VOL. XXIV. GRANTS PASS, JOSEPHINE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH 12. 1909. NO. 50 PULL TOGETHER PAVE 6TH STREET Get Ready for the Many Visitors Coming. IT IS TIME TO GET BUSY AU Want Paving Done This Spring Are Waiting for the Council To Commence Work. than hauling material to make a bad job. The Courier urges upon our able street committee prompt action in this matter, as the trains are already bringing to Grants Pass many home- seekers and investors; let us not drlfe them away by our seeming neglect of civic improvements. It is a truism worthy of remembrance not to wait opportunity but make it. Get ready for the visitors we expect and let them know that we are alive to the Importance of good streets and other utilities and advan tages which go to make up a town worthy of a place among the or chards of the Rogue River valley. THE IRRIGATION ORDINANCE PASSED Emergency Declared to Exist Prompt Action AN ENTHUSIASTIC SESSION IMPORTANT WORK OF LADIES' AUXILARY This Ordinance Will be a Great Help tu the Irrigation Enterprise Now Occupying Public Attention. Berrsford. The unanimous verdict of "Who's Your Friend?" during its long run in New York was that it was the bright est, wittiest and most laughable com edy dealing with New England life that has been Been in many years. San Francisco and Los Angeles have said the same within the past few days, as every city of importance In California. With the original pro duction surrounding Mr. Beresford, "Who's Your Friend?" will be the attraction at the Opera House, Grants Tass, March 17. DEMONSTRATION TRAIN TO VISIT US Agricultural College Pro fessors to be Here. thing Is the real difference between success and failure. Remember this occasion will enable you to learn the latest methods In the callings of those we have enumerated and every one should be on hand to meet this train and secure really Important and valuable information. AN IMPORTANT OCCASION 5-gallon oil cans wanted at Halr-Rlddle'B. 1. M. C. A. RALLY. Sunday, March 21, will be Y. M. . A. day in Grants Pass. Secretaries H. W. Stone, I. B. Rhodes, F. E. A. Smith and others will be here and plan to conduct two special meetings. The object is to arouse an interest In Association work in this city. Particulars will be given next week. SURVEYING OF THE CANAL PROGRESSES Fruit Growing, Dairying, Live Stock, and General Fanning Will He Subjects Treated. The subject which weighs heavi est on the conscience of the average good citizen of Grants Pass is the matter of paving Sixth street and the repairs on olher streets which should be made without delay. There is an old saying which is recognized as true the world over and that is "A man is known by the company he keeps." We can properly and truth fully add another maxim: "A city Is known by Its civic administra tion." Officials, as a rule, give attention to city matters In pro portion and In accordance with ttiA nublic demand and no more. The stream does not rise higher than Its source. The people of thlB city at. the last municipal election chose officials pledged not only to business me thods, but to twentieth century en terprise. The one thing intended was the upbuilding of Grants Pass and making of It the metropolis of the Rogue River valley. Unfortun ately the rainy season has prevented street work from the time the new administration took charge of muni cipal matters up to the present so that little In the way of street im provement could be undertaken, but the winter of our discontent is fairly over and it Is high time we get busy. There are ordinances to be drawn for street paving that should be ready for passage at an early day. It the property owners want this work to be commenced they should get together and take the necessary action without wait ing for public sentiment to drive them to it. We have the opportun ity this year to make this city one of the best towns in Oregon and we should be up and doing, but first let u have the one great thorough tare of the town paved and the other streets put in thorough repair. These municipal improvements will bring to us a large number of Investors this year and, as a result, will add greatly to our taxable wealth. To make this a popular residence city and a business center, we must look closely after our muni clpal Improvements. The rock crusher and the big roller should be promptly secured and the street work commenced. Whatever Is done do not allow any more dirt and stoneB dumped In to fill holes We have had too much of this in the past. Put the grader at work round lng up the surface and let the water run off. then" put on the roller and keep these machines going on such Dlares as elve way. This is cheaper The Ladles' Auxiliary met in re gular session Monday. The first business in order was the report of the Civics Improvement committee. Mrs. Gunnell reported that 900 roses have been distributed this month throughout the city. The roses ordered came In good condition and being two-year-old roots, and specially hardy ones at that, they will be giving good returns all sum mer with right care. The effect of this on our city will be Inestimable from more stand points than one. The committee's work of distribution was made possible only through the generous help of Geo. N. Parker, who gave much of his time to de livering them. Friday of this week Is planting day at the schools. Exercises were held in the different rooms after The city council met in special session on last Monday evening for the purpose of taking action on an ordinance granting the right-of-way for the irrigation ditches to pass through this city. The ordinance was read the first and second time and then on motion was put on its third reading, all the members vot ing in favor of its passing. Below will be found the full text of the or dinance: ORDINANCE NO i An ordinance grauuug, jubb- phlne County Irrigation and Power Company, an Oregon corporation, its successors and assigns, the right and franchise for a period of 60 years to build, construct, maintain and operate ditches, canals and flumes, and to convey water by The survey on the gravity irriga ting ditch has reached and passed the race track, seven miles from the point of starting at the dam. Chief Engineer F. E. Hobson said on Thursday night that the survey so far was through ground easy to work with the exception of about T'OO feet at the dam, which was Quite rocky and, consequently, expensive digging. This ditch will be eight feet wide on the bottom, 14 feet on the top and ZVi feet deep. The survey through the city runs through alleyB and streets, but does not cross a single residence lot. It the property owners along the line of this ditch In the country are liberal In regard to the right-of-wav and subscribe the ditch will be reary to furnish promptly to the subscription fund, water to the farmers in time to pre- One of the events of Importance this month is the visit of the Agri cultural College professors to the Rogue River valley. They will come with a demonstration train, stopping at each town. This is all important with the people of this' section and we make the announcement with great pleasure The train will start from Ashland on the 22nd, stopping at all stations on the way north, reaching Medford that evening, where it will remain over night. On Tuesday the 23rd it will again Journey northward, working its way from station to sta tlon, and will reach Grants Pass at 1:20 p. m., where It will remain for two hours C. A. Malboeuf, the district freight agent of the Southern Pacific lines in Oregon will be In personal charge of the demonstration train. It Is to this enterprising railroad official that we are Indebted for the benefit of having a modern agricultural college brought to all the towns in we means of said ditches, canals and which the dudIIs adjourned to the flumes over, through, across and be- ent 1088 DT drought. grounds for the planting of roses y0nd the streets and alleys of the Work on the 200-foot ditch Is .J t., Tii a .woat nca aocH order- nw ni taaa nnw ftntor. progressing moBt satisfactorily. The ed by the Auxiliary, were given the Lined or laid out, within the present survey has been completed to a point children to take home for planting, dtv limltB and additions hereafter me ana a nan oeyona me city A committee of ladles tor each Lotted, and to furnish water to the The f,r8t mMo on the Proposed line school had been appointed by the inhabitants of nld town for irrlga- Je grade stakes have ben set and of president to be present at mese tlon purposes and to charge tnereror, exercises. and to declare an emergency. The president called the attention The City of Grants Pass ordains as of the ladles to the fact that this is follows: the seftson for starting chrysanthe- Section 1. Josephine County Ir mum slips in preparation for the Hgation and Power Company, an Mft prhlhlt nlannod next fall. Oregon corporation. Its successors The Auxiliary has many plans yet Lnd assigns, Is hereby and herein cent, which is not as much as has h carried out this spring, but wanted the right and franchise for been estimated Dy some persons. they are the kind that need money. L perlod of 50 years to build, con- The rights-of-way for the ditch has Its work already this season has Btruct, maintain and operate ditches, oeen ciearea ana n.u reuuy m proved the worth of this organlza- canals and flumes, and to convey the grade BtaKes to a point on upper tlon to our city and though our cltl- water by means of said ditches, Sixth street south of the county . IovrIIv erateful there has Lunula and flumes, over, through, home, a distance or live mnes irom hm nn unee.lal onnortunlty. as yet, across and beyond the streets and the dam. to show It. But that opportunity Is alleys of the City of Grants Pass, as me suu-ioot contour mien on me close at hand. An entertainment 1b now determined and laid out, or as outh side of the river Is occupying nn to h elven by the young people mav be hereafter determined or laid consioerauie attention irom uenenu assisted by Mrs. Gunnell, one-half out, within the present city limits superintendent earner, unRineer ha nrnPPPda of which are to go to and additions hereafter platted, and Wright and others. The survey has t hi0' A,,Tlllarv. It Is to be a . furnish water to the Inhabitants been made past Frultdalo and thence WIRELESS STATION IS AMONG POSSIBILITIES W. T. Perry, fiscal agent for Josephine county for the United Wireless Co., tells us that there is a possibility of securing a wireless telegraph station for Grants Pass if ' the necessary steps are taken soon. Salem and Roseburg are to have stations as soon as it is possible to install the equipment. The engi neers are now at Salem and will soon be in Roseburg, where a Bite has been donated by the city. Grants Pass can secure a station by making application to the com pany and guaranteeing a revenue of $100 a month. The company then Installs the system and out of the business pays the operator, office rent and other necessary expenses. The application for station and the guarantee are necessary from cities of less than 10,000 population. In all cities of more than 10,000 popu lation the company Intends installing systems without any guarantee. the ground plowed and the grader is now at work. There are 10 teams and perhaps 30 men working at vari ous points along the line of this ditch. Mr. Hobson says that the contour increases the distance from the dam to this city about 50 per musical comedy, the entire cast home talent. By supporting It en thusiastically the citizens will be giving the Auxiliary their mucn needed help, and also encouraging the many gifted young people of Grants Pass. The Auxlllnry la adding to Its strength by the addition of many new members. The following were voted In Monday: Mrs. C. H. Gar- ber. Mrs. Florence WellB, Mrs. H. of said town for Irrigation purposes and to charge therefor. Section 2. Said corporation, Its successors and assigns, shall use reasonable care and diligence In the construction of Its ditches, flumes and canals, to guard against injuries to persona and property, and shall leave a safe and suttable roadway, and repair all damage to the high way wherever the same may occur. Section 3. Safe and suitable c Tivette. Mrs. unas. i-emmo, -icroBHmgB m me iunnuuup v. C E. Coffman, Mrs. Albert Bench, streets shall be maintained, and the W. R. McCraken, J. H. Hoioin, ditrhes and canals at mese piaces, Mrs. W. It. Mcuraaen, j. v. a A Swlnney. Mrs. W. A. Newell, Mrs. C. V. Hlnkle, Mrs. Mol- lie Beldlng. ......liiumMMMmMW wmwwwww"'-"""" j I Out nw hvc commenced to arrive 4 THIS WEEK WE RECEIVED NEW CARPETS NEW ART SQUARES NEW WALL PAPER NEW GO CARTS See these goods before purchasing W. w.U con... -II our I... ve r'. ..ork .1 Wall I'.p.r at 23 pr cent off Ur a short lime. OfTvTtTIT frQlousefurnisher WJLL South Side of Railroad on C St. ihnll he brldced over with cement and otherwise properly protected The said corporation shall use rea sonahte care In guarding ennui 1ltches and flumes against injuries to persons and property and shall erect and maintain along said ditches, canals and flumes, aud the maintenance and operation thereof, mid corporation shall In nil things comply with such reasonable re nutrementB, rules and regulations as may from time to time be prescribed y the said City of Grants Pass. Section 4. H being necessary that the ranalH, ditches and flutncg bo ex cavated Immediately and before tho dry season, and It being of great Im portance to the health and conveni ence that the citizens of Grants Pbhb and vicinity shall hBve water for Irrigation purposes, there Is ur gent neceHHlty that the said ditches, canals and flumes be complied as soon as posHlblo, an Hin'rgency Is declared to exist and this ordinance Is placed on Its third rending and final pssHuge and shall be In foil force and effect frotn and afler Its uncage and approval. to the southwest, a distance of near ly eight miles. A construction force Is engaged clearing tho right-of-way and preparing for active construc tion on the first three miles of the ditch. It Ib the Intention to push this work as fnst aa possible from now on. Frultdnle people are clenr- Ing land and getting ready for Ir rigation this season. This Is a mut ter that will need tho attention of the farmers along the lino of all the ditches, If It Is their Intention to make use of the water this yenr. It Is most satisfactory to report that men are coming In everyday and subscribing to tho construction fund so as to help tho great enterprise In Its present time of need. There will be a meeting of the directors of the Irrigation company on Saturday to discuss ways and means of enlarging tho force on the canals so us to push the construction as fast as possible. Grants Pass to Merlin: Arrive Grants Pass 11:20 a. m. Demonstrate Grants Pass 11:20 a. m. Leave Grants Pass 1:20 p. m. Arrive Merlin 3:00 p. ra. Demonstrate Merlin... 3:00 p. m. Leave Merlin 4:00 p. m. It is to be hoped that both farmerB and fruit growers will make It a point to meet this demonstration train which will consist of several cars, especially and thoroughly equipped for practical demonstra tions, and will carry a number of lecturerB from the Btaff of the Ore gon agricultural college and experi ment Btatlon, who will speak upon the subjects of special interest to the dairyman, horticulturist, growers of livestock and farmers generally. The Importance of this subject to our fruit, dairy, livestock and gener al farming Interests would be hard to estimate. To know how to do a Pittsburgh Perfect, the electrically welded fence, is sold only by Cramer Bros. Real New York Production Coming. So many inferior productions of New York successes have been foist ed upon the public of smaller cities that when it Is announced by a re putable manager that the bona fide article will be presented, our local theatergoers are only too eager to turn out and give It a cordial re ception. In the comedy of "Who's Your Friend?" with Harry Beres ford, theatergoers not only have the word of New York and Chicago, but the more recent reports of San Fran cisco, Lob Angelea, Fresno, Sacra mento and other cities of the state of California during the past thirty days. This complete production will come to the Opera House, Grants Pass, March 17. Have you seen the Iron Age Com bination Garden Seeder and Cultiva tor at the Grants Pass Hardware Co. SPOKANE HAS NO USE FOR THE HOWIE TELEPHONE CO. Slowest Kind of a Telephone Company Gets Fran chisc Allowing Three Years to Complete Its System Fails to Comply with Terms. SI'OKANR, WaHh., March 5. Cor-, for UiIh purpose, and had dono con- poratlon Counnel Hamblen yesterday I slderablo conduit work, In all filed with tho city clerk a notice I amounting to some $300,000. that the franchise of the Home Telo-1 Here Is where the "construction phone company IB iudjoci to loncii "Hereford Ik a (treat ('"median lie HUM- Yon IiiikIi. Which In . , Un AiiHwer to Comedy." This quotation Is from the Los Angeles Kxnnilner of Monday, March 1. it Is simply a repetition of New York's verdict during the long run of "Who's Your Friend?" when It was characterized as tho brightest, witti est comedy seen there In years. With the original production surrounding Mr. Harry H resford, this comedy, which has kept Hun Francisco and l,on Angel.s laughing for three weeks, will romo to Opera Houso, Grants Pass, March 17. Step ladder! at Hair-Riddle's. Grand millinery opening March 19 and 29. The newest thing out In feminine headgear Ib shown at Mrs. K. Rehkopfs. ure for failure to comply with the terms upon which tho franchUo was granted. Under the term of the franchise the company agreed to Install a plant of Its own and to have It in opera tion within threo years from the date of the franchise. This the cor poration counsel states tho company has not done, with tho result, At torney Hamblen says, that the fran chise Is subject to forfeiture at the option of the city council. Before this forfeiture can, bo nifido binding It must be acted upon by the courts, and tho filing of tho formal notice yesterday by the corporation coun sel Is a preliminary step to that end. In due time tho further legal action necessary will bo Instituted. Tho Home Telephone company has erected a central building on a costly site, which It has purcbasod "compuny" comes lu. This concern has a lien of $350,000 securely plas tered over the building. This Is an Invariable accompaniment wherever the Homo company secures a' fran chise. ' When Interviewed regarding the notice filed against the company by the corporation counsel, the ' local representatives of the Home j com pany vouchBufed no explanation as to why the company had nt Install ed a plant as required by the terms of the franchise. As a matter of fact, the now com pany has discovered that the busi ness world of Spokane Is very much opponed to tho annoyance, addition al expense and troublo consequent upon a dual system, and that, per haps, accounts for the failure to In stall a complete plant lu accordance with tho frntichho.