Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 18, 1908, Image 5

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Is often acceptable in the se
l'ction of Christmas gifts.
We will gladly offer you sug
gestions and endeavor to as
sist you in the sometimes
arduous task of purchasing
these remembrances. Our
line consists of Cut Glass,
Toilet Sets, Traveling Cases,
Fountain Pens, Safety Razors,
Manicure Sets, Hand "Bags,
Fancy Stationery, Military
Brushes and the largest line
of books in the city.
Sabln the Druggist
(Jouni, tceigk and mratvre everything you
V American Oroeer.
To all our Friends and
to Everybody, we wish
A Merry, Merry
Christmas X
Happy and Prosper-
New Year
White House
"This would make anybody gmlle:"
Holiday prices on Nuts and Candles.
Nuts much lower In price over last
A good Boft shell English Walnut,
our special, per pound 13c.
A good soft shell Almond, per
pound 15-
7 pounds of either $1.00
These are new crop 1908 nuts.
Our own mixed nuts, per poundlSttc
No doughnuts.
Los Netos No. 1 soft Bhell Walnuts,
per pound 20c.
A fine paper Bhell Almond 20c.
Our Very Best, the King-Pin of Wal
nuts, Oregon's Franquette, a
meaty nut only a limited quan
tity, per pound 20c.
Generally sell for 25c in Portland.
Brazil Nuts (Nigger Toes) lb 20c
Filbers, the large smooth kind 20ct
Italian Chestnuts 20c.
A good plain mixed candy, per
pound 15c
Lumps and Drops, a bright, pure
candy ,5c
Chocolate Creams very good.. 25c.
Peanut (hews will please the child
ren. Spoi iul per pound 20o.
Jelly Deans, mint and wintergreen
losent-'ers 0c
k Ann Vrnn rh Mixed Candy, per
minnil M
Fancy Cluster Raisins in one ana
two pound pKgs, pit iu...
Callfuruia Black Figs OKc.
California Mission, extra good.. 10c.
California White Figs In pkgs 05c.
New Seeded Raisins, Currants, Seed
less Sultanas, Etc.
"Larson Browns"
Southern Navels 4'c-
Bananas. Coroanuts and the celebrat
ed Howe" CranberriPs.
Lettuce to arrive for the last of the
Freslf'ovsterr., 50 cents. Regular
Fresh Ovsters, 5 cents. Regular
quart cans to arrive the 23rd.
Leave your orders early.
White House
H M I 1 1 1 1 II 1 II 1 1 1 1
mi in nun mm
A. W. Hoffman of Seattle, Is
spending several weeks In the city.
George F. Green, who has been
living at Galice, has come to town
to spend the winter.
J. B. Rowley of the O.B. mine on
Williams Creek was In Tuesday
with a shipment of high grade ore.
H. C. Batekam left Thursday for
the Wllderville section to inspect the
orchards of that country.
J. T. Morrison returned this week
from Hillaboro, where he visited his
Frank Ellis Is back from Port'.aad
and. Dallas. At the first named
place he took a pharmacy damna
tion and at the latter place vlstted
his parents.
The congressmen from Oregon
will ask for an appropriation of
$10,000 to be expended in fighting
the codling moth in Oregon.
W. L. Crandell, a recent arrival
from Wisconsin, has located at Mer
lin, where be haa opened a barber
shop, restaurant and cigar store.
Silverware at a great reduction at
August Fetsch left Monaa? for
the Free and Easy mine in the Ker
by district, owned by himself and
broher. The new mill will be start
ed up in the very near future.
B. H. Reed and family, who re-
cenly came to Grants Pass from Mc-
Mlnnvllle Ore., have taken up their
residence In the Lincoln Park addi
tion in the house built by E. S. Van
Dyke on Manzenita avenue.
Page Fence over 327,000 rods In
use In So. Oregon Ask J. D. Frank
lin. 12-18-tf
James Smith was in town today
buying supplies. He bought a cof
fee mill and will hereafter grind
Folger'a Golden Gate Coffee fresh
as he uses It. He used to ask the
grocer to grind it.
J. W. Whitney the Remington
Typewriter man is in the city. Since
the new Visible Remington has been
put on the market he has been com
pelled to provide himself with a col
li art mr delivery purposes.
Vve want you to make Chrtstuu.s
presents that will be useful, ut;ia .1-
ive and economical. Come to the
Sugar Pine Store.
Al. McKenzle arrived home Fri
day evening to spend the holidays
with home folkB and friends. Al.
has been In California for the past
several months, being a fireman on
the S. P. railroad, but expects to go
north after Christmas.
W. G. King and family arrived in
this city a few days ago from Butte,
Montana, and have decided to make
this place their future home. They
have rented a house in the northern
part of the city and later will pur
chase land upon which to raise
fruit. '
Mr. and Mrs Raymond of Pull
man, Wash., are in the city looking
over the country with a view to lo
cating. They visited the National
Apple Show at Spokane and were
attracted bw the display sent by
Grants Pass and determined to see
this valley before deciding on a per
manent home.
Mrs. William Thomas arrived In
Grants Pass Monday from Wolf
Creek, where she has been visiting
with her sister, Mrs. H. A. Perkins
for some time, and will remain here
for a couple of weeks, the guest of
her nephews and their families E.
A. and G. L. Perkins. Mrs. Thomas
resides In Detroit, Mich., and on her
arrival here this time saw her sis
ter for the first time in twenty
Silverware at a great reduction at
Invites inspection of his very large a'nd
varied assortment of Furniture, Car
pets, Rugs, Portiers, Couch Covers,
Lace Curtains, all suitable
For Christmas Gifts
At prices the lowest. We are setting
aside Christmas presents already. Come
and make your selections. Have a few
White Sewing Machines will sell very
cheap to close.
N. B. A large lot of O
received; sold at factory
week for Minneapolis.
Mrs. George Colvig is home again
after a visit with her sister in Port
land. G. D. Horner returned from Cali
fornia Sunday after a ristt of some
Mr and Mrs. Dan Green have as
their guest ther daughter.Mra. Hen
ry Due of Chico, California.
Mrs. Henry Galvln will spend the
winter at Happy Camp, California,
having departed for that place Mon
day. Mlsa Helen Henry left our city
Friday for Sacramento, where she
will spend the holidays among her
friends and relatives. , '
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Guyton left
Tuesday for Cottage Grove ior the
purpose of looking over the country.
The Guyton place was aold last
week and before locating again
they desired to see if there ia ay
place that beats Grants Pasa They
did not ship their furniture and oth
er belongings, as they feel that
they will return to this part of the
Rogue River valley.
Amos Myers and family arrived
from Iowa last week and have pur
chased the Guyton place at the edge
of town. This la one of the nicest
small places in the city and Mr.
Myers and family are fortunate In
being able to find such a desirable
place ao soon after their arrival.
Mrs. Marion Calloway of this city,
la in Eugene, where she was called
by the illness of her faher.
Page Fence is easily erected over
hills and thru canyons We do It.
Ask J. D. Franklin. 12-'8-tf
$1.75 Silver Berry Spoons for
$1.35 while they last, at Halr-Rld-
dle's. See window.
Legislature Will Have Bill (or Ad
ministrative Water System.
A bill will be presented to the
Oregon legislature this winter asking
for an administrative water system
In this state. This was assured yes
terday at an extended conference
between the members of the Oregon
Conservation Commission and the
various water users of the state.
The proposed law will be modelled
after that in force inWyomtng.where
water rights are adjudicated and
determined by a state board of con
trol and regulated by the same
authority. In the operaton of auch
a law, vested rights already adjudi
cated by the courts, will not be dis
turbed. Under the Wyoming law the state
has a board of control by which
water rights are established and reg
ulated. This board consists of five
members appointed by the governor.
Appointees on the board must first
have passed an examination con
ducted by the State Engineer before
becoming eligible to serve. When the
board has adjusted the rights of con
flicting Interests of the water supply
In any stream the party dissatisfied
with the adjublrcen. has the right
within 60 days to appeal from the
decision of the board to the courts.
The expense of such an adminis
tration of the yater system of tbU
state is between $20,000 and $25,
000, while the service concerned not
less than 20,000 consumers. Under
the operaton ol the Wyoming law the
longest time required for the adjust
ment of any controversy respecting
the appropriation of water from a
stream was only 18 months, while the
system gave very general satisfaction,
as was evidence"! from the fact that
only Infrequently were appeals taken
by either of the rival interests to the
- termore Mattresses just
Mr. and Mrs. Parsell left
ii m i u i m i mi
imm mm i inn
There waa a slight fringe of snow
to be seen on the mountains of
Grants Pasa during the week.
The streets of the city are now
muddy enough to convince most
any one that paving would be de
sirable. The best way to do Christmas
shopping is to carefully read the ad
vertisements In the Courier and
then go to the stores and buy the
goods. All up-to-date stores in the
city advertise in the Courier.
Silverware at a great reduction at
Agents for Tompkins' Olove fitting
corsets Gardner ft Co. 11-18 tf
Many of the new comers to this
section are clearing land prepara
tory to getting out fruit trees and
grape vines early In the spring.
Quite a tew of them are able to dis
pose of the wood cut off for a price
sufficient to pay the expense of
There are many things that make
Josephine county desirable to home
seekers, but one of these often spok
en of by newcomers Is the absence
of Chinese, Japanese and Negroes.
None' of these races have secured a
foothold and consequently white
men do not have to compete with
The general land office has made
public Its account with Oregon for
the year ending June 30, 1908.
Gross proceeds from the sale of pub
lic lands were $540,881.58. from
which amount is deducted the pro
rata share of expenses chargeable
to the state of $10,849.26, making
the net proceeds $517,086.09, of
which amount the state ia entitled
to 5 per cent or $25,854.30.
The stores of Grants Pasa have
donned their holiday attire and one
would travel far without seeing a
more beautiful display than is pre
sented In the various windows. Ar
ticles suitable for Christmas gifts
are the rule and one Is reminded
that there is no longer any possible
excuse tor any one sending from
here to the larger cities for such
things. It Is an easy matter to se
lect gifts wnen there Is such a large
stock carried by our merchants.
Supervisor M. J. Anderson of the
local forestry office, has volunteer
ed to assist the ladles In beautifying
the up-town park by securing a
number of weeping spruce trees to
be set out. This Is one of the most
beautiful trees In the world aud is
found In very few localities. There
are some not far from Grants Pass
and when the ladles are ready to
set them out Mr. Anderson will see
that they are brought in.
If you want to get useful Christ
mas presents take a look at the show
window of the Hair-Riddle Hdwe.Co.
Chafing dishes and carving sets
at Cramer Bros.' 12-18-lt
The Usual Large
Assortment of
Cut Glass I
X Comb and Brush Sets X
Fancy lioxed Stationery t
Cigars and Pipes
Tobacco Jars
Manicure Sets ?
Toilet Sets t
X Military Brushes X
X Perfume in Fancy Cases J
Mil rows X
X Christmas Cards
X Post Cards aud Albums
t Books and
X Popular Novels
Fancy Playing Cards
1 Conklin's Fountain PcnB
1 I Clemens
In an eifnTliiH-nl coiidurted by thf
Michigan ii;"-rliii'i.t Htallnu it v,un
found that Hie grow Ins f cmwjk-.m
sddi-d to the iM! l.".'. pound of nliro
pen pT arp, v.:U' siijn twins add-d
112 I'.tinilH p"T n n- In itlu-r n 1 1--nltri(.'"'ii
bcIiV'I was worth from 15 t'i
iiO ci'i.u utr Livuiiu.
I'age Fence la erected without ex
tra cost ask J. D. t ranklln.
Wm. New waa alightly Injured
Tuesday morning by the breaking of
a wagon on which he waa riding.
The wagon belonged to Charles
Hurd and was loaded with wood.
After crossing the track the pin
which holds the bur, gave way al
lowing the wheel to slide oft. Mr.
Nell waa occupying the side ot the
seat next to the aide that went
down and struck the ground rather
Sterling silver tea spoons and sug
ar shells at Cramer Bros.' 12-18-lt
American field and stock fence
47 Inches high, which weighs 10
pounds to the rod, tor only SO cants
per rod at Halr-Rlddle Hdwe Co'a.
In buying Christmas presents one
naturally wants to go where the do
sired goods are to be found. Refer
ence to the advertising columns ot
the Courier will save Christmas
shoppers a great deal of trouble, for
the live merchants of the city use
the Courier as an adverlslng medium.
Dec. IS, Friday "Six Cups ot Choc
olate", at opera houss.
Dec. 19, Saturday The Frultdale
Grange n eon nt S P. M. at the
the Frultdale school house.
"Headquarters" tor bargains in
new and second-hand goods City
Hall building, 6th St. 12-11-tt
Pocket knives and pocket scis
sors at Cramer Bros.' 12-18-lt
A steady stream ot incomparable
values Is to be found In all depart
ments ot O'Neill's the Housefurnlsh
er. For your Holiday Shoo
ing you can find what
you want in the way of
New Walnuts and Al
monds, Oranges, Crna
tierrics, Raisins, Dates,
Currents, Figs, and say,
you can get just what
you want in Candies at
Phone 8j. Front 8t op. Depot
We received this
consisting of the latoit paterns and designs in
These goods are choice and the buying
public appreciate them to Huch an extent
'that they are going fast. See them be
fore' buying your Christmas Present.
We alsohave a nice line of
R. Mansfield - Jeweler
'Ml Ull-H I Mil 1 t'l-I-I
At Christmas is one that I
combines beauty and
f usefullness. The quali
X ties are found in ' :
Plated Silverware
and it is on this account T
that Christmas and Sil-
J. erware go so well to-
Tgether. We can offer if
you the boat selected
. . stock of Silverware in . .
; the city and invite you. ', '.
m to call and let us show
' you what we have. We
I shall be open evenings 4.
t from Saturday until I
I Cramer i
Odd Fellows Bile.
I Nickel Ware Stransky Ware J
1 1 ill1!"! MlllMllllW
Subscriptions taken for all maga
dlnes. Club offers duplicated C. H.
Demaray, druggist.
The moat complete line ot shoes
to be found is at the Sugar Plna
The nuest line of ladloa" ant
gents purses and otner leather
gootla la town at Dumaray's.
Fawlnatlng Pyrography 150 pags
lllustratod catalog No. a free.
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Portland.
Oregon. 12-11 tf
Page Fence Is the very best money
can buy or science produce. Ask J.
U. Franklin, 12-18-tf
Nickel 'plated tea and coffee pots
at Cramer Bros.' 11-18-lt
Tho store that saves you money m
the corner stone upon which O'Nelll't
the housefurnlsher's, large business
Is built.
. Grange Notice.
There will be a special meeting of
the Wllderville Orange, No. 171, oa
December 19, 1908, at 10 o'clock A.
M. for the purpose of completing ths
election of offlcera. All member!
are requested to attend.
I)y order of the Grange.
CHAS. SMITH. Master,
J. n. BUnOUGII. flec-Tra,
week a large line of