ROGUE RIVER COURIKR, GRANTS PASS. OREGON, DECEMBER 25, 1908 PROFESSIONAL CAB1W f,C. FJNDLEV, M. D. 1 'ratio lialiod to EYE KAK, NOSE and THROAT, dames fitted and furnished. Xlloe hour V to 12; 2 to ft; sad on ap intmeut telephones 291 and 77. Giant Pars, 0o g LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND BCRGEON Kue. Phone 7U Oisy or country calls attended night erday ris) and ti, Tuff's building. Utlioe I'bone 261. Gkah-w Pass . ObSGOn. R. C A. CAMPBELL ObTKC'PATIUO 1'IIYbICIAN flradnate Ainmcan Hrhool of Onteopatby, KirkHVille, My Chronic IMneaieii and DiHeawa of Women and Children a specialty CONSULTATION KKEK ooras 1. 2, , First National Hank iildK. I'hones: Office 771, Ilea. 70D CaART I'ass - Oaioos )t P. Di--Vore, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City aad Country calls promptly an swered. Offioa boors 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. at. Res. Pbone, Mala 473, Office, 941 Room 1, 3, 3 Shullborn BMg. Grants Pass, - - 0e. The Popular Barber Shea Get your tonsorial work done at IK A TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs Bath Koora Id connection N. E. McGREW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY furniture and llano Having GRANTS PASS, OREGON. J, D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practloa In all State and Federal CourVa. Offloe In Opera House Building. BaaiiTa Pass, Onaxjon QLIVER S. BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Dixon Store Grants Pash, Oregon II. B. HENDRICKS C0CNBELL0K8-AT-LAW Cirll and rrituiaai matters attended te In all lha court Real nutate and Inmranoe. Office, (Sth street, opposite I'ostoffloe. )mS. BLANCHARD, Attorn ky-at-Law Practice lu all HUtn aud Federal court linking aud Trust Co. Rldg . Chants Pass; - Ohkoon WILLIAM P WRIGHT, V. S. IiKl'UTY M'RVF.YOR MININO KNNINKKR Afil PltAlUiliTNM AN Oil i SI., no'th ol Josephine Motel. Aianih Pahs, - OatooN. Til! Fruit, Shade Ornamental Hedge plants, Cypress ami Privet Berry Plaits ToKay Grapes s well as other kiuils of first class frape roots Apple, Pear, Peach, Cherry and other trees at reasonable prices. It will pay you to see me fcefore buying. Let me hive your orders before Ike assortment is broken. Some liudY ate scarce already. T.T.Taylor Offlae in briok near Court Moose CEMENT CLIENT R. H. GrTlfillarJ PHONE TU Grants Pass, Oregon. i Christmas on the Stag viL UNDER THE MISTLETOE. r Calling cards at the Courlur. Now is the time to visit California When siiiiiiuor has atd in tlioe uorihi'rn states, the sun is onl iiiild under the bright blue skies of Southern California. This is one of nature's happy provisions e ernul sum mer for thoso who cannot endure a more severe cli mate. California has heeu called the "Mecca of the winter tourist " Its hotels and stoppim; places are as varh'd as those of a'l well rsKulaied cities. Visitors can alaava find suitable aacoiu dntlons, counetiial compauions, and varied, pleas'-tig recreatieos. SoQtbem Pacific Go. Will he ulad to supply some Terr attractive literature, de scribing' in detail III. mau de l'tlito! winter in Cahfemia. Verv lew round trip excursion tickots are on sale te California. The rate from Grant. Paw lo Lee Angeles and return is $53 90. Limit six months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Wiuiilar ex cu rs io n rales are in j effect to all California poiata. Por full Information, alesptnf car reser valtona aud tickets, ceil ou, leiafraan or write n. M.. Mealfoeaery, A(ent 8. P. Co. 01 Wa. McMerrav. Uu. Tsm. Agent Portland, Orar1 Seeing Santa Clans Br LAURA FROST AJtMITACE. (Ooprrleht, IMS, by Amertoaa Praea Aseo- etatlos. I. EARL (to Ruth) Oh. I Just wish we eould see him. rred See wIkjoi? Rnth Why, Panta Clnns. Bart and I have Just been talking obrmt him, and we were wishing we eon Id iret a peep st him once. Glady-Oh. 1 wouldu't like to! Dorothy Harry and I tried It last year. We came down and hid In the front halt, tint papa found us and sent ns to bod. Fred (after thlnklnf awhile ITe thoucht of sometlilnR. Psnta Clans wouldn't come In If he should spy us, but If he thnnKht we were not real children he mipht Couldn't we fool 'i mm ',i iliaiTiesssarianai,,!! ,ujmVm and carry a im 1 1 of water. An empty , pall will da. Now lefa be off and ae " what we can And. Then we'll fo to ! ted, and III He awake, and after pap and mamma go rjpstalra I'll call you. and we'll come down try softly. (Exeunt.) IL (Children come tiptoeing In In cos tume, stockings In hand.) i Fred Now, we'll hang our stockings drat. (All hang them.) Then we'll get Into place. Bopeep. you stand here. Hold yonr crook so. Miss Muffet. you I must sit on this footstool, and you imust be eating. Put your spoon to 'your Hps, so. Jack Horner, get Into jthat corner and hold up your thumb with the plum on It. Jack and Jill, I atand over here and take the pall be- i . a u U tween you. I will stand nere auu uom my horn to my mouth, so. Now, we mustn't move our eyes. It's getting late. Now. all ready! (All pose.) Ruth (after awhile) Oh, dear! Tula pall Is so heavy even If It Is empty. All-Sh! Glndys (after awhlle)-now my arm aches! All-Sh! (Earl yawns aloud.) All-Sh! narry My thumb Is tired of stand ing up. Dorothy I'm bo sleepy (yawning). All-Sh! (Jack Horner'a hand drops, then his head. Bopeep drops crook and leans against wall. Jill lets go of pail and slides to floor. Jack soon does the same. Miss Muffet's bead drops for ward. Boy Blue's eyes close and horn falls. Tbls rouses him for a moment, but bla eyes soon close again, and be leans against the wall.) Enter Santa Claus. (All fast asleep.) Santa Clans Ah! Well, well, well! Bsme of the children of my old friend, Mother Goose. But what are they do ing here? (Walks about and looks at them closely.) Aha! I know these children. They're not Mother Goose's faaally. Aha! I see what they are up to. They're waiting to see me, and they don't want me to know them. But they can't fool this old fellow. Just aa If he didn't know every child In the world. I've found children waiting for me many a time, but they always fall asleep and mlsa me. I'll fill the stockings, and won't they be surprised when they wake np and find they're missed me after all. (Fills stockings, then puts toy or candy Into Miss Muf fet's bowl and Into Jack and Jill's pall.) Now I must be off. But I be Hev III try that horn of Boy Blue's once. (Blows and runs off, dropping horn near door. Children rouse up a little at sound, then fall back Into for mer position.) III. Morning. Fred (rounlng) Oh, I sayl Wake up! What are you all asleep fort Harry Wbo'a beea asleep? Dorothy (rubbing eyes) Not I. Gladys I was almost asleep. Karl (yawning) Did he come? Ruth (almost crying) I was so aleepy. Did you all see him? Others Oh. no. no! Fred Well. I'm afraid we were all asleep. Bnt I heard him. He blew on a big horn. Harry and Dorothy I heard him. Gladys And there's your horn, Fred, erer by the door. He blew on that Rnth See what's In our pall! (Hold lag it np.) Gladys And in my bowl! Hurry And see the stockings! All Oh. oh. oh! (All run to get the stockings.) Dorothy Oh. why couldn't we have kept awake? Fred Well, we've missed him this time sure. Bnt next year we'll try It apsln, and well all keep awake. All-Yes. Indeed, we will. The Gift. "HAKTA WOVLDN'T COU IN ir BR SHOULD m'v ia." Him by muklug believe we were Moth er Goose chlklrvn right out of the Look ? iHTotLy nw could we do that? I ml-We could dre.w Uke them and then stjind perfectly sttll aa If we were nude of wnx or sonielhlug. Just the wuy you do In a tnbleau. you know. He tublit think It was some klud of a allow of wax figures. Hurl-Oh. my! 1 couldn't keep as still ns thill. Hurry You could If you really want ed to Bee Santa Claus. Karl -Oh. 1 wtU! I will! Pee me! (I'oaea.) Gladje 'Will we have to stand ao very lo&f ? Fred Ob. not very, very long! We must all be ready before 12 o'clock. We must dreaa ttke Mother Goose chil dren, and m fix you In your places. I'll be Boy Bine. We can find aome dreas-up clothes la the auV. narry-I think I'll be Jack Homer. I can have a pie. Dorothy-I want to be Bopeep. A cane with a hook handle will do for a crook. Gladys May I be Man Muffet? Kart-Wbat can Roth and I be? FVrdTou aalgit be Jack mM JtD By FRANK H. SWEET. ICopyrlght, 1P08. by American Pre.a Aar- clnllon. THE Christmas chime, are sounding on the air. And, aa I sit and listen to their sweat, Unearthly, gone ia every care, Forgot is all the turmoil of the street. The troubles that the path of man be set, The va.t anxieties of human life, All fade away, and every fond regret Is lost in all their glad and joyoua atrife. aeem alone on WHAT though I this fair day, From happy eomradeehip stand isolate. With none to greet me ae I walk my way. To merely live I count a happy fate To merely li.ten to those joyous sounds That through the crup of winter call ao free. Although the merrymakere on their rounda Pause not to think of or remember me. 1ST not enough that on this Christ mae morn, This glad birth mom of him who.e day it is. My heart, but yesterday eo aad, forlorn. Doth open to the message that was i hi.T let not enough to know that from above The tidingi of a sacrifice divine Come aa a gift of an eternal love ; That I have but to take to make It . mine? I Kodol dlRcsts all the food you eat. , If you will take Kod.'l for a little wnue you win no longer have indi gestion. It Is pleasant to take, acts promptly. Sold by Sabln't drug store. From Now Until January 15 All ' SUITS and PANTS At Harth' the Clothiers' will be sold for Less Than Cost All other goods in the store will be sold at prices in proportion Just the place to buy a suitable CHRISTMAS Gift and save money Earth's &fe Clothiers' Protect Your Orchards From Frosts By the Orchard Heating Device of the Frost Prevention Co. of Fresno. Cal. For Sale by GEO. II. PARKER. Grants Pass. Ore. V RY VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers of SEWING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MAKINO A PURCHASE. Does it run easy. Doe It loofc good. Does it miKe) a good stitch. Oocs it sew fast. Is it well made. Is it easy to operate. Is it simple in construction. Does the manufacturer put his name on it. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities of all other machines. It is the latest, best and most com plete achievementinbuilding of a sewing machine. Com pare it with all other ma chines in anything in which they claim to excel and you will find tFREB easily the best. ' FREE SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO. ILL. THING To Furnish House or Barn. New or Second Hand All kinds of Stoves to select from Heaters and Cook Stoves, new and second hand. Now Is the Time to Bo; IKE Mi. iD)AVI 304 South Sixth St GranU Pass, Ore.