r v 1MDAY, JANUARY 15. 1909. THB ROGUE RIVER COtTUKU. PAGE SEVEN ON fit t i i The belt farm for the money in Southern Oregon; 200 acre cleared and under cultivation; oldest and beat water rights In the eountry, 160 acres splendid alfalfa UuJ, at present produciug (,8000 per year. Market at your clior fi-iir ucre ot old orchard vostly Spltzenberg, some new Spitz orchard; good seven room louse; two good barns; big, new woodshed; chicken and turkey louse and pens; agricultural Implements, etc. This soil is all I deep, red land, is sub-irrigated and fine fruit land, tree from locks all cultlvatable, absolutely as fine fruit land as can be found jj Southern Oregon at any price; a more beautiful or sightly out look and rlew cannot be Imagined. Four miles from O. & C. R. R. jtatlon. Price $40 per acre. One-third cash, balance in one and two years and possibly to suit buyer; out of the xone ot injurious n frosts. Address or call on I Protect Your Orchards From Frosts By the Orchard Heating Device of the Frost Prevention Co. of I Fresno, Cal. For Sale by i GEO. II. PARKER, Grants Pass, Ore. 'i FT If BEr VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers of CET7ING MACHINES : QUALITIES TO CONSIDER. IN MA KINS PVRCBASC ZSs It run easy. X It look good. Cms It rnak a geed stitch. Jm It aew fast. Is It well mid. Is It 7 to operate. la It simple In construction. the manufacturer put his ; nam en it. j THE FREE wine machine recently laced on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities of all other machines. It is the latest, best and most com plete achievement in building of a 6ewin machine. Com pare it with all other ma chines in anything in which they claim to excel and you will find tgPFREB easily the best. FREE SEWfti MACHINE CO. - CMICAOO. ILL. OKE M. RYT ,0 i 304 South Sixth Kt. The Development of the Remington is the History of the Writing Machine New Models 10 .-a 1 1 Now Ready Model 10 with Column Selector Remington Typewriter Company (km!) New York ad Evarywfcere II I iv "THE SCHOOL Tenth and Morrison, Portland. Oregon fTw. nminv two floors 6t bv loo -i ... - mnlnw a lre faculty, rive individual instruction, receive more calls for office help than we can meet others in quality of instruction. It i 0.1,1 . n M.n k'rm hammerine awav everlastingly on thorough work. It will win out in the end." Said . tkm given la your school makes it toe atanaarq oi its una 1a me hwuitou tflOnen all the year. Students admitted at any time. Catalogue free. Rtfereoceai Any bank, any newspaper, any buaiaeas man la Portland. EJIVMcKinstr Grants Pane. NG To Furnish House or Barn. New or Second Hand All kinds of Stoves to select from Heaters and Cook Moves, new and second hand. Nov Is the Time to Boy DAVOS Grants Pass, Ore Model 11 With Built-in Tabulator ri OF QUALITY"- A. P. Armstrong, LL.B., Principal feet, have a $20,000 equipment, Our school admittedly leads all pays to attend sucn an institution. an Educator! "The quality of instruc- m m . J J A 4 w ' W. C. T. V. The next meeting ot the W. C. T. 0. will be held aa usual. In L W. 0. W. hall on Sixth street January 22, at 2:80. Let all mothers be present as the Mothers day program will be given, also the subject of Legislature will be discussed. Mrs. Chiles and Mrs. Curtis will have charge ot Legislature, while Mrs. Perry will lead the exercises com memorating the birthday ot Madam Wlllard. The L. T. L. meets at 4 o'clock, January 22, immediately after the Union adjourns. "Let us make this year the banner year for Loyal Temperance Legion in Oregon and that will be a mighty factor In mak ing Oregon dry In 1910." . The monthly and business social of the "Y" will be held this Friday evening in the parlors of the New man M. E. church. Young people welcome. We would make a special plea for the "Y." May the young people realize the Import ance of the "Y" work and identify themselves with this noble band where aim Is to brighten the homes darkened by strong drink. Dear young people, you are needed to op pose strong drink In every form your minds and youth are needed in this conflict against the saloon and its kindred evils. Help the home life by being "Y's". The new State Year Book and minutes ot the Silver Anniversary Convention are at hand. Let every woman Interested, avallherself of a copy. Ten cents is not too much for this splendid report of our state W. C. T. U. work and we hope to place a copy in every home represented In our local union. Special motto for 1909: "Prohi bition for Oregon In 1910."- Our slo gan: "25 new members In 1909." The supreme court ot Arkansas has decided that It Is Illegal to so licit liquor orders by mail In prohi bition territory In that state. The statute, upon which the decision is hased strictly prohibits soliciting liquor orders in dry territory In any manner by circulars, posters, news paper advertisements or agents." Wouldn't there be a lot of men dealt with here In Oregon? From Tennessee, "Prohibitionists elected speakers both houses. Vic tory sure to follow." Wabash and Lawrence counties, Ind., voted dry December li Ohio going dry now victories dally. Continuous Performance Every Night This Week Except Sunday at the BIJOU THE FAMILY THEATRE" East F ronl Street ELEVATED FLOOR Doors Open at 7tl5 Moving Pictures Change of Pictures Three times each Week MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY Admission 10c 60 YEARS DcaioNs CoPVRIQHTa Ac. Anvone lending a ktr-a and dmMlon Diaf quietly ascertain our nimiifm fraa wfiathnr an Invention ! pr hahlf ptentnhla. rontmarilrA. UoniitricllraonOiKiillal. HANOtOOK on Haicuta ant fraa. Oldaet aa enrv fur arvnnf ntlanta. Tataaia uaen ibroaak Mana 4 Co. raoalra tptrvi aoaiaa, withoat eaarn, in tne Scientific American. Mltien ot tvnf inuIi ymrmti. Tm. M wmm : iomr rMnw, bum wj mi Hfiamift If all tha saloons which have been closed since January 1, 108, were placed aide by aide, counting 25 feet front to each saloon, It would make a solid row of saloons more han 5 miles long! The Illi nois Issue. Saloons are going and Ood hastoa the day when no one may blot this fair world of ours. There Is power in the spoken word: "He whose vol:e is )ot heard in defense of right betrays his fellowmen aye, ' even Christ!" Let us beware that we be not among the traitors. PRESS COR. Page Fence is the very best money can buy or science produce. Ask J. D. Franklin. 12-18-tf Lame shoulder. This is a common form of muacular rlieu matiaro. No intemil treatment it needed. Apply Chamberlain' Liniment freely tliree ime a rlav anil n fl'iic Vc nr in ennin. Tliin 'n'ineit li ih nvi-it i t!i;I'I nr :..-i':ir:ii ' ! For health and happiness De Wltt's Little Early Risers pleasant little liver pills, the best made. Sold by Sabin's drug store. Notice of School Indemnity Selection United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., Jan. 11, 1909. Notice Is hereby given that the State ot Oregon, on January 9, 1909, applied for the SW4 SEof Sec. 22, Tp. 34 S, R 7 W of W. M., and filed In this office a list of school in demnity selections in which it se lected said land; and that said list Is open to the public for inspection. Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described land or any legal subdivision thereof, or claiming the same under the mining laws, or desiring to show said land to he more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes, or to object to said selection for any lawful reason, should file their claims of their affidavits of protest or contest In this office. I hereby designate the Rogue River Courier, published at Grants Pass, Oregon, as the newspaper in which the above notice is to be pub lished. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. Notice of Forfeiture of Interest in Mining Claims. To H. Beaudreau, Co-Owner: You are hereby notified that the undersigned, D. Drake and A. L. Drake, Co-Owners with you In the following described Mining Claims, situate in the county of Josephine, State of Oregon, to-wit: The Sun ny 8ide Mine notice of which Is re corded In Book 15 Page 652 Silver King Mines, notice of location of which Is recorded In . Book 15, Page 551, each and all reference being made to the miscellaneous Mining Recordi of Josephine Co., Oregon, have expended upon said mining claims as tho annual assess ment work tor the ypar 1908, the aggregate sum of Two Hundred Dol lars (200.00) as required by law. and you are hereby notified that un less you pay unto the undersignea your portlonate share or said sum for said annual labor so performed on or before Ninety days from the late of service of this notice then all vour right, title and Interest in and to Bald Mining Claims will become the property of your Co-Owners un der the provisions of Section 2324 of the revised Btututes or tne L'nuea States, in case this notice be served hy publication thereof and your snid proportionate shnre or said sum nas not been paid on or before Ninety days from the last publication of this lotlre. Tnen in tliat event your mid interest in said property will become vested In and forfeited to the undersigned. Date of first publication, Janu ary 15, 1909. Date of last publication, marcn 19, 1909. D. UUAKK. A. L. DKAKK. Co-Owners. Notice to Creditors. Votlra la herebv itlven that the undersigned, Martha J. McGee, has hwn nnnolnted administratrix of the estate of Charles W. McOee, de ceased, by order or tne oumy Court for Josephine County, Oregon, Ini.M IWumtier 3 1. 1UUK. UI1Q ail persons having claims against said estate are nereoy noiinea 10 iire- vnt the same, fluiy verinea, to saia -wiminiuimtriY At the law office of H. D. Norton at Grants Pass, Josephine fmmtv Orrifon. on or before the expiration of six months from the date of first publication oi mis no tice . Dated January 15, 1909. MARTHA J. McGEE, Administratrix. NOTICE FOR PI BLICATION. Department of the Interior. 1. S. 1 and Office at Kowlnir?, Or August 4, U08. Notice is hereby given that JAMES J. WALSH, of Spokane, Wasn , who. on I'Piifct 3d, 1908, made ownr.l State ment .No. Ut;6, ior me t vi find W Vi SE',i. Sec. ::). Tp. 3 4 S R. 7 W.. Willamette Meridian, nas filed notice of bis Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, Deror Regis ter and Receiver, at Roseburg, Ore- lort, on the 7th day of February, Claimant names as witnesses: Alpheui N. Crouch, of Grants Pass, Ore., Almon Iawler, of Leland, Ore., John Maloney of Spokane, Wash., John Penner, of Heron, Mont. ' BENJAMIN L. EDDf. Register SUMMONS, la tha circuit caurt of tha state of Oregon, for Joeepane County. Leroy A. Palmer, Plaintiff ,) va ) Lncy J. Palmer Defendant, ) To Lucy J. Jralaaer, defendant: In the name of the Stat ot Ore gon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear In the above entitled court and cause on or be fore six weeks from the date ot the first publication ot this sum mons, which first date ot I'uMtra tion Is Friday, December 4, 1908, and the last date of aald publlcaclon and the last day for your appear ance and answer is Wednesday, Jan uary 15, 1909, and if you fall to ap pear and answer within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed tor in the complaint, vli: for a de cree dissolving the bonds ot mat rimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defend ant, and granting the plaintiff an absolute divorce against the defend ant , and for auch other and further relief as Is equitable., , This summons Is published In the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of general circulation published at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Or egon, by order ot the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county judge for Josephine rcounty, Oregon, made and dated December t, A. D. 1108, requiring publication of tills summons In said newspaper for a period ot six sue cesslve weeks, and the mailing ot the summons and copy ot the com plaint to the defendant at your res idence and post office address at Trinidad, Humboldt county, Cali fornia. H. D. NORTON. Atorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oreegon, Sept. 8, 1908. Notice is hereby given that FRANK FROMM. of SI 4 Sheridan St., Spokane, Wash, who, on September 8, 1908, mad Sworn Statement No. 01174, tor SV NWK. WH BW and SB SW14 Sec. 84 Tp. 34 8 R. 7 West, Willamette Meridian, and has filed notice of Intention to make final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 24th day ot February, 1909. Claimant names aa witnesses: Almon Lawler, of Leland, Oregon, Frank Lawier, ot Leland, Oregon, John Penner, of Heron, Montana, Louis Eades, of Merlin, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Josephine County. In the matter of the Estate ot) Nancy Brown, deceased. ) To James R. Brown, Almlra Brooks, Almlna Reymer, . Samuel Rowley and to any unknown heirs of and all persons interested in the estate of Nancy Brown, deceased, Greet ing: In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are hereby cited and re quired to appear In the County Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine, at the Court room thereof, at Grants Pbbs, In the County of Josephine, on Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1909, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause If any, why an order should not be granted to J. C. Randle, the executor of the estate of Nancy Brown, de ceased, to sell the real estate of the deceased, at private sale on or before six months, for cash or more than one-half cash and balance with first mortgage due on or before six months with interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per cent per annum, which said reul property is described as lolluws: All of lot two, block "V" of Riverside Addition to the town of GrantB Puss, Josephine County, Oregon, as Biune appears by plat and on file In the County Clerk's office for suld county and Htate. Witness the Hon. Stephen Jewell, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Josephine, with the soul of said Court affixed, this 28th day of De cember, A. D. 1908. (Seal) AtteBt: 8. F. CHESHIRE, C. H. Cluments, Clerk. Attorney for Executor. SUMMONS. Lvlna Nahoor, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) JosephNahhor, Defendant) In the Circuit Court of the 8tate of Oregon, for Josephine C unty. In tha name of the s'ate of Ore gon, you are nereby summoned and required to appear In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Jo sephine county In the above en titled suit, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this sumons, and before the expiration of the time of said pub lication thereof, which date ot first publication is Friday, November 27, A. D. 190 8, and which last date ot publication la Friday, January 8, A. I). 19t9, and then and there answer or otherwise plead In said suit. And If you fall to answer or other ise plead within the time afore said, the plaintiff will apply to tne court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, vis.: for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as Is equita ble. This summons Is published In the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of general circulation published at Grants Pass in Josephine county, Oregon, by order of Hon. Stephen Jewell, county judge tor said county, dated November 27, 1908, and re quiring publication of said summons for a period of six sneceaslve weeks, H. D. NORTON. Attry tor PMaUff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICAIION. Department of the Interior. . V. 8. Land Otnoe. Rosebarg. Ore.. July 84. 1. Notice is hereby given that WILLARD MOSBR, of Ashland, Jackson Cooaty, Oregon, who an Jaly 3S, 1908. made T uiber and Stone Application, Ho. 0437, for N of N W W aod f NWii and NV ef SJ4 Section 22, Tonsibp 34 Soath, Rang 0 wast Willamette, Meridian, has filed notice ef intention o make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to establish olaisi t the land abovn described, httfore Register and Receiver at Roseborg, Oregon, on tbe SOtli day of January ltfuU. Claimant naoiri as wituessea: Osorgs Shearer of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, Louis Stem bach, of Roseburg, Douglas couuty, Oregon. Thomas Luster, ol Roauburg. Douglas county, Ongon, Thomas Tapl n, of Roseburg, JJooirl coouly, Ortgon. BENJAMIN L. El'DY, . Register, NOTICE FOR PVULICTlON. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office. Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 19, 1909. Notice is hereby given that JOSEPH SCHOONOVEU. of Wimer, Oregon, who, ou October 22, 1907, made Homestead Entry No. 14611, S. It. 02377, for SE V4 ot SE14, Section 34, Township 34, South, Range 3 West, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of inten tion to make final five year proof to establish claim to the land ab tve described, before Joseph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Ore gon, on the 26th day ot January. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses. James Neatbamer of Wimer, Ore gon; Cleveland Neathamer of Wi mer, Oregon; Alfred Davlo of Wi mer, Oregon; Lewia C. Slvers of Wimer, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE OF SCHOOL INDEMNITY SELECTION. United States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore., Dec. 17, 1908. Notice is hereby given that tha State of Oregon on December 1C, 1908. applied for the NWK 8WV of Sec. 2, Tp. 88 8., R. 6W., of W.M., and filed In this office a list of school Indemnity selections In which It se lected said land; and that said list Is open to the public for InsDec- tlon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described land or any legal subdivision thereof or claiming the same under the mining laws, or desiring to show said land to be more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes or to object to said selection for any lawful reaaon, should file their claims or their affi davits ot protest or contest In this office. I hereby designate the Rotua Rler Courier, published at Uranta Pass, Oregon, aa the newsnatmr in which the above notice Is to be pub lished. Benjamin L. Eddy. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department ef the Interior. United States Land Office. Roseburg, Ore., Dec. 16, 1908. Notice is hereby given that J. Q. CARL 8TUTZ. by William Lund, his attorney in raci, wnose post office address la Rainier, Oregon, has on Docembor 12, 1908, filed In this office his ap plication to select, under the act of CongroBS, approved July 1, 1898, uie aia jsoc ti, Tp 3 8 S, U 6 West, w. JVl. Any and all pitboiib cluiming ad versely the lands described, or de siring to object because of the min eral character of the land, or for any other reason, to the dlpoHiil to ppucam, sliouiu file their affidavits f protest In this office on or before the 6th day of February, 1909. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR I'lliLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. 8. Laud Office. Roseburg, Oregon, Dec. 18, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that WILLIS D. PALMER of 574 Nehalem Ave., Portland, Ore., who on April 11, 1908, made Tlmbei and Stone Application, No. 10006 ( 02788) for NV4 of SEli. SWU of 8E and BR of SWfc. Section 14, township 39 South, Range 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of Intention to make Final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver of this office, at Rose burg, Oregon, on the 11th day ot March, 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Harry Silver of Asblund, Ore., James S. Iialley, of Ashland, Oregon, Ira A. Martin, or Holland, Oregon. Charles Turner, of Holland, Oregon., BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at RoJMturg, Ore. August II, 1908. Notice Is -hereby given that JOHN W. WILSON, of Portland, Oregon.wbo, on Aur.uil 12, 1908, made sworn stattm::t No. 0701, for Northwest quarter(NW 4 ) Sec. 28, Tp. 40 S. R. 9 V. W. M , has filed notice of Intention to mi.ke final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver at Rosehurif, Ore , on the 11th Day of February, 1909, Claimant names as wltaeses: Frank Cain, of Riddle, Ore., Will A. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., Canal J. Freeman, ot Holland, Or.,Fraok J. Leonard, ot Kerby, Ore. BENJAMIN L. BDDT, Regrfsier. Tha Courier 4 monttiA tot ,