Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 01, 1909, Image 4

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    The Rogue Eiver Courier
A. E. VOORHIES, Proprietor
Entered at t Poit Office at Grant Put
Oregoa h lenond-clau mail metier.
Subscription Reteei
One Year, in adTance, f 1.(50
Bu Miintha. - .7ft
Three Munthi, ... .40
BuiKle Coiiiee, .OA
Fominlied on application at the office, or
by mau.
Ohltiiarlex and rwwlutlon of con
dolence will he charged for at fa per line;
card ol thankeauc.
Write it 1909.
At the recent meeting of the State
Irrigation Association held at Baker
City aomeone proposed that one law
be eriaeted governing the tine of wat
er for Euntern Oregon and a different
luw for Wenlern Oregon, and gave at
a P'uxon for the two laws that east
of I lie niountaliiH water wbh needed
. .. ...i.,uUim and west of the moun-
tt.iiM it un only lined for mining.
There wan roiMlduralilo oipoaitlon
i, an ami a gentleman prea
! that there were Irrigation
project In the Willamette Valley
and In tlx Rogue Hlver Valley. A
gentleman by the name of Smith
. .,,iJ i.p and mild that he was
.i ts Tana and knew all about
i;;atlon project and that there
wuxu't any need of water for irriga
tion, and further that the company
waa only an aggregation of apecula
toi'R who had vUloni of getting rich
liv ilielr venture. The question aris
es, who Is this fellow 8rnlth who hat
such an opinion of the one hundred
and more fanners and business men
v ii hiive Mtitmcrlbed for from 60 to
100 shares of the stock of tbejoau
phlne County Irrigation and Tower
Co. Could It poaHlbly be our Bob?
Some of those who were very much
pained when Grants Pass went "dry"
r now proteasing to be sorry fni
the taipayers because of the alight
increase of trxatlon, (.oil try to make
rit that the reason it lieensn I Intra
re no saloons to pay the taxes. No
body takes such talk seriously, and
If they did It would only be neces
sary to go as far as Medford to prove
the absurdity of It. The city tax at
Grants Pass for the coming year baa
boon fixed at 8 mills, at Medford It
bas been fixed at 1714 mills, and at
Ashland at 14 mills. Thus, we see,
that of the three Important places In
the Rogue River Valley the taxes at
Grant Pass are the lighten Med
ford' heavy tax of 17 H mill miiHt
be because there are there.
But vbat's the use of such twaddle?
The majority of the residents of this
il would be willing to ilou'i.e tn
tirnoint of the taxes pa'd to be rid of
the saloons, and no aninunt of whln
Ini, will cause thorn lu vote thorn
t'.uk again.
A terrible catastrophe has over
taken the aouthwettern extremity of
Italy, In tho shapo of an earthquako
and tidal wave. Fully one hundred
thousand lives were lost and proper
ty beyoud calculation destroyed. Aid
Is being rendered the stricken people
by practically all the nations of tho
Begin the Now Year by ceasing to
lay all the blame for the apparent
non-enforcement of the prohibition
law onto the officers of the city and
county, and each person do their
part, by promptly making a com
plaint whenever a violation pi k'ioivn
Finch, the Portland murderer was
found guilty and will now take up
bis abode In Murderer's Row.
The Courier wishes all of Its read
ers a prosperous and happy New
Make a New Year's resolution to
quit knocking and go to boosting
and stay with It.
for men who toil
Levi Strauss
& CoV
Cippr Riveted Overall
the kind that " fcAHS"
cut lull
itwJe ol
Mr. J. H. Ward and daughter, of
Ualke, ai,- aiicndiug tho holidays lu
Grants Pass, and will remain here
for the next ,vk (r (r Jays,
(Continued from First Page.)
nothing else to lure the miner away,
Merlin would have been known the
world over for Its copper and gold,
but with the lumber camps and orch
ards consantly calling for help, the
miner takes the responsibility of a
grub-stake on his own shoulders and
things which will furnish Immediate
results, thus delaying that which he
hopes most to accomplish.
The time is not far distant when
capital will be attracted to this dis
trict. Already some flattering offers
have been made for certain proper
ties, and It is boped that ere long
a deal will come up In which the
buyer and seller will meet on a sat
isfactory basis, ihen, look out, for
there'll be something doing In Mer
lin. Of I-ocal Intereat Only
Chas. E. Short, who might he ild
to constitute our local Push Club,
spent a couple of days In Medford
the past week and reports much In
terest being manifested in Merlin
matters In that thriving burg.
Among the good things he tells us of
Is that Dr. Keddy, Medford's boasting
Mayor, In a conversation at the Nash
Hotel, said: "If I was going to
plant an orchard for myself, with the
Idea of making money out of It, I
would go to Merlin, for the land
there Is much cheaper and freer from
front." Dr. Reddy Is not a stranger
to the Merlin district and knows that
as far as quality and quantity are
concerned our fruits equal those of
this district, and his unqualified en
dorsement of our district affords us
considerable satisfaction. If we
could get a few men like Reddy In
Merlin, wouldn't there be something
Merlin Is probably the only town
in the state where a manufacturing
Industry Is unable to purchase a site.
The townslte company absolutely re
late to take money from anything
of this nature. "Whatever you need
you can have free," Is the way It
answers Inquirers. It has an excep
tionally good site for a creamery
which It Is more than anxious to
get rid of, and has offered to throw
in a good-sited chromo printed on
green paper to anyone who will take
W. H. Jackson, a druggist of Med
ford, has announced bis Intention of
coming to Merlin and a local con
tractor Is planning a suitable build
ing. It will be two stories, with
rooms for a doctor on the second
floor. We have not yet located our
physician, but he will be here by
the time the drug stock Is opened
up, which will be about he first of
February. You will notice that Med
ford has got started towards Merlin.
Those follows know a good thing and
are not slow to act when they are
shown. With a drug store, barber
shop, restaurant and temperance ta
loon conducted by former Medford
ties, all of them kicatlng within a
few weeks. Merlin may catch the
Met ford spirit, then there'll he some
tt re doing.
Win. M. ItichardH, who was burned
out about a month ago, has com
menced the construction of a new
building. He will erect a structure
sultahle for a lodging house on Cen-
The Art Store
A Happy
New Year
to All
Art Store
Store Telephone 1051
Residence Telephone lu
ter Avenue, facing the depot. He
expecta to devote the greater por
tion of his time to his mining Inter
ests In the future.
That the Merlin district is in a
prosperous condition Is evidenced by
the many fine houses being put up
by our farmer friends. A trip over
the Upper Ferry road takes one past
several residences that would be a
credit to a city, the latest addition
to this list being the new hr. au.ry
dwelling of A. C. Ford, one of our
peucli k'ngs, which Is u w nearlng
completion. Mr. Ford has done
much to make Merlin famous, having
been for years one of our principal
peach shippers. He Is one of the
kind who think as well as work, and
that he has confidence In the future
Is shown by the large acreage be la
putting out to new trees. His new
house is located on his latest pur
chase of 80 acres adjoining the Ev
erton orchard, which he is rapidly
changing from brush land to an income-producing
Weatherwax & Hull are doing
some active development work on
the Eagle mine, four miles north
east of Merlin. Garr Weatherwax
came In Saturday for supplies and
reports that they are getting out
some very rich rock. It le a free
milling proposition and they have
two ledges that show an average of
$80 per ton. A large 10-foot vein
of base ore runs over $5. They
have five claims, easy of access and
covered with good timber and have
already completed over 600 feet of
tunnel. From the persistent man
ner with which they have continued
work here can be no doubt of their
confidence In the future of their
The Oriole, Cory Mattlson's mine
at Galice, has again commenced the
shipment of ore. Probably no mine
In the whole district has made a bet
ter showing than the Oriole, and no
mine Is spoken of more highly by the
men who work In the tunnel.
T. E. Ollmore, our station agent,
Is the proud possessor of a new son
which made Its advent Into the fam
ily on the 28th.
The need of greater hotel facilities
In Merlin was demonstrated Tuesday
evening when men and women were
seen canvassing every private house
In town looking for a place to sleep.
Every available bed was occupied
and many a man had to be satisfied
to sleep on the floor. One private
house made room for nine of the
R. L. Coe and son Albert spent
Wednesday night In Merlin looking
after business matters. Mr. Coe Is
a far-seeing business man and we
would not be surprised to see him
open up a business establishment In
the town where there Is to be some
thing doing very Boon.
Mr. H. M. Chapln, Jr., who Is op
eratlng tho Hammersly mine under
Iobbo, passed through Merlin Tues
day. He reports having opened up
60 feet of new tunnel this fall and
uncovering two 12-Inch ledges of
very high grade ore. This Is a free
milling proposition and the showing
means much for the prosperity of the
Merlin district.
Harry Messier went up to Medford
Wednesday to try and Interest his
friends In some of the big things he
hus found In this vicinity.
J. K. McGalliard Is contemplating
the construction of a cottage near
his livery stable. Just what he Is
going to do with it Is a matter of
much conjecture. Some of the boys
think he Is the party who gets his
mall from "Box 85" (see Courier
classified ads.)
Ata Tyler has been confined to his
bed by throat trouble this week.
Miss Grace Short Is spending the
holidays at home. She reports the
Grants Pass hllh school In excellent
The masquerade ball given by the
Modern Woodmen on Christmas
night was a great success. All tho
younger generation and many of the
older, turned out and enjoyed them
selves to the limit.
Tom Turner, one of our thrifty
farmers, who last week added to his
livestock by the purchase of the
Merlin flock of goats, has this week
Increased the number of his family
by adding two kids They made their
aiM'carance Wednesday and are as
hearty a pair of twin boys as can be
found lu Southern Oregon.
Adam Schaffer has been as busy as
a hen with one chick this wok. get
ting ready to remodel his building
Into a lodging house and restaurant.
! V. E. t'rnndell tins leased It for a
! term of two years.
J. A. Wise, one of our substantial
! farmers of the Quart Creek district,
died Thursday morning, at the ago
of 6i years. He leaves a large fam
ily of g'own-up children and a host
;of friends. He was one of the en
ergetlc old-timers, and of late was
paying particular attention to dairy-
. Ing. having recently purchased sev-.
oral thoroughbred Jersey cows.
Master Fay Caldwell on Christmas
day entertained his
teacher, Mr.
m of his par -
Zoa Bryant, at the home
ents, Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Caldwell,
m AQQinrn Ans
OFFICE Rooms in
building for rent.
the Courier
Aply to A. E.
FIVE ROOM cottage, 816 N "th. St.,
for rent. Inquire J. L. Scovllle,
850 N 7th. 1-1 2t
LOST Last Saturday a gold and
onyx Knight Templar charm.
Reward if returned to this office.
1-1 It
WANTED Second-hand quartz mill
five to 20 stamps will pay cash,
give full particulars In first let
ter. Potlcle Mining Co., Suite
3, Raleigh BIdg., Portland, Ore
gon. 1-1 2t
WANTED Five purchasers for
shares In the Grants Pass Tennis
Club court, also for 10 social
memberships. Inquire of W. C.
Long. 1-1 It
FOR SALE Household goods and
piano. House will be for rent af- I
ter January 15th. Mrs. J. C. Lu- !
cu's, 8tb and D streets. 1-1 It j
WANTED An energetic man or
man and wife to take hold of a
good small business everything
furnished complete ready to go to
work. No experience necessary.
Can make $5 to $10 per day.
Address T. T., care Courier. 1-1-lt
FOR SALE Fresh milch cow, $35,
Inquire of Best-Fuller Realty Co.
ELDERLY gentleman farmer wishes
the acquaintance of middle aged
lady matrimonially inclined. J.
R., Box 103, Grants Pass. 1-1-lt
Window flats at Hair-Riddle's.
FRESH milk cowa for sale,$30. J.H.
Robinson. 1 2-25-2t
PUREBRED Brown Leghorn cock
rels, $1. First prize won at both
Fairs. J. H. Robinson. 12-25-2t
FOR SALE 90 choice lots In the
Nelson addition to Grants Pass for
the small sum of $3500 If taken In
the next few days. Address Mary
Staples, 206 9th Ave., Lents, Ore.
THOROUGHBRED Durham bull, age
2 years, price $50; also herd bull
reasonable. J. H. Robinson. 2t
FOR SALE 3 first class milch cows,
cheap; tw fresh. Inquire Alonzo
Jones, Phone 81X1. Frultdale.
POLAND CHINA pigs, weaning age,
$5, bredlng age $10, registered
Stock, winner of all first prizes at
District fair. J. II. Robinson, R.
F. D. No. 2, Grants Pass. 12-25-21
FOR SALE 102 head of sheep, 40
head goats, all first-class. Will
take $4 per head all round. P.
F. Swayne, Phone 506 Farmers
Grants Pass, R F D No. 2.
12-11 tf.
4-ROOM Bungalew and one acre
ground, young family orchard,
well, windmill and large tank giv
ing water for domestic and irrlga
tlou purposes. Doalrable locatlou.
The above property. Including all
household Goods, for $1,300,
half cash, balance to suit. E.W.
Smalley, 735 N 10th St., City.
DESIGNS. Cat flowers, potled plant.
uioa, jtaarora ureesnoiaa, phone
TIMnBR claim for sale, the SEVi
of Sec. 18 Tp. 85 S, R 4 W, sit- I
uated In Jackson county, 16 miles j
from Grants Pass. For informa
tion address Marie B. Hall, State
Normal, Chico, Cal. 12-4-Et
FOR SALE Good top phaeton bug
gy. Addreae P O. Box Bl.Oranta
Pass. i-i-tt
FOR SALE Gasoline engine, Work
narness, plow, cultivators, spring
wagon, carpenters tools. No. 65
Stasley plane, log chain, small
heating stove, bod steads and
springs, some rhalrs and other
household articles. W. C. Dodge
81 N 10th St. 11-27-tf
FREE Our new 1909 latKl.iVnB "nf
sheet Music 1400 vocal and in
strumental selections selling at
10 cents. Ask for it Rowell's
Music Store.
WANTED To purchase cood milk i
eow; must be fresh. Inquire at j
this office or address P. O. box
6 S 2.
1 2-1 S-3t
W'ANTmv Stude rts to nren.Tro fnr i
stenographic work, day or evening. :
Address Mrs. P. Rimer. City. !
12-11 3t '
OK RENT A ne tiuugalo; 7
rooms; electric light, bath and
Clark and
nz Tnnuire n
n etrPPtS.
REVrErerltt Gallery on H.
, FOR Kfc.y Suitable
St., easi ui wi
. ciierv or dwelling. Inquire
, o R. k. Hackett at First National
i Bank 11-27'tt
jJilpI-One small band grip lost
Tuesday between Applegate store
! nd Murphy Return to this office
and receive reward.
osT 6-ln. Gurley compass on the
MerlU road. Kinder leave at this
office and receive $5 reward.
PAGE FENCE The larges single
Dependable Goods
In Watches and Jewelry go to
You can't afford to buy Jewelry from
anyone that is not reliable because a
cheap article in Jewelry looks when
NEW like a first-class one so you
must depend upon the Jeweler you
buy from. Nuf td.
Rogers 1847 knives and
forks from $3.75 to
6 Piece Tea Set regular t - nA
price $22.00, now JIZ.UU
Chance of a Lifetime
AH boys Nothing up to age 13, is now being
sold at 25 per cent discount
We pell groceries that are fresh and the
best to be had. All our goods are guar
anteed to comply with the pure food
law, and to suit the housewife as well.
For The Holidays
We have made a special effort to get
a full supply of all delicacies as well as
a complete line of staples. A trial or
der will convince you that the place to
trade is
Outfitter for Outer and Inner M.n.
The best farm for the money In Southern Oregon; 200 acres cleared
and under cultivation; oldest and best water rights in the country
150 acres splendid alfalfa land, at present producing $3000 00 per year
Market at your door, four acres of old orchard mostly Spitzenburg, some
new Spitz orchard; good seven room house; two good barns- big new
woodshed; chicken and turkey house and pens; agricultural implements,
ect. This soil is all a deep red land, is sub-irrgated and fine fruit land
free from rocks all cultivatable, absolutely as fine fruit land as can be
found in Southern Oregon at any price, a more beautiful or sightly out
look and view cannot be imagined. Four miles from O & R R Sta
tion. Price $40.00 per acre. One-third cash, balanr it, .., T-T.
! Sears or PPP'Wy t0 suit buy; out
uicss or tan on
E. T. McKinstry
order of absolutely rabbit proof
fence in this country. See J. D.
Franklin. 12-18-tf
r A. PIERCE Registered Angora,
Flock headed by ene of the famous
backs of the "King Aribar" also
other bucks of dittaraot strains of
breeding. Does of the noted strains.
Bocks for sale. Merlin, Ore. -tl tf
THE Oregon Fire Relief (McMlnville
Mutual) Association and the
Queen City" (Standard Co.) are
banner companies none better.
Have reduced their rates try
them. H. B. Hendricks, Agt ,
6th ground floor op
posite P. O., Grants Pass, Oregon,
Phone 109S. 12-4 tf
FRANK BDRHETT Upbelaiering,
mission farniiore mads to order.
of the zone of injurious frosts. Ad-
Grants Pasa,