Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, January 01, 1909, Image 3

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    ROGUB RTVB& COUklBR, GRANT h . .w, Okiu. a JANU Y 1. 109
4ii i in m m 1 1 1 1 in n m 1 1 n m n 1 1 1 1 1- h.
i Studebaker Vehicles I
" '. Are the very best that money can buy. That's the
reason we handle them.
" ) Harness is the most important article there is for
the horse owner. The largest and best stock ever
shown in Southern Oregon will be found at our
store. Harness of all kinds and at all prices.
Farm Implements A complete line of farm
! '. implements always on hand.
Everything that an up-to-date store should have,
1 we have.
!! Come and See our saddles, bridles, lariats,
; ; whips, spurs, halters, lap robes.
Jewell Hardware Co.
tu ii i m m in c 1 1 n ii ii in n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Annual Meeting.
Notice It hereby given tbat the An
nual Meeting of the Wilderville Irri
gation Company will be held at tbe
residence of Jacob Wagner, Thurs
day, January 7, 1909, at 1 o'clock
P. M. to elect officers and transact
such other ouslness as may come
before the meeting.
A. E. SHEHAN, President,
The RoguB River Nurseries
Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest of
lands. We are ready to contract for,fall delivery at prices
that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fur
nish you with anything in line of trees and jj general
nursery stock.
Conklin Building Grants Pass Or.
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and yon art sure of getting just what you order. We grow
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent
Office with J. E. PETERSON
EflL J. J
7Vl (
. wRrrt rem catalog
- i
H.MM Porftirelr Cand.
Only MtliarlMd KMiej la.
SI tut. la Onasa. Writ
r UtvtrvUdte ttrrnkw.
imiMwimin, n l 1 1 is a.
Holiday and Other Rates.
Third annual convention Retail
Grocers' and Merchants' Association,
Portland, January 6th and 7th.
Retail Hardware and Implement
Dealers' Association, Portland, Jan
uary 19-20.
Retail Harness and Saddlery Mfg.
Association, Seattle, January 11th
and 13th.
Commercial printing at the Cour
Vew Stock of Groceries,
everything Clean and
Canned Goods
Tea and Coffee
310 SOUTH 6th ST.
,. IcItlTYOE
6th St., Between J & X
Pkoae 513. with Gentaer Oarage
The question Is often asked, why
the farmers and gardeners around
GrantsPass do not raise more onions.
Those raised are of the finest qual
ity and the yield Is equal to that of
the Bermuda Islands and Laredo,
Texas. Though conditions here are
ideal for raising onions on a large
csale, so few are raised that large
shipments are brought in every fall
and throughout the winter and
spring from Texas, and sell at prices
that would net home growers a hand
some profit.
In this connection a recent num
ber of Frank Leslie's Weekly says
that Texas gives us a practical lesson
in the benefits of protection, and,
strangely enough, the facts are
brought out by that high priest of
free trade, the New York Evening
Post, our able contemporary .reports
that the onion growers of Bermuda
are very much moved because the
nigh tariff on Bermuda onions im
posed by the United States Is driving
them out of our markets and leaving
a clear field for the onion growers of
South Texas.
In an article on the Bermuda
onion Industry In Texas, the Techni
cal World says that In eight yeara
the value of the annual product of
onions In Texas has grown from
nothing to more than $2,000,000
ana as a result, land that was
thought to be worthless and only fit
for goat grazing, now brings an an
nual net return of $300 to $500 per
acre from the onions It produces.
This land has risen In valuation
from $1 or $2 to not less than $1000
and many onion growers would not
accept less than $2000 per acre, as at
that price the annual net return av
erages 25 per cent on the investment.
It Is safe to say that when the tar
iff revisionists get to work this win
ter the onion growers of Texas will
be on hand to enter their vigorous
protest against the reduction of the
duty, on Bermuda onions, and that
the Bermuda onion growers will have
heir representatives on band to fight
for free trade In the Industry.
Tourist Cars
Constructed along correct lines, not too heavy
not too light, built just right.
1st Low First Cost
2d Cheap Mainteaanoe
3d Simplicity in Construction
4th Ease of Operation
5th BEST of ALL Manufactured and
Guaranteed for One Year by a
Factory on the Coast
Tourist Line For 1909
Type "B" Two Cylinder 22-24 H. P. 5-?assenger Touring Car $1300.00
oM " 22-24 " 4- " Roadster 1350.00
" "V" " " 22-24 4- " Special Double
Chain Drive Desert Car 1550.00
Type "G" Four Cylinder 25-30 H. P. Touring Car or Roadster 1650.00
"S" " " 35-40 " " 2150.00
H-40 " ' 35-40 " " " or Roadster 2250.00
" H-50 " M 45-50 2500.00
"L" " " 35-40 Limousine 3800.00
.. .yr. two com'l Delivery Car, Platform or Double
Deck Body.- 1600.00
,.T w0 Cylinder Com'l Delivery Car, Closed Panel Body 1700.00
Our Factory is always open to Visitors
R. S. WILSON, Agent
Grants Past,
Corner Tenth & Main Sts.,
Los Angelei, Cal.
Tells Readers How to Relieve Indi
gestion In Five Minutes.
o u
Why not start now today for
ever rid yourself of stomach trouble
and Indigestion? A dieted stomach
gets the blues and grumbles. Give
It a good eat, then take Pape's Dlap
epsln to start the digestive Juices
working. There will be no dyspep
sia or belching of gas or eructations
of undigested food; no feeling like a
lump of lead in the stomach or
heartburn, sick headache and dizzi
ness, and your food will not ferment
and poison your breath with nause
ous odors.
Pape's Dlapepsln costs only 50
cents for a large case at any drug
store here, and will relieve tbe most
obstinate case of Indigestion and up
set stomech In five minutes.
There Is nothing else better to
take gas from the stomach and
cleanse the stomach and Intestines,
and besides, one triangule will di
gest and prepare for assimilation in
to the blood all your food the same
as a sound, healthy stomach would
do it.
When Dlapepsln works, your
stomach rests gets Itself In order,
cleans up and then you foel like eat
lng when you come to the table, and
what you eat will do you good.
Absolute relief from all stomach
Misery is waiting for you as soon
as you decide to begin taking Dla
pepsin. Tell your druggist that you
want Pape s Dlapepsln, because you
want to be thoroughly cured of Indl
gestion. 1-1-&29
Take DeWttt's Kidney and Blad
der Pills. They are for weak back
backache, rheumatic pains and all
kidney and bladder troubles. Sooth
ing and antiseptic. Regular size 60c
Sold by Sabln's drug store.
The Most Fascinating Sport of the
Age. ( loan, Fast, and
Helyoks's Test of Tar Maoadam.
A year's experience In the use of gsi
tar produced at the municipal plant In
(lolyoke, Mass., has Increased the con
fldence of the members of tbs board
of public works In tbe value of that
material In the construction of iimead
am roads. The tor from tbe city gas
plant costs only 2 cents s gallon as
compared with (I cents or mors for the
ordinary commercial article. Although
not carefully refined and brought to a
uniform standard, the material has
given good results at a remarkably
low cost. As laid In Holyoke a new
macadam road can be laid with two
pourings of tar on tha surface coats
for 80 cents a square yard. This year
tha tar macadam will be nssd on mors
heavily traveled streets thsn thosa laid
last year. To get tbs best results ex
perience has taught that tha broken
stone screenings shoold be free from
all dust and as clean as If washed. It
tha One stone on which tba tar Is pour
ed is dusty tbe tar doss not stick.
The national grange favors a revision
of the tariff, particularly on such art!
cles as are sold chesper abroad than
they are at borne. What's tha matter
with tha ideal
The two games played with Rose-
burg High School recently developed
the fact that very few of the people
of this city know muc'i ubout tha
points of the game and what goes to
constitute a good game. Owing to
the fact that basket ball Is played In
the evening, it should make it very
popular as everyone is relieved of
their days work and wish for some
thing to drive the cares of business
away. Tne few people that saw the
games played were extremely Inter
ested and although they were the
first real games of the season and the
teams are not at their best, it could
be seen that there will be a rattling
good team turned out here it the
public will support it. If all tho old
'fans" and the new enthusiasts
would turn out, the team would be
a success and furnish good, interest
ing sport during the winter.
The game, when It is properly
played, Is the cleanest, fastest and
most Interesting of all sports, calling
as It does, tor a cool hud and quick
decision. It is void of all roughness
which places it in a class of its own.
The team consists of one center,
two guards and two forwards. . The
center Is the pivot, or as his position
indictee, the center of the whole
team. The forwards are dependent
upon him for the most of the basket
work, while the guards protect the
basket by keeping the forwards
(rom throwing the basket.
The officials of the game, are, one
referee, one umpire, one or more
time-keepers, and one or more score-
keepers. The referee has charge of
the ball and is the high official. The
umpire calls all fouls that come un
der his supervision and his decision
is not to be questioned by the
Fowls are called for the follow
ing: Delaying the game, tackling
ball, kicking ball, hugging ball,
tackling, holding or pushing oppo
nent, addressing officials, striking,
kicking, shouldering, tripping or
backing opponent and for all un
necessary roughness and use of pro
fane language.
The home team la responsible for
the conduct of the spectators at all
times and a fowl may be called by
the referee on the home team for
any misconduct of the same.
The "Nuggets" expect to play a
number of games yet this season, the
next engagement being with the
Roseburg Athletic Club. This team
is very strong, having defeated the
crack Ashland Club last year four
straight games. There are several
games scheduled with Ashland later
on and negotiations are going on
for a series of games with the Los
Angeles Athletic Club which is tour
ing the coast.
The management will make ar
rangements to have the hall heated
and made more comfortable for
spectators before the next game. It
Is to be hoped the public will not
let such a popular amusement as
this fall through.
Just Coffee, but perfect
Your grocer will grind it
better if ground at noma not
too fine.
Wm. Crossley of the English flrra
of fruit commission men, was In tha
city Wednesday, and visited the
packing room of the Rogue River
Fruit Exchange. He remarked that
the work of packing now being done
was a great lmrovement over that of
earlier in the season when he was
here. Mr. Crossley has been watch
ing the fruit indstry of this part
of the Rogue River Valley and says
there is no reason on earth why wa
should not be ablo to have the finest
apples grown as we have both tha
climate and soil; if the trees are
properly cared for and the pack
perfectly made, our apples can not
be surpassed. '
The car of apples which took the
$1000 prize at the National Apple
Show at Spokane, was consigned to
tne Crossley firm.
Paaoaful Avsrage.
"What Is your idea of a good timer
"A good timer
"Not having to consider whether
times were good or bad."
Thinking Deep Dawn.
"What are you doing on the stager
"Just a thinking part"
"Must be bard on tbe brain."
"No; on the feet" '-fi
Jiamberlaln's Cough Remedy the
Most Popular Because It
is the Beat. '
"l have sold Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy tor llis put eight yeara snil find it to bs
na or I he beat eelling medicine on the mar
ket. Fur baliir end ynung children then
ii nothing lietter in the line of cough ayrtiM,"
ts Paul Allen, Plain Dealing, La. 'lliii
remedy not only cured the eoiigha. colds snd
?roup V common among voiine; children, hut
i plranant snd mle for them to take. For
tale by M. Clemen..
How to Remove Rust Spots.
Whenever the ordinary books and
eyes hsve been used on light colored
frocks there are almost sure to be
spots of Iron rust ss a result The very
first thing to do la to rip off tbe fas
teners and get the rustless kind.
Then nib each spot of rust with tlts
of lemon and wash out thoroughly. It
may be necessary to repeat this two or
three times, but It Is worth the trouble.
If you linven't this preparation use
plain lemon juice. Soak the salt In it
put It on tbe spot snd expose to the
How to Remove Mildew.
Should the clothes be mildewed tbs
stains may be removed by a mixture
containing equal parts of soft soap
snd starch, half as much common salt
and the Juice of half a lemon. This
may be spread over tbe spots, snd the
article should be laid on tbe grass all
day and all night nntll the stain en
tirely disappears.
How to Make Use of Funnels.
Several funnels made of stiff paper
and kept on band in the kitchen will
be found a great convenience. They
are nneqnsled for ose when emptying
cereals, coffee or other dry articles Into
glass Jars or into the cans In which
they are kept
Some men are haudsome and others
are bandy. Tbe latter are to be rec
ommended for ordinary household pur
poses. It takes more thaa ordinary clover
Individual to keep in touch with
stingy man.
Canadian City With Miles of Parking.
Winnipeg, In Canada, now has more
than a hundred miles of parking be
tween curbs snd sidewalks, an avsrage
width of fifteen feet and all the park
ing set with trees. Tbe streets thus
parked are called boulevards. The cost
Is about 25 cents a front foot for the
parking strips and 4 cents a front foot
a year to maintain them. Tbe cost cf
the tree planting is an additional 4
cents a front foot. Whenever a street
is psved council orders tbe parking
done and tbe cost assessed against the
property, Unless there is a remon
strance agalnat It the work la carried
out either by contract or by day labor.
The first cost Is spread over a term of
seven years.
Kidney Troubles Attack Grants
Pass Men and Women, Old and
Kidney Ills seize young and old.
Come quickly with little warning.
Children suffer In their early
Can't control the kidney secretions
Girls are languid, nervous, suffer
Women worry, can t do dally work
Men have lame and aching backs.
The cure for man. woman or
Is to cure the cause tbe kidneys.
Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kid
Cure all forms of kidney suffering.
The following testimony proves it.
Mrs. W. R. D. Allen, Cor. Pine and
Nutley streets, Ashland, Ore., says:
"It gives me pleasure to acknowl
edge the batisfactory results that
followed tiiS use of Doan's Kldne
Pills In my family. For backache
and other symptoms of kidney dis
ease there la no remedy on the mar
ket today equal to them. They go
at once to the seat of the trouble,
dispose of It and bring about the
desired relief I have no hesitation
In recommending Doan's Kidney
Pills to others."
For sale by all dealers. Price 60
cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agens for tbe United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.