ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS. OREGON, DECEMBER IhJM w. c. t. r. At the ChrlHtian Citizenship rneot ing Friday, an IntereiHIng program was given, convlBting of Instrumen tal inutile, recitations and readings. The L. T. L. met at 4 o'clock and an InHtructlve and pleasant session was held with the little tots. The next meeting will be held In the W. O. W. hall on Sixth street at 2:30. The subject is "Mercy and K-ni:ue," and Mrs. Graham will have charge. Let every member be pres ent and help to make the meetln" the best we have yet held. The L. T. Ij. meets In the same place at 4 o'clock. Five reaons for belonging to the First National Bank - of Southern Oregon Grant! Pad, Oregon Borne of the Service that a Bank Renders the Public DEPOSITS The safest and simplest way of keeping your money In by depositing it in a Kelialila Hank. This Hank receive De posits nutiject Ui Check, or on demand Certlticatn of dcjxmit or on time Certificates of Deposit. On time deposit we pay 4 PER CENT INTEREST DRAFTS The tHt and cheapest way to transfer money Ii liv Hank Draft. W ell Drafts payable In all parts of the country. LOANS One of the most Impor tant unctions of the Kink. We endeavor to supply all reasonable needs of our customers. Capital and Snrplns $75,000 Stockholders' Additional! Responsibility $30,000 OFFICERS L. B. Hall, President J. (!. CitttrssLL, Vice-Pres. ii. L. Ou.xiT, Casbisr K. K. Hiciitt, Asst. CkwhiOT W. C. T. U. 1. Because we believe that the saloon and Its allies are the greatest obstacles which lie in the way of the triumph of Christ and HIb church la the world. 2. Because there is a stultifying lethargy on the part of the average church member regarding the evils of the saloon, and a disposition to evade responsibility. 3. Because, while the evil of the saloon Is almoBt universally acknow ledged by the churches, yet there are weapons which must be wielded against the saloon before it Is abol ished which now cannot be freely advocated under the auspices of the church without dissension, which would be deplorable to many, even of our white rlbboners. 4. Because the W. C. T. U. wipes out denominational lines In Christ ian work against this common foe to all, and realizes the Savior's prayer that "they all may be one." 5. Because the Woman's Christ ian Temperance Union stands for the ecclesiastical emancipation of woman. Wanted A Christian Citizenship. L. V. Addlton. Christian Citizenship Is to get the nation on the Lord's side. Never in our history have we faced issues fraught with more vital importance. We arc compelled to face the fact that, with our highest tribunal con trolled by unscrupulous combines of capitalists, with vile men placed In many public offices; with courts and grand Juries shielding the wrong doer; with Jails for the man who steals bread and acquittal for the man who steals millions; with gov ernment legalizing, protecting 250 000 saloons, sending from 60,000 to 1 00,000 souls Into drunkards grave yeirly and governmental sanction to ship-loads of liquor sent to heathen lands; with a traffic in girls which would disgrace any people or country; with thousands of the young manhood of America swear ing, smoking, heading straight for the gambling den, the brothel, and the saloon; with an Industrial war fare which Is making bitter enmity between capital and labor, a public press given over largely to party worship; a pulpit often too timid to speak out boldJy against public sin; with all this array of undisputed fact, it is too evident that, unless these evils are checked the life of need and what Ibrlstian Citizen ship will bring about, is a legislature where every official will Join voice and heart in opening Its every ses sion with a united petition begin ning "Our Father." We need an ac tive working Christianity. When we pray "Thy Kingdom Come," we need that prayer worked out by votes of righteous men. The child who became alarmed and grieved when she found out her brother had set a trap to catch birds, illustrated the grand principle which should ac tuate the citizen when he sees the traps set to catch the souls of men. When the child was asked what she did about it she said, "I prayed that the traps might not catch the birds." "Anything else?" , "Yes, I prayed that the Lord would not let any birds get into the traps and then I Just kicked the traps all to pieces, I did." Hope, pray, work, vote that the Christian Citizenship movement may dominate the elections. Krdmaii-tiuthrie. Adolph Erdman, a wealthy farmer of Wllloro City, N. D., and Winifred Guthrie of Stady, N. D., were united in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. M. L. Holey at the Lutheran parsonage In Wllllston N. D., at 10 o'clock, Thanksgiving day. The bride was attended by her sister and the groom by Paul Field. The bride belongs to one of the oldest and most prominent families In Carroll county, Indiana. She Is a graduate of the Holy Angeles Academy, of Loganport, Indiana. She is generally endowed with these accomplishments which constitute to domestic happiness. For the last four years she has been a suc cessful and popular public school teacher in Carroll county, Ind., Grants Pass, Oregon and McHenry county, N. D. The happy couple expect to re side on the bride's homestead, four miles west of Stady, until August 1, beautiful home near Willow City. 1908, then reemove to the groom's The newly wedded pair have the best wishes of their many friends for a long, prosperous and happy life together. MEIUJX OOKKESPOXUEXCE. There'll 'Be Something Doing in Merlin Very Soon. An election will be held in this town on the 19th to vote on the proposition of building a new brick school house to be used for high school purposes. The present build ing is somewhat antiquated, but has been tolerated tor some years In the hopes that the town would soon be In position to support a structure that would be a credit to a city of larger proportions. H. E. Gale, the recent purchaser of the Crow ranch at Hellgate, has received a carload of horses and machinery and will put in 50 acres of Tokay grapes and 35 acres of ap ples and pears. His new four-horse team is said to beat anything in Jo- sechlne county. About 30 acres of the land that Is to be planted is yet to be cleared, and this will give em ployment to many of the Idle men who are in the district at present. Merlin Is banking on the irriga tion project which is being talked of up in Grants Pass. There Is a large body of fine land here which only needs water to make it the best In the world. The Flannigan ranch, consisting of "20 acres, recently owned by Mrs. Chas. ui. Shcrt, has been sold to Omaha parties, who Intend to Im prove it by clearing and planting to fruit trees end then sell In small tracts, fho same parties also pur chased the McCasslin ranch of 240 acres which will be treated in the manner. These two tracts will provide fine homes for a large num ber of families. Adam Schaffer has fenced In the five lots which he recently purchas ed, making his home look like a su burban farm. W. W. McElroy, of Helena, Mont., has purcchased the 40-acre tract be longing to Chas. Reynolds, Just north of town. This is an ideal grape ranch and It Is expected that Mr. McElroy will put it Into culti vation in the near future. There will be a grand mask ball In Merlin on Christmas night. Mrs. Lathrop, who has been in Roseburg the past three weeks, has returned. H. L. Keyte has recently pur chased a gasoline engine which he will use to run a Bmall saw mm ana cut shingles and fruit boxes this winter, but in the early summer it will be connected with a pump for irrigation. Merlin has lived up to Its pledge . . I 1 nnBnw,a Its to be a dry town auu " Intention of remaining so, but is annoyed a great deal by the ease with which liquor can be procured In Grants Pass. Many of us were induced to vote for a certain candi date for sheriff at the last election by the assurance that in case he was elected the law would be rigidly en forced u passed. But Alas! Mrs Chas. E. Short is visiting in Seattle and Portland anu will be gone a couple of weeks longer. W. Ei. Crandall, of Medford, has opened up a barbershop in the old postofflce building and is having a satisfactory patronage. Mr. Griggs, ot Lureka, Utah, who recently purchased the SO-acre tract belonging to A. W. Springer, Just north of town, has let a contract for clearing anu planting to Tokay Mrs. Richards, who was badly burned In the recent fire, is 1m grapes 60 acres of it. proving quite rapidly, though it was thought at first that she was seri ously Injured. A. L. Edgerton, the saw mill man, has purchased two lots in the west ; part of town and will at once be 'gin the construction of two cottages thereon. ' Merlin needs a doctor, and needs !hlm bad. There is scarcely a day I that a rush order is not sent in to Grants Pass, and very often a long j wait Is necessary before relief can be had. J. H. Messier, of Medford has lo cated in Merlin, having leased a store building for the purpose of conducting a temperance saloon. J. W. Brown, a contractor of San Francisco spent a couple of days In Merlin looking over the district, and expressed his intention of returning soon and picking up some of the many good buys laying around loose. Work on the smelter of the Alme da mine being put In on Rogue Riv er, 16 miles west of town. Is near Ing completion. The machinery Is all on the ground and the teams are now engaged in hauling dlstnw ; to run the gasoline engines, n, starting of the smelter meaM great deal to Merlin, as all the hM lng of supplies must be done fro. this town. There'll Be Something Dobi. u Merlin Very Soon. DeWitts Witch Hazel 8alT , peoiallj good for pile., g mended nd iold bj Model Drog Now is the time to visit California When summer has pasted in these northern states, the sun is onlv mild under the bright bine etiei of Southern California. This is on of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer lor those who cannot endure a mere severe oli mate. California ao been called the "Macea oLthe winter touriet " Its hotels and Slopping places are as varied be thoe ol all well regulated citieB. Visitors ran aUave find suitable accomodations, congenial companions, and varied, pleasing recreations. Southern Pacific Go. Will be iilad to supply mm verv attractive literature, de scribing in detail the man de light of winter in California. Very low round trip eirnrsicn tickets are on Bale to California The rate from Granti Pass lo Los Angeles and return ii $55.00. Limit sir months, allowing stop overs in either direction. Similar excursion rates are in effect lo all California points. For lull Information, Bleeping car reser vations and tickets, call on, telegraph or write R. K. Montgomery, Agent B. P.C. OR Wm. MoMnrraj. Oen. Pass. Agent Portland, Oregon There's something' in this Christmas Store for every member of the family Don't wait Buy now Big' variety of Useful Presents and Beautiful Gifts THE GOLDEN RULE STORE While Doing Your Christmas Buying don't I overlook the fact that December is the month for unloading all winter goods. We are going to make this a very inter esting one, and should you be is need of anything to wear, it will pay you to in vestigate before you buy. All Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks, Suits and Furs at a Oiscountof 25 per cent What Millinery we have left at just one- 1 half price. A number of "Gage Brothers." High Class Tailored Hats all go at Half Price If Prices count for anything, this store should be a busy place for the next two weeks. TH GOLDEN RLE'"ST01RE Economists for the People.