Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 15, 1909, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Knows that his efforts to bring
bis patient back to health will
be useless if the medicines he
prescribes are not pure or if
not prepared strictly accord
ing to his prescription. For
this reason it is of the utmost
importance that these pre
scriptions be prepared by a
pharmacists who thoroughly
understands his business both
in the buying of his prescr p
tion drugs and his knowledge
of dispensing them. We are
making a specialty t of ( this
work, using only drugs of
known purity, and giving to
it our most careful attention
We solicite and will appre
ciate your patronage.
SABIN, the Druggist
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our heartfelt
thanks to the Iriends who Bhowed so
many kindnesses during the sickness
of our son, Chester, and to those
who showed their sympathy in bo
many substantial ways at his death.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Colwell.
Eighth Grade Examinations.
The uniform 8th grade examina
tion will be heid January 21 and 22.
Every teacher having a class ready
for this examination must notify me
of the number of pupils at once.
County Supt.
The Courier 4 months tor frOo.
Uwni, weigh and wuanrt tvtryikinq you
6v America Grocer.
White House
We Have It!
Some of that nice
Sliced Dried Beef
Sliced thin as paper, or we can
slice some of the
Choicest Boiled Ham
for that quick meal nice, thin,
regular slices.
We Do It With Our
New Slicing Machine
Can give you
Breakfast Bacon
sliced while you wait
Sauerkraut, good Kind
Per quart, 19 cents.
White House
Chance of a Lifetime
All boys Nothing up to age 13, is now being
sold at 25 per cent discount
We sell groceries that are fresh and the
best to be had. Air our goods are guar
anteed to comply with the pure food
law, and to suit the housewife as well.
Outfitter for Outer and inner Man.
1 1 I HI
'Mini limn
Mrs. Rudolph Harness of Rose
burg is visiting friends in Grants
Miss Agnes George came from
Ashland Thursday and after spend
ing some time here with her sister,
Miss Lucie, will visit her parents at
Neatsfoot Oil at Hair-Riddle
Hdwe. Co's.
Mrs. Alice Mallory returned to
Grants Pass Monday, after having
spent several months in Portland.
She was accompanied by Mrs. W.-E.
Mallory, who will remain some time.
Rev. Robert McLean went to Ash
land Tuesday to assist in special
meetings being held In the Presby
terian church. He will return In
time to occupy his pulpit here Sun
day as usual.
, Look Up bargains In heating
stoves at Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Co.
1-8 It
The GIllette-Rlggs Realty Compa
pany has been dissolved, L. G. Gil
lette taking the Portland office and
E. L. Churchill and J. G. Riggs re
taining the Grants Pass business.
These two gentlemen are among our
most reliable business men and
everyboby wishes them success. ,
Mrs. E. H. Harris gave a dinner
any last evening. The guests were
delighted with the coffee. Mrs. Har
ris always uses Folger's Golden Gate
whole roast and grinds it herself, not
too fine; pulverized coffee is bitter.
James D. Duncan of Grave was in
Grants Pass Thursday making out
the papers for the sale of his 418
acre farm four miles from Leland,
formerly known as the Harkness
place. When Mr. Duncan bought
the place four years ago it was badly
run down and he made many Im
provements. While the selling price
is withheld it is safe to Bay that Mr.
Duncan has made considerable more
than 100 per cent on his investment
besides what the place has produced
during the time.
W. J. Gardner ft Co. are selling
Men's 60 cent cotton fleece lined un
derwear fo'f 30' cents. l-16-3t
Pass, Ore., Thursday, January 7,
1909, John B. Perry and Mamie
MilUette, Judge Jewell officiating.
COLWELL At Giants Pass, Sun
. day,. January io, Chester, ion f
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Colwell, aged
IS years.
Funeral Monday, and interment
at Granite Hill cemetery.
GILMORE At Merlin, Ore., Satur
day, January 9, 1909, Mrs. Maud
Gtlmore, aged 34 years, 7 months.
LAWS At Wolf Creek, Friday,
January 8, 1909, Mrs. Alice Laws,
aged 83 years, 3 months and 24
days. -
The funeral and Interment were
held at Woodville, where a son of
the deceased is living.
Modern Woodmen Install.
On Tuesday evening, January 5,
the Modern Woodmen of America
and the Royal Neighbors of Amorlra
had th-iir joint installation of offi
cers, which proved a glorious suc
cess. About 500 Neighbors and
friends were 'present. After the
newly Installed officers were escort
ed to their respective places, recess
was declared and an excellent supper
was served by the Royal Neighbors.
Then games were played and a gen
eral social time was enjoyed far Into
the wee sma' hours before anyone
was aware that the gray dawn was
rapidly stealing upon them. Every
body reports having had a good
time, and the names of about 20
new candidate were secured. The
Modern Woodmen of America Is an
active and enthusiastic body of
workers and the greatest success
will crown their endeavors.
Sugar Factory a Necessity.
With Irrigation in this valley, the
sugar beet would become one of the
most profitable crops that can be
grown on our lands. Sugar beets
are a desirable crop in many of the
western states, notably Kansas, Ne
braska, Colorado, Utah and Mon
tana. The business has been intro
duced in the Grand Ronde Valley,
this state and has become very suc
cessful there. In the vicinity of
Grants Pass all the different var
ieties of the befeu grow o perfection
and it Is quite certain the cultiva
tion of the sugar producing kind as
a business will be highly profitable,
as the ripening season here is much
longer than In the Grand Ronde Val
ley. In this section beets can be
ready for the factory fully 60 days
earlier than in more northern por
tions of the state. With the aid of
Irrigation, two and possibly three
distinct crops could be matured and
our mild climate will permit manu
facturing to continue all winter. A
beet sugar factory at Grants Pass
would add greatly to the prosperity
of the city. When Irrigation has
become an established fact there will
be practically no difficulty In induc
ing some of the sugar manufacturers
to put In a plant at this point. They
will require a guarantee of the culti
vation of a certain acreage before a
factory will be located and this we
can give. In the ' Grand Ronde
valley the company failed to secure
the required guarantee, so was oblig
ed themselves to put in 2000 acres
and the business of growing beets
became so profitable they have con
tinued the cultivation of this large
acreage. A sugar factory is a nec
essity. Dissolution of Partnership.
To whom It may concern
Notice Is hereby given that the co
partnership hereto existing between
L. G. Gillette, J. G. Riggs and E. L.
Churchill under the name of the GIl
lette-Rlggs Land Co., was on Janu
ary 1, 1909, dissolved. E. L.
Churchill and J. G. Riggs will con
tinue the Grants Pass office under
the name of Churchlll-RIggs Land
Co., and L. G. Gillette take over the
Portland office.
The Churchlll-RIggs Land Co. will
asume all liabilities of the Grants
Pass office. E. L. CHURCHILL.
First Bapt4st Church.
Sunday, January 17, morning wor
ship Is at 10:30, subject of the mes
sage by pastor: "The Church with a
Lampstand." Bible school In charge
of R. K. Hackett at 11:45. Young
People's meeting at 6:30 "Leaving
the City of Destruction," the first
topic in tho Pilgrim's Progress series
is the subject; Orvllle Whipple Is
leader. At 7:30 is the evennlg ser
vice; sermon on the subject: "The
Hospitality of Jesus. A cordial
Invitation is extended.
St. Ijuke's Episcopal Church.
Morning prayer, litany and ser
mon at 11 o'clock; subject," Con
firmation, or Joining the Church."
Evening prayer and sermon at 7:30
o'clock; subject, "Living for others."
At the morning service a special col
lection will be taken for the suf
ferers in Sicily.
Seventh Day Adventist.
German meeting at the Seventh
Day Adventist church Sunday after
noon 'at 3 o'clock. All are cor
dially Invited to attend.
Postmaster Donnell has received
notice from the Department to the
effect that parties who leave their
combination boxes unlocked will be
refused the privilege of having their
mail come In a box. In the Grants
Pass post office there is one section
of combination lock boxes which, in
order to lock, requires the turning
of one of the combination knobs,
and it is these to which the order
refers. It has been the custom of
some to leave their boxes unlocked
and some valuable mall matter has
been stolen.
"1"1 1111 1 II 1 1 I I H 1 1 1
Ill H I-M-H HI Hi H..t.
Douglas county has levied an as
sessment of 10 mills for the coming
year. This will raise 1238,884.66,
1106,000 of which will be used for
A number of local Elks went to
Ashland Saturday to be present at
a round-up, at which a consider
able number of Klamath Fallites
were added to the herd.
One of the Knox boys, living south
of the city, last Saturday killed one
of the finest specimens of Golden
eagle that has been seen In this sec
tion for many years. It measured
eight feet from tip to tip.
Marshfleld will have a full com
pany of coast artillery In the near
future, in accordance with a recom
mendation of Adjutant-General W.
E. Flnzer of the Oregon National
Sole Leather at Hair-Riddle
Hdwe. Co's.
One of the ammonia compressors
of the Medford ice plant exploded
Saturday morning and turned loose
a considerable amount of that pun
gent gas. Although sections of the
iron tank flew to considerable dis
tance no one was hurt.
$10.85 will get a $14 heating
stove at Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Co's.
1-8 It
Rustlers are at work In the Bo
nanza country. Henry Vinson a
liveryman of Klamath Falls lost
26 head of horses which were pas-y
tured on his place near Bonanza.
They were traced to San Jose, Cal.,
but the thieves have not been heard
from. .
You can get three pairs of Child
ren's Hose for 25 cents at. Gardner
& Co's. l-15-3t
W. G. Guyton, who left Grants
Pass recently for Cottage Grove
writes the Courier that he has seen
lots of good country and he thinks
they will stop there for a time. He
writes: "We find a good class of
people, churches and good schools.
But when we look back on the Pass
It looks good to us, for we have
many friends there and If any think
of leaving there, this Is the next best
place. Don't forget to send the pa
per for we are lost without it.'
Illls Imbler and son Monty and
cousin, Frank McCauley of Dayton,
Ore., and G. E. Howard, have re
turned from a prospecting tour on
upper Chetco. They posted notices
on several promising prospect and
did the assessment work on the
claims of the Chetco Copper Co.'s
property, In which the gentlemen are
interested. One of the Incidents of
the trip was a bear hunt which end
ed with Mr. Bruin's skin being
brought to Applegate where It will
furnish a rug for Mr. Imbler's home.
Mr. Imbler on a previous trip, two
years ago, found the bear's den and
on his trip they awoke him from hlB
winter sleep and did execution with
a Winchester as the bear was coming
out of his hole. He weighed about
200 pounds and 6tt gallons of oil
were secured. On the trip out the
men saw 14 deer, 11 of which were
In one drove. Deer are quite plenti
ful on the side of the divide toward
the Coast.
Now is the time for you
to commence think
ing of your
needg in
You can always find
what you want at
Phone 61
oppo Depot
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician aud Surgeon.
Go to Coron for Plumbing.
J.E.Peterson, PioneerlnsuranccMun.
M.Clemens, Prescription Druggist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter
Oak Ranges at Coron's.
Alfred Letcher, Registered Opto
metrist and Jeweler In Dixon's old
stand, Front St. Eyes tested free.
An up-to-date line of ladles shoes
at Gardner ft Co's.
Co-operative prices on new and
second hand goods at the "Head
quarters," City Hall building.
. Neatsfoot Oil at Halr-Rlddle
Hdwe. Co's.
"Headquarters" for bargains in
new and second-hand goods City
Hall building, 6th St. 12-11-tf
Steel Cable for stump pulling In
sizes from to-ln. carried in
stock by Halr-Rlddle Hdwe Co.
All trimmed hats at 50 per cent
discount at Mrs. Waughtal's.
Pago Fence is erected without ex
tra cost ask J. D. rrankltn.
Page Fence over 327,000 rods In
use In So. Oregon Ask J. D. Frank
lin. 12-18-tf
First Christian Science Society.
Christian Science Bervice will be
held In the W. O. W. hall Sunday,
January 17, at 11 a. m. Subject
"Life." Wednesday evening service
at 7:30 p. m. in the Reading Room
in the opera hoime block, north hall.
All are cordially Invited to attend.
David Brlggs and son, Ray, were
in town this week on business.
George Blrdseye has accepted a
position with the Golden Rule Store
and win commence work tnere about
Irst of the month.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vincent and
their 8-year-old son arrived In
Grants Pass from Sheridan, Wyo.
last Friday and have determined to
make this their home. They ship
ped their household goods before
starting and as soon as these ar
rive they will go to housekeeping.
Mr. Vincent for a number of years
occupied an important position In
one of the largest mercantile estab
lishments In Sheridan. He thinks
of becoming a fruit grower.
A. T. Lewis of the Grants Pass Art
Studio has just Installed an 11x14
outfit especially for family groups,
large heads and children's pictures,
taken Instantaniously. By the
amount of work they are doing the
People must think It is the right
place to get the best work. l-8-2t
Placer blank at the Courier.
Just received a large lot of
Cook's Linoleum
in two, two and a half and four yard
widths, new and desirable patterns at
lowest price, also . a large shipment of
Ostermore Mattresses
at Factory Prices. Stock of furniture
is large and complete ard you will lose
monoy if you fail to see it and get
prices before you buy.
'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 M-HJ
! '. The fence that has come
I to stay is the woven wire
fence made of galvanized
wire. It's advantages
X over board or rjl fences
? man, that thinks. We
talk about Pittsburgh
Perfect electrically'
welded fence because we
; believe it is the best
fence on the market to
il day. It is made on the
T latest scientific princi
T pies from the best grade
J of wire, and every rod of
X. the fence is Guaran
teed. We have this fence
f in stock in Field Fence,
. Razorback and Improved
'. '. Poultry Fence. You
' ought to know the good
T points of Tittsburg Per
fect before you place
I your orders.
$ Cramer
Odd Fellows Blk.
PLOWS, Post Hole Diggers
n ii i im in mi iii m
Don't forget W. J. Gardner la wil
ing at cost and below cost during
the sale. 1-15 tt
Ladle Auxiliary.
A meeting of the Ladies' Auxll-
I iary of the Commercial Club Is cat!
ed for Monday afternoon, Jnnaiy
18, at S o'clock, to arrange for a
Rose Planting day In the near fu
ture. It Is hoped that a large at
attendance will be present as this
will be an effective .way of beautify
ing the city.
Quarts blanks at the Courlei
Near Bottling Works