Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 25, 1908, Image 7

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GamUm Engine.
Jfwo cylinder four cycle; cheapest
to buy cheapest to rnn. Just the
thing for Irrigation, also pumps
11.000 gallons per hour See Cahlll,
Wert C St., toot of reservoir hill
11-4 4t
Continuous Performance
; Every Night This Week
! Except Sunday at the
' Eul Front Street
Doors Open at 7il3
Change of Pictures
Three times each Week
Admission 10c
The Development of the
is the History of the Writing Machine
New Models 10 nd 1 1 Now Ready
Model 10
with Column Selector
Remington Typewriter Company
New York and Everywhere
not I
REMARKABLE event in the history of automobiledsMn was the tour of
more than thirty Tourist cars from Lea Angeles to San Franciaeo ami return,
Aumi.t 7tk u 22A. 1908. caxrvinr 94 men. women and children.
TkL Afir tAmNv fmm ahy rrevious automobile rua in that wftchcallv
j, A 1113 IVWa mav- sw j j g - a
0 every car was operated by its owner instead of a professional driver, thus demonetrating
J simplicity and ease of operation, and proving forcibly that the Tourist is an owner's
" car ,0 simple in operation and mecnanism as to enable the novice to negotiate the
severest test to which an automobile could be put
j This moreharaHhousand-milesn was successfully accomplished without mishap
b or accident, and will live long in th annals of autoanobiledom as a glowing tortimonial
to mechanical genius and constructional ability.
T. "K" C. awr T T T -Q- Ten SWsnr ey. 4 ni.
JZ rT iTstaTt-" T 'rrr Ut,Z-elt,-l t Utmmkm,
Wee ,Jln-'
" i'f " "
i 1 . m. aat h
Continued from page four.
protecting the game In thels native
haunts from the ravages of ravenous
carntTerous wild beasts?
This petition Is published In all
parts of the state, so as to reach as
large a number of citizens as possi
ble, we want to get all that can be
obtained. Let everyone who takes
an interest in the preservation of
Oregon's game, cut out the petition,
paste it on a sheet of paper and go
out among your acquaintances and
procure their signaures. Don't de
pend on somebody ' else but do it
yourself and when you get all the
names you can procure be sure to
send them to the address subscribed
below by the loth of January, 1909.
Also it would be well for those
that are so inclined to either speak
or write to your state senators and
representatives concerning the im
portance of this measure. If all
will have the interest of our state
at heart, will lend a hand for a
short pull we will place one of the
most beneficial laws on the statute
books that has ever been enacted.
Send the petitions to,
FoBter, Oregon.
Petition for liounties for the
st ruction of Wild Animals.
To the Honorable, the Senate and
House of Representatives of the
State of Oregon, in Legislature Con
vened. Your petitioners, residents and tax
payers of the State of Oregon, would
respectfully beg to call the attention
of your honorable body to the fact
that the game animals of this state,
deer and elk are rapidly disappear-
Model 11
With Built-in Tabulator
of the Tourist94
Grants Pass
I In. dtlA In ft larva muBiiiro tn tha
ravages ot wild beasts, wolves, cou
gars, or panthers, bears, lynx, wild
cats, etc. It hat been estimated by
competent persons that there ar
now 600 cougars in this state and
that they will each detroy a deer
weekly; this will foot up the enor
mous number of 26,000 deer killed
by these creatures annually.
Now while the approximation of
BOO cougars in this state may seem
to be too large, still when it Is taken
Into consideration that there are
numerous wolves, which are equally
as destructive to game as cougar, be
sides lynx, bears and wild cats, which
destroy large numbers of fawns and
young deer, it will readily be seen
that the estimate of 600 carniverous
animals that live off the game is not
too large, and that a wolf or cou-
ger takes on an average of a deer a
week has been attested to by too
many experienced men to be doubted.
We would beg to suggest further,
that the small bounties which have
hitherto been paid in this state for
scalps of destructive wild beasts have
not been productive of any consider
able good results, the reason being
the bounties offered were too small
to Justify hunters In keeping trained
dogs and making it a businesss to
hunt for animals that the state of
fered bounties for, while whenever
an animal was accidentally killed
for which the state offered a bounty,
the person who did the killing never
failed to claim the bounty thereby
putting the state to aconslderable ex
pense and accomplishing no real
good, that would not have resulted
had not the small bounty been of
fered. Again we would call your atten
tion to the fact that coons, skunks
both large and small, digger squir
rels, and crows, in the nesting sea
son, destroy great numbers ot the
eggs ot game birds, both native and
Imported, and that suitable bounties
shouid be offered for their destruc
tion Now In view of the above facts,
taking into consideration the enor
mous loss occasioned by the ravages
of game destroying creatures, not
only on game but on domestic ani
mals as well, we respectfully ask
that bounties be offered by the state
for their destruction as follows:
For cougar, 125, wolves $25, bear,
$5, lynx, $2.50, wild cat, 2.60, coons,
$1, large skunks, $1, small skunks,
50 cents, digger squirrels, 10 cents,
crows, 10 cents.
Believing that money expended
for the protection of Oregon's wild
game, tint of the most attractive
features of the state, Is money well
invested, we, your petitioners will
ever pray.
Umfl Bhonlder.
This it a common form of mtiN-nlar rheu
matism. No intern! treatment ia needed.
Apply Chamhe rliin't Liniment freely three
time a day and a quirk cur if certain. Thi
liniment ha proren eepeviallv valuable for
mnwiilaranil chmnie rln'iimatim. Sold u?
U. Cltenii.
Placer blanks at the Courier.
Kodol for dyspepsia and Indiges
tion will digest any and all food at
any and all times. Kodol is guaran
teed to give prompt relief. Sold by
Sabln's drug store.
!IntjZ jtW Sl&W
W. C. T. V.
If I had the power to give this
country the one thing that I think It
most truly needs next to the religion
of Jesus Christ, and which In my
Judgment would be most conducive
to the industrial education and moral
upbuilding ot the nation, I would
unhesitatingly give It a strong na
tional temperance law and compel Its
enforcement by the proper officials.
I here assert that all the wrongs
and iniquities ot the tariff, and all
the robertes, oppression and greed of
the monopolies, do not compare with
the sorrow, the rulu, the misery, the
crime, the poverty, the madness, the
vice, the degradation, the death and
damnation produced by strong drink.
It destroys home life, breaks the
heart of mothers and wives, takes
the clothes off the backs of little
children and substitutes rags; do-
grades manhood, makes lewd "onion
out of virtuous maidens, stifle ain
blthn, destroys hope, weakens the
body, blights the mind and blackens
the soul, until It turns this earth,
made for man's happiness and use,
into a hell for his ruin and misery.
In the Interest, therefore, of busi
ness; for the protection of helpless
women and children; for the sup
pression of crime; the amelioration
ot want and poverty; the prevention
of disease; the preservation ot life;
the salvation of human souls, and
for the sake of the more than eighty
six million of true, brave and noble
American men, women and children, 1
would bstow this gift of national
temperane, thus destroying a fearful
curse and restoring man to the god
like image in which he was created.
I would offer this gift to the Ameri
can people. Governor R. B. Olenn,
of North Carolina, In the December
Quarts blanks at the Courlei
Kuye Home-Mnde Mixture Is Easily
Tivparwl, and Cures Weak . . .
Kidneys and Bladder.
Here Is a simple home-made mix
ture as given by an eminent author
ity on Kidney diseases, who makes
the statement that It will relieve al
most any case of kidney trouble If
taken before the stage of Itrights
disease. He states that such symp
toms as lame back, pain In the side,
frequent desire to urinate, especially
at night, painful and discolored uri
nation are readily overcome. Here Is
the recipe. Try It:
Fluid extract Dandelion, one-half
ounce; Compound Kargon one ounce;
Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla, three
ounces. Take a teaspoonful after
each meal and at bed time.
A well known druggist here In
town Is authority that these Ingre
dients are all harmless and easily
mixed at home by shaking well in a
bottle. This mixture has a peculiar
healing and soothing effect upm the
entire kidney and urinary structure,
and often overcomes the worst forms
of rheumatism In just a Uttlo while.
This mixture Is said to remove all
blood disorders and cure the rheu
matism by forcing the kidneys to
filter and strain from the Dlooil und
system all uric acid and foul decom
posed waste matter whl.iri tautes
these atllictlons. Try it if you aren't
well. Save the prescription.
A Ooaimiii Cold.
Vi't claim that if ralrhing cold could be
Tnnifd aoane ot tlit ni(t dangrroua and
'nul il i would never h heard f. A
old i(in fonna a ruluir bed for lernia ol
'lifenirni ilieeam. ('oninaiplion, pneil
nonia, diphtheria and ararlet feter, four ol
.Im ai'Mt (ianremiu and falal dimm, are nl
hiaclaea. The culture 11 formed hr lh
"lii favor the development of the jrrrti
heee iliwama, that would not oihfrmn fn
oH jctiu There ! little danyei, h"-
fatty of thww dieeawan beinf criiHTfi"
when a rond xpertnntnt rouh mrric n
like ( liamhrrlain touth Itemed? i i.
Itclrana nut thee culture lda thn
(he development of the ramie of tin- .
ie. That i why thin reaiede h ;
10 nnivrraally aunreeiiful in preventive 1
mnnia. It eot enl Wures yoor cold i
lint niniraiam the ri of eentrarlinr n .
Sangemaa diiaum. Kor aalab' M. (' n.
Wood Wanted.
Notice Is hereby given that the
Board of Kduration of Bihool DIs
'rl t No. 7, Josephine county, Oregon
at Its regular meet In g on the even
ing of Tuesday, the 5tb day of Janu
ary, A. D. 1909. will receive bids to
ripply said district with 125 cords of
two-foot wood, half fir and half oak
and other hard woods, ash or laurel,
together with 15 cords of pine In
two- foot lengths; said wood to be
delivered at the respective school
buildings of said district in such
quantities as said board shall Indi
cate ou or before first day of Septem
ber, 1S0. All bids must be ac
companied by a certified check of 10
per cent of said contract price. The
B'rd reserves the right to reject
any and all bids at said meeting.
12-11 It District Clerk.
For health and happiness De
Wltt's Little Early Risers plesaant
little liver pills, the best made. Sold
by Sabln drug store.
In the circuit court ot the state ot
Oregon, for Joeephne County.
Leroy Palaer. Plaintiff .)
Lucy J. Palmer Defendant. )
To Lucy J. Palmer, defendant:
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby summoned
and required to appear In the above
entitled court and cause on or be
fore six weeks from the date ot
the first publication ot this sum
mons, which first date ot publica
tion Is Friday, December 4. U08,
and the last date ot said publicacion
and the last day for your appear
ance and answer Is Wednesday, Jan
uary 15, 1909. and if you fall to ap
pear and answer within the time
aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed
tor in tne complaint, vlx: for a de
cree dissolving the bonds of mat
rimony now and heretofore existing
between the plaintiff and defend
ant, and granting the plaiutlrf an
absolute divorce against the defend
ant , and for such other and further
relief as is equitable.. ,
This summons Is published In the
Rogue River Courier, a newspaper
of general circulation published at
Grants Pass. Josenhlne Cnnntv or.
egon, by order of the Hon. Stephen
Jewell, county Judge for Josephine
rcounty, Oregon, made and dated
December S, A. D. 108, requiring
puunration or tnls summons in said
newspaper for a period ot six buc
resslve weeks, and thn malllne nf
the summons and ropy of the com
plaint to tne deiendant at your res
idence and post office address at
Trinidad, Humboldt county, Cali
fornia. H. D. NORTON.
Atorney for Plalntlft
Department of the Intjrior.
U. 8. Land Office at Roiurr, Ore.
August IS, 1908.
Notice Is hereby nlven that
of Portland, Oregon, who, on August
12. 1908, made sworn stattmvit No.
0761. for Northwest quarter(NW)
Sec. 28. Tp. 40 8. K. 9 V. M,
has filed notice of Inteutlon tn make
final proof to establish claim to the
land above described, before Regis
ter and Receiver at Rosnluirtf. Ore ,
on the 11th Day of February, 1909,
Claimant names as wltneses:
Frank Cain, ot Riddle. Ore.. Will A.
Leonard, of Portland, Ore., Casvle J.
f reeman, of Holland, Ore. .Frank J.
Leonard, of Kerby, Ore.
Department of the Interior,
U. 8. Land Office at
Roseburg, Oreegon, Sept. 8, 1908.
Notice 1b hereby given that
of 614 Sheridan St., Spokane, Wash.
who, on September 8. 1908, made
Sworn Statement No. 01174, (or
SW14 NW"4. Wli 8W14 and SB
SW4 Sec. J4 Tp. 3 4 8., It. 7 West.
Willamette Meridian, and has filed
notice of Intention to make flnnl
proof to establish claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver at Riwpliiirg, Oregon, on
the 24th day of February, 1909.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Almon Lnwler, of Leland, Oregon,
Frank Lawler, of Leland, Oregon,
John Penner, of Heron, Montana,
Louis Kades, of Merlin, Oregon.
Department of the Interior.
I S. land Ufflce at Itotohur. Or
August 4, IIM) 8.
Not lie Is hereby given that
of Spokane, Waan , w ho, on 3d, 19HS, made Jwui'ii State
ment No. 0056, for the K '1 S 'i
and VH 8EV4, Sec. an. Tp. 2 1 8
R. 7 W., Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of his Intention to make
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, befoM Regis
ter and Receiver, at Koseburg, Ore
Ion, on the 7th day of February,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Alpheus N. Crouch, of Grant Pass,
Ore., Almon lawler, of Leland, Ore.,
John Mnloney of Spokano, Wash.,
John Penner, of Heron, Mont.
Lvlna Nan nor. Plaintiff, )
vs. )
JoaephNabbor, Defendant)
In the Circuit Court ot the Btate of
Oregon, for Josephine C .unty.
In the name of the state of Ore
gon, you are nereby summoned and
required to appear in the circuit
court of the state of Oregon for Jo
sephine county in the above en
titled suit, on or before six weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion of this sumons, and before the
tplratioa of the time of said pub
lication thereof, which date of first
publication Is Frldsy, November 27,
A. D. 1908, and which last date of
publication Is Friday, January 8, A.
I). 1909, and then and there answer
or otherwise plead In said suit.
And If you fall to answer or other
wise plead within the time afore
said, the plaintiff will apply to tne
court for the relief prayed for In
the complaint, vli.: for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
other and further relief as Is equita
This summons Is published In the
Rogue River Courier, a newspaper
of general circulation published at
Grants Paas In Josephine county,
Oregon, by order of Hon. Stephen
Jewell, county Judge for said county,
dated November 27, 1908. and re
quiring publication of said summons
for a period ot six successive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tiaaher Land. Act Jam S, 1878.
ioe is hereby gieea. That in
oesapliancoe with the provisions of
the Act of Congress, ef Jose S. 1878,
entitled "An Act for the tale of Tim
ber Laud In tha Mr, m.9 r-.iie.. -1.
Oregon Nevada and Washington Ter-
..wt, mm axtenaea te ail mono
Land Bsatea Rr an e 1 j
I8tia. ' ' a
of Aahlaad. mnnff Sir Tansann all.i
"j a V ev avwii kJl SSI W
ef Oretion Wed in this effioa on May
1 i."o, iiar sworn atatamant N..
10033 for the tnmhiu nf k. nr.,r.h.
eastqnarterof Seotlon No. 83 in Town-
euip io. a twiotti of Kaiign No. S
Went W. M., Or., anl will offer
pool to show that the land sought is
wore valuable for its timber or stone
than for agri.ultnal put pesos, aud to
eetabhsh his claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this
oflloe at Rneaburg, Oinson. ou Tburs-
uy, me un 0y or January, 1U0H.
Saha names a v-iti-tves: George K.
Shearer, of Asblaud. Ore , Thomas
E. Lualer. of Mnuninn, .- r ,.n;.
Sieinbaoh, of Ros-bunr. Ore..
Loui Steinbaoh, of Rosebnrg. Or.,
Benjamin O. MeOee.ef R taeburg, Ore.
Auv aod all peraoua elaiaiing ad
versely the above deaorlbed lands are
renoeatad to flla thai nt.i.... 1.. ti.t.
office ou or before said 7th day of
Timber Land, Aot Jon 8, 1878.
Roaeburg, Ore., May 8, 1008.
Notice is hereby given thai tn com
pliance with the provisions of the aot
ol Congress of June 8, I878, entitled
"An ait of the sale of timber lands
in the Slate ef California, Oregon,
Nevada aud Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by act of August 4, im,
of Roseburg, oonnty ot Douglas, Ktata
of Oregon, filed in this attire April 14,
UK), his sworn statement No. I0087,
for the purchase of the 8tU NWU,
NEi 8Wtand Nh' HE.I of Beotioo
No. 2 in Township No. 4 Range No.
6-WestV. M. and will offer tiroof ia
show that the land sought is morn
valnabl far its timber or stoue than for
agricultural purpose, and to establish
bis claim to said lsnd before Reitister
aod Receiver at Rosebnrg, Ore., on
rruiay, tne Htn nay of Jauoary, 1909,
Ha names as wilnreees II. V.
Strong, of Roseburg, Ore., W. D.
Bell of Rosubnrg, Ore., Arthur L.
Roadman of Roeehuri. Ore.. H. A.
Saoford, of Rosebarg, Ore
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lauds are
requested to Die their claim in tula
oflloe 00 or before ssid Nth dsy of Jau
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Orlloe.
Rnsebnrg, Ore., Jolv 4, 19o8.
Notice is hereby given that
of Ashland. Jaokson Coonly, Oregon,
wnoeajaly H.l, mw, made Timber .
and ritone Application, No. 0497, for
Norwi4 aa ttwuer NWUiad
NWofSW Section 89, Townsibp
84 Boath, Rauge 6 west Willamette.
Meridian, has tiled notloe of Intention
to make final Timber aud Stnua
Proof, to establish . claim to the land
above described, before Register and
Receiver at Iloaebtirg, Oregon, on the
80th day of January lOoU.
uiaimant names a witnesses:
Oeorge Shearer of Aihland, Jackson
County, Oregon, Lou I buiinhach, of
Roeaburf, Doug la county, Oregon.
Thomas Luster, ol Roseburg, Douglas
oounty, Ongon, Thomas Taplin, of
noneuurg, uooaia oonnty, Orvgnn.
Ditpartmeiit of the Interior.
V. S. Land Office.
Roseburg, Ore., Nov. 19, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Winter, Oregon, who, on October
22. 1907, made Homestead Entry
No. 14S1I. S. R. 02377, for HE 14
of HE V , Section 34, Township 34,
South, Kunge 3 West, Willamette
Merldlun, has filed notice of Inten
tion to make llnul five yeur proof
to eMahllsh claim to the land lib ive
described, before Joseph Moss, 1'. 8.
ConimiHHloner, at Grunts Pass, Ore
gon, ou the Z'.ith day of January,
(,'lHliuunt names as llnesi'H.
James Nealhnmer of Wlmer, Oro
gon; Cleveland Neathamer of Wl
mer, Oregon; Alfred Davlo of Wl
mer, Oregon; I-wls C. 8lvers of
Wlmer, Oregon.
United States IJind Office,
Rowrburg, Ore., Dec. 17, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that the
State of Oregon on December 1 6,
1908, applied for the NW 8W4
of Sec. 2, Tp. 33 8.. R. 6W.. of W.M.,
and tiled In this office a list of school
Indemnity selections in which It se
lected said land; and that said list
Is open to thn public for Inspec
tion. Any and all persons claiming
adversely the above described land
or any legal subdivision thereof or
claiming the same under the mining
laws, or desiring to show said land to
be more valuable for mineral than for
agricultural purposes or to object to
said selection for any lawful reason,
should file their claims or their affi
davits ot protest or contest In this
I hereby designate the Rogue
Rher Courier, published at Grants
Pass, Oregon, as the newspaper in
which the above notice la to be pu fl
ushed. Benjamin L. Eddy,
The Courier 4 raon'.'as for 60c.