ROGUE HIVE COURII GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 11, IMS. TV Mont Just scratch a match light the Perfection Oil Heater and stop shivering. Wher ever you have a room that'i hard to heat that the fur nace doesn't reach there you'll need a PERFECTION Bmives0 (Equipped with SmokeleM Device) Just the thing for blizzard time or between seasons. It genial glowing heat make any room cheerful and cozy. No smoke A do smell smokeless device prevent, bras font holds 4 quarts of oil burning 9 hours. Fin ished in japan and nickel Every heater warranted. which is so much appreciated by worker and student. Made of bras, nickel plated with the latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. Write our nearest agency for de scriptive circular if your dealer cannot supply the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp. Standard Oil Company Incorporated) PERFECTION HEATERS And RAYO LAMPS Are for sale by HAIR-RIDDLE HARDWARE COMPANY. Continuous Performance Every Night This Week Except Sunday at the BIJOU THE FAMILY THEATRE" East Front Street ELEVATED FLOOR Doors Open at 7:15 Moving Pictures Change of Pictures Three times each Week MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Admission 10c The Development of the Remington is the History of the Writing Machine New Models 10 -a 11 -Now Ready Model 10 with Column Selector Remington Typewriter Company New York and Everywhere Oil Heater Oregon and Washington were each given a hearing before President Roosevelt's Commission on Country Lite, and expressed themselves as more than pleased with the co-operation they received in these two states. They were particularly for tunate In being enabled to meet the leading horticulturists on account of numerous fruit meetings at this sea son. The whole country is await ing the commission's report with genuine interest. NEIL & GHIFFIX Grocers Xew Stock of Groceries, Everything Clean and Fresli Canned Goods Tea and Coffee Staples Flour Fruits 310 SOUTH 6th ST. Model 11 With Built-in Tabulator 7! 1 fl 1 V l'tTrflliri . m er 1 "I I NOT AS MUCH LAND AS ADVERTISING Large Share of Umpqua Forest Reserve Appropriated Be fore Opening. The notice which the United States Land Department has given out to the effect that 91,000 acres of Forest Reserve land will be thrown open for settlement on De cember 21, 1908. and subject to en try, under the public land laws, on January 20, 1908, is being widely circulated through our leading newspapers. V. B. Sherman, the well-known timber man of Grants Pass, Ore gon, is being besieged with numer ous inquiries, both personal and by letter, as to the character and value of these lands. To keep himself well informed in regard to all timber movements, Mr. Sherman secured an abstract show ing all the vacant government lands in the tracts supposed to be opened. It shows that the government has but something like 8,500 acres to offer for entry, instead of 91,000 acres. About 82,000 acres of this tract had been disposed of before the reserve was created. It woula appear for once, at least, that our government is advertising to open for entry lands that are al ready patented. Mr. Sherman is unable to under stand why the land office offlculn should send out an advertisement stating that there are 91.000 acres In the tract to be thrown open for entry, when, as he has' been w.M in -J formed, there are only about 8,600 uuu by far te greater portion of this, is in all probability worth less. serve was created by executive or der July 1, 1908, and had all the The Umpqua National ForeBt Re lands within the exterior boundaries jeen a part of the reserve, would have contained about 91,-00 acres. But it must be remembered that the Umpqua valley was settled many, many years ago and during the last 60 years, it has been searched, as with a fine-toothed comb, for lands worth settling upon. This settle ment, taken with the fact that every alternate section was included in the grant made to the railroad at the time of its building, has reduced the area by something over 82,000 acres. This leaves less than 8.500 acres, and It Is probable that the majority of this was left because of Its worthlessness. There can be, thanks to Mr Sher man, no question as to the advis ability of the government excluding these 8500 acres from the National Forest Reserve. It is a necessity to have our reserves thoroughly pa trolled by government fire rangers to prevent forest fires. To patrol .. viOO a -ers, principally worth less lands, scattered over eight townships would require a small army ot rangers. Common sense would tell anyone who stopped to think of the matter that, If there were any c nslderable areas of timber or fruit land avail able for entry, the tens of thous ands of inhabitants of (he I'mpqua Valley would quickly locate on them. Inasmuch, however, as there is really such a small amount of land to be opened for entry and this land of so little probable value, It would really be doing an Injustice to the public to allow to be published broadcast statements to the effect that 91,000 acres of land will be thrown open for entry, when but 8500 acres are to be opened. On account of the great publicity given the notice in the newspapers. North, South, East and West, It )s believed, and the belief Is founded upon the large number of Inq uiries received, that a large number of per sons throughout the L'nlted States have probably left their homes, ijiven up their positions, and sold their little all, to go and se. ure a home In the free lands offered them by the government in the I'mpqua Forest Reserve. No doubt, these combined losses will run up Into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. These losses as a rule, will be bourne by citizens of the United States whose circum stances compel them to make a liv ing for themselves and their famll e by their bands, but who are anx ious to better their condition. It would appear that each and everyone of them would have reason to compialn in that the United States government allows to be cir culated, through the leading news papers of the country, statements which are misleading. The adver tisement referred to creates the Im pression that the land, which will be thrown open to entry, la In the solid block of about 91,000 acres In stead ot only a few forties and eighties, and on occassional quarter section, scattered through eight townships unoccupied because of their probable worthiessness. If these lands were valuable, why were they not filed upon during all the long years previous to last July, at which time this reserve was created? Does it not appear, in this in stance, that the government Is do ing not only an Injustice to the thousands ot persons who will be disappointed when they learn the character and Buiall amount ot land which is to be thrown open, but an injustice to the state of Oregon? Will not these hordes ot people when they come here and see the lands, surely be disgusted aud say: "Let us return from whence we came," thus giving this fair state a black eye from which she will be a long time recovering. "E. O. DaWitt A Oo., Chicago. Ill Gentlemen In 1897 I hsd a di of the stouiaob and bowels. In the spring of 113 I bought a bottle of Kodol and the benefit I reoeived all the gold in Oeorgia coo Id not bay. May you lite long aud prosper. Yours very truly, O. N. Cornell Bod ing, G., Aug. 37, 1906." Sold by Model Drag Stota. 8-4 tf Free Homes. 92,000 acres of timber and agri cultural land in the Umpqua Forest Reserve, Oregon, to be opened to entry January 20, 1909. Not all ot these lands are vacant. For lists, bluo print maps with vacant lands marked thereon and full Informa tion regarding filing, etc., send S2 ,o Koseburg Abstract Company, Rose burg, Oregon. 12-4-4t Don't tail to Keep your eye on the south window of llie - Hair-Riddle Hdwe Co. where the autom;n suc tion sale Is going on. A Common Cold. We claim that if catching cold could be avoided soma of the nrnat dangerous and foul iHhum would never be heard of. A old often forms a culture bed for genua ot infectious dirwajtea. (VinBlinintinn nn,ii. monia, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four of me mm uangeroui and fatal diwaeee, are ol tliinclaas. The culture bed formed by the .-old favors the development of the gernis of :hese dieeaaea, (hat would not otherwise find exigent. There la little danger, however f ailV of thaaa diaMeiM hein nonlra,-,' hen a good expectorant coii(h uiedicim ike Chamberlain i Cough Reaimlv is iimmI. It cleans out theae culture beds tint favo he development of Ilia (arms of theee il- ea. That ia why this remedy baa prnv, o universally luoreeeful in preventing h monia. It not onlv-urea Tour eoM mini 'nit miniiuites the rink of contracting llier JangrroiM diaeawa. h or sale bv M. Clemrre Excursion to the City of Mexico. On Tuesday, December lDth, the Southern Pacific Company will run an excursion train from San Francis co to the City of Mexico and return Tickets may be purchased at Grants Pass for this excursion for 193.40, round trip, first-class, with stop over privileges, limited to return February 15th. Come and see me about this trip If you contemplate making It or write to me and I will go and see you or send a man. Mr. W. II. Jenkins of the General Pass enger Agent's office, Portland, Ore., will MRU take pleasure in seeing you about this trip, or Mr. Fmll Pell of Ashland will arrange all details. R. K. MONTGOMERY, 11-13 5t Agent S. P. Co. NOTICE FOR PURIFICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oreegon, Sept. 8, 1908. Notice is herebv given thnt FRANK FROMM. Tf CM Sheridan St.. Spokane, Wash, who, on September 8, 1908, made Sworn Statement No. 01174, for SWV4 NWV, WVi SWVi and 8E Vi SWVj Sec. 34 Tp. 34 S., R. 7 West, Willamette Meridian, and has filed notice of Intention to make final proof to eslalillsh claim to the land above described, before Register and Receiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on the 24th day of February, 109. Claimant names as witnesses: Aim on l.awler, of I. eland, Oregon, Frank Lawler, of l.eland, Oregon, John Penner, of Heron, Montana, Louis Fades, of Merlin, Oregon. UENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land OtfiVe. Roeebnrg, Ore , Sept. 80, 1908. Notice is herery given tl at EENJAMINO. MA8HBURN, of Portland, Multnomah Oounfv, Oregon, who, oo September 80, 11 18, made Timber and Stone Application No. OliyiT, for W' of the E'a aud the E of the SW,'4, section 1, Town- sinp 41 Booth, Mange V mwt, willa mette Meridian, has filed notice of in t-ntion to make Final Timber aud Stone Proof, to eafalilih claim to the land arwive described, before Jo'eph M s, U. 8. Commissioner, at Oratita Pax. Oregon, on the IVih day of De cember, 111. Claimant namei as witnesses: Car- Urti E. Harmon, of Grant" Pans, Joa i biuH Co., O'e., Frank M. South, of Grants Paw, Josephine Co., Ore., Jamea Swearlnger of Grants Paas. Jwephine Co., Ore.. Ezra M. Al bright, of Waldo, Josephine Co.. Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, t Register. I SUMMONS. j In the circuit court of the state ot uregon, tor josepnne county. Leroy A. Palmer, Plaintiff ,) ) Lucy J. Palmer Defendant, ) To Lucy J. Calmer, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear In the above entitled court and cause on cr be fore six weeks from the date ot the first publication of this sum mons, which first date ot publica tion Is Friday, December 4, 1908, and the last date of said publlcaclon and the last day for your appear ance and answer Is Wednesday, Jan uary 15, 1909. and If you fall to ap pear and answer within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, vis: for a de cree dissolving the bonds ot mat rimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defend ant, and granting the plaintiff an absolute divorce against the defend ant , and for such other and further relief as Is equitable., , This summons Is published In the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper ot general circulation published at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Or egon, by order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county Judge for Josephine ccounty, Oregon, made and dated Decembor 3, A. D. 1908, requlriug publication ot tills summons lu said newspaper for a period of six sue cesslve weeks, and the mailing of the summons and copy of the com plaint to the defendant at your res idence and post office address at Trinidad, Humboldt county, Cali fornia. 11. D. NORTON. Atoruey for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. Lvlna Nahoor, Plaintiff, ) vs. ) JosephNahbor, Defendant) In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Josephine C :unty. In the name of the state ot Ore gon, you are nereby summoned and required to appear In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Jo sephine county In the above en titled suit, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this sumons, and bofore the expiration of the time ot said pub lication thereof, which date ot first publication Is Friday, November 27, A. D. 1908, and which last date ot publication Is Friday, January 8, A. D. 1909, and then and there answer or otherwise plead In said suit. And It you fall to answer or other wise plead within the . time afore said, the plaintiff will apply to tue court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, vis.: for a decree dis solving the bonds ot matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as Is equita ble. This summons Is published In the Rogue River Courier, a newspaper of general circulation published at Grants Pass In Josephine county, Oregon, by order of Hon. Stephen Jewell, county judge tor said county, dated November 27, 1908, and re quiring publication of said summons for a period of six successive weeks. H. D. NORTON, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOU PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I. S. l and Office at Rouihtirr, Or August 4, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that JAMES J. WALSH, of Spokane, Wasn , who, on Aigi;st 3d, 1908, made Jwuim State ment No. 0B56, for the E '4 SV '4 and W 4 8E4. Sec. . Tp. 3t S R. 7 W., Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of his Intention to make filial proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, at Roseburg, Ore Ion, on the 7th day of February, 109. Claimant names as witnesses: Alpheus N. Crouch, of Grants Pass, Ore., Almoti l.awler, of l.eland, Ore., John Maloney of Spokane, Wash., John Penner, of Heron, Mont. UENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. V. H. Land Oflloe. Roseburg. Ore., Jnlv 24. 1908. Notice i hrehv given Hint W1LLAHD, of Ashland, Jackson Cnonty, Oregon, who on July 28, 1908. made T'niber an1 Stone Application, No. 0437, for NS'ofNW-l and nWy of NW and NWlf nf 8W.i. S-ction 22, Towusilip 84 Soath, Range 6 west Willamette, Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention 'o make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to establish claim to the laud above described, b'-fore Regiatur and Receiver at Roaeburg, Oregon, on the 80th day of January IVoU. Claimant names aa witnesses: Oeorgs Shearer of Aabland, Jackson Countv, Oregon, Louis Htelnbaob, of Roaeburg, Dougla county, Oregon. Thomaa Luster, ol Rom burg, Douglas county, On gon, Thomas Taplln, of Roaeburg, Dooglas coontT, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Kogister, NOTICE FOR PUBL'CATION. Department of tbe Interior. U. 8. Land Office at Ro-wKurg, Ore. August 13, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that JOHN W. WILSON, of Portland, Oregon, who, on August 12, 190k, made sworn etatimr.t No. 0761, for Northwest quarter(NW ) Sec. 2C. Tp. 4 0 S. R. 5 V". V. K , has filed notice of Inte-j'-l in to final proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Ri glH ter and Receiver at Roseburg, Ore , on the 11th Day of February, 1909, Claimant names as wltneies: Frank Cain, ot Riddle, Ore., W ill A. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., ('.nasi') J Freeman, of Holland, Ore. .Frank J. Leonard, of Kerby, Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register NOTICE FOR PHBLICATION. Timber Lind. Act June 8, 1878. Kosebnrg. Ore., Hay 7, 1908. Notice is hereby given That In oompllaaoe with the provislous of the Act of Congress of Jous 8, 1878, en titled "An Aot for the sale of Timber Lands to the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all Publlo Laud States by an act of Aogost 4, 1892, WILLIS D. PALMER of 574 Nehalem Ave., Portland County of Multnomah, Slate of Ore., gon, tiled in this oflloe on April 11, 1908, bis sworn statement No. 10004 for the purchase of the N WSEU 8W SE SW SW4- of Section No 14 iu Towuahfp No. 89 Soath of Range No 8 West W. M. Or, and will offer proof to show that the land sought is mure valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural pnrooaea, and to establish his claim to said land before the Kenixter aud Receiver of llili office, st Roseburg, Oregon, on Friday the ltHli day of December, 1908. He names as witesses: Ira'A. Mar tin, of Holland, Ore., Fred ll. Whit Held, of Portland, Oregon, Edward H. Sutton, ot Portland, Oregon, J. S. Bailey, of Ashlaud, Oregon, Charles Tomer, of Holland, Orvgon. Harry Silver, Ashlaud, Oregon. Any and all perons claiming ad versely the above described lands are req oented to file their elaima in this office on or before said 18th day of December, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Aot June I, 1878. Roseburg, Ore., Msy N, 1008. Nelioe ia hereby gives, That in compliance with Iha provislona of the Aot of Congress, of J use 8. 1878, entitled "An Aol for the isle of Tim ber Lauds iu the Htata of Califo nla, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter ritory," as exteuded to all Public Land States by au act ot August 4, 1899, LAURA B. OREUORT of Athlnod, county of Jaoksoo, fllale of Oregon filed In this office on May 9, 1908, her sworn statement No. 10038 for the pnrchaae of the North east quarter of Section No. 83 In Town ship No. 84 Sooth of Hangs No. 5 Weat W. M., Ore.. ao1 will offer poof to show that the land songlit is more valuable for its timber or stuns than for agrlooltoa! purposes, and to establish his claim to said land be fore the Register and Receiver of this office at Roaeburg, Oregon, oa Thurs day, the 7th day of Jaanary, 1W0H. She names as vltoesee: Ueurge E. Shearer, of Ashland, Ore , Thomas E. Luster, of Hoseborg, Ore., Louis Stelnbaoh, of Roseburg, Ore., Louis Stalnbach, of Rorteborg. Ore., Benjamin O. .VoUtK."? Rueunrg, Ore. Aa aod all persons claiming ad versely the above dnaorlbed lauds are requested to file their claim In this office on or before said 7th dar of January, 1909. BENJAMIN L. KDDx, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud, Act Jone 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore.. Msy 9, 1008. Notice I, hereby aiven that in com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of Jone 8, 18,8, entitled "An act for Iba aale of timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Tfrritory." as attended to all the Poblin Land Slates by act of August 4, 1894, ADOLF HCHULZ, of Portland, county of Mulnomab, tstate or uresnn, nled in this office, Fouroary 1, 1W08, liia sworn statement No PHH9, fur the purchase of the of SEi, the NEVj of SEti and HE4' cf NEy of Hwtlou No. to. In Town ship No. 40 S, Rang No. 8 Weat, w. M. aud will offer proof to show that ths land eonght la more valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricul tural purpose, and to antahliah bis olsiin to said land before Register and Receiver at Hooeburg, Oregon, on rnnay, tne sin ilav or December. 1008. He names as witnenaea: JauieafH. Bailey of Ashland, Oregon, Harry Silver, of A'hland, Oregon, David Kuratli of Portland, Oregon, Ira A, Martin, of Portland, Oregon. Any and all pereotie olalmiug ad veritily the ahove-deearlhed lands are reqaestd file their damn in this of tine no or b-fore aald 4th day of De cember, 1901 BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOT1CF FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, A"t June 8, 1878. Roaeburg, Ore., Msy H, 1W08. Notice Is hereby given that iu com pliance with the provisions of the act of Congreas of June 8, IM7N, entitled "An ai t of the aale of timber lauds in Iha Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada aod Washington Territory," as extended to all the Poblio Laud States by aot of August 4, 1892, JOHN O, MEIZ, of Roaeburg. oooaty of Douglas, Stats of Oregon, filed in this office April 14, iwm, tin sworn statement Mo. ltJ37, for the pnrchaae of the BE'i NWV, N E.'-j SW' and N' 8E of Heotion No. ili in Township No. 4 Range No. SWeetrW. M. and will offer proof to show thai Ihs land sought Is mors valuable for Its timber or atone than for agricultural pnrpoaee, and So establish his claim to aald land before Register and Receiver at Rosebirg, Ore., 00 Friday, the 8tb day of Jauoary, l&ov. Ha names as witneeeet B. W. Strong, of Roaeborg, Ore., W. D. Bell of Roaeborg, Ore., Artbnr L. Roadman of Roaeburg, Ore., H. A. Sauford, of Koeehurg, Ore Any and all pereoria claiming ad versely the aoove described lands are rwiofsted to Die their claims in tola office on or before halri Nth day of Jan uary, ISM BENJAMIN L. EDDY. Register. Kennedys Laxative Cooih Syrop acts gently upon the bowels aud there bv drivta the eold fnf e t'i ev t-rn 1 field by Mo'e! I) sg t- e. 1 i