Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 11, 1908, Image 4

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The Kogue Hirer Courier
A. E. VOORHIES, Proprietor
Entered at the Poit Office at Grant Pans,
Oregon ai secoud-claas iuuii matter.
Subscription Rates:
One Year, in advance, ' 11.60
Bit Months, . . .75
ThrM Mmitha. - - .40
Binirla Cutiiea. .06
Advertising Races
For.iinhed on application at the office, or
07 mall.
OMtii. ri and resolutions of con
dolem will be charged (or at 6c per line;
Sard of tuaukiSOo.
VERDIN In this city, Frio", Pe
cember 2. 1908, to Mr. uju Mrs
3. E. Verdln, a boy.
POLLOCK Grants Pass, R. F. D.
No. 1. Nov. 29, 1908. To Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Pollock, a son.
WOOLFOLK In Grants Pass, Wed
nesday, Dec. 2, 1908, to Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Woolfolk, a boy.
DOWDY At Grants Pass, Thurs
day, Dec. 3, 1908, to Mr. and Mrs.
Dowdy, a boy.
SAVAGE At Grants Pass, Satur
day, Dec. 5, 1908, to Mr. and
Mrs. James D. Savage, a boy.
The United States Reclamation
Department has announced the com
pletion of the first unit of the Sun
nyHlde Irrigation project In theYakl
dib Valley. The system will sup
ply water to 11,690 acres next sea
son. There Is a charge against this
land of $52 per acre for construc
tructlon work, and 95 cents per acre
per year maintenance fee. The for
mer charge may be divided Into ten
equal payments, making the firts an
nual payment falling due March 1,
1909, and the susbaequeut payments
March 1 of each year.
It will be seen that Irrigation works
cost money. The government, unlike
private enterprises does not charge
Interest and does not look for a
profit on the money invested, yet set
tlors under this system will pay $52
n acre to get the water on the land
nd then an annual maintenance
fee. It Is believed that water can
be placed on the lands In this part of
the Rogue River Valley for $50 per
acre, with a small sum each year
for maintenance, and If this plan Is
carried out tor a sum no larger than
$50 our people will be very fortu
nate. No matter what the cost may
be It will be more than returned to
the farmer and orchardlst In the In
creased product of the fertile lands
of this section. Water must be
had, for our people are becoming
tired of wanting their time on the
few crops that can be grown without
water, and before another year want
to be shipping grain and bay Instead
of having It brought In from other
parts of the state. Irrigation will
bring this about.
The Washington Star has begun
to urge the changing of the Inaugu
ration of presidents, for the reason
that a storm generally vUlts the cap
ital city on March 4. The Star
takes up this question religiously
every four years, but for some rea
son or other the rhange Is not made.
The time favored is In April, as dur
ing that month Washington Is gen
erally at Its best. After a president
Is Inaugurated he generally favors
he postponing the Inauguration of
his successor for one month or more,
but the fellow who is waiting his
turn to alt In the White House Is
Just as willing, as a rule, to nave It
come a little earlier.
William Mack Is behind the bars
awaiting trial for the ahootlng of
Miles Carter. Mack has become
fully sobered and begin to realise
the enormity of his crime, for
which he saya the officials are to
blame for not enforclag the law pro
hibiting the sale of liquor. There
Is little doubt of the guilt of both
Mack and the officials.
The shooting of Miles Carter Is the
direct result of tho failure to enforce
the prohibition law. William Mack
had beeu buying and consuming
liquor all the evening and when
erased with liquor which had been Il
legally sold to him fired the shot
which sent Miles Carter to death
and plawd himself rn the road to
the gallowi.
Levi Sti
elected denim
the two hone
. 7
MARRIED Wleland - Crawford.
In Grants Pass, December 9, 1908,
Lawrence Wleland to Miss Lillian
Crawford, at the residence of the
bride's mother, Judge Stephen
Jewell officiating.
Both bride and groom are well
and favorably known In this city
and a large circle of friends wish
them a long, happy and prosperous
FOR SALE Two first-class milk
cows, horse, buggy and harness
and one economy cream separator.
Inquire this office or W. H. Kin
cald, 711 N 7th St., 12-11 2t
WANTEDStudents to prepare for
stenographic work, day or evening.
Address Mrs. P. Ritner, City.
12-11 3t
Window glaas at Hair-Kiddle's.
FOR SALE 102 head of sheep, 40
head goats, all first-class. Will
take $4 per head all round. P.
F. Swayne, Phone 506 Farmers
Grants Pass, R F D No. 2.
12-11 tf.
... uiioice and selected Brown
Leghorn cockereU from prlze
wlunlng stock for sale at $1.50
each, by A. P. Cramer. 12-11 2t
Dr. Flanagan,
Physician and Dentist
Go to Coron for Plnmbinc
J. E. Peterson, Pioneer Insoranoe Man
M. Glemeni. Prescription DruKfist.
A splendid line of Royal Charter Oak
Ranitei at Coron 't
An up-to-date line of ladles shoes
at Gardner & Co's.
All trimmed hats at 25 per cent
discount at Mrs. Waughtal's.
Sterling Silverware In single
ji!iv e and sets at Cramer Bros.
"Six Cups of Chocolate" opera
house Dec 18; 25c 35c.
ilhl Tjiliar. Rmrlntarml Ontora
etrlst and Jeweler In Dixon told stand,
Front street. icyns tested rree.
Co-operative prices on new and
second hand goods at the "Head
quarters," City Hall building.
New Edison Amberal and Double
Disc Columbia records Just received
at Rowell's Music Store. 12-11 It
Speolal tale of extra wide, all silk
ribbons this week.; 20 cent ribbons go
at IS centa at Gardener & Co. 11-1$ tf
Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., say
"I have only taken fonr doses of De
Witts Kidney and Bladder Pills and
they have done for me more than any
other medicine has ever done. Sold
bt Model Drag Store.
We are having a sale now on the
following goods: Men'a and Boys'
Sweaters at cost, Blankets and Com
(oit; and a few odd number In
Shoes, at Oardner ft Co's.
Fountain Pens, fancy Stationery,
Typewriter supplies at Rowell's
MubIc Store. 12-11 It
If you want to see One silverware
take a look at Cramer Bros, window.
F. A. PIERCE Registered Angoras,
Flock beaded by one of the famous
bocks of the "King Arlhar" also
other bncks of different strains of
breeding. Does of the noted strains.
Bocks for sale. Merlin, Ore. 817 tf
COUNTRY Store nine miles off rail
road, but on line of Natron ex
tension to Klamath Falls. Store
has large farm trade. Credits
A 1. Stock about $4000. Will
sell on terms or exchange for im
proved farm or city property and
will rent building and grounds.
This Is a snap. Address Lock
Box 21, Fall Creek, Ore. 12-11 It
Leads for 8alr.
Ten acres fine alfalfa, fruit aid
berry land, Ive acres in esltiva
Ujd, three acres ia alfalfa. Small
boaae, quarter of a mile from aloe
little town sehoel, caoroa ana R. R.
station. Mast be sold ia 1 days.
Address Bex (17. VToodvllle, Ore.
11 -SO 4t
First lUptlst Church.
Morning worship is at 10:30. The
pastor preaches on "Keeping Clean."
The Bible school is in charge of R.
K. Hackett and meets at 11:45. Miss
Millie Drake leads the young peo
ple's meeting at :S0, subject
"Books that delight and strength
en." Evening service at 7:30
with message by the pastor on "De
liverance from Evil." A welcome
awaits you.
Kintl ChriNtiun Science Society.
Christian Science service will be
held In the W. O. W. hall Sunday.
fVeember 13, 1908 at 11 a. m.
Subject "God the Preserver of
Man." Wednesday evening Bervlce
at 7:30 p. m. In the Reading Room,
In the opera house block, room 5,
north ball. All are cordially In
vited to attend.
Seventh Day Advent 1st.
Meeting Sunday evening, S. D. A.
church. Subject, "Evidence Man's
Love to God." 7:30, T. S. Thuem-
ler, pastor.
(rango Notice.
There will be a special meeting of
the Wlldcrville Grange, No. 372, on
December 19, 1908. at 10 o'clock A.
M. tor the purpose of completing the
election of officers. All members
are requested to attend.
By order of the Grange.
CHAS. SMITH, Master.
J. B. Bl'ROVGH. Soc-Trs.
Fine commercial printing at the
Courier office.
TIMBER claim for sale. The SE
of Sec. 18 Tp. 35 S, R 4 W, sit
uated in Jackson county, 15 miles
from Grants Pass. For Informa
tion address Marie E. Hall, State
Normal, Chlco, Cal. 12-4-5t
WHITE Leghorn cockerels, prize
Btock of Berkshire pigs for sale.
Inquire of G. A. Hamilton, Grants
Pass, Phone 811. 12-4 3t
FOR SALE Good top phaeton bug
gy. Address P O. Box 52,Grants
Pass. 12-4-tf
FOR SALE 2 thoroughbred Barred
Plymouth Rock Roosters John
Summers. 1 2-4-2 1
FOR SALE Gasoline engine. Work
harness, plow, cultivators, spring
wagon, carpenters tools, No. 55
Stasley plane, log chain, small
heating stove, bed steads and
springs, some rhairs and other
household articles. W. C. Dodge,
8'1 N 10th St. 11-27-tf
FOR SALE Senator Donlan Straw
berry plants, $5 per thousand, 11
cents per hundred. J. O. Oalhoon,
11-13 tf
4-ROOM Bungalow and one acre
ground, young family orchard.
well, windmill and large tank giv
ing water for domestic and lrrlga-
tiou purposes. Desirable locatlou.
The above property, including all
household Goods, for $1,300,
halt cash, balance to suit. E.W
Smalley, 725 N 10th St., City.
DESIGNS, Cnl flowers, potted plauts,
bulbs. Medford Ureeohoase, phone
606. 11 S-tf
FOR SALE Almost new Stadebaker
Top baggy and single harness, a half
price. Address Box 336 11-6 tf
WANTED 10 rigging slingers. f0
par month; 10 lumber pilars, $3 SO
per day ; two lumber graders, 75
per montn ; nirn wneel teamiters,
9S per month Box factory men $1.
W. H. West & Co., Medford Ore.
PIANO Pnplls wanted 20 years ex
perience in teaching. Address If r.
E. B. Foster J, N 6th St., next lu
F. Coron. 7-17 tf,.
LIGHT housekeeping rooms for
rent, furnished, at 801 N eth St.
FOR RENT Everltt Gallery on H.
St., east of Layton hotel. Suitable
for gallery orTJwelling. Inquire
of R. K. Hackett at First National
Bank. 11-27-tf
FOR RENT or sale 8-room cottage,
good abed and small barn. Ioqolre
. of Mrs. N. P. Dodge. 11-13 tf
WILL rent you a good farm, seven
mllet of city. Best terms given.
Write Box 26, or see me, residence
corner Oak and lark streets. J. M.
LOST 6-iu. Gurley compass on the
Merlin road. Finder leave at this
office and receive $5 reward.
LOST ladiet' neck Inr between the
poet office and the Western Hotel or
the hotel and L B. Hall's residence
on Fourth street. Finder lei re st
office ol Gilleae Rmn Land Com-
and get a watch that
will keep time
At this up-to-date store
a fine line of
and all other Jewelry
will be found
XMAS GOODS are com
ing in now, and every
one is sure to find just
what is wanted.
Also prepared to do stone
cutting in an expert man
ner. R, Mansfield
Chafing dishes and pudding dishes
in nlckle plate at Cramer Bros.
We are making atractive prices on
Ladles' Hand Bags C. H. Demaray.
Card of Thanks.
W'e wish to express to our neigh
bors and friends our sincere grati
tude for the many acts of kindness
shown during the illness and death
of our little daughter Freda.
William and Levlna Bull,
Murphy, Ore.
Annual Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the An
nual Meeting of the Wilderville Irri
gation Company will be held at the
residence of Jacob Wagner, Thurs
day, January 7, 1909, at 1 o'clock
P. M. to elect officers and transact
such other business as may oome
before the meeting.
A. E. SHEHAN, President,
Wood Wanted.
Notice is herehv ... .
, 5SII lnat
Board of Education rf o.i .
uiuuoi Din.
trlct No. 7, Josephine Cnnnrv r
at its regular meetin g on the even
Ing of TueBday, the 5th day of jan
ary. A. D. 1909. will receive bids t
... u.ointi who 125 cords of
two-foot wood, half fir and half tM
and other hard woods, ash or laurel
vv-o-.".. .iu in corus or pine
i-u- . icubius; gam W00(l
delivered at the
buildings of said district in mcll
jubuwi.ibb as raia noard shall indi.
cate on or before first day of Septem
ber, 1909. All bids must be ac
companied by a certified check of i
per cent of said contract price. Th,
Board reserves the right to reject
any and all bids at said meeting
2t District Clerk.
Rogers 1847 Vintage Silverware
at Cramer Bros.
TWO two years old Jersey Balls,
last seen near Miller ranch, lost
September, brand, plain H on left
. hip Reward given for information
' leading to their recovery. Hyden
Close, Wilderville. Phone 887.
11-20 tf
Xmas Eat&bles
We sell groceries that are fresh and the
best to be had. All our goods are guar
anteed to comply with the pure food
law, and to suit the housewife as well.
For The Holidays
We have made a special effort to get
a full supply of all delicacies as well as
a complete line of staples. A trial or
der will convince you that the place to
trade is
Outfitter for Outer anel Inner Ma.n.
You Need It Now!
A Membership in the
National Protective Legion
Join this Month while it is cheap only
$3 Pay the Entire Expense
of Joining'
Including first months dues.
Pays $15 a week for sickness or accident. Money
returned in shape of dividends every five years,
unless drawn by sick benefits.
Pays from $5 to $300 at death, according to length
of time you have been a member. Monthly cost
from $1 to $2. Co-operative plan.
THE Oregon Kire Relief (tocMlnville
Mutual) Association and the
Queen City" t Standard Co.) are
banner companies none better.
Have reduced their rates try
them. 11. B. Hendricks, Agt., j 2
Cth Street, office ground Boor op- j J
postte P. O., Gratts Pass, Oregon, ,
Phone 1093. 12-4 tf i
MONEY to loan on real estate. Mort- ; J
S8'S bought and sold. Marcus I
W. Robbing, lawyer. 11-27-41 J i
iniMioD furnitore made to order. '
Orphone 1037, and he will call and explain the plan
Grants Pass Has 70 Members