Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 01, 1909, Image 6

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tCopyrlht. MM, by O. P. Putnam' Boss.
Published undr srranenent with O. P.
Putnam' Bon, New Jfork and London.
norcn I hire never
I known wolves to attack
I I i man, ret In the wilder
1 tutrtlnn nf tlia far Korth-
' '- -
west I have beard thero
come around camp very
close, growling ao sav
agely ai to make one almost reluctant
to leave the ramp fire and go out Into
the darknena unarmed. Once I wan
camped In the fall near a lonely little
lake In the tnounUiina, by the edge of
quite a brond atream. Soon after night
fall three or four wolves eanie around
camp and kept me awako by their aln
later and dismal bowling. Two or three
times they came ao close to the Are
Uint I could hear them anap their
)awa and growl, and at one time I pos
itively thought that they Intended to
try to get Into ramp, ao excited were
they by the amell of the freab meat
After a while they atopped bowling:
and then all waa allent for an bour or
o. I let the fire go out and waa turn
ing Into tied when I anddenly heard
tome aolmal of considerable else come
flown to the atream nearly oppoalt
me and begin to splnsb acroea. flint
wading, then awlmmtng. It waa pitch
dark, and I could not possibly aee, but
I felt aure It wna a wolf. However
after coming half way over It changed
Its mlud aul a warn back to the oppo
atte bank; nor did I aee or hear any
thing more of the nlgbt marauder.
Five or nix time on the plain or on
my ranch 1 hare had ahota at wolvea,
alwaya obtained by accident and al
ways, I regret to Bay, missed. Often
the wolf when seen waa running at
full apoed for rover, or elao waa ao far
off that though motlonleaa my abot
went wide of It. But once have I with
my own rifle killed a wolf, and thl
waa while travelling with a pack train
In the monntalna. W bad been mak
ing considerable noise, and I never un
derstood how an animal ao wary per
mitted our near approach. lie did,
evert helps, and Juat aa we came to
little atream which we were to ford
I aaw blm get on a dead log aom
thirty yards distant and walk alowly
aff with bis eye turned toward ua.
The first abot smashed bla shoulder
and brought htm down.
The wolf I on of the animal which
can only be bunted successfully with
dogs. Most dog, however, do not take
at all kindly to the pursuit. A wolf la
terrible fighter. Me will decimate
pack of hounds by rabid anapa with
bla giant Jawa while suffering little
damage himself; nor are the ordinary
big dogs, supposed to I lighting doga,
able to tackle blm wlthont special
training. I have known on wolf to
kill a bulldog which had rushed at It
with a single anap.
The true way to kill wolvea, bow
aver, la to hunt them with greyhounds
on the great pistil. Nothing more ex
citing than thta sport ran poeslbly be
Imagined. It I not ulway necessary
Hint the greyhound abould be of abso
lutely pure blood, rriae-wlnulng doga
of high pedigree often prove useless
for the purposes.
Once I had the good fortune to wit
ness a very exciting bunt of thla char
acter among the foot hills of the north
ern Hovkles. I waa ataylng at the
bouse of a friendly enwman, wbotn I
will call Judge Yancy Htuuip. He was
Thi vorryMtg, troirliny uki nulrlmj
vers twrvtc.
at ditgger drawn with bla nearest
neighbor, a iti hi sine J mountain
farmer, who may tw kuowu as old uiau
rrlndl. There was one polut, how
ever, on which the two cam together.
They were exceeding!)- fond of hunt
ing with hounds The Jiiilge had three
or four track-hounds, and four of what
be called swift bound, ttw latter In
cluding one pure-bred greyhound bitch
of wonderful apeed and temper, dun-
colored yelping animal which waa a
cross between a greyhound and a fox
bound, and two otbera that were
crosses between a greyhound and a
wire-haired Scotch deer-bound. Old
man Prindle's contribution to the pack
consisted of two Immense brindled
mongrels of great strength and fero
cious temper.
Aa I waa very anxious to see a wolf
bunt the Judge volunteerd to get one
np, and aaked old man I'rlndle to as
sist, for the sake of bis two big fight
ing dogs; though the very names of the
latter, General Orant and Old Abe,
were gall and wormwood to the un
reconatructed aoul of the Judge. Still
they were the only doga anywhere
around capable of tackling a aavage
timber wolf, and without their aid
the Judge'a own bigb-splrited animals
ran a serious risk ot Injury, for they
were altogether too game to let any
beast escape without a atruggle.
Luck favored ua. Two wolvea had
killed a calf and dragged It Into a long
patch of dense brush where there was
a little spring, the whole furnishing ad
mirable cover for any wild beast. Ear
ly In the morning we atarted on horse
back for thla bit of cover, which waa
some three miles off. The party con
sisted of the Judge, old mau riindle. n
cowboy, myself, and the doga. The
Judge and I carried our rifles and the
cowboy bla revolver, but old man Prio
ri! bad notblug but a heavy whip, for
beawore, with many oatba, that no one
should Interfere with bis big dogs, for
by themselves they would surely
"make the wolf feel alcker than a
stock hog." Our shaggy ponies rack
ed along at a five-mile gait over the
dewy prairie grass. The two big doga
trotted behind their master, grim and
ferocious. The track heunds vanre tied
In eouplea, and the beautiful grey
bounds loped lightly and gracefully
alongalde the horses. The country waa
fine. A mile to oar right a email plains
river wound In long curves between
banks fringed with cottonwooda. Two
or three miles to our left the foothills
rose abeer and bare, with clump of
black plus and cedar In their gorges.
We rod over gently rolling pralrlo,
with bare and there patches of bruab
at the bottoms of the alopea around
the dry watercourse.
At last we reached somewhat deep
er valley, In which the wolvea were
harbored. Wolves lie close In the day
time and will not leave cover If they
can help It; and aa they bad both food
and water within we knew It waa
moat unlikely flat this couple would
be gone. The valley waa a couple of
hundred yards broad and three or four
times aa long, Blled with a gsewth of
ash and dwarf elm and cedar, thorny
underbrush choking the aparea be
tween. Posting th cowboy, to whom
he gave hla rifle, with two greyhounds
on one side of the upper end, and old
man I'rlndle with two other on the
opposite aide, while I waa left at the
lower end to guard airs lust the pons!
blltty of the wolvea breaking back, the
Judge himself rode Into the thicket
near me and loosened the track -hounds
to let them find the wolves' trail. The
big dog alao wr uncoupled and al
lowed lo go la with tbe hounds. Their
power of scent waa very poor, but they
were ure to lie guided aright by the
baying of th bounds, and their pres
ence would give confidence to tbe lat
ter and make them ready to rout the
wolvea out of tbe thicket, which tbey
would probably have shrunk from do
ing alone. There waa a moment'a
pause of expectation after the Judge
entered the thicket wltb hla hound.
W eat motionless en our horse,
eagsrly lucking through th keen fresh
morning air. Then a H amorous baying
from the thicket la which both the
horaemaa and doge had disappeared
bowed that the hound bad struck
the trail of their quarry and were run
ning on a hot scent. For a couple of
mlnntoe we could not be quite certain
which way the game was golug to
break. The houuds ran alging through
th brush, s we could tell by their
baying, and once some yelping and a
great row showed tlint they had come
rather closer than they had expected
Uton at least one of the wolvea.
In another mluute. however, tbe lat
ter fouud It tio hot for them aud
bolted from the thlrket. My first no
tice of this was seeing the cowboy,
who wss standlug by the skte of bla
horse, suddenly throw up bis rifle and
fire, while the greyhound who had
been springing high In the air. half
inaibK'iied by the clamor In tbe thicket
Mow. for a moment dashed off tbe
wrong way. confused by the report of
the spin 1 rode for aJl I was worth
to where the cowboy stood, and In
ttitntly caught a glimpse of two
wolves. grltaled gray and brown,
which having Iwu turned by hla ahot started straight over th hill
across the plsln toward tbe mountains
ttitve miles a war. Aa soon aa I aaw
them I also that tbe rearmost of
the couple had txreu hit somewhere In
the body and wss lagging behind, the running from Its flanks, while
the two giv) bound were racing after
It; and at tbe aame moment tbe track
bound and the big dogs bnrat out of
the thicket, yelling aavageiy aa mey
atruck the bloody trail. The wolf was
hard bit. and ataggered aa be ran. He
did not have hundred yards' start
If the doga. and In less than a minute
the of the greyhounds ranged up and
passed blm with a savage snap that
brought hlra to: and before he could
recover the whole pack rushed at him.
Weakeued aa be waa be could make
no effective fight againat ao many foes,
and indeed had a chnnce for but one
or two rapid anapa before be was
thrown down and completely covered
by the bodies of bla enemies. Yet with
one nf theae snsns be did damage, as
a ahrill yell told, and In a aecond an
over-rash track-bound came out ot tne
tmirtrle with a deen cash across his
Bhoulders. The worrying, growling.
and snarling were ternnc, nut in a
minute the beavlng maaa grew motlon
leaa and the dogs drew off, save one
or two that atlll continued to worry
tbe dead wolf aa It lay stark and stiff
with glazed eyes and rumpled fur.
No aooner were we aatisnea mat n
wm rtoml than the Judire. with cheers
and oatba and crackings of hla whip.
urged the doga after the other woir.
Th wo erevhounds that had been
with old man Prlndle had fortunately
not been able to see the wolves wneu
they first broke from the cover, and
never aaw the wounded wolf at all.
starting off at full apeed after the un
wounded one tbe instant be topped tbe
crest of the hill. He bad taken advan
tage of a alight bollow and turned, and
now the chase was crossing ua half a
mile away. Wltb whip and spur we
flew towards tUem.our two greyhounds
stretching out In front and jr avlng ua
lit roes on hit Mnd leg Kit l vrestlrr.
s If we were standing still, the track
bouuda and big dogs running aftnr
them Just ahead of tbe horses. Fortu
nately the wolf plunged for a moment
luto a little brushy bollow and again
doubled back, and thla gave ua a
chance to see the end of the chase from
uenrby. The two greyhounds which
hnd first taken up the pursuit were
then bat a abort distance lichlnd.
Nearer they crept until they were
within ten yards, and then with a tre
meudon race the little bitch ran post
him and Inflicted a vicious bile In tbe
big liesat's ham. He whirled around
like a top and hla Jawa clashed like
thoee of a sprung bear-trap, but quick
though he waa she waa quicker and
Just cleared his savage rush. In an
other moment he resumed his flight at
full apeed. a speed which only that of
the grov bounds exceeded: but almoat
Immediately the aecond greyhound
ranged alongside, and though be waa
not able to bite, because the wolf kept
running wkh Its bead turned around
threatening him, yet by hla feints be
delayed tbe Vast's flight so that In a
moment or two the remaining couple
of awlft bounds arrived on the scene.
For a tnonisnt tbe wolf and all four
dog galloped along In a buncb; then
on of tbe greyhounds, watching bla
chance, planed tbe beast cleverly by
the hock and threw blm completely
over. The other Jumped on It In an In
tant; but rising by main strength tbe
wolf shook himself free, catching one
dog by the ear and tearing It half oS.
Then he ant dowu on bla hauuebca and
the greyhounds ranged themselves
around him some twenty yards off.
forming a ring which forbade his re
treat, though tbey themselves did not
dare touch him. However, the eud
waa at hand. In another moment Old
Abe and General llrunt came running
up at headlong speed and smashed Into
the wolf like a couple of battering
rains. He rose on hln hind legs like a
wrestler as they came at him, the
g re jr houuds alao rising aud bouncing
np and down like rubber balls. I could
Just w the wolf and the first big dog
looked together, aa the aecond on
made good bis throat-hold. In another
moment over all three tumbled, while
the greyhounda and oue or two of the
track hounds Jumped In to take prt in
the killing. The big dogs more than
occupied the wolTa attention and took
all the punishing, while In a trice one
of th greyhounds, having selied him
by the hind leg. stretched him out, and
the others were biting hi undefended
llly. The snarling and yelling of the
worry made a noise ao fiendish that It
was falrlv bloodcurdling; then It grad
ually died down, and tbe aecond wolf
... n the nlaln. killed by the
dog. unassisted. Thi. wolf was
rather heavier and decidedly taller
than either of the big dogs, with more
llnewy feet and longer fangs.
Breathe Ilyomel and Kill the
Loathsome Catarrh Germs.
Just aa long aa you have catarrh
your nose will Itch, your breath will
be foul, you will lawk and spit, and
you will do other disgusting things
because you cannot help yourself.
The germs of catarrh hare got you
In their power; they are continu
ally and persistently digging Into
and irritating the mucous membrane
jt ..u... uoe aud throat Tbey are
ow making your life miserable;
In time they will sap your entire sys
tem of lta energy, Its vigor and vi
tality. . yo" do not kill the loathsome
germs of catarrh, their desperate
. v.i its aiIi in time undermine your
reason, rob your brain r( Ua bril
liancy and activity, and leave you
not only a physical, but a mental
This picture Is not overdrawn:
jeen thousands of
h-i s. He has personally
experienced the demoralizing results
that come from tbe ravishing at
tacks of tbe rrlble catarrhal
germs, the g neat of civilized
But there la one remedy that will
.Hi-rh, and
that Is Hyomel the Australian dry air
treatment. There may be other
remedies but they are not guaran
teed as Dcmaray, the druggist
will guarantee Hyomel to cure ca
tarrh or money back. Don t delay
this pleasant anteseptic treatment.
Every day you allow these germs
to exist In your system brings you
nearer to complete demoralization.
Demaray will sel you a complete
Hyomel outfit for omy $1.00 Ask
him abou It. It Is also guaranteed
to cure bronchitis, asthma, coughs,
colds and bay fever. 12-18 &1-1
Humor ntf Philosophy
Th poor, forlorn old bachelor mul
How does he ever know
When h Is making ot himself
A rosjr timet show?
Ko wife tu kick him on th shin
Or later set him right
Regarding actions of that sort
When they n home a( night.
H must b aver his own su'da,
Philosopher and friend.
His handy pocket etlquetts
And on himself depend.
Ko near companion of his soul
At breaks h makes to frowa
Or In th quiet of his room
To later call Mm down.
Th mannerisms that ar not
Th kind that make a bit
H overworks, not having on
To be- of him to quit
Th sam old flat stid pointless tal
A doaen times h II tell
If there Is no one near enough
To ring the chestnut bell.
Th lady who Is nut his wife.
But has iomi hopes to be,
A dozen places to correct
Moat sny time may see.
But still she doesn't say a word.
Though ah may have a plan
To make Improvements soon aa ah
Can set him for a man.
011 Tlmar.
"Did you enjoy yourself at th
ehow ?"
I "Tea; I met so many old friends, "
"That was strange."
I "No, It waan't Blinks, tbe come
dian, came on with hla atandard Joke."
fitted HI C.
"Object." said the lawyer briefly.
"6tate your objections,' tald the
"It'i a leading question." said the
"Well." broke In the lawyer for the
other aide, "ke la a leading cltlsen. Isn't
latsn ShosxMev.
Ttil is a (canston form of nnarolar rhen
natian. Ho interna treatment needed.
Apply Oiambsrlain's Liniment freely three
hm a day and a quick cur is certain. This
liniment has preven esfieriallv vslushle for
nmaciilaraml chmnie rheumatism. Sold b
M. I leal.
The Courier 4 months for 50c.
C way oo A
; cnos tsii S
Prosperity Week a New Foe to
Mail Order Menace.
Original Idea of a Bright California
Girl That May Be Applied to Any
Town or Section With Lasting Bene
fit My Become General.
Did you ever benr of prosperity
week? Perhaps not, for It Is some
thing new under the sun. It is an en
terprise of November, 1908, In south
ern California, but It might Just as
well be transported to and transplant
ed In our town or any town.
Some of the New England and other
states have tbelr old home week, when
former residents or expatriated natives
gather at the old hoi.;e mid siieiid a
week in revisiting fumtllar scenes and
talking over the past with the well re
membered oldest Inhabitant who has
been there sluce the big snow of 1S40.
But that Is merely sentimental fine
and healthful sentiment, to be sure,
but nothing more. Prosperity week Is
fine sentiment plus something more
substantial. It Is a practical proposi
tion. It Is a business proposition. It
means more money In the pockets of
the old home folks who are still doing
businesa at tbe old stand or at new
stands. In fact, It seems a general
livening up of Interest In tbe home
place from the standpoint of trade.
Prosperity week ns designed by Its
originator Is a business booming week,
a home trading week. It meane much
to tbe community concerned In the
way of the patronizing of home lndua
trlcs, aud it roeana something to the
mall order concerns of the big cities In
the way of u falling off In patronage.
Prosperity week was Invented by a
young woman In Los Angeles. When
she suggested to tbe chamber of com
merce that n week be set aside under
that designation during which every
body should make a particular effort
to buy only home grown products and
trade only with local merchants, cut
ting out mail orders altogether, tbe
bright idea wns adopted promptly, and
the week beginning Nov. 10 was ao
designated. The result Well, Imme
diately the idea took bold, and thou
sands of citizens entered with enthusi
asm Into the project. The plan was
advertised liberally In the home pa
pers. Committees were appointed to
work up Interest. Other committees
were named to devise ways and means
for creating a hearty home trade sen
timent. Still others were formed to get
up tangible methods of celebrating the
week, such as an exposition of borne
products, ao that everybody could aee
just what the local producers and man
ufacturers bad to offer tbe buying pub
lic, the home people, tbelr friends and
neighbors In tbelr own community.
And Secretary Prank Wiggins of the
Los Angeles chamber of commerce,
who baa proved bla ability In many
atatea as a boomer for bla city, pro
nounced the girl's proposition "a ten
million dollar Idea," declaring that
prosperity week would benefit borne
Industries by at leaat $10,000,000.
Now, why Is not this the genesis of
a practical proposition that should
take rout In every community and re
sult ultimately In defeating the dan
gerous growth and menace of the mall
order business, which Is choking the
prosperity of thousands of small cities
and towna and rural communltlea?
Prosperity week can be applied to
any town, this town Included. If so
applied the result Is quite likely to sur
prise many of ua. It la aafe to say
that but a small percentage of cltlsen
know Just what goods are produced or
manufactured In their own community.
By a concerted effort, a tangible show
ing aucb aa might be made daring a
prosperity week, tbe producers and
tbe consumers would be brought to
gether. The borne products would be
put right under the eyes and noses of
the home couaomers, so to speak, so
that th gulf between buyer and seller
would be wiped ot.
Buppoae yonr town ahould get np a
week's exhibition of home products.
The local merchants of course would
be Included In tbe displays, with
booths showing tbelr special bargains
for the week and, for that matter, all
the year bargains. The "botcher, the
baker, the candlestick maker," all
would find It profitable to participate
In the dloplny. Down the street may
be a man who makes ax handles su
perior to tbe kind you buy outside of
town, but peTbapa yon are not aware
that he Is maktug ax handles at all.
Out In the edge of town may be a can
ning factory which is putting up
canned goods that beat any yo bay
abroad. From the smallest te the lar
gest tbe manufacturers and the pro
ducers and tbe merchants would eotne
In for their share of tbe showing, and
prosperity week should gtr the mall
older octopus a twisted tentacle tbe
one that reaches out to grab your com
munity by tbe neck and throttle It
while your borne enterprises would
get aa Injection of the elixir of life.
Who will atart the prosperity week
plan for ua here at borne?
Kennedy's Laxative Cough syrup
tastes nearly as good as maple sugar.
It cures the cold by gently moving
the bowels and at the same time It Is
eoothlng for throat Irritation, there
by stopping the cough. Sold by Sa
bln's drug store.
National Bank
Southern Oregon
Grants Pass, Oregon
Some of the Service that a Bank
Benders the Public
The safest and simplest ,
w,v of keeping your
money i by ld1ePuin
it in a Reliable Bank.
This Bank receives De
noKit subject lo Check,
Sr on demand Certificates
of deposit or on time
Certificates of Deposits.
On time deposits we pay
The beat and cheapest
wat to transfer money
i. fey Bank Draft. We
sell Drafts payable In all
parts of tbe country.
One of tbe most Impor
tant functions of tbe
B,nk. We endeavor to
supply all reasonable
needs of our customers.
Capital and Surplus $75,000
Stockholders' Additional
Etspon-lbiUty $50,000
L. B. Ham., Preslent
i. C. Cahmsll, Vioe-Pre.
H L. Uii.xxv. Cashier
K. K. Hickbtt. Ami. Oaahier
Dandruff aiid I
an but oatwari tips of the evB
fewtaMcrrtkrs-yriadiaf daa
Jrsfl tenns ueptef the lUe Mooi
ofthekaJr. Micro Is the para
site, tosites tbe Kcftiat tcaip,
fjves antra ta tfct aalr ani rtopa
KUSogaat AfJnjrteappUcatjoa
rivet relief aai proves Its wot la.
Save voir hair before too late.
Mfro ttfcreito tajdas. It it a
eUrhtfal toatigf for tbe hair,
tree from crease aa sticky ous.
rUkwftcud 1st tree sookkt
Now is the time
to visit
When summer ha passed
in these northern atatea,
the sun is onl mild under
the brlgLt blue skies of
Southern California. Thl
is one of nature's happy
rovisions e ernal sum
mar for those who cannot
endnre a more severe cli
mate. California has been called
tbe "Mecca of the winter
tourist " lta hotels and
stopping plsoes sre as
varied as those of all well
regulated cities. ' Visitors
can alwaya find suitable
aecom dationa, congenial
companions, and varied,
pleasing recreations.
SoDtheri Pacific Co.
Will be clad to supply some
very attractive literature, da
te rlbing iu detail th saaav de
lights of winter in California.
V ry lew round trip excarsien
ticket ar on sal te California.
The rate from Oranta Pass to
Lm Angele and return is
Limit sis months, altowlsg
stop-over ia either direction.
Similar eicur ion rotes are la
effect to all Califoraia points.
Par full information, sleeping car ri
vatteo and ticket, call on, teiegraah o
IV K. Heatreaaery, Agent 8. P. Co
am. HeM array, Gen. Pass. Agon
Portland, Oregon
Pioneer Atuylnj and Ref. Co,
Capital $100,000. 1st. 17 years. Gold
base bullion; cyanides, rich ore, etc.
bought ; assaying 50c. Spot cash on
assaying values. 131 5th st. near U.
S. Mint, San Francisco, Cal.