Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, February 05, 1909, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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h i ! : inn in miiiimininimii : h-h
W. C. T. U.
StudebaKer Wagons
Just received
The best is the cheapest in the long
run. Get the bestThe Studebaker
Jewell Hardware Co.
. j
I"H""I"I"1 1 1 1 1 M"H-H"H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Mr
2 Fruit-Grower
Bwrroae tatm! K 'borrtlpu'rtwr, thou Id read tMa ,v,i. v. - ,
Spraying Card.atac and 8w.aU "rutaa. wl V. wt ap-dl Httl .a
Special Northwest Supplement
Tbta wipplntiriit will U iddnfl to rarular Woa Bd will tfr. Nortaatra u.
Tiber. trn isU 10 xtvea ,pp. f .dJiXt-s.! K,tw , ry ttTutk. TbiTawU.'r wlH
Tbr Fruit-Grow!", rrporit wf the fruit twp aBttlooa OTn mu, . ..,ik
rnxttn far j-oa: TUe rrulOrowr'i r-cuUr wukanrtptlaa nrtee ta tl ,i ir..J
mr utaarlb-N .or tt I. worth tb. mOw. TSttd M.f .Jlr JlU!
ot M m aadreu rr w ;hh !fur $1. Aad tm OdtU 1 oa. 7r It II,
ye -will send FREE, prepaid to tbe person
sending the remittance, a tree of DELICIOUS
Tbtae art tU kaat aw fraKa M)aflsi. Wttiw Titr. Tho IXUrUiia
Mile kae mi a "record it Wnat. Hnl Rr, la tta Ukt tOarlaa oavati?
. ytoyr 'Whyrtw trW, u4 a0 t hiW larlc this tbi Sulu..'
burr. It at onU of klftoaat
a,iflMf .
Wa.waa rm aa ry than
Bear froiU, fur 4bcr are wa
Mrs aerert tal aad
. ttwa abeotatol FBIB.
Sa4 fomt erdar at hn, ad
tVy wiH tort for Ijufcuf
ptanttnr.': ' TK alhiirrlptlo to
The rrult-Qroww will ittit 't
oe. It Jet wrrt MDtHr
opy tt wfll b mt frt. Cmd
thhi Coapoa u4 1o
The Fruit-Grower
Th Fill lmm, (. law,
InelaMd wffl M I). r wfelok and fa rraM
OrawOT aw 7 ta ta -T tka faMaataf addrrawai
Naaa at Vodr
Ttwa ,
" ... State..
rwa-jrtar aabacrlptlon to on afUrcM la d
BU out -ml an iWaok. .If iiwa tmt ara
tawJcata wtilch la to ratal iUm premium.)
Wanted A Father.
A ragged, hungry little boy etood
peering through the door of a saloon
One of the men in passing, asked in
an unkindly tone: "What do von
want?" "I'm wanting.. and the
boy's Hps trembled, "I'm wanting
my father, sir." At one of the
gambling tables he saw his father,
too intent with the game to heed the
imploring face of h;s little son, who,
with his thin cheeks burning, turned
and ran away.
Oh, the fathers wanted! Heart
broken children need their fathers.
May the bitter needs of children
arouse the fathers that they may
throw off their bondage and be free
to minister to the young souls need
ing them bo!
Some men are always having a
"terrible time."
Happiness is a by-product obtain
ed from work, well done.
No one can dream hlmRelf into
character; he must hammer and
forge It and that means hard work
but it pays.
arapcs give iff -
the chief ingredient rvO
' 1 V.: t I ... 1
the active principle, 5ri
and healthfulnestato
Every effort having f'.IUd tc i.-.ake
two women friendly, let them occupy
the same room at night. When each
one sees that the other also has
false hair they will st once become
chummy and confidential.
"The W. C. T. U. of Los Gatos,
Cal., celebrated its silver anniver
sary in December. A number of
workers who bad been members
were present or sent greetings.
Among the women of marked ability
who had been members of this union
were Mrs, RuUi Shaftner Etvier,
World's W. a T. U. missionary, and
Dr. Mary Mallory, to whose fertile
brain tame tie plan of our depart
ment of Christian ClUxenshlm
These two and others who tutte
passed on were remembered in tie
Unton'B Memorial service.
A readinR room, a llbiary, a W.
C. T. U. fountain, a coffffee club and
a curfew law are some of the abid
ing results of the Quarter ceaVury
of white jSbbon work. Thou, too,
Los Gatos is a prohibition commu
nity, a Skrct result of the Be&i-sow-Ing
of other years.
The man who Is always going to
do, and who never does, amounts to
but little inthis life. What the world
wants is not mere intention, how
ever good, but action.
To absorb all that one may ac
quire from reading and travel and
not to Impart any of that know
kijge for the benefit of otherB Is
nothing but refined selfishness.
A man's life is to be measured as
to lis duration not. by yeai'i V.t by
character. As the Arabs srell wy,
"A wrse man'? day Is worth a fool's
lift " Length cf days Is nsC vouch
safeJ to everyone, but the ability to
live well is.
,yihsoluUty Vurt
insures wholesome and deli
cious food for every day
in every home
No PhoaphatwS
No Alum
H. IB. HeMricfc
Have listed some of the
best bargains in Rogue
River Valley, for
Fruit Lands
Bearing' Orchards
Dairy Ranches
Write or see them, you
will not be disappointed.
Race Suicide as Viewrd by Woman
Elizabeth A. Iey.
"Woman 1b charged with having
host the (God-given desire Ac 'become
a 'wife atnd mother. TaritouB rea
sons are.asigned for this bat 1 haveu
aeen m mention of what 1 believe H
to be (he greatest cause & this loss.
Is it not because our nation has re
fused txo .'protect the bona that the
Amerloan woman refuses to become
a wife :and mother? She has wept
and iicayed and petitioned (our state;
and national governments to throw
arounfl the homes of This country
some protection ' from Che greatest
curse tthis world has ewer knows.
But ttnfitead of granting Tier request
"this Sand of the free asnO home eff
the Twave" has gone ixtto partner
ship aith the home-destroyer, so the
only reply weeping, petltfionlng wa-,
msnVawd receives Is: "tGo mate
homes, Ihe patient, bean children,:
and oadh year we will only lay about
10U,OWO of them In (Orunkarda",
grave land we canot tell how many ;
of them we will placee In almshouses i
count? jiills, penltentlarttes and ln-i
sane -Hfj'Jums." It Is mot hecause
a woman loves a poodle dog morej
than !baby that she rlwoses the I
dog. hta !tf she pays the tax and puts
a eclkrr urn her dog, she Is protected
by the taw from the dog aflayer; but
tell xne. ttf you can, how a mother
can profcect ber boy? She went
down ta Che gates of death to give
him birth. She counts this as
naught ftrr the Joy that a man child
is born. She watches over him
sleeping and waking, warns him of
the dangers of the Intoxicating cup,
but it avaVUrth nothing; ere the
blush of youth has left his cheek,
she sees him offered a sacrifice on
the altar of his nation's greed.
What wonder that a woman buys a
ranch and goes Into Bheep raising
Instead of raising troys? Wool
growers are protected and If the
wolves should abound, our govern
ment would pay so much per head
for their destruction. But the de
stroyer of our tons Is protected by
law;' his business is legallxed.
When the voters of the country
make the raising of children a safe
business, then will our daughters
li.Tonm wives and Joyful mothers
of children. " and the streets of the
city shall be full of boys and girls
pluylug In the streets thereof."
ICts just the same old story the
saow is gone from the level and It
rtilns when It Isn't snowing.
Mr. Newman Is Beriously El, but
the exact disease Is not yet known.
Another tract of land has been
lough t from the ""Ideal colemy."
Mr. Watson has returned to his
home in Los Angeles, Cal., where
his wife and family with the excep
tion of two sobs, reside.
Messrs. Caughe WatBoa and Mer
vin Hope were visiting "tfriends" In
Golden last SunJay.
Miss Dessle Cole Is vtBitlng her
stater, Miss Dafcsy, teacher of this
district. ,
Messrs. Ray and HeraU Mcintosh
went to Grants Pass tUB week to
visit their sister. Mrs. Z. Brown.
Valentine day la nearly here and
undoubtedly many maiiens' hearts
are fluttering with anticipation.
Boys, be sure not to disappoint them.
There is more Catarrh In this sec
tion of the country than all other
diseases put together, and until the
last few years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great many years
doctors pronounced it a local
disease and prescribed local renie
dies, and by constantly falling
to cure with local treatment, pro
nounced It Incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease and therefore requires con
stltutlonal treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio,
Is the only constitutional cure on the
market. It is taken Internally In
dimes from 10 drops to a teaspoon
ful. It acts directly on the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
They offer $100 for any case It falls
to cure. Send for circulars and
Address: K. J. CHENEY & CO. .To
ledo, Ohio.
Sold by drugglHts, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
all nation. 2-5 4t
Salary Advances Fixed by Senate.
The salaries of the president, vice
president and speaker of the House
have again been under discussion In
the senate, when the legislative, ex
ecutive and Judicial appropriation
bill was taken up. Amendments
were adopted increasing the presi
dent's salary to 1100,000, that of
the chief justice of the supreme
court to f 15,0a 9, and those of as
sociate justices to $14,500. '
Warren, In charge of the bill, ex
pressed the hope that the allow
ances of 15000 annually for car
rlages ot other vehicles for the
speaker and vice-president would
be allowed to stand.
The amendment Increasing the
salary of the president to $100,000
was adept et "by a vote of SS to 80
The republican senators who voted
against the increase were: Bever
Idge, Borah, Brown, Burkett, Clapp,
Dolllver, LaFollette and Piles. No
democratic senators voted In favor
of the Increase, The amendment
was adopted providing for an "un
der secretary of state," to te paid
$10,000 year.
The salary of the chief Jistlce of
the supreme court of the United
States waa fixed at $15,000, Instead
of $12,500, as at present, and the
salaries of assistant Justices at $14,
00, Instead of $12,500.
Grant Paaa Waathar.
following is a narumary of the weather
obsenration at Oram Pans daring the
month of Jan. 1008, as reported by J. B.
Cavdctock, local voluntary observer for the
Oregon State Weather riervlce:
Florence Aiken Meets
Much Success as an
Miss Florence Aiken is the author
of a new public school book, "First
Book on PhonIcs."It Is different from
anything hitherto published. Mlas
Aiken Is a teacher in the Lane school
In Roseburg, a position she has held
for four years. Previous to her
work there she was engaged in teach
ing in several of the schools atGrants
Pas8,and In the Willamette Valley.
The book is Illustrated with views
of local scenes that are familiar to
all. Aside from being Instructive It
is more explicit in its makeup and
construction than the usual book.
It has been adopted In Bchools ot sev
eral states. .
H. B. HendricKs Co.
Corner of 6th and O Street, over Sabln Drug Slora.
President Roosevelt la much Inter
ested In this subjoit of Hnee 8ulclde,
yet In his mcssago of over 3000
words, not one word did ho say
about the home-destroyer.
$ D V.. af rla Prnm Frnat
f lOlvvl 1UUI vikliut us a ''
By the Orchard Heating Device of the Front Prevention Co.
Fresno, Cal. forfeaieoy
It r.rn n PAHKFR. firants Pass. Ore.
tJinmiierlnln's Cough lleiutdy
Moat i'opular Hrx-anao It
I the Deal.
"I Iihtp anM ClinniWrlritn'a Cough Rem
edy far tha punt f iprlil yean and find It to t
mm of tli bt telling medicine on tha mar
ki t. For liuliieH ami ynnng chiKlreu tlnrre
' nnlliinit Ultr r In tli e linanfonni'h ayniw,"
my Paul AlVn, I'htin I iHnr, I a. 'I li
-I'tnedy twl mil ciirra ilia eoiiuli", rilda ami
1 r"itj V enmninn ainniiK voiiiik rliiMren, liil'
I i'-rix))iit ntnl jf- fi-r ifiem tn lukf, Fol
uV. 'I.'"
1 For health and happiness D
j Witt's Little Early Risers pleasant
: little liver Dills, the best made. Sold
Miss Anabel Lelth was visiting
home folks Saturday and Sunday.
Miss Evely Reud o' Grants Pass,
made a flying visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. !. Reed, Thursday
Mrs. Florence McAfee departed
Tuesday for North Bend, Ore., to
Join her husband, who has a position
In a sawmill at that place.
The annual meeting of the North
Side Ditch Co. Is called for Saturday,
February 6, for the purpoHo of elect
ing odlcers for the ensuing year.
Miss Cora Darnelllo, ono of Mur
phy's popular youiiK ladles ana
Frank Hill embarked on the sea of
matrimony Thursday of last week.
Their many frlondo wish them a
lone and prosperous voyage, with no
shipwrecks and no squalls.
Literary was well atended Sutur
day night. A good program was
rendorod, after which they wound
up with an old fashioned spelling
match, which brought out the fact
that Murphy has many excellent
Next Saturday night after Liter
ary, there will be a plo social.
Each lady Is expected to bring a
plo which will bo auctioned off.
There will also be a pie eating con
test between two promlnont young
men. Each one Is to make the pies
to be eaten by his opponent. Ugh!
Please excuso us.
(2 Maximum Minimum Range &
" M 30 22 .23
i 67 44 1.1 .18
3 64 44 10 .41
4 40 87 0 1.21
5 61 80 16 1.80
6 80 38 12
7 61 41 It 1.18
43 81 12 2.68
9 37 20 11
10 80 18 18
U SO 17 13
12 29 19 10
i;H 37 26 11 .16
14 63 8t 21 ,H4
Ift 66 SO 10 .78
10 69 42 17 , trao
17 69 a 10 .61
1H 61 35 10 trao
62 44 H 1.10
20 6'i 45 7 .83
21 62 83 19 .02
22 4 1 81 10 .44
2U 40 22 18 .82
24 40 23 18 .01
26 42 28 14
27 61 27 24
2 61 21 81
211 67 83 24
30 61 80 15 .09
31 48 35 13
Tha Courier 4 months for SOe.
Come and See Me
Bummarv: Mesn temperature 88 max
imum temperature 69. data 10th, niint'm
temperature 17. data 11 Total precipita
tion Inches 16-16 Hnowfall 13U. Number
day clear, 2; partly cloudy, 4; cloudy
20. rrcvr.uing wina, o. w .
Just Coffee, but perfect
Your grocer will grind it
better if gTOund at home not
too fine.
Having bought the Bicycle busi
ness of w. A. Paddock, I would
like to have a part of your trade.
not all of It, for I can't do It all. I
would alBo like to grind your saws
and file your edged tools. I'll do
the best for you that I can and
charge all I think you will stand.
Don't Forget the Place
Hawking, Spitting,
Must go too.
Hyomel (pronounced Hlgh-o-me)
will give the suffering from catarrh
Joyful relief In five minutes.
it is such a remarkable cure, and
so positive In Its action, that Dema
ray goes so far as to guarantee It to
cure catarrh or money back.
A complete outfit, which consist!
of a hard rubber pocket inhaler, a
bottle of Hyomel, and a unique drop
por for fllliug the inhaler, only costs
$1, and If an extra bottle is after
wards needed the price Is only 50
Hyomol Is a healing, antiseptic
balsam, taken from the mighty eu
calyptus trees In the health-giving
forosts of Australia, where dlscaBos
of the respiratory tract are un
known. All the sufferer has to do Is to In
hale the antiseptic air of Hyomol
over the Inflamed parts where tha
germs are entrenched, throe or four
times a day.
It cures coughs, coldn, asthma,
hay fever and croup without stom
ach dosing.
Cures Dy)eps3a.
Your money back if it tWk Ci'vm im
mediate relief from heartburn, tour aloin
ich, stomach dintrcu and tick headache.
SO cents a large box at
At Itciimruy'a I)rug Store.
4 wwwwVwWWW bT 8ab, " iT lt0r