r AGE. TWO PROFESSIONAL CAEDS II. C. FINDLEY, M. D. Practice limited to ETE, EAR, NOSE and THROAT. U lasses fitted and furnished. Offlce boura 9 to 12; 2 to 6; and on appointment. Phonea 261 ft 77. (Jrmnta ram, Oregon. sTlougiikidoe. m. d. PHYSICIAN AND 8 1' KG EON Rea. Phone 714 City or country rails attended day or night. Sixth and II, Tuffs Wdg. Offlce Phone 261. Grant Pam, - OrenM. DR. 0. A. CAM1M5KLL, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate American School of Osteo pathy, Klrksvllle, Mo. Chronic Diseases and Diseases of Wo men and Children a specialty. CONSULTATION FREE. Ituoiiis 1, 2, 3. iHt Nat'l. Dunk Hlds. Phonea: Offlce 771; Rea. 793. Grants Pans, Oregon. R V. DcVOIlE, M. I). PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City aad Country calla promply answered. OMlce hours, 9 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Phones: Ilea. 473; Office 941. Rooms 1, 2, 3, Shallhorn Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. The Paaslsr larbsr Bhaa Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Stieet Three chains Bath Room In connection it E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY rnrnlture and Piano Marine HANTS PASS, OREGON. II. D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Offlce Opera House Bldg. Grants Pass, Oregon. OLIVER 8. BROWN, LAWYER Offlce Cor. 6th and F But. Grants I'am, - Oregon. II. K HENDRICKS, COUNCILOR AT LAW Civil and Criminal mutters attend ed to nl al the Courts. Real Esato and Insurance. Offlce 6th St., oppo. Post Offlce. Grants Pass, Oregon. O. R RLANC1IARD, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practice In all Statu and Federal Courts. Hanking & Trust Co. lllcln. Grant I'ass, Oregon. WILLIAM 1' WkUillT, U. H. DKI'IU'Y M'UVKYOK M1NINO KNUINrTlt AND PHMMiMTsM AN nth 8t., north n( Jonrphitie IMri. TiaNT Pass, Okkuon, FREES! Fruit, Shade Ornamental Hedge plants, Cypicas ami l'tivtt Hetty rUtits, ToKay Grapes a.H well as other k tints of tirst class grape root. Apple, Tear, Teach, Cherry and other tiers at reasonable ricrs. It will pay you to tee me K-foie buying. I.et me have your fillers llote the assoitmrtil is broken. Some kind? ate waive already. T. T. Taylor Oftlos iu brick uesr t i;rt Hi. am CEMENT CEMENT R. H. Gilfillan Grant Ps, Oivjcm Telephone IIMory There seems to be a are it many confusing rumors afloat centered (a the telephone business and !t is a j topic on whl' h It might be well lo j give some Information. j h It might be well 10 , There have been three db.tlnct stages In the manufacture and use of telephones. The begtntliiv. of the actuul telephone era waj when Bell discovered that communication could be carried on over a single wire aud by the use of what a now call an "111 devised" telephone. He then patented the same and cuiled It a telephone and after long years of study and labor he finally Inter ested capital and formed what is known as the Bell Telephone Com pany. This completes the flrBt stage. Then came the second stage, and hre was where the foundation was laid for the most formidable trust ever known up to this day. This combination was effected some 25 years ao. The telephones then used were of the magneto type with hand generator, local battery, the same as we have at the present date, and was then considered a world wide wonder. So strong were the entrench ments of this company that no or dinary corporation could enter the field as a competitor In any sense. They became so strongly fortified that every patent that came Into the field was purchased at any price or else was tied up In law suits for Infringements and laid to rest In the higher courts. Every attempt of the Independent move was met with Injunctions. Publishers were bought outright under contract not to publish any Information to assist In an Independent move. In this way they suppressed any agitation of the public and the price of tele phone service was beyond the reach of any man In moderate circum stances. This condition of affairs continued to exlBt until 1898, when the Bell patents began to expire, and one by one passed off the records. Then came the last stage. A dosen pat ents were walling to go on record and on the very day that the first of the Boll patents expired thore was a stampede In the U. 8. Patent offlce at Washington, and with It came a thousand and one Improve ments In the telephone field. At this time was when the now famous central energy system was Intro duced. Among the pioneer Independent manufacturers were Kellogg, Strora-berg-CarlHoti, American Electric Co., Dean Electric Co., and a score of others followed In quirk succession, each company striving to outdo the other In advancement The first great battle between the Hell Interests and the Independent Telephone Company as fought in the states of Ohio and Indiana. It wus the Hell trust against the public and the public won. nut the Hell Vmi phone Company died game Mid n aiK' a desperate stand at ovei y trench on their retreat, but Jereiit was theirs and after spending mil lions of dollars In a most helpless and hopeless struggle, they for five years kept up this constant firing. Hut when the people, the press ami the money powers tinned their mighty guns upon them they found that it wss useless for them to spend (heir revenues and savings In that foolish manner, so they changed their tartlrs atul began ; new course. They would Install a new plant where they had print Ically lost by otnpclltloii and then cut the rates even so low that In one Instance In all Haslem city their earnings ran behind their operating expenses $1100,000 annuully. Another course they had adopted was to buy a plant for some $j00 and advertise the same from sea to sea in great display advertising, thus: "Another independent com pany absorbed by the Bell." This would naturally lead people to be lieve, who are not Informed along this line, that the Bell Company had absorbed all of the New Kngland states lint sins for the Bell Telephone Compiin . It Is the "l'tilon Forever," anil oti;ud to vlitoiy march the home r.'iupanles over the most cold blooded trust, indifferent to the pub lic Interests, that eor attempted to ib Mi.' ;t nation nnd the whole , woi Id nl 'he nost useful of ir.nte'n 11' ' 111 i. lis. In '''. sprliii of lSs there came i i i: a' the ilivr o( our American in. n. a' I a voice asked, "Who cornea 'tii i "' Viol tlie answer from 1-'."' '' rtuMi" i;s,:-, "You ate ii ei, ..mi. Notwithstanding the fact that the fight for s'tpi o'liaey had caught the ee uf nearly every financier (if the world and that every effort has been iiuiilc t.i corrupt the free press which published page after page of I'lai.if.i.t'.iri-il nistter Inteuded to misdirect ths public mind, and ad- FRIPAV, JANUARY lo, 1909. THE BOGIE RIVER COL-JKR. , - 1 - . 1 1 " mttstiai mlttlng there have been blunders 'and poor judgment in some minor raes( but, taking it as a whole, and Bret bearing In Hi ltd that there are ""'" -"e- united mates, mere nas Deeu less financial disaster in the Home Tele ihon" move than in any other com mercial Industry In the world with even one-half so many separate com panies. The writer can truthfully say that he cannot recall a single Instance of failure within the home field. Now there are cases where one company absorbed the Interest of another, but conditions are very equally divided on both sides of the firing line with no particular advantage to either, as such sales are Invariably Insignifi cant when considering the sale price. The business man, at first mention of a Home Telephone thinks two sys stms will be burdensome but when he has tried the case on Its merits he decides as follows: "Well, I have the best telephone service o be had anywhere In America. I now reach Ave customers by telephone where before I could only get two. My ser vice Is such that I can get a switch board connection, leave orders to my hired help, talk to my wife and still have plenty of time to catch my train. As heretofore, either my wife or my business had to be neglected I have no solicitor in the field for I can call all my customers by tei enhnna. So I put him to work In the store that I may be better equip ped to take care of my Increasing business. My wife can better take rare of baby and my home, from the fart that she can sit down and hold baby and talk to all her near friends anywhere within 40 miles over an Improved syBtom with greater satis faction and contentment. Little Johnny can call papa up and ask him to bring home some candy, so papa does not have to carry Johnny home that night when he locks up. I can always get the doctor for als phone Is always ready and he Is ready to answer when his telephone rings for h knows that It Is his ring. He does not have to sit up nights fear ful of making miscount, therefore neglecting his duty and his patients And there are a hundred other advantages which could be given as reasons why we need more tele phones and better service, and why It means more time and profits to every business man. Now. does it pay for a man or woman who has a home or a bust ness or both, to ponder over these facts? Every man Is working for profits and with profits ordinarily come pleasures both at home and abroad. We have but "one life to live" and all should enfoy the con venlences In our humble way, and those who have them should not de prlve others whose motto Is "Live and let live" of the conveniences that can be placed easily within their reach and at their disposal. H. Iteofiiexs Cannot Ih- Cured I y locai applications, as they canot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deaf ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Intlatumeil conilttlon or the mucous it II In K of the Kustiii'hlan Tube. When this tube Is tutliitued ynu have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed for ever; cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an In flamed condition of the nincuous surfaces. We will give $1011 for any cHse of deafness (caused by catarrh) thjU cannot be cured by Hall's Ca tarrh Cure Send for circulars free. F. J. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. "Sc. Take Hill s Family Pills for con stipation. Kodol for dyspepsia and iudlges tlon will digest any and all food at any and all tunes. Kodol Is guaran teed to give prompt relief. Sold by Ssbln s drug store. How Profn.ljn.li Starch Cloth.t. The laundry ineth.-d fur starching collars and cuffs . considered bv some housewives t. I much snrler to the usual home method After the hlrt and collars nml cuffs have been wash d and dried they are ready for standi l ig I'se five tablesiHHinfnla ,,f ....... 1 snd one linlf cup of cold water, one 1 half teasiHK.nful of borax and a qunrt j of bolliu,, water Cook the starch for I half sn hour. This Is to b,. used mere ly eu the bosoms, collars and cuffs of shirts and on the plaited fronts of shirt waists Stretch m cloth tightly oa the table I and ta. k It so us to keep It smooth The starch will be like jelly ml Bh,mil , 1 nibbed In with the Augers. The rubbing Is not complete until the vsrl ous thicknesses are ss one. and the starch then must be wiped from bth I sides with a diunp cloth I Ciood for cuts, burns, bruises and trsiones, lult especially recommend- ! ea ror piles IA lit s Carbollxed Witch Haiel Slu Sold by Sabln'a drug store. 4 " CLOSING OUT SALE Curtis & Co are selling out their of Jewelry, including Everything mnst Go at Wholesale Prices, Prices that Will Astound You Nothing Will Be Reserved Our intentions are to go Out of Business at the Earliest Possible Date. This Announcement is Not Bait; on the contrary Grants Pass has never seen Jewelry Sold at Prices we will quote from this date on. Curtis Company Good Roads School. Georgia's State College of Agricul ture will hold a good roads school in Janunry. Commissioners of All the counties aud all persons interested will be Invited to attend a five days' ses sion at Athens. Oa., when a number of road building e.perts v III deliver lectures during ea, u uiorn;;is. The afternoons will be taken up In inspec tions of roads iu tin.' vicinity. I Miring the session u I'nileJ Si.v.c; ;: em inent expert will build n i. ile of r...i,l accord I UK to methods a; .'loVi-U lo, Hie bureau of roads. Manuf. . Hirers lme li'i'ii Invited to make e:.hlbits of ma chinery. A t ON THAT The Page Woven Wire Fence Co. ;1 Twentv-seveu inches to first carl-on coilt'tl pr Standard Ranch Fence Page fence is An experienced ri.' 71 & Iou . The P'Fet,: Men" " D-t,b.:,u:ne:n 0:e .nd'.Northe'tn Clifomi, Cor. 6th Watches, Clocks, and Silver Plated Ware CLEMENS SELLS BOOKS and DRUGS O A M r. rf-CNT Mirier and he time to RABBITPROOF FENCE Ha rw" wiilo Miac Th sum.- quality of all Pape Fence 'n.N ii Mr.iin t f ..ver 18,000 pounds. n r Sterl. guaranteed to be exactly m .. j ' iiui: yt J "i'fcT: f entire Stock GRAFTS PASS, ORE. Orepian $2 Decide hive a Special 1 ahbit Proof Fence, made especially for this locality Ineh: High Hog Sheep Coyote Lawn as represented a ge Fence, without extra cost. ' ' J I SiSegoa