Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 11, 1908, Image 7

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Copyright IMS. br F. E. Trtf. This
natter muit not be reprinted without
- special permission.
A friend makes Inquiry as to the
wMom of purchasing land as far west
U Martin county, Tex, which the map
hows to be about a hundred miles
rest of the one hundredth meridian.
Generally speaking, the ninety-ninth
Bsridlan Is accepted as the agricul
tural "dead line," west of which there
la little use to break up the soil for
fflhife purposes. A glance at any clrll
sap of the United States will show
fcow uniformly the western tide of set
tlement has stopped at this line, as
bown by the location of towns. As
Indicated In this way, It Is seen to run
tn almost a direct line from the north
rn boundary of North Dakota through
to southern Texas. It Is true that dur
ing the past six or seven ynars the
rainfall has been sufficiently heavy, so
that fair success In purely agricultural
pursuits has been bad on lands lying
quite a distance west of this line, while
the breaking up of considerable areas
may have had a modifying effect on
drought conditions. Rut a cycle of dry
years Is quite likely to come, and It is
conditions which will prevail In such
seasons that the land seeker should
take not of If he has In mind purchas
ing a permanent farm home. The ear
marks of this dry country, which is not
lacking In fertility, but In moisture,
re buffalo grass, sagebrush and cac
tus. Where herbage of this kind
bounds more conclusive evidence is
furnished of the unwisdom of purchas
ing for tillage purposes than in any
"spiel" the agent may make, unless, In
deed, Irrigation Is possible, when the
I situation Is entirely altered. The in-
vesting of from S2.000 to Sfl.000 or
(.17,000 In a quarter section of land Is a
' serious move as well as an Important
one for the man of limited means who
has had to work hard for his ssvlngs.
The step should be taken only after
thorough, sober and careful Investiga
tion. Better a fellow should spend
t00 acquainting himself thoroughly
wtth prospective land purchase than
to boy in haste and And out later that
he has been deceived and swindled.
. An Interesting fact noted by a lead
ing Western educator, State Superin
tendent Bishop of Nebraska, who Is a
pioneer in the field of agricultural edu
cation In the rural schools, Ls the prom
inent part which lady county superin
tendents of schools sre taking in the
Mttter of Introducing thene subjects
Into the courses of study In the schools
nder their charge. One Nebraska
lady superintendent has 700 children
at work In agricultural classes, while
ee residing In a southern Iowa coun
ty haa issued s special bulletin dealing
jrrth practlcsl scientific agricultural
Subjects. Some Idea of the Interest
which the depart ment of public In
struction In Nebraska la taking In this
tins of work may be gained from the
fact that arrangements have been
made by Mr. Bishop to hold the con
ventions of the Nebraska Boys' Agri
cultural society snd the Nebraska
Girls' Domestic Science association m
Omaha during the national corn expo
sition, which. It Is estimated, will be
attended by 3,000 boys snd girls of the
WhOe the numerous forest Dree
which raged la so many states during
September and October are deplorable
from almost etery point of view. It ls
mere than likely that they will serve
real mission la calling the attention
f the people of the country to the
, knmedUte necessity of the Inaugura
tion of radical and vigorous measures
. for the protection and conservation of
the nation's rapidly diminishing forest
resources, which will Include not only
J the planting of new areas to forest
j trees, but the petrolling of present na
tional and state reserves In such man-
ner aa to prevent or at least greatly
decrease the enormous losn-a which
have resulted In the present year from
the one cause of forest fires. This les
son of forest preservation Is one that
we are very slow to learn as s people.
emtly experience such as we have
had the present year being alout the
only way It could be effectively Im
The draft horse that has been work
ing hard all summer sometimes pets
stocked up and out of condition when
the slack season arrives as s result of
too little exercise aud tci much feed
ing Much the same condition Is apt to
prevail In the rsei- of the man of mid
dle ape wh after many years of etren
nons outdoor life with the vigorous ap
Ptlte whl-'h this type of life has d
Teioped sells or rents his farm and
conies to town and has little to do be
ats -s the light chores sbout the house
and sometimes not that In both cases
ttc only safeguard ls a m iterlal reduc
tion In the bill of fare and taking of a
good bit of exercise every day, even If
t la nothing more than walking.
Bismarck's Drink.
The mixture of dark beer and cham
pagne, which was for a long time Bis
marck's favorite drink, was the result
of a mistake on the part of a servant
who Inadvertently poured champagne
Into a stone drinking cup tlint had al
ready been half filled with beer. The
drink tickled the palate of the greut
German, aud the servant's error
brought him a reward. New York
In the Na me of the Law.
A mayor In Tarls finished a marriage
ceremony recently with the words
"You are united." The wedding party
had Just left when he remembered that
he had omitted part of the formula
and that consequently the marriage
was Invalid. He promptly opened the
window and shouted after them, "I
say, you know it ls In the name of the
law that you are united." rarla Cor
respondence. Problem- In Political Economy.
"It's no use." said the young man
with heavy rimmed eyeglasses. "1
can't get this political economy
"What's the trouble?" asked the pro
"I can't discover whether a lot of
people go broke because we have bard
times or whether we have hard times
because a lot of people go broke."
Washington Star.
His Company.
Mark Twain, meeting Charles Guth
rie, a prominent British lawyer, in Vi
enna, asked him If he smoked.
"Sometimes, when I am In bad com
pany," was the reply.
After a pause came a second ques
tion, "You're a lawyer, aren't you.
Mr. Guthrie?"
"I am, Mr. Clemens."
"Ah, then, Mr. Guthrie, you must be
a very heavy smoker!"
On a Camel.
The sensation of riding on the back
of a camel has been likened to that
which would be felt by mounting a
stool placed on a sprlngless enrt driv
en over a plowed field. I found It all
that and more. Next to walking bare
toot in chains, riding on camel back ls.
In the eyes of tho Moors, the worst
degradation they can put upon their
prisoners. -Grey's "In Moorish Cap
tivity." How to Brighten Old Mahogany.
If your mahogany looks grayish and
grimy don't be afraid to give it a good
bath. Housewives do not realize the
value of soap and water on old ma
hogany. It cleans the wood ns noth
ing else does. Take a bowl or a
bucket of warm water Into which has
been put a tahlespoonful or more of
olive oil and a few shavings of cnstllo
Use a suft sponge or a fresh piece
of cheesecloth. Wring it out In tho
water, so that you will not ruin thu
carpet or the floor. Oo Into all the
crevices of the carvings with tho
cheesecloth wrapped about a small
pointed stick.
Be sure that every piece of the wood
Is dried with fresh cheesecloth or a bit
of soft flannel.
How to Curs Blisters on Feet.
Blisters of the fort, usually at tho
heel, are due to friction by rough shoes
ir wrinkled stockings. The fluid should
be allowed to escape through a minute
bole, made by the point of a sterilized
needle, and the skin left In place. To
avoid these blisters the shoes should
ho well fitting slid the stockings quite
smooth. Before starting out on a lone
tramp dust the feet with this powder:
Burnt alum. .1 rr."m: salicylic acid.
2'-- grams: ttar-h, in grams; talcum
powder. 50 grams.
How to Stuff s Turkey.
Make a stnfDng for turkey of a large
cupful of crumbs, seasoning with pars
ley, sweet marjoram and thyme and
moisten with melted butter. Chop
twenty small oysters tine and mix with
the drcsslii!; If yon prefer you may
leave the ojMel-s whnle With till
srurflns flit the lirst f the turkey.
Lawyer -Are you er-er-truthful J
Youth-Yes, sir, but I ain't so blamed !
truthful as ter Interfere with your I
Conduced by
J. W. DARROW. ChtlbMn. N. Y
Prat Corrtnndrnt AVic Yxk Stat
Some Suggestions That May Bs Useful
to Grange Officer.
The Importance of u: IM.k; time and
t'uc etr?v.i,-;in. e of allow in-; It to ro
to waste are well stated ly Jennie
Bne'.! of Michigan, in which the fol
lowing reasons for time running to
waste are stated:
When the trance i not called to or
der on time be. aasc some oilicer or
leading person Is i:ot present.
When the stewards distribute badges,
song books, etc. after the gavel has
fallen Instead of before.
While tie chorister selects son;
after they are called for.
While i lie secretary sliullles his pa
pers over or stops to write a receipt
after the n: .lor of re:.iKn - the minutes
Is reached
When n committee audits o bill or
passes upon an : t ; ' ; 1 ! i alien for mem
bership after reports of committees
are called.
When business that trhrht be refer
red to committee Is transacted by the
grange, especially with prolonged dis
cussion. When members speak upon questions
that have not been brought properly
before tho grange by motion.
When n grunge stands still while the
paraphernalia and decorations are
gathered and prepared for Initiation.
When members are allowed to wan
der In discussion In the lecture hour.
When matters foreign to the time or
place lire Introduced and delay the
closing past the time fixed"
Grange Deputies In Michigan and How
Thry Are Compensated.
The compensate n of the grange dep
uties In Ml l.l.aa is figured on a lib
eral basis. r.:h h ; range pays the or
ganizing deputy !?- '. of which $lj goes
for the oh.tiior. hen by application
of a series of hot! lies, oil'ero I by the
state j.'in":.i'. If the or; Toing deputy
reports f, r-.n r he i -eiies $j-j for
each, and In l":e : rn-'vi! r. porlloii
for ten gr.'.i ... !:. v. Ill rei fj-i each.
Then there I a gr.rul pt Ise of $100 to
any depti y vim w '.11 organize aud In
struct tcT-iie granges during the
year. Aiw hi , rder t; Increase their
efforts to get the full twenty-five the
deputies are given a repetition of the
prises for tho second ten granges. So
that for twenty granges they would
receive $.v.M. and for twenty-five
granges, which would entitle them to
the grand prize of $100, they would
receive $720. The deputy must get In
his charter list n sutlicletit number to
warrant taking the $5 of the money
from the charter momtiors for his own
servtcu). Thus It provides a safeguard
against a iharter membership so small
as to make them weaklings. It Is esti
mated that the charter list should not
be less thau twenty-live In order to
warrant the taking of the five dollnr
fee. This liberal payment of the depu
ties will account largely for the mark
ed Increase In the number of granges
In Michigan during tho past few years.
A Worthy Exhibit.
There have been numerous grange
exhibits nt county fairs this season,
and It Is a ,ood sign. Perhaps one of
tho most Interesting of these was at
the Hudson fair. Columbia county,
when I.ltnleiiwc.ld grange of Kinder
hook exhibited Ml varieties of fruits,
vege tables, grains, (lowers, nuts and
cnnntsl fruits. They exhibited 50 va
rieties of apples, l!l of grapes, 12 of
penis. 2i of vegetables. 17 of flowers
; and 17 of canned fruits. This grango
' won the first prize of J lo. Gcrmnu
1 towu range exhibited VM varieties, of
! which Hi wre apples. US of pears nnd
22 of grnpes. nnd won $:0. Claverack
grange exhibited (17 varieties, among
! which were 1!) varieties of cucumbers.
14 of beets and 10 of beans. Living
ston grange had 37 varieties. These
two granges were awarded $ 10 each.
Per Cent
Just as the holiday sea
son is cominp on we aro
offering a '20 per cent
discount on all
This is a bona fide dis
count sale and wo havo
ono of tho fines' lines of
these roods in Southern
Oregon Apain we call
your attention to the
other lines in this store
and cordially invite joa
to call and investigate.
Hall's Art Store
Store Telephone lool
KehidciH e Telephone luVl
The Essay Exchange.
Two or three of the state lecturers
at least have established recently what
Is called an "essay exchange." Es
says en various topics suitable to be
read In grange meetings nre written
and loaned to granges that may bo In
need of such material. The Idea Is a
good one, and yet the essay exchange
should not be allowed to take the place
of essays or papers written by mem
bers of the grange. However, tho Int
ter may be consulted, ami essays w hich
It furnishes may be occasionally used
to help out n programme where there
may bo but few who feel themselves
qualified to prepare papers.
A Vote For Direct Primaries.
(Jenesee (X. Y.) foinona grange mot
Oct. !) with an attendance of about
200. The subordinate granges of that
county reported n total membership of
2.270. The following resolution was
adopted: "Itesolved, That we demand
direct voting at the primaries and here
by direct our delegates at the next
sl.ile grange meeting to do nil 111 their
power to effect the passage of such a
law." The lieu mooting will be held
at liatavl.i on I eo. 17.
feijjbroUc , . u.ii. r.dge, was
'-iLtmlcd In the fo.:i teenili .enlury by
Ilia widow i., A. Iher ile Vuieuee, earl
f I'eiubroWe. I-'ew f (Hindu! i ins In Ihig
ci:: I haxi i ecu h: eio:.e!y connecte 1
with the revival of learning urn the
f rum at Inn or ha ve produced so many
ilistingnisheil iilumnl from a unall so
clety. Edmund Spenser published
promising poems when nn undergrade
ale here, and ilray migrated to Pem
broke from rowdy relerhouse William
I'ltt when at Pembroke associated
chiefly with the dons, from whom ho
Is alleged to have learned Hint partiali
ty for port wine which enabled hlui to
"see two speakers," but rhorteued Ills
existence. Westminster t!s7ette.
Filiil Love.
Thai's a pathetic story of the Oour
don fishing boat crew. The Ucurdon
boat was manned by a father and his
four sous. When the boat sank throe
of the latter went with her. The old
man got an oar, and soon the fourth
son appeared by his side. Put the oar
could support only one, and the lad.
taking In the situation at once, bade
his parent farewell In the words,
"Wool, weel, falthcr, I maun Jlst
awn'," and sank. Only readers famil
iar with the northern dialect will fully
appreciate the depth of kindly resig
nation and true feeling which the
words denote. The father endured ter
rlble sufferings, but was ultimately
picked up. "Greater love hath no man
than this." Westminster Curette.
Ml ,
Tradi Marks
Copyright Ac
Anvnn nr1!nf ft ih1rh nd rtMMiintlon mmf
Hitch It MftfrtAiti cur t mm ton ft whMhw an
tnvettrion It prohaMy pimaM. ('tmmiunlr.
tioiitrtci1rvnfMntlal. HANDBOOK on Haunt
imt tr. OMNrt anf t fur tH'tiriiif patanta.
rim taBen tnrvuen muhu m I
p-tai , without oliirv, la th
Scientific American.
A hanrttnmtitr Ulnatratd waeklf. Inrwat et
dilation if anr aoiantiflo loumal. Tar-nia. 11 a ;
rr : four month, II ImM bf all nawadaaJara,
gCo."' New York
OSee, M r St. WMkltutoa. a
From Now P
All Suits and Pants at Harth's, the
For Less
Than Cost
All other Goods in thestore will be sold
at prices in proportion.
Just the place to buy a suitable
Christmas gift and save money.
Ufic Clothiers
! Santa Glaus' Vain Search ;
fv v M TV f
I City
Thf old i;itron Snint of j
Cln'itiiins t'mn' cannot
find in all his trtivd.- a
hotter meat or poultry
mart .than at Ahlf's City
Meat Market.
T f ,1 HP
lour or the lounst
REMARKABLE event in the history of automobiledom was the tour of
more than thirty Tourist cars from Los Angcles to Sau Francisco and return,
August 1 2th to 22d, 1 908, carrying 94 men, women and children.
This tour differs radically from any previous automobile run in that practically
every car was operated by its owner instead of a professional driver, thus demonstrating
simplicity and ease of operation, and proving forcibly that the Tourist is an owner's
car so simple in operation and meciianism as to enable the novice to negotiate the
severest test to which an automobile could be put.
This morc-than-a-thousand-mile-run was successfully accomplished without mishap
or accident, and will live long in the annals of automobiledom as a glowing testimonial
to mechanical genius and constructional ability.
Phone 144
Meat MarKet
J H AHLf , Prop
7 e. V"
Tee Trp "K" Tesri Cm, tfist powerful v6f
Vtmtmt SIMM wluck lie i i Mrh M en nab U ijii
rif. pe lew yef, a a twv-cjhadtt u el leoiufcakle
hi ueeaieLaui m Sm iwj ecaae tl anipRcSj, mt k
HrMrlaHS ken eeaad h k iitwi we-ld-wide
TVs) est. kaeoMr Inuhed in a
cWe mi Um c.Un-2i H. P.
trt raiia meenbls linens, ii
yn It Ls. AefeUe.
TarrM Can an esrerad bf e eery
EUrat fuaranan. aal era Uetorr
ctaai allodia re(UaielpeitiiB(aif.
(irants 1'ai-s
TKe Trp "O" Tomwl RoerUr, r.i.jeii ae mi
eaftua poml ia fwe-rvhnT eSimfAe maraerioa.
All tKe lee'urei el ike now 1. moui awy4el " K e-a heat
kWadnl ante ike fry, caa bn ok (he ki. aracal
frthmi oe ae sutWl ledir eas eeneeie emrebl
I well llie hre "O" lot .0 mod
emneeeaJke, ayla, naVbtTilf aael W
P"nTU m (4 I fiwlr !rtt4J
mrek ea mm mfm Im 1300.
k raaiKle seat oe tnmk. $IU(
mi wM, dooKle md irtl amai as
ieet.tl3. F. O. a Lee AaasU