VOL. XXIV. GRANTS PASS. JOSEPHINB COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY. JANUARY 8, 190'). NO. 41 COMMERCIAL CLUB EXHIBIT BUILDING Needs Help of Merchants, Miners and Farmers. AN IMPORTANT ENTERPRISE -The Crisis is at Hand and Every body Must be Will ing to Help There Is one crying need In Grants Pass at this time which should re ceive attention without delay ar.d that. 1b that the buslnes and profes sional men should get together and stand together to build up the city nd county. It is an easy matter to forget that we owe something to the place In which we make a livelihood. No man has a right to neglect a public duty and It Is at this point so many of us fall. To give all an opportunity to contribute to the pub lic weal is the reason for organizing Chambers of Commerce, Boards of Trade or Commercial Clubs. Every man who does bus ness with the public falls short ot Us duty If he falls to connect him self with an organization of this kind if one exists in the town in which he does business. Here in Grants Pass we have what Is known as the Commercial Club, a popular organization which has done good service In representing aright the in terests of the city. Us good work ex tends In all directions and from first to last It has been a credit to the municipality and its business Inter ests. There Is only one thing lack ing and that Is funds to carry out the great work it finds to do. First the Commercial Club should have a home of its own so as to be able to make an extensive display of Josephine County's fruits, vegetables grains and minerals. This display should be made near the depot and for this purpose a building should be erected on the railroad grounds. In such a structure the Commercial Club could have Its home and thus save rent. The question of how to get the money necessary for the con struction of such a building will quite naturally present Itself to the mind of the reader. The answer If easy. Appoint a live committee to visit every mining man, farmer, fruit grower, business and professional man in the county and get from these the ready money needed to put up the building. For once let all classes stand shoulder to shoulder In the work of building up our county and its Capital city. - This move should, and we firmly believe, will appeal to all who are Interested in the prosperity of this geographical division of the Rogue River Valley. if It were a church that one of the popular denominations wanted to build and It should require $15,000 or $20,000, the money very properly v ilrt be forthcomng. We would and feel proud that we 1 (Jhe New Year comes it's up to us to start it right; The leaf is turned and here's a page that's clean and bright, Let's blot out every old mis take and vain regret, And make our nineteen hun dred nine the best year yet R. H. O'Neill The Housefurnisher 9 0 19 t had the opportunity. Then why not all join to provide the means for a building that will be Instrumental in bringing men and women to help keep up the churches. It must be admitted that without the new blood our churches would have languished md finally failed for the want of sup port. It is clearly a duty that every man and woman owes at this crisis to help provide this home for the Commercial Club which will barely cost more than $2500. WATER RIGHTS ARE UPSET BY COURTS Impossible for Persons or Corpora tion to Hold Right for Speculation One of the most Important decis ions that has been handed down by the Oregon Supreme court in many years was placed on record Tuesday, when the court held that the Con gressional act of March 3, 1887, re lating to settlement on public lands, limits all reparian rights subse quently acquired except to the ex tent of the use of water for domes tic purposes. This decision, there fore limits the rights of such ripar ian owners to the rights they have acquired as approprlators, except as to domestic uses, which are too un important to be worth consideration. Under this decision it Is impossi ble for any person or corporation to acquire and hold a power or Irriga tion right for speculative purposes. Those persons, therefore who have filed on water powers on the Rogue the Deschutes and other rivers must put the water to beneficial use or forfeit their right to the first person who does apply it to such use. The opinion is of the greater Importance coming Just at this time, for the rea son that the subject of water law Is to be taken up by the Legislature. This court Is the first one in the ynited States to construe' the act of Congress of March 3, 1877, in thi particular.'" It in no way affects the rights of persons who acquired rights prior t'"- 1877, or who :ic quired riparian lard' Bince that tii: and put the water to a beneficial use. The man or corporation who has held riparian land without making use of the water is the one affected by the decision. The government cannot by legisla tion, determine for any state, after Its admission, what Its legislation relative to riparian or other water rights shall be, but may dispose of Its public land and all rights Inci dent thereto in such manner as it may deem best, and either at the same time or by separate acts, make such reservations therefrom, by grant, dedication or otherwise, as It may see fit. The water flowing over the public domain Is a part thereof and the Nitloral Government may grant or otherwise dispose of Its riparian in terest separate from the rest of the estate. Any one acquiring title to any part of the public domain subse quent to the date of the act of Con gress of March 3,1877, accepted It I with title thereto with full,knowl ! ledge oi the law In force at the time and subject to the full Import thereof. "CLEANER ANB BETTER FRUIT" Grave Danger Threatens Apple Orchards. YIGILENCE IS CALLED FOR Apple Crop of the Country for a Ser ies of Years by the Agri cultural Department. The apple is without doubt the King ot all Fruits and it there are any who have been hesitating about planting an orchard for fear the price will fall below a profit, they should read the following article taken from the January 2 number of the Saturday Evening Post. The introduction of this article has reference to the Apple Show which recently took place at Spokane and we omit It as not material. The article itself is a wonderful showing of the apple prospects generally and the conclusions are so clearly drawn that he who takes the trouble will be able to see that the man who plants an apple orchard and protects It from the pests will have the best paying Investment known among the Industries. Quoting from the arti cle In question we have: "The National Apple Show Idea was projected by the Spokane County Horticultural Society and was heartily supported by the business men of Spokane. ' Their motto was: 'Cleaner and better fruit and more of It.' To accomplish this, how ever, as the most intelligent sup porters of the apple Industry per ceive, it will be necessary to bring about radical changes In the man ner of cultivating apples on this con tinent. There must be general betterment of conditions In the com mercial orchards. If this Is not done the United States and Canada, within a few years, will probably be forced to Import apples Instead of exporting them. In support ot the belief that the domestic sup supply Is Insufficient is the fa-.-t that, if It bad not been for the enor mous crops In the Pacific and North western States and Provinces last year an apple famine would have re sulted. In many of the Middle- Western and Eastern States the yields were small last season, due to the failures In numerous Instances, but generally because of peBts. Or chards had been neglected and, In scores of places, the tees hae been permitted to die through lack of even ordinary attention, while, again in others the growers did not know how to combat Insects and diseases. It was to Improve these conditions, by making Investigations and sug gesting remedies to bring about more satisfactory results that the growers were invited to come to Spokane. "In 1896, the total product of the apple crop of the country was 69, OiO.OOO barrels, or 172,675,000 bushels. Since then hundreds ot thousands of acres have been ad ded, and methods ot fruit growing have Improved, yet the government reports show that the aggregate crop In all the states In the Union was not more than 25,000,000 bar rels, or 62,500,00-0 bushels In 1908. "To understand the decreases in the production of apples in the Union In the last 12 years refer ence should be made to the statis tics compiled by the Federal Depart ment of Agriculture. Growers pro duced 60,540,000 barrels of apples in 1895, and 69,070,000 barrels in 1896, The banner year In the history of the country. There was a de crease of nearly 28,000,000 barrels, or more than the entire crop of 1908, In 1897, when the yield amounted to 41,536,000. Another decrease followed In 1898, the yle.4 being placed at 28,570,000 ba:rc!. but in 1899 and 1900 there were substantial increases, the yle'.l be ing 37,560,000 and 47,760,000 bar rels respectively. There was a drop of 20,890,000barrels In 1901, while 1902 showed an Increase of 20,655, 000 barrrels, the crop that year be ing estimated at 47,125.000 barrels. Forty-tiTt Bllllo barrel t fruit were produced in 1903, and in 1904 the yield was 300,000 barrels great er. Tnen In 1905, It dropped to 23 500,000 barrels, and in 1906 It in creased to 36,130,000 barrels. The crop ot 1907 fell off to 25,000,000 barrels. "The apple growing Industry Is a substantial one; In fact, few enter prises offer surer or more attractive profits or more healthful and pleas ant occupation. A small invest ment will secure a beginning, and trustworthy literature can be had readily from the Department pf Ag riculture and the numerous horti cultural and farm Journals.. There never will be an overproduction of first-class stock. It Is, in fact, im possible at the present time to pro duce the enormous quantity of good apples requisite to meet the demand. This is evidenced by the fact that England, Germany, France, Den mark, Australia and the Orient are already drawing upon the orchards In Washington, Idaho, Oregon and British Columbia. When this ex port trade is firmly established, as It will be In a few years, the demands upon the growers will be largely in creased. This means more new or chards and better care of the older ones. "That apple-growing in the North west has passed the experimental stage and Is already a factor may be gathered from official statements. More than 16,000,000 growing trees were reported by horticultural In spectors In Washington, Oregon and Idaho, at the close of the season of 1908, and of these 6,744,161 bore fruit that year. The total crop reached an estimated value of from $19,000,000 to $20,000,000. Wash ington, with 2,935,824 producing trees, was seveuteenth in the list in number of trees and second In pro ductiveness. Oregon had 2.825.988 bearing trees and Idaho reported 982,349 trees In fruit. When the other trees now growing come In to bearing In 1912 It is estimated the yield will be about 64,000,000 bushels, or 1,500,000 bushels moro than the total crop of the United States In 1908, equal also to the wheat yield of the three States that year. Washington had 5,332,097 apple trees at the beginning ot the season, during which 2,500,000 were set out, with more than 3,000,000 contracted for to be planted in 1909. Oregon had 5,500,000 and set out 2,- 000,000 more, while Idaho reported 2,500,000. "The apple Is the national fruit of America. This can hardly be ques tioned In face ot the fact that In ho tels, restaurants, resorts, trains, steamers and homes the fruit Is ser ved throughout the year. But while there are apples everywhere, apparently, the supply Is not suffi cient to go around, and, as a result, there muBt be many places where an apple Is regarded as more of a luxury than It should be. "Ambitious apple-growers In the Northwest and elsewhere saw more attractions in the National Apple Show than the premiums offered by the management. They believe It will prove Its greatest success from an educational viewpoint." Webb Jury Disagrees. The trial of Louis R. Webb of Deerlng, who was arrested some months ago on the charge of setting forest fires in Del Norte County, California, was held In San Fran Isco last week, and on the night of Dec. 30th the Jury was discharged, they having been unable to agree on a verdict. Webb, will be given a second trial on the same iharge some time during February. If you want the best all-round fence made and for the least possible cost, get AMERICAN WOVEN WIRE sold by Hair-Riddle Hdwe. Co. 1-8-2 Big cut In the prices ot some of our heaters. Halr-Rlddle Hdwe. Co. l-8-n Notice to Stockholder. Notice to the stockholders of the Ap plegate-Wllllams Creamery Co: The annual meeting of the stock holders of the above company will be held at the Creamery building at 2 o'clock P. M. Friday, January 15, 1909. By order of the board. V. H. KENT,, Secretary, Mrs. Mary Saples of Lentz.Ore., arrived last week and will spend a eouple of weeks here and among other .Vugs disposing of her Inter ests la llatzaa'.'.a Hclssti. MEDFORD TRIBUNE FAKE INTERVIEW Q.. . i.u i e utionable Methods of Our Near Neighbor. SCURRILOUS TRANSACTION Attempt to Injure Grants Puss in Order to Help Out the Saloon Interests. The Medford Tribune of January 7th has a purported Interview with Ex-Mayor Smith of Grants Pass and also one with Sheriff Russell and still another with the proprietor of the Palace hotel. The persons named are made to take part In the local option campaign which Is go ing on In Medford. It Is believed that the Interviews are fakes, at leas as far as the eex-mayor Is con cerned as he could hardly be so shortsighted as to be made a cats- paw of, by the Baloon element of a neighboring city. It Is well under stood that the sole object of the so- called Interviews used, was to help out the whiskey cause as above stated. Sheriff Russell Is used to preach a temperance sermon. Everybody will be glad to know that the sheriff has turned his at tention to saving our young men from the evils of intemperance, but Just how he Is going to protece the young men and the salon at the same time Is a matter hard to fig ure out. What Is said about the Palace hotel Is undoubtedly true. The proprietor of that hostlery claimed that his business hod been cut in wo by local' option. That s one of Joe's Jokes, for be It un derstood that a good half ot his business was In the saloon connect ed with the Palace and when local option went Into effect It certainly should have cut the business In two. Below we print the Tribune's ef fort to help the Medford saloon bus iness by tearing down Its neighbor, Grants Pass. Previous to the city of Grants Pass voting for and putting Into ef fect local option the tax rate was 6 mills and the business done here was fully equal to that now done In Med ford. Our tax rate Is now 8 mills .1U uiuio than whut Is legally al lowed. In addition to that, we have had to Increase our valuation 60 per cent, which makes our rate now real- mills, and our business has fallen off and we have decided that we cannot do any paving." That was the statement made yes terday by Mayor J.C.Smith of Grants Pass, who is not only one of the lead- i limits but has also been d recently to the state leglsla ture. To show how certain people are trying to mislead the citizens of Med ford, it may be stated that according to the Mall the tax rate of Grants Pass was much lower than that of Medford, and that the former place was also paving Its streets. Now there Is not only the positive state' ment of Mayor Smith that the real rate now is only 1 mill less than that of Medford, but that city voted against municipal ownership of the waterworks and also decided not to undertake any paving. These are facts which cannot be disputed. Nor is this all, for almost any bus I ness man In Grants Pass will state that business has fallen off since lo cal option went Into effect to a con siderable extent. "How does your business compare now with what It was before you got local option?" was the question asked ot the proprietor ot the Palace hotel. "It Is more than cut in two," was his reply, "and we now have less than one-balf we had before. This statement was amply verified when the writer had dinner there yesterday, for there were only two others In the dining room besides himself. This In spite of the fact that the charge was only 60 cents for as good a meal as can be got any where for double tve price. In spite at the Ja?t that til pUce wax ill roost deserted all day. i ne management Is good and the hotel Is first- class In every particular. 1 As to the liquor business. It Is the ' same at Grants Pass as everywhere else where local option has been tried. From the car ot the train from Medford reaching there yester- day noon no less than 12 quart hot- Hei ot whl8key were takenqoir at tne depot. Three drunken men wore seen on the streets inside ot one hour, being more than the writer has seen in Medford during the Christmas holidays. Like other lo cal option places, there Is no deny ing the fact that the citizens of Grants Pass can get all the liquor they want, but It has driven nearly all the outside trade from the city. The trade Is now going to Jackson ville, Gold Hill and Medford. A lot of liquor Is being shipped in hore from Portland," said Sher rlff Russell, of Josephine county, as he pointed out a young man ataggor- lug down the street. "The great trouble Is," he continued, "they send their money for It to Portland, and even If the houses there did care. tney have no means of knowing If the people who sond In the orders are under age or not. I never knew of young men being drunk here be fore, but now the sight is a common one." "This Is how we stand," said one .10 leading business men of the Ity. "In one way we would like to i Medford go dry because it would i i.v iome of our trade now going ve to remain at home, where It roperly belongs. The trouble la. lowever, that many who now eo there would go to Jacksonville and there Is no chance In the world Hint making any change In these places." would you olatUH Medford for cnntluulng the present system?" he was asked. "Why, certainly not." he replied, 'You people would be greater fools than I take you to be If you ever fol low our exaniule. in xMitinn morx than doubling our taxes. have lost from 25 to 50 per cent of our business, had to do away with a chance to 6wn our water system and are now forced to give up any idea or paving our streets. You peo ple have already obligated yourselves for these and have interest to pay, and yet your tax rate Is, In reality, only 1 mill more than ours. And you are getting the cream of bus iness of the valley. Why? Because you have a better city than ourr? No, sir; because our loss has been your gain. ,"The trouble Is that It Is not our fault, but that of ie state "aw. Our people here In the ilty r,f C,ruiis Pass gave over 200 majority !n la vor of continuing the .ni system. Why Bhould we !i t hnve whut ho know we wanted7 WW? Uia,iie we were downed liy t!ii iic,i:' of the county ouUtd ol ;rau'. IW. another vote would show double the majority here i:i :h) .liy :n it vor of the llcen y im. The peo ple outside of lh oit hat kill-.! our city but what do they care? It Is not a cent out ot tno'r icUU." "Well, so yo.i penpM want l-j iet the people outstJe of you.- city run your affairs the ra.iio tlisy h,re ours here? "All I can say U th.u If you dc v you will richly dewfi u!i that you get." 8nce receiving the Tribune of the 7th, the Courier has tailed with quite a number of the leading busl nesHS men of this city and shown them a copy ot the paper. The first on the list Is Mayor H. C. Kin ney, one of the oldest and most prominent business men In this city. His knowledge as to the con ditions which prevail In Grants Pass at the present time cannot be ques tioned. First let us say that . Mr. Kinney Is the senior member of the large dry goods and grocery firm of Kinney & Truax. He is the man who, at the late election defeated Dr. J. C. Smith for the office of mayor. He Is alto connected with the First National Bunk of Southern Oregon, and Is known far and wide as a leading citizen of the Rogue River Valley. When interviewed Mr. Kinney said: "Our mercantile business shows a large Increase for the last six months and our cash sales during that time were doubled. I think It fair to say that nearly all of the mercantile establishments of this city have been exceedingly pros perous durlne the lst six norths. (Continued oa rr Tits).