Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 01, 1909, Image 8

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Golden Gate
A product that in enticingly
aromatic and delicious, that
has a really concentrated
trength; that will make a
Loyp-raco wonderfully reviv
ing and refreshing. Order a
pound today and note the
diU'erenco in the delicious
flavor and fragrance.
J. Pardee
Zht Front Street Grocer
John White was In Belma last
weJt on his way to tho mine with a
prospective buyer. Some good nug
get were brought out as samples,
Tba mines In the vicinity are most of
tavern closed for lack of water and un
til after the holidays.
The children are looking forward
lo the Christmas tree on Christmas
and are making preparations to
4a their part toward the entertain'
ms-ul. Miss Parker will go home
A farmers telephone line up Deer
treuk from Belma Is under way and
rom lues to be In operation soon.
A project for a brass band among
Ik young men along Deer Creek is
Mdr discussion and will probably be
carried to realization.
B. C. Lee and Goo. Ward are out
rooa the Pine Flat mines to spend
the olldays at Grants Pass.
Atrial of markmanshlp among the
ati here Is expected Christmas day.
Owing to a scarcity of news and
Manifold Christmas duties Buster
aa unable to send in the weekly
aiklget of news las. week.
Mrs. Mollle Holding and son Don
lirants Pass spent Christmas at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
ssewersj of Murphy's young people
attended the Christmas ball at
Huse's and report having had a good
Tb Alder Gulch Mining and Tun-
arl On. have a force of men on thel
ilas doing the asessment w: .
Tim Southern Oregon . .-a-'
r association re
ever loss '.. ' line
mil' , " purred at
" '' I - jK, a short time
i. uoidback was around bid
:., his neighbors and friends good-
jr Sunday as he loaves for St
Louis Wednesday. He will resume
kta former occupation as traveling
olrsinan. We all regret to have
Mr. Vinldback leave us as he Is a very
Itablo gentleman and well liked by
II mho have made his acquaintance.
U miys this is tho fluent rnuntry on
arth, and he expects to bo with us
gain In the future.
The Christmas tree entertainment
at the Murphy school house was a
ry micceiuirul and enjoyable affulr.
The house wai crowded to the door
sxl an excellent program was ren
Vrfd. tho singing being oicoptlou
ly line. The children were kept on
h p too of expectancy by a tele
tram from Santa Clans, every few
sntaifles, nunounclng his near ap
naih The role of Snuta Clans
was very rlcaverly carried out by L.
W. Carsou.
I"ge T'euce Is the very best money
ma tuy or science produce. Ask J.
D- Vranklln. 12-18-tf
. (inllce Notes.
Cbrlstniaa was clebratod In Ca-B-e
la a way which made It merry for
n. U'her was a tree and a dunce,
both of which furnished enjoyment
fc practically everyone.
There was a itood'y supply ,.(
w6tkoy on hand at Christmas
Ui, and this article helped uloug
warlom ways In the Xmas
A turkey shoot the day before
Xtsras provided turkeys In several
T Mensch , the Grants Pass
arwewor, was la GaUca the past ws-k '
surveying placer ground belonging
to the Oalice Consolidated.
The Alameda mine is furnishing
employment for a large number of
men. There are about35 em
ployed In the mine proper and in
the ereclon of the smelter building
besides a large number who are
hauling the machinery and lumber
for the smelter.
The Sugar Pine mine people In
tend to put in a 10-stamp mill.
The Sugar I'lne is one of the old
mines that has paid large dividends, j
and the owners are satisfied that the I
rich ore Is still there In abundance.
T. K. Anderson Is working his
placer claim and getting good re
Frank Colvlg has a new prospect
on liogue utver oeiow uum,
Samples of ore taken out are very
rich and good mining men are of
of the opinion that Frank has the
making of a good mine.
The Orlol mine, owned by J. C.
Mattison and associates is taking
out ore and shipping right along.
Harry Iewls, the Rocky Gulch
miner, started to pipe last ween.
He has plenty of water and plenty
of good ground so he is expeced to
make a good clean-up.
The Koyal Group of placer mines,
belonging to J. II. Harvey are run
ning along as usual with a good
sized crew and taking out good
Christmas at the County Home.
The inmates of our County Home
were certainly well pleaBed with tho
the manner In which they were re
membered on Christmas eve and the
day following. The main feature
of the entertainment on Christmas
eve was a well-loaded Christmas tree
ou which was a substantial present
for each one. Most of the presents
were donated by the merhants of
Grants Pass to whom the Inmates
extend hearty thanks.
On Christmas morning Mrs. J. L.
Calvert and her Sunday school class
were on hand with another supply of
presents and Christmas songs, all of
which were heartily enjoyed by all
present. Mrs. Calvert Is an expert
In matters of entertainment. These
old men have been young them
selves, they have seen better days,
their childhood companions have
passed away and these pleasant oc
caslons simply remind them that this
is still sympathizing world.
Those In charge of the County
Home desire to express their appre
ciation of what has been done to
make the first Christmas of the in
stltutlon one that will be reniem
bered with pleasure. S. J.
Rain! Rain! And still It rains,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter itn '
Mr. and Mrs. V'.. ...
Mr. A. H. S' .. i . vVm
Roan ; r. ' ... ..uer-ln-law,
C:.. ; i". . .
. ' our folks were at the
.lurday on business.
Mrs. II. S. Wynabt and daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Walter and son unit
A. II. Simpson of Hornbruk, C'al
Mrs. J. II. Steward and daughter
Grace, Eva, Ernest and Harry Me
Calllster, wore the guests of C. C.
Wynaut Sunday.
Say, Hoss, It beats all how a lit
tie ad in the Courier bring 'em.
Chas. Moore and Miss Anna Mo
(.Ulster, were visiting the lutter's
parents one day last week.
Wm. McCalllster was at l'rovolt
Sumliiy on tuiHl h'hh Look out
bii)s, there Is something going to
happen up there if he keeps that
up because ho needs a cook right
Vomer Daniels Is visiting with
relatives at this place.
Several of our folks attended tho
Christinas program Ht Murphy und
report a flue time. Murphy always
has a good time.
Kill ITD.U.K.
A Happy New Year to All!
The entertainment ntven by the
Sunday school on Christ mas eve whs
The recitations, exercises and
souks by the children were very en-t-iiiin.
Mrs C. II. Clements, of
j Urania 1'ass, and Mrs. lUn ke, of
, Frultdale each kuvo a reading which
ias enjoyed by all The most at
s:a 'he :M to the , hn.tren was the
Christum tree, which was beautiful
I decratcl ami well loaded with
presents Kvcrvone present, even
i.u. ii ihildren, received a
" ' ' of i ,iu, ,m,l nuts.
' K.ich of the mils revived a doll and
c.u h of tho boys a ball from the San-
l.i hool. Mrs. K. A. Clcmcuts and
. Mrs. K. I.. Huck gave poocoru balls
to .-h nf ,,n . I i........
.. ... j,,,-,,!,. . luiiixeiuu
of popcorn cracker-Jack, provided by
Mrs liathani. was enjoyed by all,
.in. I l.isl but uot least there whs a
; whole fmlly of dolls (which, by the
catsnot be duplicated at any
pries) distributed among the "grant-
eis. The Worthy Master has our
thanks for these.
Was Santa Claus there? Yes, In- j
deed! Aand looking as Jolly and as j
rosy as In "those good old days." In '
fact, all of the older ones present de
clared they had never seen him per
form his part better. Some believe
that it was due to his meeting with
a certain sweet-faced old lady, whose
stockings he used to fill when she
was a little girl. Of course, the
children were all delighted with
Santa's visit, and would be glad to ;
have him come oftener.
Several of the Frultdale homes en-
ertalned guests on Christmas Day,
and several of our people spent the j
day with relatives and friends In the j
city. K. K. Blanchard and rniuiiy ;
spent the day at the G. W. Higi I
home In Grants Pass. Mr. and Mrs. I
Dyke and family, of Granu Puss,
spent the day at the home of F. A. j
Clements. Mr. and Mrs. W. 3. Cou-
tant and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Clements
of Grants Pass, were entertalued at
the K. II. Wise home. Mr. and Mm.
M. E. Sturtevant, and Mm. Du.van
and family, were guests At ths H.
Huck home.
Rev. Holllngsworth preached out
here last Sunday afternoon, und 't is
eipeeted that Rev. Levelt vlll meach
on next Sunday, January .M, til '1.30
p m.
Rev. Holllngsworth was niriaii
ed at the G. A. Hamilton honw iart
E. E. Blanchard Is haln a n-w
house erected on the farm ' te
ctiitly purchased fro.n S. A Kelt.
'It school children a-o tn'.nyi:g s't vacation.
H C Huteham and faul!: of Cranir
i'sk,' visited at F. A. Cleme.iU last
Mrs Robert Huct, th-j s4 beei
quit j sick, is much b'.tter.
F. -ult Inspector, ;i. c. natelmm
vl.iHel some of thj orchards in i!.
sru Nu. part of Fnr". I:-. one dy
; week.
f- : iigusta 'a.-kei li'o at 1.
A. Clements' last Wednesday.
It used to be the custom with some
of us when Christmas was over to
count up and enumerate our pres
ents. Here Is a list of some of the
things which residents of Frultdale
received on the tree and otherwise.
Mrs. Bateham got a 6-month? old
mooter from Mrs. Hamilton, which
1 id an egg on Christina eve C. H.
Clements got the idea that os-h oi..
it u!d receive a buM-st of rru f
J. k. Miss Orriel Hack got to i:v
ut home slck-a-bi-t. too bad. on
C i' xtmas, too. M,. nateham got
t'-e thanks of the grown folks frr his
la-l.t-tful of pencil dolls. Santa
l'i .tus got there with the goods ,n
.i .i shape, and w is received with
i in'ii arms (by his wi.V . 1 1 wis . t.
deavor Ing to put out the cat. Both
r Clements ini Mr. Illjurhniil
were presented, the night before, by
their best cows, with lusty and husky
calves. Francis Bateham got such
severe headache that she could not
even eat candy It must have been
something fierce. F. A. Clements
ot a one-legged man to help do the
on.. '-. Harris got word from
some friends of his In Washington,
who may be expected to locate here
In the spring. Mrs. C. 11. Clements
ot such an encore t. her roci ation
that she thinks she will come again.
Everyone got acquainted and had a
good time adn wished everyone e'.se
a Merry Christmas.
Villas Is over Hnd everyon? see rs
si.tlr.nVd with tho result.i of their la
ors for liiakhiK tho u-ts u br'hier.
A very pleasant lit', o diu.-e Wks
ivi'n In Wolf Creek .nu a iiiwht.
Misses Maude I)avi j Miialo
VMler, of (iolden, are vlsn.i frlenjn
n Wolf Creek durlns t'le ho'.tdays
1ih '. ralnlr n few .:v
past, which made the roads very
muddy, but caused the miners to
The Xmas tree and programme at
Wolf Creek proved a success.
The Xmas tree and programme at
liolden passed off very pleasantly
Mrs. Ada Hrown. who snent Xmas
with her parents, Mr. aud Mrs. C.
j Mcintosh, has returned to her home
In ('.rants Tass.
Mrs. Neelser, housekeeper for Mr.
Henry Cross, hud the misfortune to
fall and break one of her logs.
Miss I.ora Pumuilll Is spending the
! holidays with her parents. Mr. sn.l
Mrs Hethcrs of Grunts Puss. !
Miss Palsy Cole, teacher of the i
.Wolf Creek school, Is spending the!
holidays w ith her parents lu Grants !
Good for cuts, burns, bruises and
scratches, but especially recommend
ed for piles PeWltt't Carbollied
Witch Harel Salve. Sold by Sabln's
drug store.
Let Christian people everywhere
pray without ceasing that God may
giv wisdom and understanding to
Friday, January 1st
We are about ready for stocK-taking'
and make buying' easy with
the following' prices
Wool Blankets
Values go how
Values go now
Values go now
Values go now
Values go now
Values go now
Values go now
Values go now
Va ue? go now
On All
We have your size.
Geo. S. Calhoun
''Outfitters to Box and Man"
His people, and that the forces of
evil may be defeated.
At 10 o'clock on Christmas morn
ing the children of the L. T. L. met
at the home of Mrs. Calvert, each
with their offering for the Christmas
remembrance to the poor. A dray
conveyed them and their boxes filled
with good things to the County
Home, where they sang their Christ
mas songs and made some good-
cheer for those who have not all
the best things of life. And, sure
ly, some of the real Joy of the bless
ed Yule-tide was given out and
The Page Woven Wire Fence Co. i Fen made
Twenty-seven inches to first wii The same quality of all Page Fence. High
carbon coiltMi pr;n'.' SvH. St.uid a striii of ..ver 18.000 pounds.
Page fence is
An experienced man and tools are furnished to assist in the erection of all Page Fence, withont extra cost
w:M c ct fence over any ground without cutting or lapping, bagging or sagging.
Cisd;? X TT-on ' The Page Fence Men"
Discnbmtors iwutnern Oregon and Northern California,
of a
for $2.65
for $3.75
for $4.90
for $6.00
for $1.00
for $1.75
Men's and Boys'flSuits
and Overcoats
These goods are
their own hearts beat to a merrier
strain, Inasmuch as they did It unto
some of the least of His, they did it
unto Him.
The next regular meeting of the
W. C. T. U. will be held Friday, Jan
uary 8, in the W. O. W. hall on 6th
street, and a full attendance is de
sired. The L. T. L. meets at 4
o'clock, immediately after the W. C.
T. U. adjourns.
The Crusade day was observed by
the local Union and a pleasing pro
gram was given. Reading of 146
is the time to
i :
IO Iiu-lij
$&Nf 1
i . s ..ii..;-',-, t ji.Jt1
guaranteed to be exactly
Cor. 6th
Cottonade Pants
Extra Trousers
Including our complete line of
Corduroys all at
25 lent Discount
One-Fourth off regular prices
to be sold f orfcash only.
Psalm (the Crusade PBalm), singing
the Crusade hymn, Crusade remi
niscences, by Mrs. Curtis, Instru
mental dute by the Misses Caldwell
and Meyers. The plans were made
for the children of the L. T. L. to
carry a Christmas remembrance to
inmates oi the County Home and
the Union and Legion were Ad
journed, feeling, after listening to
the story of Mrs. Curtis' crusade
work years ago, that still there Is
much io do before the liquor curse
is driven from our midst. Let the
temperance forces be especially ac
tive during the year Just dawning.
as represented
and I Street, tents Oregon