I FRIDAY, APRIL 0, 1909. PAGE FIVE. t Persian Secret Invigorates, brings health to the skin and makes It soft and smooth. There la a reason why. It is made of pure Ingredients which are known to have a most beneficial effect on the skin. Contains no poisonous substance but Is anti septic and may be applied to even the face of an in fant. Cooling, healing and refreshing. Made and sold by Remember W. J. Gardner is still selling out and making prices that cannot be beat on good goods. Vo'tnt, weigh and measure trerylhinq you huy American Grocer. I The Vhite House Grocery V. . 3 is using CHASE A SANBORN'i ( - CELEBRATED COFFEES Jji'to how they Ilk it They will t 1 you it is always uniform In aual t:y and the finest flavor. Of course, you can get along without- it, bo can a wagon get along without grease but It goea hard. We have It in several grades rang ing In price from 20c, 26e, 30o and t 0o ner nound. Choicest Roiled Ham for that quick meal nice, thin, . ' regular slices. We Do It With Our New Slicing Machine Can give you Breakfast Bacon sliced while you wait Sauerkraut, good Kind Per quart, 10 cents. White House Grocery Perfectly SIMPLE Sabin V Druggist III Maxwell Model D A 4 cylinder, 30 horse power ,nll the comforts of ft $5000 car, equip ped with magneto, gas Jlamps generator ,Jrobe railfootjrest.letc. 9 , CZZIPrice $1750: Color Green or Red T T iM TXTKir A1 I. VJLtUin VJ ! PERSONAL ITEMS I Mrs. Elizabeth Castell visited Ash land last week, returning home Monday. P. H. Harth arrived from Port land Tuesday to spend a few days here on business. Charley Potts enjoyed his break fast better than ever because h,ls wife served him Folger's Gdlden Gate Coffee, ground just before us ing. A Basket social will be given in the M. W. A. hall Monday evening, April 12, by the Lady Maccabees. An invitation is extended to all. When you think of ice cream think of phone 21. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Steel and daughter and Mrs. Steel's parents and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stein from Butternut, Wis., arrived here Wed nesday to make this place their per manent home. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Foutz and little son arrived Thursday from Eagle City, Oklahoma, with the view of locating In the west. They are ad vertising to exchange Oklahoma farm land for Southern Oregon prop erty. Miss Augusta Parker left last Saturday for Kerby to begin a three month s term of school Miss Parker had beenlng spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. H. Parker, after having finished a six months' term of school at Selma. Glen Rogo, who has been employ ed as a bookkeeper at the First Na tional Bank for the past year, left Thursday morning for Long Beach, Cal., where he will spend some time and later will go to his home at Flint, Mich. Mrs. Edith Rehkopf left last Mon day morning for SIgourney, Iowa, called there on account of the seri ous illness of her mother. Mrs. F. B. Dorefus, another daughter, started from her home at Weed, Cal., on Monday evening. Home made bread, pies, cake and doughnuts- made dally at The Rose bud, 110 N. 6th street. T. O. Erlckson, for some months past city editor of the Medford Dally Mall, Is in Grants Pass this week. Mr. Erlckson is now a member of the Forestry service corps and will be put on detail work visiting all parts of the reserve. . Sidney Holt who has been here for the past several weeks with his mother, Mrs. S. B.'Holt, who has been very ill, returned last week to his home In Kansas. Mrs. Holt was Stricken with paralysis about two months ago and since that time has been In a very critical condition at her home In this city. O. W. Myers arrived this week from Grand Rapids, Minn., and Is the guest of Jose X. Nelson. Mr1. Myers left Minnesota about a month ago with four feet of snow. He met his father, G. F. Myers, In Portland on his way home. The elder Myers was in Grants Pass and vicinity for a month or more and since that time has visited other sections of the state but writes Mr. Nelson that he has found nothing which pleases him so much as Southern Oregon. Rev. T. L. Theumler returned Tuesday from Portland where he has been for the pnst three weeks at tending the conference session of Western Oregon conference of Ad ventlst churches. Mr. Thuemler says that the conference will make It a point to supply Southern Oregon with a coodly number of workers during this summer and there will ha arrangements made for a tent effort In Grants Pass some time dur Ing the summer. The Dunbars at the Opera house next Friday night. Simply PERFECT BJUVJl. '-SIMM Li 1 506 North Sixth 'Strer. CRAMS PASS. OREGON Mrs. Stephen Jewell, Jri, and child returned Thursday from a visit In Douglas county. Ladles, when shopping try a cup of our delicious chocolate, It will re fresh you, at The Rosebud, 110 N. 6th street. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. George and daughter spent Wednesday night In Grants Pass on their way home from a several weeks' tour of California. Mrs. A. S. Bliton, of Mdford, ar rived Thursday noon to spend sever al days with her sister, Mrs. A. Jackson. Mrs.' M. Beldlng, of Oakland, Cal., arrived In the city last Friday on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Walter Gould. She will remain here for a prolonged visit. Judge G. H. Durham returned on Thursday from a three weeks' visit to Chicago. Mrs. Durham left here last Saturday evening to meet her husband at Portland and returned with him. , Special menu for Easter at the Rosebud, 110 N. 6th street. David C. Oliver, of Chicago, has been in the city the past week look ing over the field for the establish ment of an abstract office In Grants Pass. He Btates that he is greatly pleased with the city and It is prob able that he will decide to locate here. Mr. Oliver Is an abstracter with years of experience. Get In line and have your special ty. Russell's Soda Fountain. H. C. Bateham placed his resigna tion In the hands of the county court this morning, and In the future will take up horticultural pursuits on private accounts. His many friends regret his leaving the office of fruit Inspector, but he considers It was the proper thing to do at this time, his relations with the commis sioner were somewhat strained. Frost Experiments. C. C. Vincent, of the State Agri cultural College, who Is assisting In the conducting of horticultural ex periments at Medford, was a visitor in Grants Pass on Thursday for the purpose of making arrangements to come here and conduct a series of frost tests with the burning of crude oil. Manager Scoville, of the Fruit Exchange, has this matter In charge and is assisting Mr. Vincent. It Is proposed to purchase 500 oil pots for the use of these experiments. Ladles' Auxiliary. . The Ladles' Auxiliary meets Mon day, April 12 at 3 p. m. All mem bers should be present as it Is to be an Important meeting. Visitors are cordially Invited to attend and lend their help to the work of the organ; liatlon. BORN. HAMILTON In this city Sunday, April 4, 1909, to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hamilton, a son. MARRIED. EASTMAN-SILL In this city, But urday, April 3, 1909, Bert East man, of Portland, and MIhs Irma Sill, of this city, Judge Stephen Jewell officiating. The bride and groom left Sunday evening for Portland.. Last Friday evening Mrs. W. L. Ireland entertained at her home be tween 30 and 40 guests, the occa sion being the birthday of her sis ter, Miss Augusta Parker. This was one of the most pleasant and unique little affairs of the season. Each guest represented what he or she would like to be and before the even ing was over It was painfully evi dent that there were a great many dissatisfied individuals in the city, not one of the assembled guests wishing to retain their own personal charms and be Just their own charming selves. Mr. Ireland, how ever, found that he had cause to be satisfied with bis lot as his personal ity was coveted by one of his guests. Games and music were enjoyed during the evening and dainty re freshments of Ice cream and cake were served. At a late hour the ruests departed, voting the evening one of the most pleasant enjoyed by them for some time and with hearty wishes for Miss Parker, who departed Saturday for Kerby, where she will teach school this spring and summer. Knight of rjrthlas. A rail meeting of the Order of Knights of Pythias Is made for Frl day evening, April 23, at which time Grand Chancellor Gut C. Moscr will bo here. All members of the order are expected to be present. P. P. PROCTOR, C. C. LINCOLN SAVAGE. K. of R. ft 8 For health and happiness De Witt's Little Early Risers pleasant little liver pill, the best made. Bold by all druggUts. ! iOCAL ITEMS Don't fail to read the Halr-Rlddle ad on pas 3. Good things to eat and drink at Russell's Confectionery. There's only one 'FLASH," be ware of Injurious Imitations. Try our delicious peach and cher ry sundae at The Rosebud, 110 N. 6th street. T. Y. Dean has Just purchased the Grants Pass rooming house on Sixth street. He has thoroughly renovated the place and has also fitted up rooms for housekeeping. M. E. Sturdevant on Tuesday morning was kicked by a horse and had his left knee quite severely in jured, however, he manages to get Into his buggy and attend to busi ness. The rehearsals for the cantata, "Joseph," ere now being held regu larly and the solo parts have been assigned, with the principals work ing hard to perfect their parts. It Is proposed to render the cantata In four or five weeks. Irrigation will Increase your earn ing capacity one hundredfold. Ir rigate your throats at Russell's fountain. Ashland Nobles of the Mystic Shrine are looking forward to a big time at the ceremonial session of Hillah Temple to be held Saturday, the 24th. Members of Hillah and visiting Nobles are invited and ex pected to attend. Have your mall addressed to your office or residence number in order that your mall may bo properly de livered when the free delivery goes Into effect. Also lean the number of your residence so you will not appear "green" when asked where you live. Everybody Is Invited to attend the Housekeepers' Sale and Social at the Presbyterian church, Friday after noon and evening, April 23. Aprons, etc., cooked food and household articles for sale. Program In the evening. Admission free. Ice cream and cake, 15 cents. 4-9-2t A. H. Carson has been re-appoint ed horticultural commissioner for this district for another four years. He left here on Thursday evening for Portland, where he will attend a meeting of the state board on Monday. At this meeting the subject of ways and means, as well as me thods, will be taken up and fully settled for the next year. James Trimble is adding 16x70 feet to his blacksmith shop by ex tending the west wall to the edge of his lot. He Is building the wall of solid concrete and expects to have it completed within the next 10 days mis win give space ror a wagon shop which he will run In connection with the blacksmlthlng, and he will be prepared to do anything In the wagon making line. A deal was consummated last Friday by which Dan Frazell became half owner in the tailor shop former ly owned by Roper and Kllno. Mr. Frazell has purchased the half In terest of J. F. Kline and the firm will ereafter be known as Roper and Frazell. The new partner is well nown here, having been a co-work er in this shop for some time end the public is assured of the same good work as of old. Ice cream and Ice cream soda with crushed fruit at The Rosebud, 110 N. 6th street. Mrs. M. J. Anderson received a telegram on Wednesday from Wa- mic, Wasco county, Oregon, an nouncing the death of her mother, Mrs. Louisa Rodman. She was about 65 years of age and had been a rest dent of Wamic for over 80 years. Death was caused by paralysis. She leaves four daughters, all married. The people of Grants Pass extend to Mrs. Anderson heartfelt sympathy on this sad occasion. The Inst number of the entertain mont course occurs next Friday even Ing, April 17, and Is without doubt the best one of the whole course The Dunbnrs give entire satisfaction wherever they go and their visit here last year made them many friends. They are singers, players of instru rnents and bell ringers, and artists In each of these lines. Tickets are on sale at Russell's. Don't miss this entertainment. Tickets 85c, 6flc and 7Cc. It Is generally understood that the nrlggs mine on Sucker creek, now owned by the Harmes Mining Co., will open up work with about 30 men as soon as the snow is out of the mountains, which will be about the first of June. The manager of the company was out from the Wait a ihort time ago and looked ovor the property preparatory to commenc ing operntlons. It Is probable MiMt Ihey will build a wagon roal from llolhnd to the mino. Get more out of your garden Use the Planet jr. Combination Garden Tools, and you'll do better work; save two-thirds your time, and tret a better yield. There's nothing like a Planet Jr. for profitable gardening or farming. Made by a practical farmer and experienced manufacturer. Fully guaranteed. No. 4 Planet Jr. Com' Lined T coder and Wheel Hoj saves ti:nc, labor, !c" I a :,l money. Al m.t all usolul garden implements in one. Ad justable in a minute to so v ail garden seeds, xM lnailc vating hoc, cultivate, weed, or plow. Pays fot itself quickly, even in small gardens. M"fT BUSINESS POINTERS H-TTT Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Surgeon. Rannle, the plumber. J.E.Peterson.PloneerlnsuranccMan. M. Clemens, Prescription Druggist. Curtiss & Co., Jewelers, are still in business at the same old stand. Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto metrist and Jeweler in Dixon's old stand, Front St. Eyea tested free. See Coron-Booth Hardware Com-I pany for plumbing, sheet metal and electrical work. 6-26-tf The I. X. L. marble and granite of north Central Point, Ore- works gon, are agents for The Stewart Iron Works Co.'s cemetery and lawn Iron fences, vases, etc. Write us and our salesman will call with designs. Coron-Booth Hardware Company have added gasoline engines. Mr. J. D. Franklin will have charge of this department, also the woven ' wire fencing. 6-26-tf Coron-Booth Hardware Company have added electrical house wiring and fixtures. Mr. A. B. Ellison will have charge of this department. Rannle for tin work. Attention Automobile Owners. There is a movement on foot for the organization of an automobile club in this city and it is desirous that every person owning a ' car Should join the movement. The main object of this organization Is to take the necessary Bteps to have the roads of this county improved. There is a general feeling among automobile owners that this can be accomplished by united effort and as this matter is of the utmost im portance, all parties concerned In this movement are invited to attend this meeting at the new Commercial Club rooms, over Harth's old store, now the PeerloBs, at 8 p. m., on Wednesday, April 14, 1909. F. B. OLDINO. FlNhcnncn's Union Elects Officers. The Rogue River Fishermen's Union held its regular meeting for the election of officers on March 27 and elected the following officers: President, W. C. Beers; vice-presi dent, J. H. Reymer; secretary and manager, W. Talmage; Treasurer, Grants Pass Banking & Trust Co.; directors, F. C. Kline, W. M. Cole, A. O. Houck, Geo. Bryan, W. C. Kline, W. C. Beers, J. II. Rimer. Another meeting is to be held Saturday night for the appointing of certain committees and to attend to other business. The fishing season for Rogue River will commence April 15 and continue until August 1. No. 12 J 1 1 M.rt V!i 3 Oil .. .JV Bid - For - Business AT BANNARDS DIG FURNITURE STORE New Goodi.arriTinsr Urget stock in the City, Prices that make it a loss to purchase elssvthere, sold for cash or on installment. Always somo special bargains, come and see and bo convheed. I Desire to Satisfy all A few White Sewing Machine for Sale cry chesp, or for rent. A. U. BANNARD Planet Jr. DoubU-WWl Hoc, Culti- now, tuc Handiest implement ever 'Jr truc!;e" aJ gardener. All culti pvts are of high-carbon, eel to keep keen (.dec. Snccial!v - -:.f xtremc! close to plants without injury. one and let iu show you the ad vantages cf these up-to-date labor- savinj implements. Cramer Bros. Odd Fellowa Block Sir Knights, Attcntiout All members of Mellta Command ery, K. T., and visiting Knighta are requested to meet at Mellta Asylum, Sunday morning, April 11, at 10:S0 and prepare to march in a body to the Episcopal church where the Easter service will be held, the rector. Rev. Bartlett, preaching. The last and best number of the Entertainment course next Friday night. Admission 35c, 50c and 75c. ' . itvtiti, I 1 1 'ii. i. A H I 1 1 ft ft ThUrSdaV, ApHI 15 ' 1 BETTER tthhn BEST BLACK PATTi TROUBADOURS Headed liy The Original; BLACK PATTI Greatest Sinsr of her Race, and.: America's Foremost Colored COMEDIANS The ( Tim Owsley ilig Hilly Young 3 (Will Cooke AND A Colossal Company- In the 2 Act Musical Comedy The Blackville Strollers EVERYTHING NEW Fan - Girls - Quia