with hired man ? Rea J "The Late John Wijrnns" in this month's EVERYDOD'S, and laugh over the other fellow's trouble. Did you know that more funny short stories are swapped from "The Chestnut Tree" than from anv other similar collection anywhere? Every month you can find one that you'U laugh over till you get the next. Get EVERYBODY'S and see. For Sale by labia Clemens National Demaray Drag Stores ninnuni WW WHS I nniiira aamii , OnlynathoriMKl io'T'riw utule la miuv tWinTOTt. 71 1. n TH III t Tor limntntUxltt cltmlar. N to OMinntl WRITE FOI CATALOG 1. E. McGREW, PIONEER I Ta"ey unaer normal conditions. TRUCK and DEUVERVl1 am do,nig"7J be8t t0 reduce the furniture and Piano j number of hold-over cases to as Mttvlof I small a number as possible; In fact, G1ANT8 PASS, OREGONI. ; I am trying to have eradication bo i""-" perfect that there will be none. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT However, it must be 'understood iIENNEDY'S LAXATIVE that one man, or even a dozen, can- CniTCM SVOUP ' not eradicate blight from a district Kenovate.Your I&Ese 1L WW VlilTlrt8IUJ for tho Buyers of SEWING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MARINO A PVRCUASt Dos It rwt easjr Do it ! 9o4. Does it nauR a food stltctv. Doe it sew fsvt. Is it wetl nad. Is It easy operate. Is it lmpl in construction. Does fke avanvfaoturer put hi! n&ote en it. THE FREE sewing machine rcccntlj placed on the market by the rrce Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualitier of all other machines. It h the latest, best and most com plcte achicYcmentinbuildin of a scuinj; .nachinc. Com ure it with all other ma chines in anything in whicl they claim to excel and yot v.'iil find EaEE easily !hi best. nitE MACHINE CO CniCAOO, ILL. DIKE Ml. 304 South hth it GOVERNMENT EXPERT WARNS AGAINST FFOST (By P. J. O'Gara, As-.tstant Patho logist, U. S. Department of Agricul ture.) io the fruit growers of Rogue uiver valley: In a abort time the first pear blossoms will appear, and uniess an tne hold-over cases of pear blight have been eradicated from the pear and apple orchards. we may expect more or less blossom infection which. In turn, will pro duce a general infection of twigs and branches. It must be remem bered that the hold-over cases are the starting points for the new in rectlons which may arise through 01 uie orchardists. The first real spread of the disease, as has been 'nn ntoj . . i'""". uui 6u many uraes, taKes p,ace ln the Dlossoma, whence it is carried by insects, especially bees. v. ...... u -c "".luai Ulf uappen 10 una tliese cases afiCCoast.Send;of hold-over blight. Although the from bl08SOm m the apples, es- : Pec,ay the Spitzenberg variety, mav lose tne entire rrnn thrnncrh v,n blighting of the blossoms. On ac- i count of the very small amount of blight, which has heretofore held over during the past two seasons, little notice has been made by the average grower of any considerable amount of damage due to blossom Infection. It has been noticed, how ever, that all belated blossoms have blighted, and this has been due to the fact that at the time these be lated blossoms appeared there was plenty of twig and body Infections, to which insects could have ready access. During the summer of 1908, It must be remembered that there was no rainfall, nor had the previous winter given the valley Its usual precipitation. The very fact that last summer was very dry may bo looked upon as a blessing to the pear and apple growers of the valley. Had the season been normal, with its usual amount of rain fall, the In fection throughout the whole valley might have been so severe as to dis hearten many a grower. At this time we feel that the great majority a , . ., , kiuwcio iuuj uiiueibiauu tne aeri- course, know how to combat It sue- ..u.. We also feel that this large majority of intelligent growers, who own the finest orchards in the world, will compel those who may be less interested In the welfare of the pear and apple Industry to keep , their orchards free from infection, 1 and in this way make the fight a comparatively easy one. During the past two weeks I have . been visit ing as many orchards as f was possible, and I may say that I l have found a few cases of hold-over j blight sufficient to infect the en- Let us sell you new Furniture and take your old go'ods "in part payment. Sell your'g'oods where you can get the most, we pay highest prices. DAVOS Grants fans, Ore. THE as large as the Rogue River valley. The only ones who can eradicate are the growers themselves. It la a problem, as a duty, for each one who is interested ln the fruit business to see that his own orchard is perfect ly free from disease. During the coming season It would be well to make regular in spections of the orchards for blight I think that each orchardlst would do well to have a patrol whose only business would be to look after the blight. Let the man who patrols the orchard be responsible for the blight, and if one man cannot keep it down, especially where the or chards are large, then increase the lurce. tie sure mat tne man, or T-V men, who have this work in hand, fully understand the nature of the blight and how to eradicate It. Dur Ing the past season pear trees have been lost where a little care in the matter of summer cutting would have saved them. In closing I wish to say that the U. S. Department of Agriculture has sent me here to give every possible assistance in this matter, and I rust that all the growers will feel perfectly free to call on me when ever they find anything which may puzzle them in their , fight against fruit diseases. I shall make Med ford my headquarters during the entire season, which will be until the latter part of July. I shall try to see as many growers as possible on their respective ranches, and shall make an attempt to see them all. If fall It will be because my time has been too limited. Roeue River Fruit Growers. Romance of s. Tablespoon and Its Moral They're going io be Married very toon, And that it why they need a table spoon, But when they're wedded they will need a set, And many other things they'll have to get. They'll buy their spoons and likewise forks and knives From stores that ADVERTISE to please young wives. Tho Kodrsty of Women Vatnrallv makes them slirinli fruin the indeiicaio questions, me onnoxious ex aminations, and uuil( ;is:mt local treat ments, which Bono ph;"-i'!iuis consider essential In tho treatment of discuses of women. Yet, If help cun lie hud, It Is better to submit to this ordeul tlmn let the disease prow und spread. The trouble Is that so often the woiniui undergoes ali the aniiovance and thamo for nothing. Thotiviiijf women who have been cured b Dr. rHcrcc's Favorite Prescrip tion writtL In iSVreclation of tho cure which disiMri!vh the examinations and local trcatmcntTlicrc In tp other medicine ?o "ire .nnd .v.ife for .!d women . "F n rite 'rcrrtii'ion." It cures (k'ljiiiUtnTg urii.'ii regularity ai d female, weakness, It always helps, p almost always cures. It Is strictly non alcoholic, non - secret, sll Its ingredient.' being printed on Its botil-wr:ipi,i r: con tains uo deleterious or lub.i ( ,rmin:, drugs, and every natlvo metJicliiul roo entering Into Its composition has the fuli endorsement of those most eminent In tl.i several schools of medical practice. Some of these numerous and strongest of pro fessional endorsements of Its Ingredients, will be found In a pamphlet wrapped round tho lUle, also In a booklet mailed free on request, by Dr. R. V. Pierre, of liuffalo, N. Y. Theno professional en dorsements should have fur moro weight than any amount of the ordinary lay, ot non-profsloiiiil testimonials. The most Intelligent women nnw-a-days nAt on knowing what they take us med icine Instead of opening their mouths llk a lot of young birds und gulping down whatever Is offered thorn. "Favorite Pre scription" Is of K.NoWX COMroSITIOX. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. Dr. Pierce's Mvllcil Adviser Is sent frre on receipt of stamps to par exoenso of mailing only. Send to Dr. R. V. Pierce, uunaiu, . i., i one-cent stamps tor im- , i .1, . I inriiivrrm, or -i svimis oir cioin douimi. If 'skk consult the I XH-t-.r. free of chrK by letter. All surh communications are tielfl Sersily cniitlilentlHl. . i- i - n i -ran. , ii.-1- in ik ii Hi- and regulate stomach, liver und U,we. HOOUB IYER COUJUIL INDIGESTION ENDS IN FIVE MINUTES Misery From an I'pset Stomach Goes lk'fore You llealiae it. Every family here ought to keep some dyspepsia in the house as any one oi you may nave an attack of In digestion or stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overdue a sour Btomach five minutes after wards. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little you do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or if you have heart burn, that is a sign of indigestion. Ask your pharmacist for a 60 cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take one trlangule after supper to night. There will be no sour rl ings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, Nausea, Debilitating headaches, Dizziness or intestinal griping. This Will nil en linaMna there will be no sour food left over In the stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape s Diapensin Is a certain cure for all stomach misery, because u win lane nold of your food and di gest it Just the same nn if vm.r stomach wasn't there. Actual. nromnt relief for nil vnnr stomach misery is at your pharma cist, waiting for you. These largo 50-cent cases contain more than sufficient to cure a case of Dyspepsia or indigestion. XOT1CK OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF RKAL PROPERTY. Notice is herebv elven. thnt nnr- suant to an order of the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon, In the Matter of the Estate of Charles W. McGee. decenspd mnd on Anrll 3. 1909. recordPil In Prn. bate Journal 7 at page , thereof; ana tnat I win arter May 8, 1909, sell at private sale, to the highest bidder, for terms cash In hand, and subject to confirmation by this court, all of the right, title and In terest of said real estate ln and to the fonowlng described property: Tne Northwest of the South west U. and the Northeast V. nf thA Southwest Vi of Section 5, Township wuuni nwuv T4 Va UCLIIUU U, A UW UOIULI I 39 South. Ranee fi Wont nf Wlllnm. ette Meridian In .TnRpnlilnn Pnnntv I Oregon, containing 68 acres, less one aria n trrt rf rr CnVtnnl rlo. I acre heretofore sold to School Dis trict No. 31. Bids for Raid lands or nnv nnrt - - - - - v i - -thereof, may be presented to the un dersigned ar the law office or II. D. Norton at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon. MARTHA J. McGEE. Administratrix. NOTICE Notice of Filing of Initiative Petition to Enact an Ordinance of the City of (irunts Pans. Notice Is hereby irlven bv the un dersigned, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Giants Pass, Oregon, that there was filed with me on April the 1st, 1909, and initiative petition signed by 159 legal Voter of the City of Grants Pass asking to have submitted to the voters of the said city for their approval or rejection nt a special election to be called for that purpose, an ordinance granting to the Citizens Telephone Company, its successors or assigns, the right to construct, erect, main tain and operate In the City of Grnnts Puss, County of Josephine, Stnte of Oregon, and In the streets, alleys and avenues and thorough fares thereof, wlre, conductors and other appliances for the transmission of electricity for telephone, tele-' grnnh and messenger business In said city. IT. V. COLVIG, Auditor and Vollre Judge of Giants Tpsh. NOTICE. ('. S. Lund Office, Rosebniu. Or., Mar. 23. 1909. Notice Is hereby given that F. F. Williams, m attorney in fart of Wnlter 8. McLeod. sneclal adminis trator of the estate of Joseph Huot, deceased, has filed In this office on March 19, 1900, his application to enter under the provisions of the Act of Congress, approved July 17, ISiH, that land which, when mirvey- el will lie the V:ml U, nf the Knut U. of Section 14 In Township 4 0, South of It.mgo 7 West of the Willamette Meridian. Any and all persons I'litlnilng adversely tho land describ ed, or desiring to object because of the mineral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dis posal, to the applicant, should file thlr' affidavits of protest In this office on or before the 8th day of May, 1909. HENJAMIN Ii. EDDY, Register. First publication March 28. 1909. Last publication May 7. 1909. I hereby designate the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper publish ed nt Ornnt Pns, Oregon, as the paper ln which the above notice Is to b published. HENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. Take UeWltt's Kidney and Wad er Pills. They are for weak back, iickache, rheumatic pains and all Ulncy and bladder troubles. Sooth ig and antiseptic Regular slzo Oc Sold by all druggists. ,,,,,, . , , . . . , Kfiilnl ttlviiuta nil the foiul Viol put , if )0u will take Kodol for a little ... . ... . . , .won.; juu mil uu i'iorvi iiiu 10.11- 'M (Oil. 11 IS JH' il nil II L IO Ul", U' in proInpty gol(j by a drugK,Bl),, CITATION'. In the County Court for Josephine County, Oregon. In the Matter of the Es-) tato of Hiram Francis) Nlday. deceased. To Helen Niday, now married anr" uHweu iieien uavis; Delia Nlday, now married whose nm i known; Elda Niday and John Nlday. sua an oiners heirs of Hlrnm Fran cis Niday, deceased, and all persons luieresiea in nis estate: In the name of the State of Ore buu; ou, ana each of you, ari. hereby cited and required to appear before the Countv Court for phlne County, Oregon, at the court room In the court house at Grants Pass in Josenhine Cmmtv rnwrnn on Monday, May 10, A. D. 1909, at uie nour oi two o clock p. m., then and there to show ciuisr if anv tvhv an oredr should not be made and en tered m tne Matter of the Estate of Hiram Francis Niday now pending on auministration in the above en titled court, for tho lowing described real property situ- uieu in josepnine uounty, Oregon., iu-wii; An undivided four-ninths Interest in and to the South M of the follow ing described property iu Josephine county, uregon: Beginning at a noint 4 rhnlnn nH 30 links west of the Southwest cor ner of Section 35. Townshlo 34 South Range 6 West of Willamette Meridian; thence North 83 chains and 60 links; thence east 2.i chimin ana du links; thence South 40 chains; thence east 25 chains and SO lings; thence South 43 rhnlns nnrt 60 links; thence north 89 degrees i minutes West 50 chains nm, Rn links to nlace of heirlnni nf nil In Sections 26. 27. 34 and 35. TnwnsViin and Range aforesnld; Also, all of the following describ ed property: The S the Northeast of Section 28. Township 34 South. "Raniro fi West of Willamette Meridian in Josephine county, uregon. Said sale to be made by the ad ministratrix at private sale, and for not less than one-hnlf cash, with the balance of. the purchase price, if any, secured by a first mortgage on said real property, bearing interest at not less than six per cent per annum. Witness the Hon. Stephen Jewell, County Judge for Josephine County, Oregon, and the seal of the County Court affixed this 8th day of April, A. D. 1909. (Seal.) S. F. CHESHIRE. County Clerk. , ... " NOTICK OF FIXAI. RHTTI.MMKVVt" ln the County Court of the State of . a . . . Oregon in and for Josephine County. In the Matter of the Estate of Nancy Drown, deceased. Notice is hereby given that J. C. Randle, executor of the above en titled estate has filed in said Court and cause his final account, and by order of the Honorable Stephen A. Jewell, judge of said Court, Monday, May 3rd, 1909, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the Court house at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Ore gon, has been fixed at the time and place for the hearing and settling of Bald final account, and all per sons Interested In suld estnto are hereby notified to appear at that time and place, then and there to present any objections which they may have to said final account. Said order was made ln Chambers, April 2nd, 1909. Dated this 2nd day of April, A. D, 1909. J. C RANDLE, Exocutor. C. II. CLEMENTS, ' Attorney for Estate. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In tho County Court for Josephine County, Oregon. In tho matter of the Es-) tate of Peter Hansen) deceased. ) Notice Is hereby given that Geo. Hansen and Charles Hansen, the exe cutors of the estate of Peter Hansen, deceased, have filed In the ahove en titled court and rnusn their f 1 tin 1 nc count, and that Saturday, April 10, 1H()9, at the hour or 10 o clock a. in.. at the court room at the Court House at Grants Pass, Josephine f'nnntv. Oreiron. Is liereliv flvrd oh the time and place for hearing said final account, and all nersons hav ing objections to said account are nereny notinea to me nnu present the same on or before said dito Dated this 9th day of March A 3. 1909. GEORGE HANSEN', CHARLES HANSEN, Executors. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Josephine County. In the Matter of the Es-) tate of Janies R.)ln Probate Dunn, deceased, ) and by virtue or an order or the Hon. NotlcH Is hereby iflven that under Stephen Jewell, Judge of the County Court nf the Klste nf Oreiron for Josephine County, the undersigned, Msmia it. miciieii, administratrix or Hio I'rftntn of .Tnmeu Tl Hnnti rln. ceased, will, from and after the fifth day )f April, 1909, proceed to sell at private sine lor casn me roiiowing described realty, belonging to said estate, to-wlt: . The 8E4 of the NEK of Section 34 and the W'4 of the NWVi and the NW of the RWV4 of Section 35, Township 32 south, ilango 2 East W, M. ln Jackson County, Ore gon. Dated at Grants Pass, Oregon, this 10th day of March, 1 909. MARTHA R. MITCHELL, Administratrix. Knrlol For Indigestion - Relieves sour stomach, 1 m Ills 11 ; ,. " , ,,T He'"!V"ou1r "tom Palpitation of th-hnnrt. DuMs whatvom lBal IJUnks nt the Courier. PAGE SEVEN CITATIOX. To Hannah M. Halght, Margaret Tay- lor. O. P. McGee, Laura McGee, William McGee, Mollle Hall, Elsie Gibeson, Allen McGee, Mlanle McGee, Andrew McGee, Myrtle Mcuee, Minnie Nelson, Perry J. McGee, Martha J. McGee and to all other heirs of Charles W. McGee, deceased, and all persona interest ed in his estate: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 3F OREGON: You, and each of you, re hereby cited and required to ap ear before the County Court for losephine County at the court room 'n the court house at Grants Pass i,n losephine County, Oregon, on Satur day, April 3, 1909, at the hour of two o'clock, p. m., then and there to ihow cause, if any, why an order mould not be made and entered in the matter of the estate of Charles vV. McGee now pending on adminis tration in the above entitled court, for the sale of the following de uTibed real property situated in losephine County, Oregon, to-wlt: The Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter, and the North east quarter of the Southwest quar ter of Section 5, Township 39 South, Flange 5 West of Willamette Meri dian In Josephine County, Oregon, ontaining 68 acres of inmi iaa acre heretofore sold to School Dis trict No. 31. Said salo to bo ninde hv tho imi.. - - " ' UILHII- stratrlx at private sale, and for not less than one-half cash, with ha lance of the purchase price, If any secured by a first mortgage on said real property bearing interest at not less than six per cent per annum. Witness the i Ton Rt.nhan Tahii.I1 County Judge for Josephine County, Oregon, and the seal of the County Court affixed herein thla ih of March. A. D. 1909- (Seal) s. F. CHESHtnin County Clerk. Notice of Forfeiture of. Interest in i Miiilag CUiius. To II. Beaudreau, Co-Owaer: xou are uereby notified that the undersigned. D. n.-nka h a t Drake. Co-Own ra with voti in iv. following described Mining Claims, situate is the eonntr nf lM.nhi. State of Oregon, to-wlt: The Bun-' ay Side Mine lotlce of whleh Ii re- toraea in Book 15 Page 561 Silver Klnr Mine, notlea nt inin .i - - .wwmwU U L Which ll recorded In rtn.v i r wvn U , Page 551, each and all reference eing made to the miscellaneous Mining Records of Jnnhin rv. Oregoi, have expended apoa said mining tlalms as the annual assess ment work tor the year 1101, the icgregate mm of Two Hundred Dol lars (slOt. 00) as ranulFAt k. i. and you are hereby aotlled that un less you pay unto the undersigned your portlonate ehare of said turn ror Mia enauel labor so performed on or before Nlaety days from the late of .ervlee of this notice then all your right, title and Interest in and ;o earn Mining Claims will become the property ot your Co-Owners un 4r the provisions of Bettloa 3)24 ot the revised statutes of the United Itatee, ln ease this notice be lerted by publication thereof t, .our ?rcortlocaU bare of laid, aura baa sot been paid oa or before Ninety lay from the last publication of this aotlce. Taen In that event youf said interest in eald property will become vested In end forfeited to the undersigned. Date of Irtt publication. Janu ary 15, 1101. I1 r lMt M(Mobi Uaroh D. DRAKB. A L. DEARIE. Ct-Ownera. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is hereby given that the un Jerslgned, Mlnty A. Wlso, has been '.ppolnted administratrix of the es 'ste of John a Wise, deceased, by 'iur of the County Court for Jose " in county, Oregon, dated January '7, 1909, and all persons having Ulini against nald estate are hereby oiifled to present the same, duly 'tlfld, to said administratrix at the law office of Oliver S. Drown, at Grants Pass, Josephine county, Or egon, on or before the expiration of ilx months from the date of tho first Hibllcatlnn of this notlco. Dated February fi, 1909. MINTY A. WISE. Administratrix, NOTICE OF FINAL IIEARIXG."" In the County Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Jose phine, In the Matter of tho Es-) tale of Geo. W. Chapln.) deceased. ) As per order of the County Court executed March Rth by Stephen Jewell, Judge Josephine County, Ore gon, notice Is hereby given that the final statement und account has been filed In the above entitled court by Mrs. Lucy Chapln, administratrix of Geo. W. Chapln estate, and any objections to the snme will bo heard before tho court at tho April term, at the Court House, Josephine Coun ty, Oregon, April 10th, nt tho hour of 2 o'clock on said day. The un divided half Interest of nil personal property of deceased having boon sold to meet tho obligations of de ceased and the undivided half Inter est In tho fl W and 8 W V4 8 E U. See. Ifl, Twp. 34 8, R. C W of W. M., remaining unsold with the widow, Mrs. Lucy Chapln, wife of deceased G?o. W. Chapln. First notlco published March 12th, 1909. LaHt notice published April 9, 1909. Hy the Rogue River Courier of Grants Pass, Oregon, by order of tho Court, dated March 8th, 1909. MU8. LUCY CHAPIN, Administratrix Geo. W. Chapln deceased, Ily H. 11. HENDRICKS, Attorney for the Estate. Kodol for Dyspepsia and In d 1 - it... -..HI , , A .11 i .eniiou win uiKVrl HI17 UIIU nil 10011 ' 1. any ntnl nil tin... ( I fuarunt' 1 ! to ;;!v p o:.i t t 'I f.