Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 25, 1908, Image 8

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Golden Gate
T. E. Loban and Sons have their FAVORABLE REPORT
quart mill In operation on upper
Is on
A product "that is enticingly
aromatic and delicious, that
has a really concentrated
strength ; that will make a
leverage wonderfully reviv
ing and refreshing. Order a
pound today and note the
difference in the delicious
flavor and fragrance.
J. Pardee
VA front Street Grocer
Mrs. h Speaker a
of Speaker, were vli
Coyote Creek Bunds
Griffin, Davla anu isiimcK are
running a placer mine on lower
Coyote for which they had to In
stall a pump. The bank is 10 feet
high and has about three feet of
gravel which pays quite well.
Clinton Mcintosh the Golden mer
chant, who has been to Portland as
a witness on the landfraud cases re
turned home Saturday.
Clark and Sons are running their
quarts mill on the Martha mine.
The extended cold weather of the
last week has kept the placer mines
from running.
The play at the opera house last
'rlday evening December 18 In
which so many of our sudents had
parts, was good and was certainly
worth the time and money to see It.
We wish to compliment each of them
Tor their skillful bit of acting and
wish them success In this line of
The following of the Alumni have
a-etiirned to the city to spend the
Holiday week with relatives and
friends: Alice McFarland, '08,
lUrold O'Neill, '08, Randall Hood,
08. FrIU Dean, "07.
Durell Cahill has returned to
Clara Wolke Is absent from school
this week on account of illness.
The Chrismas Tokay is out. It
shows a great Improvement over last
month's issue. Our Jokes are fun
mi w than ever and we have one more
page of advertising. Those who
feaveadslnour pages this month are:
SaWa, the druggist, R. L. Dartlotte,
T. B. Cornell, Joe Wharton, Halr
SUddlelldwe. Co., Grants Fass Art
Studio, Iiuoll's Coffee Store, Sugar
line store, Hall's Art store, Gibson's
xrocory, Model bakery. Golden Rule
tore, Dixon, the grocer, Wade's, J.
Pardee, Russell's candy store,
O'Neill, the house furnisher, National
Protective Legion, R. L. Coe., Row
ll's Music store, Geo. 8. Calhoun,
Grants Pass Tailoring Co.., and the
first National Dank of. Southern Ore
un. KJuiimth Falls has written for a
Kame of basket ball with our 11. S.
ttMiys. (
Vera Whipple has left school for
Ihp time, to help at home. We are
Hrry to lose her.
Some of our teachers will spend
the holidays away, among them the
following: Miss Darker will go to
Kagene to visit her friend, Mrs. Star
buck , also her "Cousin Roy." Miss
aicVeau will spend Christinas In Cali
fornia. Misses Story, Williamson
and George will be with relatives In
Ashland, Mrs. Dcnisou will be away,
l'roi. 11. K. Mlelke will climb II hie
mountain on Christinas day. MIhhos
MrCormlck and Jewell of the II. S.
will remain nero.
Gordon (irlllln, one of our esteemed
II. S. pupils, has gone to Albany to
upend the holidays. We wlsli him a
.pleasant time and good luck.
Tin' it iH t debate of the year be
tmeen the Southern Oregon High
Sehimla, will bo given February 6,
at Cenrrul Point.
JiUm Kay Newton will be away for
r.he Holidays.
Christmas is very near and the
jMNlle of the rural districts are
Kwklng forward with pleasure to
the greatest day of the year.
Wolf Creek will have a Christmas
tree and program for Christmas
Goldon Is making arrangements
ffor . Christmas tree wih a suitable
tixgraiu for Christmas eve. It will
e ulven la the Christian church of
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Thomas, who
ifcave beon visiting their relntlves,
3r. and Mrs. 11. A. Perkins left Suu
Aay Tor their home in Detroit, Minn.
The New Year will be begun by a
Linee la the hall at Speaker.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Griffin a
on. Thursday, the 17th.
Al ;8mlth of Portland ts going to
"r" A- Ruble's placer mine this
W. N. Ruble of Golden is on the
Mick Hat Tils week but it Improving
No Money Available However Un
til New Appropriation
Is Secured.
Children Coming to
Fifty school children from Chica
go are to bo brought to the Alaaka-Yukon-I'aclflc
Exposition next year
if a plan suggested by Secretary
Tom Richardson of the Oregon De
velopment League is carried out.
They will also visit Portland and
other cities In this state and when
they return homo will write letters
telling of the trip and what they
saw In the Northwest. Exhibits of
the woods of this section, with in
dustrial and scenic pictures, have
been used in the Chicago schools,
made up Into sets and circulated
from one school to another, In the
teaching of geography.
H. K. Pierce & t'o.'s liig Production,
"In Wyoming," Here.
At the Opera House December 26,
H. E. Pierce & Co. will ofTer their
great, virile western play, "In Wy
oming." It Is from the pen of Will
ard Mack, and Is one of the most am
bitious and pretentious this talented
actor-author has thus far attempted.
For his characters Mr. Mack has
gone to a big cattle ranch near Cas
per, Wyoming, and will give us a
glimpse of life among the cowpunch
ers in the early 80s.
There Is always an indefinable
charm about the stories of the fron
tier and Mr. Mack has striven to re
tain this western charm in the char
acters in his successful play. Among
the characters in the play may be
mentioned Hob Rlcketts, a typical
young Westerner, who makes love
to the pretty young Easterner, Jen
nle Summers; Dave Dalby, the ranch
owner; Hank Jones, the neighboring
rancher, who is a regular "comic
Steve Gordon, the leader of a band
of cattle thieves and a vengeful but
repentant wooer of the charming
Jennie Summers; Bossy, Hank Jones'
daughter, who has an "affinity" In
the person of Willie Settle, the
Grants Pass will not receive free
city delivery on January first as has
been expected. The inspector who
visited this place some weeks ago
found conditions all right, the bus!
ness sufficient, houses numbered.
sidewalks satisfactory ana every
other requirement of the department
fully complied with and made his re
port recommending that this city be
given free delivery. Everything is
In readiness and the new system
would be inaugurated at once, but
for the fact that the Postoffice De
partment is ouc of funds. Post
master Donnell received a letter this
week from the first assistant post
master general, stating that, while
Grants Pass is entitled to receive
free delivery It is impossible to be
gin the service until more money is
available to pay for it. An appro
priation has been asked for to cover
this expense as well as other cities in
a like condition but until congress
getB around to the postoffice appro
priation bill, nothing can be done.
6t course there is no assurance that
even when the appropriation bill is
passed that it will contain a sufficient
sum to provide for the cities which
Dave grown to such an extent in the
past year as to be entitled to delivery,
but it la probable that it will. Here
is work for our congressional dele
gation to do and as there are a num
ber of places in Oregon in the same
bx that Grants Pass is, our delega
tion to Washington will probably be
alive to their duty. Ashland has
also been favorably reported upon,
and will also have to await the appropriation.
breezy young i"
like a human
In fact, that r
suppose that 1
tloneer; Mn.
friend and mother.
ler, who talks
jraph, so fast
ght be led to
r was an auc
', everybody's
So it will be
Kidney Troubles Attack Grants
Pans Men and Women, Old and
seen that phases of life on the open
range form the basis of the story,
but the hand of the author easily
avoids the hackneyed subjects that
have bo long served In western
It Is a strong play with numerous
dramatic scenes and situations, fine
character studies and bright dia
logue. Wholesome comedy Is freely
injected to relieve the pathos. II. E.
I'lurco & Co. have supplied an excel
lent cast and the production is a
heavy one. Tickets may be reserved
at Russell's Confectionery Store.
First ("hriHtiiin Science Suelcty.
Christian Science service will be
held In he W O. W. hall Sunday De
cember 27, 1908, at 11 a. m. Sub
ject: "Christian Science." Wed
nesday evenng service at 7:30 p. m.
in the reading room, in the opera
house block, room 5 north hall. All
are cordially Invited to attend
First Hnptlst Church.
Morning worship Is at 10:30. The
pastor preaches on the subject: "Get
ting What you Want." The Illble
School is at 11:45, under the di
rection of R. K. Hackett. The
Young Peoples meeting at 6:30 will
be led by Winnie Puddock. Topic:
"The Constructive Influence of a Mis
sionary Spirit. "At 7:30 the pastor
preaces on a subject especially ap
propriate as we face the new year
"Choice." A cordial lnvitulou is extended.
Kidney ills seize young and old.
Come quickly with little warning.
Children suffer In their early
Can't control the kidney secretions
Girls are languid, nervous, suffer
Women worry, can't do dally work
Men have lame and aching backs.
The cure for man, woman or
Is to cure the cause the kidneyB.
Doan'B Kidney Pills cure sick kid
neys Cure all forms of kidney suffering.
The following testimony proves it.
Mrs. W. R. D. Allen, Cor. Pine and
Nutley streets, Ashland, Ore., says:
"It gives mo pleasure to acknowl
edge the satisfactory results that
followed the use of Doan'B KUIi.e
Pills in my family. For backache
and other symptoms of kidney dis
ease there Is no remedy on the mar
ket today equal to them. They go
at once to the seat of the trouble,
dispose of it and bring about the
desired relief I have no hesitation
In recommending Doan's Kidney
11 1 1 B to others."
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agens for the United
Remember the name Doan's
and take no other.
Almost every woman is living In the
hop tunt she will be discovered. To
be sure, she Is somewhat vague and
shad wy as to by whom and as what,
but still there is nothing uncertain
about her conviction that the will be
discovered some day.
w mb "i i Way
THin a - i want ,
I it ore - V
I rt n a.s a Parks.
While the Amerioau Civic federation i
fct laboring to save Niagara falls and J
other beauties of nature, it is well to '
call attention to the fact that the Yo
semite and the big tree groves re not
the only spots In California that need
state or fedenil protection. Down in j
me canyons norarrini; me Colorado
desert we have a number ef line groves
of washlngtonia, our native fan palm,
found nowhere else on the globe, and
these should be made seclal reserva-
uoni ror pant purposes, fcbould a
commercial use for the giant trunks be
found they wm oulcklr disappear.
A man is bound
to keep faith
with you If the
forfeit Is large
enough and
your power to
collect Indispu
table. Some g I r I a
think a box of
chocolates, a
coxy corner and
a novel constl
tute a good
time, while oth
ers prefer the
chocolates, the
corner and an
Imitation man.
Many a father known he has author
ity over the members of his family,
but the poor fellow doesn't know what
to do with It.
Nobody helleiea in lying, but until
something bettor Is offered what ts
poor human nature to do when It is
neither wise nor expedient to tell the
It Is bard to believe thst this world
will go on Just the same after one is
dead, but some folks say It will.
If you waut to be nonular Ton huvA
to pay the price of popularity and
then some.
Some women are wise and other
are clever. Occasionally woman fci
both, but because that It the cm K
Is hard to convict her of artber.
CopTrt! T
MM chtdDl U Mill
Wishing our Friends and
Patrons a Merry Christ
mas and a Happy. Pros
perous New Year, we
The Home of Hart Schaffner
& Marx Clothes,
Geo. S. Calhoun Co.
''Outfittets to Boy and Man"
Newman M. E. Church.
Sunday will be observed as
"Christmas" Sunday. The following
lng are the main features of the pro
gram: At the morning service the
Pastor will preach a Christmas ser
mon. The choir will render "Arise,
Shine, for thy light is Come," by L.
Lloyd. Albert S. Reltz will sing a
solo "In Old Judea," by Oelbel.
At the evening service a Process
ional hymn from Nevln's "Bethle
hem" will be sung. Certain selec
tions from the Christmas Program
will be repeated. In addition there
will be a cornet solo by J. H. Will
lams. A short address by a Lay
man; a solo by Miss Aileen Dunbar
and the "Gloria," from Mozarts 12th
Mass, by the choir.
Affected by the Climate.
"The full winds blow very bard."
"Yes; 1 can't talk straight on that ac
count." "How Is tbatr
"The wind twists my tongue every
time I open my mouth."
"You look serious."
"Do I? Well. I was lost In thought"
"Inded! Whose thnneht?"
Free Homes.
There is going to be a land open
'"T at Roselmrg, pre., January 20,
1909. For lists, blue prints, mans
with vacant lands marked thereon
and full Information regarding fil
ings, etc., nd $2 to
12-18-tf Roseburg, Ore.
Grand Holiday Excursion.
Bolton & Plel announce their an
nual holiday excursion to San Fnu
Cisco, leaving Ashland Saturday, Dec
26, at 11:36. Tickets for round
trip $16, good for 16 days, Stxtr
or more excursionists will make tin
fare $16, so parties Intending to
make the trip should notify the man
agement without delay. Adresi T.
K. Bolton or Emil Pell, Ashlud,
Oregon. 12-11-Jt
Tickets may be purchased at Ash
Good for cuts, burns, brulsei and
scratches, but especially recommend
ed for piles DeWitt's Carbollied
Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Sabln'i
drug Btore.
.0W is the time to
The Page Woven Wire Fence Co. 0( Fcnce m,dt
it i tt
lid 1
Twenty-seven incites to firt S,,!U.,.. - hp Mmp qilftii,v of a page fence High
carbon co 1 ! it n S'. . SMn.U t Mmiti ..f . vPr 18.000 pounds.
Page fence is guaranteed to be exactlv as renresented
An experienced man aud tools are furnished to as.sist in the erection of all Page Fence, withoul
: w . .' ct fence over any ground without cuttin or larmintr. bappinir or aaeeinr
I. TV .TL. t, .... " " " " .
d I Street. Cm I,"
ithout extra cow-
Ehatnoitors Soatnern Oregon and Northern Calilornia,
Cor. fth and I Street,