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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 0. in,. THE KOGIE RIVER COURIER. IMGR KIGriT EVERYTHING from A to Z EVItRYT I N R you would c pect a first c!aus thoroughly stocked grocery to handle is what we jtfid1 our establishment with having. TRY US and note the purity arc! freshness of our stocks. REASONABLE price?. J. Pardee X5fet't ont Street Grocer SOKE ERRORS CORRECTED ABOUT PRICE OF POWER Docwinenls liCNin ri'ttcd by President' and Secretary of lrrigu lion Company. Considerable comment lias been made recently relative to the re ported proposition made by the Rogue River Electrit: Co. (tho Con dor Water and Tower Co.) to the directors of the Josephine County Irrigation & Power Co. to furnish power for pumping to Irrigate our lands. In October the Irrigation com mittee called for propositions from all power plants or others Interested In furnishing water or power for Irrigation In this section of the country. Again on December 17th the directors of the local fninpany naked for further propositions as none of tho first seemed satisfactory. The following correspondence Is Kelf-cxplaiuitory: Mr. J. 0. Hlggs, Sec'y., (rant 1'iiss, Ore, Dear Kir: Replying to yours of December 1711), we are enclosing ropy of our letter of Oct. 14th, which we beg leave to confirm at the present date. Pleaiie let us know If you are ready to close definite contract on (his power, and If you are, we will be ph:i:;cd to meet ou and submit bin iik form for contract. Yours very truly, ROC. I'M RIVHR F.I.KCTIUC CO. Mr. .1. (!. Klggs, Sec'y., (intnts I'ass, Ore. Dear Sir: 1 am enclosing llgurcs on water for Irrigation as requested. You will note that one-half 11. I'. pumping to lf.0 feet elevation at ST. per lent elllclency will pump 4 Vj ttcre feel of water (lining season. Must authorities think that an acre foot Is ample for any crop but i for (vine crops one-half acre n ot Is mini' I" it. Uased on these P ;iu es j fiOO M. I', at $Ji.(m per year would j lrri:;.ile acres at a co-it of j per acre per year. This is a t ry low rati- for power, ; and think that. considering the sit uation at Grants Pas3, It would be to your advantage to accept this proposition. Very truly yours, ROGCE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Then again Mr. Kinney on the 10th day of February, 1909, In an interview with R. V. Clarke, asked If they had any further proposition to make and received correspond ence Identical with the above prop osition. Here Is what our engineer has to say regarding the Rogue River Elec tric Co.'s proposal. "The proposition of the Rogue River Electric Co. mado to your board would appear at the first glance to he very attractive. On closer analysis, however, It does not warrant the conclusions drawn by them. "To begin with they assume a plant efficiency of 85 per cent. The best authorities have shown that the average small pumping plant used for Irrigation falls a little short of HO per cent In plant efficiency. On the basis of CO per cent efficiency twice the amount of power or 2430 II. P. to Irrigate 10,200 a-res would be consumed In raising tho water on an average of 1C2 feet. This, at $20.00 per II. P., would cost $48, per year." To this must be added the dis tributing ditches and the cost of motors and pipe lines, to say noth ing of the attention of a man to operate each plant, which, reduced, to an acreage basis, would be equal to a bonded Indebtedness of from JSfi.OO to $95.00 per acre. Even this doet) not Include the f per cent engineering charge added to the other propositions. One of our citizens who has a 1 II. P. motor advises us that It cost him $32.00 to Irrigate one acre of strawberries for one year by that system; another who had tho same sized motor used in one season, ex pecting to irrigate several acres, but with his utmost efforts succeeded In watering only an ncre and a half, r.nd has taken out the plant and In stalled gnsollne. Other examples could bo cited, but this Is sufficient to put our people on their guard lest they be led astray by reports and representations that this would be an economical method of Irriga tion. From nil experience and data gathered from other sources the cost would bo many times $2.22 wr acre. Every opportunity has been given to this and all concerns to Install an litigation system In this valley for which we have waited years. Does It not. appear to you that the present activity on the part of these people Is lor the purpose of retarding our local enterprise? Consider well any proposition made by any outside concerns. Respectfully, I JOSEPHINE IRRIGATION AND POWER CO. Ity II. Ij. (Illkey. President. J. (I. Rlggs. Secretary. Coron-Hooth Hardware Company have added electrical house wiring and futures. Mr. A. II. Ellison will have charge of this department. t;-2i".-tf AMERICAN TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH CO. T7YT IP TTh If I I il J S Is Now ConiKM led With ,,(tOO Independent Companies a. Iittf 1,000,000 Sintlons This l '2 IVr Cent of All ;,. Stations, Do ;ou want to make a present to a friend at small cost, or buy one for yourself '.' If so, here Is your opportunity. We havu pbued our assortment of tihhl different patterns of Jap anese Crqis and Saucers tin sale at 25c each (Vine In and lock at them; vou tnuuot help but he pleased. Also bear In mind that we are headquarters for everthlti) In the Wall Paper Line and If you are contemplating living up your house, Investi gate our line before buying HALL'S ART STORk Moie ciepnone 1M Telephone UVVl (l'rolil the lloston News Iiinvuil.) One of the most Important feat ures of American telephone devel opment In 1 0 S was the large In crease In the number of Independent companies with which connections were established. During 1907 the Pell companies established toll and ,long distance connection with no less than 450.001) Independent tele phone stations throughout the coun- try. The number taken ever last year was practically as great. As a result of the 1907 and 190S development In this direction, the American telephone system now em braces a total of over 4,000,000 sta tions, of which l.iiOO.OOO represent stations of small Independent com panies, not owned outright, but con nected with the Hell Hues, and therefore an Integral part ef the .... . - ..... t .;! iroui uie standpoint of ef fective public service. Five years ago there were considerably less than 100,000 of these Independent stations so connected, The Independent Nations are nearly all In rural district, were iu- utalWd bv local IHV till). it o.l 1. .... . Bi operated along provincial !!, . til the American Telephone Cotu pnnv saw fit to widen the sepe of It public usefulness and made these companies an Integral part of Us own .1.000.000 odd stations These connected stations repre sent at least 5000 companies, com monly classed as "Independents, but which In everything except local service are really a pan oi me system. Gradually these companies are putting In Bell Instruments and adopting a Bell standard of construction. AMERICAN' 1K.VCE is made and sold In larger quantities than any other two fences In the world, solely on its merits. Sold only by Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. Adjourned Meeting Fruit Exchange. There was an adjourned meeting of the Rogue River Fruit exchange last Saturday at the Commercial club at 10:30 a. m. Considerable routine business was transacted and a few Important matters taken up. It was suggested that all new com ers be spoken to regarding the Im portance of joining the exchange. A resolution was passed that tho association keep on hand boxes of fruit with which to supply excur sionists and for advertising pur poses. It was resolved that all mem bers of the Fruit Exchange join the Commercial Club and to carry this out fully a committee of three con sisting of E. E. nianchard, O. A. Hamilton and II. C. Hateman, was appointed to confer with all mem bers and In this connection it was planned to ask the Commercial Club to urge Its members to Join the Fruit Exchange. Articles 6 and 9 of the bylaws were amended and a motion was also adopted that a new consti tution and by-laws containing all amendments be prepared and print ed for the use of members. After the adjournment a meeting of directors was held and officers for the ensuing year were elected. For president and manager, William Scovill; vice president, G. A. Hamilton; secretary, R. Thomas; treasurer, First National Hank. WITH THE CHURCHES . Seventh la' Advent Ists. Preaching service Sunday evening . it !, f n K A it tin t. at 7:30 at tne &cvemu ui u ist Church. All are welcome. T. L. Thuemler, pastor. First Christian Science Society. Christian Science service will be held in the W. O. W. hall at 11 a. m. Sunday, February 23. Subject, "Chrlft Jesus." Wednesday even ing meeting at 8 p m. In the read ing room, north hall, opera block. See Coron-Hooth Hardware Com pany for plumbing, sheet metal and electrical work. 6-20-tf CHRISTIAN ENDERYOR DISTRICT CONVENTION A band of earnest Christian En deavor workers are gathered in Grants Pass this week from all parts of Soul hem Oregon attending the Fifth District Christian Endeavor convention, held at llethany Pres byterian church beginning this Fri day afternoon and dosing Sunday evening. There are about 2." out-of-town delegates already in attend- ance. , For the past week local Endeav orers of the Presbyterian and Chris tian churches have been busy mak ing arrangements for the convention : and the accommodation of the del egates. The convention opened at 3 j o'clock with a devotional service In charge of .Miksche of Ashland, and continuing until ,1 o'clock. Among lh" names on t h,- program are Rev. K. I'. Green ami Rev. W. 1.. .Mell Inger of Ashland and Rev. W. F. Shields of .Medford. Friday evening the delegates are tendered a reception at the Presby terian church, whlc h has been beau tifully decorati d with the Christian Kiab avor colors, white and gold. An excell, nt program lias been inv- pared. On Saturday the convention will called to onlrr at 1 u by a (b'votlonal service and opened under the leadership ,f .-n.( MM.S ,,f Ashland. Talks on committee work and the reports from the various so eletles will be given. The afternoon service commences nt 3 o'clock with devotional service In charge of Chester Smith of Ashland, the topic I'elng "Christian Endeavor Fellow !ll'l'" There will be talks by Miss Mavbcl Gaby of Ashland and A. A. Wint.r of Portland, and an exercise !' the Grants Pass Juniors. Rev. Geo. T. Pratt will have charge of the evening devotional meeting at "'30. Special music by Hethnnv choir will he rendcre.! On Sunday morning the delegates will attend the church of their pref erence but special services will be held In the church at 3 o'clock, and union Christian Endeavor meet ing at 0:30. The convention ad li'ess will be delivered at the even ing service by Rev. A. A. Winter of Portland. house St. Luke's Episcopal Church. Sunday Services: Morning prayer and sermon at 11 a! in. Subject, "Revelation." Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Christian In the Family." On Thurs day evening at 7:30 o'clock will be given the second of the Lenten lec tures. Subject, "Character." First Raptist Church. At the morning service the pastor speaks on the topic, "The Harvest Time." The Bible school meets im mediately following the morning hour of worship under the direc tion of R. K. Hackett. The Young People's meeting Is at C:30 p. m. and will be led by Miss Vera Whipple. At 7:30 the pastor preaches on the topic, "Jesus at the Threshing Floor." A cordial invi tation Is extended to these services. F. C. Lovett, pastor. Salvation Army Meetings. Holiness meeting, 11 a. m. Sun day School, 2 p. m. Salvation meet ing, 7:43 p. m. Saturday night will be a cosmopolitan sing song meet ing, with songs and part songs In five different languages. This meet ing will also bo a pound meeting, so that any friends who caii bring a pound In the. way of provisions will be assisting the officers In charge. Xewninn M. E. Church Services. Tho special meetings are discon tinued. The pastor will preach morn ing and evening on Sabbath. The chorus choir will also be in its place and will sing an anthem at the morning service. At the evening hour Miss Marion Clark will sing HOME Hart Schaffner $ Clothes Marx Nueaet Hats For Spring, 1909 Geo. S. Calhoun Co, ''Outfitters to Boy and Man" "Heart That Is Weary," by Gounod. Sunday School at 10. Junior League at 3. Epworth League at 6:30. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. AMERICAN FENCE is made on pur pose to be the heaviest, most dur able and lasting of any fence at any price. Sold only by Hair Riddle Hardware Co. Page fence, high carbon & spring steel wire, no "trlp-hamj kinks." See Franklin, at Con Booth Hardware Co. 2-Ik Kodol for dyspepBla and Indlf tlon will digest any and all food e any and all times. Kodol li gsaru. teed to give prompt relief. Soldi! Sabin s drug store. Read the Page fence ad In this issue. Having resigned as Secretary of the Commercial Club of Grants Pass, I am now prepared to BOOST the Sale of Orchards. neyar 1 Frail n 9 And City Property of all Descriptions If you wish to SELL, See Me SI lr lVun's h hkh-Ki-ade dress skills li most reasonable prh at I am acquainted with many who are NOW ON THE buyers WAY Ices. Notice. All persons are hereby forbidden to take t'Hher wood or gravel or trespas In any vvay on my land, l'i miles from this city. WAt.TKR F.VKRTON C rant Pa ss, Feb-uary. 17, ioii 2-26-31 9 Room 4 Maconic Temple .U Andrews Grants Pass, Oregon