Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 22, 1909, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    FRIDAY, JANUARY 22, loog
none nxvm r rn.
- r
Plan to Order Many I'lanU, Tree
and Shrub to Bcaatlf
Grants Pass.
Are certain to never occur if you
euppy your table with our teas and
Kvery pound of either you pur
chase heire has a guaranteed
strength jjand quality and an
amount; ms a rule, mqeh better
than you generally get in many es
tablishments for our rapid sales not
only enable us to keep the stocks
up to strength but to becure a
quality heldotn equalled.
Try us next time.
J. Pardee
C6 Front Street Grocer
Johale Meek and Joe York, blod
themselves away to the mountains
last week to trap for "varmints"
the remainder of the winter.
Wheeler Osborn Is working for
Chas. Bnrkhalter in the Oscar Creek
placer mine this week.
0. II. Perry was stricken by sud
den Illness Friday night. Dr.
Campbell of Grants Pass was sum
moned und Mr. erry Is somewhat
Improved at this writing.
The population of Murphy was In
creased lust week by the arrival of
a bouncing boy at the home of Ed.
T. Perry.
Nest eggs 35c doz. at CramerDros.
The telephone line wblch connects
. .. of Messrs. Hannum, Per
ry, Carson and Osborn, with the
main line was broken by the high
water, where It crossed the river
near Mr. OBborn'a place, thereby
cutting the above mentioned phones
off from the main line. We under
stand It is the intention, of these
gontlemen to extend the line down
the north side of the river and con
nect with the main line at Murphy.
Italn, rain, and still it rains.
Messrs. C. C. and F. 0. Wynant
and mother were at the Pass Mon
day. Omega Separators at Cramer Bros.
E. M. Austin made a business trip
to Grants Pass Monday.
Anyono wishing blncksmlth work
done, plouse call on Wm. lloan.
Miss Pearl McCalllster and J. E.
Hays were on our streets Sunday,
Look out McCalllster for Gene says
that Gene must have a cook and that
"Anna" Is tho ono.
Victor Daniels has skipped the
country for some reason, but the
reason Is known.
Miss Desslo McColm and Vernor
Daniels were at the Puss Sunday.
Wm. McCalllster was at Pro
volt Sunday, looking for a rook and
reports Unit ho had success.
The special meeting of the Ladles
Auxiliary last Monday, was well at
tended and great Interest was shown
In the preparations forRose Planting
Pay. The Civic Improvement Com
mittee reported that very low club
rates on Roses, Trees, Shrubs and
Vines had been secured and all the
ladles of the city and surrounding
country are invited to send in or
ders with the club order and gain
the benefit of the 50 per cent dis
counts. With this in view a com
mittee was appointed to canvass the
town, interesting the people of the
city and securing orders.
A definite date for Rose Planting
Day has not been decided upon and
the public are requested to watch
these columns for the announcement
of such date.
Mrs. Gunnell, the chairman of the
Civic Improvement Committee, will
be at the Commercial Club room
Monday afternoon to take orders
from any Interested party . All are
urged to confer with Mrs. Gunnell
In this matter, whether you are
vlsted by the Committee or not
The ground to cover U sj extensive
that some may be overlooked, but
if any are, please understand that it
was not intentional on the part of the
Committee. So do not delay put
ting in yor order waling for the
Committee to call upon you. Mrs
Gunnell will be glad to take orders
by phone or give information in re
gard to prices and varieties. All
are urjted to make up their orders
and send them in as the complete
order should be sent to the nursery
by January 27th.
Remember that all plants ordered
by the club are two year old plants
that will give blooms for the flower
festival this spring. The Civic Im
provement commltee recommended
that flower seeds be bought and dis
tributed among the school children
and prizes bo awarded to those ob
taining the best results from them.
The Club heartily endorsed the rec
It was repored that the lease had
been received for the vacant railroad
lot on the east side of Sixth street,
the same to bo used for park in
connection with that on the oppostle
side of the street. The ladles will
begin work on these grounds as soon
us the weather will permit.
A drama will be put on some time
in February, under tho direction of
Laura Thomas Gunnell for the ben
efit of tho Civic Improvement Fund.
Keep this in mind and accept the In
vitation to attend and help tho good
work along.
Fetaluma Incubators at Cramer
Everybody plan to plant roses and
Bhoilo trees. Save money by order
ing with the Ladles Auxiliary. Mrs.
Gunnell Is chairman of the Civic Im
provement committee and will take
your order.
Will you buy an Incubator this
year? A wlso mnn buys the best.
None bettor than the Potaluma, for
which Cramer llros. are agents.
You Know a
Good Cup of
Coffee When
You Taste It
J ? . 'LI,
Wo aro hero to provide the
QUALITY Hence wo hare in
stalled a Royal 1-lcctric Mill
which STKEL CUTS (he berry
into eleun cut particles, instead
of grinding and crushing it as
by the old method. The oil colls remain unbroken
and the essential oil cannot evaporate.
Ono pound of Steel Cut Coffee makes from twelvo
to fifteen cups more of full Btrenpth coffee, than coffee
ground by the old method. Most adoptablo for percola
tor! or French Drip coffee pots.
Try a pound of our famoui 25c blend, our Fancy
Guatemala at 27c, our Monopolo Fancy Roast at lOo, or
the famous M. J. H. at 3 lb for $1 cut on our
Royal Steel Cut Mill
and wo know you will tind iho Quality.
William Mark is Given Life Sentence
For the Shooting of
Miles Carter.
William Mack, charged with the
murder of Miles Carter, was tried
lBBt week in the Circuit Court and
his case given to the Jury Saturday
evening. After being out about five
hours the Jury returned a verdict of
guilty in the second degree, which
mitIph with It a life sentence. The
ease was one which attracted con
siderable interest Inasmuch as Mack
was drunk when the crime was com
mitted and the testimony developed
the fact that he secured liquor in
Grants Pass, even from his
victim. In his testimony Mack stat
ed that he did no knowwhat he had
done until the next morning when In
awoke to find himself in the county
The crime for which Mack is to
serve a life senence was the shooting
of Miles Carter on the night of Fri
day, December 4, 1908. Carter was
operating a soft drink Joint In the
oar of tue Layton hotel. It was at
first thought the wound was not ser
ious, but complications set in and
Carter died the following Monday
Other cases disposed of at the
January term of the Circuit Court
State of Oregon vs. Fred Shlppey,
charged with the burglery of the
Schmidt cigar store; sentenced to
two years In the penitentiary.
AugiiBt Baldwin, charged with
breaking Into the Jewell Hardware
Co. store; discharged on account of
faulty indictment.
F. H. Osgood vs. It. O. Smith
Action for money. Dismissed.
State of Oregon vs. Miles Carter
Indictment. Dismissed on account
of decease of defendant.
G. W. Light and E. E. Wiseman
vs. R. E. Reed and Samuel Reed
Action for damages. Dismissed.
A. H. Gunnell and Thos. Galvin
vs. Geo. R. Gowan and Mary
Brown Action for money. Con
tinued until next term of court.
VV. II. Flanagan vs. Ed. Jones
oult for injunction. Found for
Fred Kragci vs. C. H. Jones De
fault by defendant and Judgment en
tered for plaintiff for -v..
Grants Pass Holding Co. vs. Mil
dred Mattlson Default of defend
ant and Judgment for plaintiff for
C. L. Barlow vs. D. L. Smith
Confirmation of sheriff's sale.
F. W. Brooks vs. D. P. Johnson
Default of defendant and Judg
ment for $90 and Interest and 25
attorney's fees for plaintiff.
Rogue River Water Co. vs. City
of Grants Tass Dismissed.
John B. Thurhner vs. S. F. Scho
enfeld Dismissed..
Kstato of W. R. Reed an Insolvent
debtor Estate closed and referee
Nellie Hlbbs vs. John Hlbbs De
cree of divorce granted.
The court ordered the clerk to
draw warrants for $25 each for A.
C. Hough and W. C. Hale, attorneys
for Wm. Mack and $10 for Goo.
Colvlg as attorney for August Ilnd
wln. Kate Burns vs. James Burns -Divorce.
Time given until next term
of court for plnlnilff to file reply to
defendant' answer.
Jiinies Burns vs. Louise Ayers
Action for money. Dismissed.
Clyde Jeter vs. Amalgamated Met
al and Exploration Co. Default by
defendant and Judgment granted.
Leroy Palmer vs. Lucy Palmtr
Divorce granted by default of de
fendant. Lavlna Nuhbor vs. Joseph Xahbor
- Divorce granted by defuult of de
fendant. Court terminated very suddenly
owlii to the fact that none of the
other canes on the calendar were
ready for trial.
Wm. Mack and Fred Shlppey will
probably bo taken to Salem tonight
by Sheriff Russell whore they will
commence their sentences.
Two Weehs wiUWind up Our
Great JanuaryOearance Sale
Presbyterian Annual Meeting.
Bethany Presbyterian Church held
It annual business meeting Thurs
day evening, a largo number of
members and friends being present
This was due In some measure to the
excellent chicken pie supper the la
dles served free to all who came.
Reports from the various rhurch or
ganisations were read and all show a
healthy and vigorous growth both
spiritually and materially. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Elders,
H. S. rrcscott and P. H. Harth.
both re-elected; Deacon, Geo. P.
Cramer, re-elected and R. p. Cole;
Trustee. Ceo. II. Psrker; Treasurer.
Uoo. P. Cramer; Clerk, A. E. Voor-
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6 will end it, but
don't wait till the last day; the best picking is now.
Here's a List at Factory Cost and Less
Golf Shirts
75c Golf Shirts 57c
$1 and $1.25 Golf Shirts 89c
1.50 up to $2 " " $1-17
$1 and 1.25 Neg. Shirts 89c
1.50 to $2 - " 1.17
2.25 to 3 " " 1.87
Mens Trousers
$1.25 Trousers 95
1.50 " 1.20
2.00 " 1.50
3.00 " 2.25
4.00 " 3.00
5.00 " 3.75
50c Underwear 37c
75c " 57c
$1 and 1.25 Underwear. .. ... 89c
1.50, 2, and 2.25 " 1.37
1.50 and $2 Hats $1.35
50c Necktie Free with each
Nugget Hat, the price of the
Nugget $3
50c GloTes 39c
$1.00 M 80c
1.25 " 93c
1.50 " $1.22
1.75 " : 1.37
$5 Mackinaw Coats $3.75
Boys' Rain Coats at Va price
Stockton Flannel Shirts at 25
50c Work Shirts for ...37c
75c " " " 58c
All 50c Suspenders at 37c
Also deep cut prices on Flannel Night Robes, Trunks and Suit
Cases, Men's and Boys' Sweaters, Blankets and Comforts, Hosiery,
and Bath Robes.
Buy Now and Save Money
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
''Outfitters to Boy and Man"
hies, both re-elected. Sunday
school superintendent, T. P. Cramer;
Assistant, D. C. Chapman,
HOUSEHOLD goods fro sale and
house for rent. Inquire at 639 N.
Second St. 1-22-tf
MinUU-rlnl Notice.
At the meeting of the Grants Pass
Ministerial Association on Monday
UiHt, It was decided that the
ministers of the various protestant
churches request the public to dis
continue the Sunday funerals in
Grants Pass, as the pastors And It
very burdoiimiine to oflklute at fun
erals amid the heavy responsibil
ities of the Sabbath day, except In
canes where It Is considered' Inadvis
able to delay the Interment.
J. G. lllatt went to Portland on
Federal Jury duty. Hobert Hlatt
Is visiting In Holland.
The Christmas tree was pro
nounced a success by the little folks
and the entertainment was so con
sidered by their elders.
Will Sargent has como to Selma
from Williams to attend school.
J. O. Booth 01 Grants Pass was
In Selma on business last week.
Frank Klum has moved his family
to Selma from Pine Flat.
The young people were entertain
ed at the hall Monday evening by a
moving picture exhibition and a
short dance following It,
Pittsburgh Fence at Cramer Pros.
The promised Deer Creek band
has been organlied and will begin
active work as soon as the Instru
ments arrive. We wish the boys
success and believe they will attain
It It they exercise the proper
amount of itlck-to-ltlvenesi.
There Is a fine field In this vicin
ity for somebody's nirplui energy
In clearing and seeding grass land.
Hay Is high In price and not procur
able at that.
Mrs. Campbell of Takllma Is tlslt-
lng at D. II. Wimer's.
Near Bottling Works
PHONli 523
All kinds of repairing done,
Work (Mll'-d for and delivered.
Best goods and lowest pri es.
iH'ii't forget the plane.
To all Shrlners: There will bti:'
business session of Hillah Templet?
Masonic Hall, Ashland, Oregotl
Friday evening, February 5, for tti
purpose of making arrangement'
for a ceremonial session, some tin
during the months of April or M
Don't forget your Tei and CtK
and at least one extra application
See Our Modern Style
Call and wo will explain
tlu'ir advantages
Pacific Outlook Window
(Couklin Bldg.)
We Charge no Royalties-No
we wish to call the rend
er's attention to tho fact
that we have
Johnson Bros'.
We doctor umbrellas Cramer
Haviland China
in stock. The complete
sets aro right hero fo
you to look at. And that
is not all we have many
other things to attract
your eye. We cordially
invito the publio to drop
in and look over our
Store Telephone 1011
Residence Telephone 1063