Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 15, 1909, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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American Experts Point Out Su
periority of Foreign Highways.
Selection of Routes, Propr Mainle
nnc and Adaptation of Construction
to Traffiie Ara Eaaential, 6ay Dele
Bates to Internationsl Road Congrees.
Three of Ihu American delegate to
the flrHt IntiTUutlonal road congress
recently held in I'nrls, Km nee, arrived
In New York III otlii-r day. All from
Seattle, Wash., they are Samuel II III.
president of tlie Washington Good
Itoads association; It. II. Thomson,
city engineer of Heattle. and Samuel
C. Lancaster, professor of highway en
kIijimtIii', t'uiverslty of WaHlilngtou.
Koou after their arrival they united
In a ntutoiiient to tlie New York Her
ald regarding the results of the road
Hoik builder from u It parts of the
world were present nt the conference,
twenty-nine countries living represent
ed. There were twenty delegates from
the United Mates.
A remarkulile exhibition In connec
tion villi the mail congress was a dis
play of samples of road surfaces.
With the tiucHtloti of the dust raised
by motor cars unil the bad surfaces of
roads so much In evidence, this exhibit
wus particularly Interesting.
The statement of Messrs. Hill, Thom
son and Lancaster Is as follows:
"Personal observations made lu
Frauce, Germany and Iielgtuin, Hol
land and England have served to
how In a striking manner the back-
tiomal aioawAl ooaanaaa.
wardnees of our owa country la almost
very phase of road construction and
"Widely differing conditions render
comparisons difficult, yet a study of
the roads of these countries, the bajtb
state of Intensive agriculture noted
everywhere, with the resultant beauty
of the surrounding landscape, proves
most Interesting and Instructive. They
furnish a lemon which America can
not afford to Ignore.
"The low of gravitation Is universal.
The uuwiOon of gradient appUeai alike
to every road In every couutry. The
tranV to be bandied, differing ah It
does In quantity and cbaeactar, da-
Come and see me at
City llnll
Having bought ih Bicjele
business of W. A. Paddock
I would like to have a pari
of your trade), not all of it for
I can't do it all. I would also
like to gring your aawa and
filo your tdgad toola. I'll do
the best for you that I eat
and charge all 1 thiak yoa
will -.Wad.
Don't forget the place
is printed for folki who want to
keep up to date on big things,
and who don't want to he bored
to death while they're at it.
So it chink. are filled with
good ttoricj, good iciuinicnt,
and good humor.
Read the publishers' talk this
month, and you'll see iust
where we stand.
loos roi the tatchwois rovri
I . r Sal. I)
tnands a way over which it can be
moved. To do this at a minimum of
cost, considering both tbe surface of
the road and tbe means of conveyance,
Is the problem. Tbe road niiist be dif
ferent iv ilMiitei! to meet varvlnz con
ditions. In other words, tbe traffic
must be suited to tbe road or tbe road
to the traffic.
"Experience and observation are the
beat teachers. In the opinion of those
whose views sre herein eiDressed tbe
attention of the American public
should be directed primarily 10 mree
things In rond construction, namely:
"First. The election or tna rouie snouia
nan) rh.nrtM fif Mill. drmlnSSe Snd Kn-
erst adaptability for road purposes.
Becond. in construction me cnri:w
of the traffic to be borne, the acceaelbll
Hr and coat of material ahoull be care
fully studied. The road beat aulted for
horaes airrera in cnaracter irom m
adapted to motor vehlclee, and wherever
possible different ware should be provid
ed for different kinds of IralBo on the
earns route. In America, where for yeara
to com earth roads will form a larse
proportion of our hlahwaya. much future
expense mar be aaved by plannlnc these
wavs so tnai wnen a portion 01 inw iw.
. v. ,., ,.. ..Ill be
bad at one side, thus relieving the metal
surface or coneiaeraoio trtmg aunns
tain eeuona of the year.
"Third Too much stress cannot be laid
on the Importance of the proper main
tenance of our hlshwaye. No road la aver
Hnlahed. Traffic bejrlne to pound and
wear away a road before conatruction Is
completed. Maintenance must beln on
the very day the roed la opened for tref
flc and continue without ceasing through
out the yeara to come.
'Two of the best specimens of roade
seen wore lu Kngland. In the vicinity
of Nottingham we passed for more
than a hundred mllea over ronds ballt
by E. rurnell Hooley which were aa
nearly perfect a It seems possible to
make them. In the environs of Lon
don we rode for an equal distance
over roads which were well built, tbe
surface of which bad been treated un
der the direction of 8lr Herbert Tread.
All of these roads carried heavy traf
fic, Including automobiles and traction
euglnes, yet they were perfectly
smooth and free from dust. They ex
emplified In a startling degree the ef
fect of careful construction nnd con
stant maintenance, 'where a stitch In
time saves nine' M opposed to the
lalsaez falre of some of the leading
thoroughfares of our own country aa
well aa (fVoiind the French capital.
'The first International road eon
greaa waa productive of great good;
tbe second International congress,
which will be held In Brussels two
year hence, promises greater things."
Lay Sermon by Curtis Hill en Qeepet
ef Better High ways.
Curtis Utll, tbe state blgbway engi
neer, la sending to tbe people ef Mis
souri pamphlets for spreading tae gos
pel of irood rosda. Here la a copy:
"It la light tkt peoyle should (ear t
heavy tax rale and should preveat
taxes from becoming exorbitant. A
certain amouut ef taxes, bewever, la
necessary to provide for pnbUe insti
tutions and to lmureve the country. A
low tax rate doe not neceasarUy imi
a public Barb. Hut tbe amoetnt of
money npent. but tne Judlkia expend
iture of It, should be onr postttua.
"Road Improvement sbonM keep
abreast with the growth of tbe state.
No one internal Improvement le saere
essential to tbe prosperity and ad
vancement ef the state tsas good high
way. One reaee tbe ruexla are sot
Improved la beraiwe the people fear
they cannot afford it
"It ma it, however, be twrae ku mind
that no mad ofjelal, no SDtrlter bow
efficient be may fee, can build reads
without funds. Psjrailt Be to ipiote
from a letter of eaa e ear oonnty
highway engine era: 'We bee some
very attralte aveaery Ui enr eennty,
but tbe eSly safe way hi aa It at In
an eld fashlosed farai wauei ee by
airship. When I Bra I cbm to rkls
rounty I eetM net andarstaad why
people with enea feed road material
at hand bat ae better rwtda. This
waa twenty Sre rears ago, aod at preev
ent the vde are wane teat thar weeaj
the. Tbe tea Is alasi rreai flw
follwwlng tgares): IktCavl ajasgi ef
road, show loot); sm4 fa ad. MiT&
at He tl a mU tor rand bsbsMs-
New W Cart W drtaeilai Pitas.
OrlenUI rugs Peatre little ear raK
rhat Marts saaad b BiaatltBajad.
Te rfe af a nag aaas Ireao ttw
web, Jmmi ne fhe 6Tr of a for.
nrtwhlug the wvuog way hi ntoet
haruiful. Irritating, ruffllug aod on.
twhitrng the yarn and furclug dtwt and
dirt rntn the teitnra.
Hervaots ehmiM he made to peuw the
band latrk and frtb over a rag nntn
the slant of the uap ta nnderatiKKl.
They should be instructed UUiur n.i..
of dl.omteaal always to swsev wttb tbe
OccaiaViaaar lssa fa -j to
remove fine &mX Ostl gtma the assrm
I This w best appMsd la tbe rem a
; snow or of camp aawdast tbal tbs
, hr.xm or rarpel e weeper rameea,
Ftirntture aad abees are tbe area,
enemies of rage In tbe American
home. Their sharp edges and roruera
qutkry destroy dnaasstte mg anxl fry
the temrwr of even toe eraratakii
TTiev are rmmt tnjnrtooe hj comMia
tlnn with san.1 snd gravel. lM a sharp
flint peM'le I greoad In by a natl
Kiu.Meil heel, and oanaage Is tnrvltaMe,
Injuries h,, ,1 rareftjlly repatred.
a Kiiirn in nnie ree the rug
" !
Daner Is Duet. 1
Nine horneti that were employed on
gT'.vc rvi.l ..i'trnctt.n In Hamilton
"c m iltcd from the effects of I
M MIIIIHIimili""""" 1
jj News From Merlin
TlmlM-r Interests at Merlin.
There Is always an Inquiry about
the timber surrounding every town
In Oregon, aa though that was the
principal resource to be expected,
but Merlin, with Its varied resources
of mineral, dairying and fruit rais
ing has neglected to call attention to
the seemingly unlimited timber belt
that surround It. During the paat
year outside timber cruisers have
been busy bringing in outside locat
ors and have gobbled up a vant tract
of probably as fine timber as can be
found In all Oregon, leaving our
natives holding the sack'
By far the best of our timber lies
at the head of Jump-off-Joe creek,
about 12 miles northeast of Merlin,
and stretches from there far ud Into
the mountains. Some of the esti
mates of timber In this section have
been so large as to Induce a smllo
of Incredulity upon the face of the
knowing ones, who have been equal
ly as enthusiastic upon being shown.
Personally, I have not penetrated
far Into this wilderness, but on one
occasion was taken to a quarter
section upon which a competent
cruiser had placed an estimate of
25,000,000 feet, and the timber waa
so thick that there was no room for
an Inexperienced man to question the
At the foot of this timber belt
Messrs. Cook, Howland and Steel,
operating under the name of the
Three Tines Timber Company, have
established a small sawmill and are
now pushing a flume out to the rail
road and will be prepared to oper
ate on a large scale tn the early
spring. It Is their Intention to In
crease their mill capacity upon the
completion of the flume and to erect
a large planing mill and box factory
on the railroad. About six miles
of the flume la already built and
Regis & Mitchell, the contractors,
have a large force of men at work
on the remainder.
There are no vacant timber claims
In this district as the energetic cruis
ers succeeded In covering It all with
from three to five applications and
there has been a continuous squabble
between the claimants, at times al
most assuming the proportions of a
feud. Hut all this will now soon be
straightened out and the timber put
on the market.
At the head of Quartz creek. ex
tending over the Hog creek divide, la
another good body of timber, al
though not so extensive as the one
on Jump-olT-Joe. In this belt there
is a large percentage of oak, ranging
from 13 to 3d Inches tn diameter
and it Is believed that the manufac
ture of furniture from this material
will some day be one of our princi
pal Industries.
Stretching along the streams of
the entire Iower Rogue River dis
trict there are timber belts that will
be considered valuable as tho
country opens tip. and Merlin ta (he
rentei of It all and will profit by Its
exploitation. The townslte com
pany offers free alios, of any sUe re
quired to pnrtles who wish to estab
lish wood-working plants, and this
liberality 111 no doubt be the means
of Inducing the establishment of sev
eral of them In our midst
It seems strange that the valuable
oak timber In this district has been
allowed to go to waste so long, for
It kas been used for nothing but Ore
wood since the days of the earliest
settler. Kveryane knows the de
mand for oak timber. That ault
able for furniture la worth np to
1160 per thousand, while even the
small limbs have their uaea. The
demand for Insulator pins for tele
graph and telephone poles Is unlim
ited, and a factory at Portland two
years ago had more orders than it
could possibly produce, at a good
price, but ha.l to close d' n on ac
count of Inability to secure the oak
Of Uvl lnterewt Only
Tbe dance advertised for last Sat
urday night came oft as per schedule,
and left the promoter $.50 tn the
The Merlin Mercantile Company
has put on a special sale, marking
everything in the stock at greatly
reduced prices, thus giving our
town a metropolitan appearance.
Win. J. ott, our enterprising
blacksmith, lost his hammer Tues
day, so there will be no more knock
ing so far as he Is concerned. If a
few more ham mora could be lost,
how much better It wou'.J be for the
com nnuilty.
There'll Be Something Doing 1.5 Fer'Jn Y. Soon
TTT. i i i i t t,.t.iI..t.'1' T I T 1-H
The primary grade of our school
Is still closed on account of the
sickness of the teacher, Miss Alice
Smith. It is hoped that she will
soon be ableo take up her worit
again, for her little ones are gef.inR
very restless.
The Merlin lodge of the Modern
Woodmen Is making rapid strMes in
Increased membership. The two
entertainments recently n-ivdu. net
ted them sufficient funds to purchase
new regalia and this udds enthus
iasm to the meeting.
Ed Savage, who has been working
on the Three Pines Timber Com
pany's flume came down to Merlin
Tuesday, having been temporarily
thrown out of employment by the
heavy snow. He reports everything
progressing nicely and can see great
things in store for Merlin's future
when the flume reaches the railroad.
The sad death of Mrs. Maud Gil
more wife of T. D. Gilmore on last
Saturday was regretted by the en
tire community, as hope had been
given out of her early recovery.
She leaves three young children, one,
a boy only 10 days old. The re
mains were shipped to Riddle for In
terment. A $1 6.50 heating stove for $12.45
at the Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Co' while
the present stock lasts. 1-8-lt
Several of our teamsters got
caught on the Gallce end of the
haul when the high water came up
last week and stopped the ferry.
They all arrived home safely Sunday
afternoon and are telling of the
hardships they endured while away
from the peaceful fireside of their
Geo. L. Bardon, who has been
looking over the city the past week
has concluded to locate with us and
engage In the general merchandise
business, having rented the Adam
Schaffer building. Ha is a rela
tive of R. L. Coe, of Grants Pass and
It Is thought that the two firms will
be very closely related, which will
mean that at last Merlin will have
a stock of merhandlse that will equal
anything to be found in the Pass.
This Is what we have long needed,
and we are glad to see our hopes
nearly realized.
The unusually heavy snow caught
several of our residents out of wood
and there has beerl a general skir
mish for this necessary article. For
the first time tn years the pumps
have frozen up and the atmosphere
has a genuine wintry feeling. It Is
Just such spells as this that make us
thankful that we left a country
where such weather Is the regular
thing during the winter months. At
the corner grocery the kangaroo ses
sions have been given up entirely to
a lle-telllng contest of cold spells ex
perienced In the eastern states.
The article on "Merlin As a Min
ing Center," which appeared In the
Courier two weeks ago, is already
bringing results. A party of east
ern capitalists have written to Chas.
K. Short, our real estate agent, ask
ing for details of some good gold
mine which is already producing or
can be made to produce In a short
time. A list of the most promis
ing properties la being made up for
submission to the enquirers and It
is believed that a ahowlng can be
nude which cannot fall to satisfy
them. With a little capital Inter
ested tn our mines there'll certain
ly be something doing In Merlin
very soon.
The Gallce road, on account of the
heavy hauling occasioned by the
smelter machinery gotng tn, and the
recent rains. Is tn an almost Im
passable condition and will need con
siderable repairs Immediately. It
would be a good time now to take up
the Important change In this road
that has been contemplated for some
time. It la the Intontton to estab
lish a water grade aa far as Hellgate
and bridge the river about a mile
above the ferry site, thus doing
away with several steep grades, es
pecially the one at Hog Creek. This
Is one of the most Important roads In
the county and the development now
going on In the Gallce district Justi
fies a greater expenditure In road
making than has heretofore been
made. The ferry tolls constitute a
greater drain on this prosperous dis
trict than It should be called upon
to pay In this enlightened age.
Quite a little excitement was
created In our city Wodnesdav
momlns by the failure of the barber
shop to open with its accustomed
repularlty. As the day wore on the
more Inquisitive residents began
d.u;..' Garments.
which can lie put o.. ... - . .
wavs A dainty way ui yu"
way.- . ...i, iihtlv wttb a pen-
Btltehes is to H""- " on ren
C. a zigzag line up a. id down an even
distance along i" "" ...iar
eitch Follow this line In the fenther-
8;,t, hlng,..nd tbeeff P
Another pretty way ta to make a
number of small circles, leaving a dis
tance W't ween them equal to the dlam
eter o the circles. Now featherstitch
the circles, and you will have a dainty
L"1 . In llO HHtlie
finish to tlie garuieut " 7,.
way one could mark squares and dia
monds as well as a long wav, Hm.
One can never put too much wort on
babv garments of any kind, and of aH
" r . .. .,...i.i nn he used
trimmings reaiiieram.
to the greatest advantage.
How o Clean Wall Paper.
n-. ,a imerluies found ou wall
paper can be quickly and easily re-
moved by making a uu iw...
graham flour and boiling water
Knead the dough tnorouguij "
break Into small pieces. As each
piece is used It should be doubled in
on Itself so there Is a clean surface
at each rub. When one piece is soneu
throw It away and take a fresh one.
Alwavs rub the paper in one direction.
and do not go over tue .u
Come to Hundreds of Grants Pass
There are days of dizziness;
spells of headache, sideache back
ache; Sometimes rheumatic pains;
often urinary disorders. All tell
you plainly the kidneys are sick.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure all kid
ney ills. Can Grants Puss residents
doubt this statement?
Thomas J. Williams, Oakdale St.,
Medford, Ore., says: I suffered for
a long time from kidney and bladder
trouble. The pains through my
back were bo seve.e at times that I
could hardly endure them. My
kidneys were disordered and I had
m arias Hnrtni? the nicht on account
of their frequency. I also suffered
from headaches and was very diz
zy, especially when I stooped. I
did not get any relief from the reme
dies I tried and became discourged.
Doan's Kidney pills finally came to
my attention and I procured a
box. They soon banished every
trace of the trouble and I have not
hud a return of It since. I cannot
speak too highly In praise of Doan's
Kidney Pills."
For sale by all dealers. Price
50 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co.,
Buffalo, New York, sole agents for
the United States. Remember the
name Doan's and take no other.
1-15 2t
amberlaln'a Cough Remedy the
Most Popular Because it
Is the Best.
"I have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy for the past eight years and find It to tie
une of the best selling medicines on tliem.
ket. For babies anil ynung children there
nothing better in the line of rough syrups,"
avs Pnul Allen, Plain Dealing, Ia.' Hi if
remedy nnt only cures the coiirIih, colds and
roup - common among ymingrhililren, but
s plenxnnt ntul :H'h fi.r tliem to take. For
ale hv M. Clemn.
casting about for a reason. Some
of them suggested that it was a case
of heart failure, others that It was
suicide, while still others contended
that It was merely a case of sleeping
off the effects of the night before.
The possibility that it was a ruse to
avoid creditors was also suggested,
and at last tbe strain became so
great that a delegation of our lead
ing citizens was called together and
proceeded t5 forc an entrance.
Upon gaining the Inner portals It
was found that the bird had flown
taking with htm all the portable
tools and leaving only what he
could not curry and a lot of unpaid
Jsst think of It! A 118.50 heat
ing stove for $9.65 at Hair-Riddle
Hdwe. Co's for a short time only.
John Twohy. of Spofcane. Wash.,
was In Merlin 9atnrday looking over
hts varied Interests here and express
ed himself well pleased with the pro
gress being made tn the wny of get
ting ready for the planting of frott
trees during the coming winter. He
has a preference for the D'AnJou
pear and left orders to put out as
many of that variety as It was possi
ble to get from the nurseries, so
Merlin will one of these days become
as noted for Its pears as It already
Is for Us peaches. The Judge also
expressed his intention of erecting a
two-story building on the lot he re
cently purchased at the corner of
Stratton and Peach streets. It will
be either cement or brt"k, depending
upo i which material can be secured
the quickest. The upper story will
be arranged for a first-class hotel,
while the lower floor will be divided
Into store rooms, wtth a bank on the
corner. Don't It look like "There'll
be something doing In Merlin very
National Bank
Southern Oregon
. Grants Pass, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bin
Benders the Public
The safest and simplest
way of keeping your
money is by depositing
it in a Reliable Bank.
This Hank receives De
posits subject to Check,
or on demand Certificate!
of deposit or on time
Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
The best and cheapest
way to transfer nioaey
Is by Bank Draft. We
sell Drafts payable in all
parts of tbe country.
One of tbe most lmpor.
tant functions of the
Hink. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
neeui of our customer,
Capital and Surplus $73,001
Stockholders' Additional
Reipon-ihiUty $50,tQ(
L. B. Hall, President
J. C. Camvssll, Viee-Pres.
H L. On x st. Cashier
R. K. Hm xirt. Aaai, Oatklt
are bat outward iHjw aj tfc, tr
toeta secret by myriads a it
Jnflgertis upping the lift Moot
of the hair. Micro U1U the vt
site, soothes the hchUf cth,
fives lustre to the hair aod step
KlalUoioat A slnjte ppikatiN
nves relief aid proves its warts
Save yoar hair before too lilt
Micro prevents bakiaess. It III
delijhtfnl dresslnj lor the to,
tree from grease sad sticky elk,
Ask year drnQistfor tree boekki
f roarum1
eaWs38a--r- . ' t(
provisions e ernal iaa-
Jmer lor those whe rsniol
' endure a more severs f!
' "mate.
California baa bees (sailed
the "Mecca of the nistor
tourist." Ita hotels
stopping plaoM sre m
varied as those el all well
regulated cities. Visiters
eaa alwaea Had suitable
aacern dattona, eongemslj
' companions, and varied,-
, 1 ., au.1
pieasina rscreauee,s"
Siitherf Pacific
win cm gtad to snppiy
vary attractive tlteraisre,
scriblnir in detail the mas' V
litkta of winter in OaliletaaV I
Very lew round trip eicswft j
tickets are on sal r Calif"
The rate from OranUP"'
Los Angelas and re to"
Limit six months, sllowlnfl
Similar excursio Mta !$
el feet to all Oallforala
For fan Informal!, sleseai.1, .TLt
vaUoas and tickets, oall en, WHn'mi
wnsj f
R. K. Mob)bsm7, Asnt
Wan. McMorray, Gen.
m .1 A
Kennedy's Laxative Confh
tastes nearly as good as mepl"J.
It cares the cold by fently
the bowels and at the US,J
soothing for throat Irritation. tV
by stonninst the conch. Sold V
bin's drug store.
Calling cards at the Courier.
wmamommm iWrnVammimmSmT
When summer has pstied I
in these northern ttt. I
the sun is only mild onder I
1ST the bright blue silet of 1
J Soul hern California. This V
is one o( nature's hsppyj F