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About Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1909)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1900. TliE ROGUE RIVER COURIER. PAGE THREE Lui8 In Lakeview. stamps must be attached to the The following from the Lake envelope and not to the card. When County Examiner of February 11 attached to the card they io not will be of interest to the people of cont for postage, this county: ( Be sure to place the address In the The first move toward the mak- Proper place, lng of the new and greater Lakeview j Address all mall with pen and ink. was had this week by the arrival In By order of the poatoffice Depart- A CAR LOAD OF StudebaKer Wagons Just received town "i Mr. John C. T.nma Vr. ment. GEO. W. DONNELL, Postmaster. Grant's Pass, In the Roeue rlvor vi. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 TiiTmT..t tn 1 : i-r-n-t-mwi II 1 1 II I M-H: The best is the cheapest in the Ion run. Oetthebest-TheStudebaker COME AND SEE US ii Jewell Hardware Co rAs, OREGON. 22 Fruit-Grower ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI Brrrr latmit4 la k.rtlculture awl. boot 70 p(Ti, hiudwaitlr Maelraud, brimful .f iii. ' B1,llM. Wck cerlve era. w hilt Jn-rr. id iUrcC twuca Vu'k!' k'i"' ,U W"r,t 8prjrliig, Gira..nli)i and aaU Prulti. wl,t "If Pcll ma ken ee Oe tenant of iti tacrctand elrrwlitlu I. ,k. . . ITutt-Grew.r baa Jalt uf(,rltP(, , n,J tb t tat ef the Tk. " BUBll.h mm; Both t Special Northwest Supplement Tbl npploB.Dt will be tddM (a rul.r .em.. .... ... rrlbcre from eight te tilt,. TdS fo,., " ' Northwtri Mk to Iti rod In tbl. Urrlt.ry. ' wm Buk T" "ltUr.ww K IrMtT T.I., The Pralt-Or.w.r'e rrp.rU f tk. frail M . ore thki tb euberrlptloe prtce. TbSi rinlrt, .J,,0, T'7 '",0" .,.r 70,009 lebMrlbtre H7 It U w.rtb tU Eit ulS? .ta 11 1 ll.t tt m will -U Tk. Frlt.Orawru;c b If tw. IdAiI " ., to we uMrM fw tw rw fer 1. M V UtU ,d4mM 7r far tl, We win send FREE, prepaid, to the person i1? tt "ndttance , a tree of DELICIOUS APPLE and a VINE of BANNER fiBAPE Tfceee ir twe f rbe Wat bow fro. bMMi .uu. ... bea awe. greet leeerd .t Weeetafce l4 V!. ,i i7w ."Bto- FREE -la fart. It la a vlieer wboreret trW, tU era it klaW wiT Tollty. W emit ea to trr mr frntta, fw tbr an wlo era aoaeat tkto aflet xi get taeai ikaetateir td fw araet,. al eaae aa4 Hf wl be -mi tm aariac ptaottair. Tear aoeawttttom be Tke rrattrawar wM atod at aae. If a nil aaaiBta WKrtllt aaat free. tVard tbkj OmfM aid fl.a t The Fruit-Grpwer Bra 93 ST. BO. Beta. Te Fralt-grewM. tt - w. , ... nvs ia Maewcg 4r rtaata f genii r.. Toara tota.. Iawa . ...... ...... ene addnee la de- I U nuMI nk l-.l au eat oolr ene bleak, if aaat, ladHata wkrab te t nortte tte tnmitn.) ley. "The gentleman lost no time In sizing up the field and prospects ur.d at once secured the splendid piece cf property to the north of the Ex aminer office, cornering on Main and Bear streets. Having 8ecured the lot he immediately began negotia tions for the construction of a mod ern building thereon Just as soon e? the material can be got on tte ground. "The building will contain four large rooms on the main floor to be devoted to mercantile pursuits. It will be two stories in height with strongly laid foundations for addi tional stories, when occasion do mands. It will have glass and Iron fronts, and will be up to dale In every particular. "It is not yet decided to what une the upper floor will be put, somo thing that will be determined Inter on. "The gentleman is of the opinion that there is a great future In Btore for Lakeview and is making Invest ments with that In view. Not only is he pinning his faith to the town by putting In his money, but he also will locate with us, and will soon bring his family here to reside. "The Examiner is pleased to wel- MURPHY. Miss Josephine Darnell le arrived home Thursday from North Bend, Oregon, where she has been since last June. O. H. Perry'8 health not Improv ing as rapidly as he desired, has gone to Grants Pass to take medical treatment. Misses Ethel and Lucy Harmon of Grants Pass attended the social at the school house Saturday night. That we are to" have a new school house this fall Is an assured fact, the contract for clearing the ground having been awarded some time ago. The new building will be located about 100 yards west of the present building on land purchased two years ago from Mrs. J. M. Bunch. After the rendering of an excel lent program at literary Saturday night, they closed with a box social, Instead of a pie social, as formerly announced. The neat sum of $18 was realized, which will be applied toward purchasing a bell for the new school house. The only draw back to the affair was that the supply of boxes gave out too soon. Scientists claim that a mosquito's bite causes yellow fever and that all The most highly refined and healthful of baking powders. Its constant use in almost every .American household, its sales all over the world, attest its wonderful popularity and usefulness. come him to Lakeview and believes other diseases are caused by differ that he will make no mistake ' In casting his lot with the people of this town. "This deal was made through the Seagars." Post-Cards. If those who mail post-cards will observe the following Instructions they will 'save themselves worry and the postofflce much work. In order to get the benefit of the one cent rate, post-cards must con form to the size and shape of the cards Issued and sold by the govern ment It they have any tinsel, mica or other gritty substance attached to them they are unmailable aa cards and must be placed In a sealed en velope and require two cents postage when addressed to any point outside of the city. ent kinds of germs. Now we should like to know what kind of a bug, or germ, causes baseball fever. All the boys, big and little, up and down the valley seem to be sud denly stricken with this disease. Some of the boys are fondly dream ing that they will get to play in the league this summer, and one who Is good authority on baseball says there Is as good material In the Applegate Valley as can be found anywhere In Southern Oregon, so their dreams may not be mere pipe dreams, after all. BUSTER BROWN. Lataat) Bhomldar. Tfcla is a aoaaaion form of aiuaeular rkaa atlta. No internal treatment la needed. Apply Ckanbarlaln'i Liniment fraely tkraa liaieaaday aadaqulckcureUaarUln. This liniment kaa praven aapaciaJly valuable for miianilaraad chronla rnaiiiaatiam. , Sold by M. (leneaa. WALDO. School was out Wednesday, Feb ruary 10, and the teacher, E. W. Wells, left Thursday for his home in Kansas. We have had quite an amount of snow and It has been very difficult to get the mall over the mountain. Two of the stage passengers en route for Crescent City started over the mountain on foot. Hope you make it all right, boyB. Herman Borgman of Takllma was seen on our sunny streets Friday of last week. George Elder, the Waldo mer chant, Is very busy these days. Listen! Don't you hear the wed ding bells ringing. It looks as though there is something doing around Takilma. Wonder who it Is? A very pleasant evening was spent at the Waldo hotel last week danc ing. Mr. Vass was the musician. Thomas Wlmer, tho blacksmith of this place, returned here Sunday evening from Patricks Creek, where he has been shoeing the stage horses for the past few days. Mrs. Annie Adams of Allen Gulch was In our city Saturday afternoon. The ghost must certainly be com ing back to Its old quarters, for every night some one goes ghost hunting. Peter Gravltn appeared on the scenes Saturday evening. Guess you wasn't hungry, Pete, or else you for got the way to the hotel. Nell Owen returned to her home In Takllma Sunday evening, after visiting friends In this burg for sev eral days. Mrs. Wm. Eggers of Sucker Creek Valley made a business trip to Waldo Thursday of last week. ONE-EYED ANN. Jhamberlaln's Cough Remedy the Most Popular Because it la the Beat, tave told ChnmlierlHltt'a Conch Rem edy for the pant eight year and mid It to be one of the bwt selling nieilicinei on the mar ket. For (whit and young children there is nothing, hetter in the line of coukIi ay turm,n ya Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, La. This remedy not only curea the cough, colde and croup a" common among voungchildren,but ia plranant and aiife for them to take. For aale bv M. fllimn I OREGON J Near Bottling Works PHONE S23 AU kinds of repairing: done. Work called for and delivered. Best goods and lowest prices. . Don't forget the plase. am. CLOSING 0T M AOranH 1 1PPPQQ Thousands of people visited our store the past week to take VJiciriU OUltt5oo advantage of the greatest money saving sale everl inaugurat ed in Southern Oregon, and everyone of them went away delighted with the bargains they received. During the next week we are going to continue this great sale with still deeper cuts in old lines. We have not power to adequately describe the astounding bar gains we are offering, but just come and take a look, you ought to come, you are doing yourself an injustice if you don't come. Never again after this sale is over will you be offered such genuine bargains; just look for instance, everything else priced just as ridic- uously low. ' L I II ! I II II I llll II' BaaawBaoekj Extraordinary Offer of Men's Suits One lot men's suits values up to $8 your qc choice $Zyd $4.95 $6.95 Another lot, values to $12 One lot $12.60 to $18.00 Men's Pants One lot assorted special 69c One lot Men's linen collars. 2o Boy's Knee Pants One lot values 75c to $1.25 special at 29c Men's heavy fleeced uuderwear priced regularily n at 50c while it lasts jjC Extra long red Hdkfs 3c White cambric Hdkfs 2c Extra value white linene Hdkfs 7c Men's work sox 3c Black and tan sox, extra, value 7p Overcoats Last call ob Men's overcoats each aid every over ooat left in the house goes at just half price. $25 values $12.60 $20 values ...$10 15 " 7.60 10 6 Celluloid collars one dozen for. 5c One lot Men's summer underwear, specil 13C Canvas gloves small sizes Q One lot Men's neckwear special JyQ Thousands of other Barg'ains too numerous to mention Come and se for yourself. Economical, shrewd people will be on hand. The values are unusually worthy of your prompt attendance. HARTli S OLD STAND Two Good Show Cases For Sale p eerless Clothing Men's and Young Men's Outfitters Hnlrnmb. Hallius &. Eastwood, Pro Out of town customers can save car fare by taking ad vantage . of these prices or s.