ROGUE RIVER COURIER GRANTS PASS, OREGON, DECEMBER 4, 1908, Continuous Performance Every Night This Week ,, Except Sunday at the BIJOU "THE FAMILY THEATRE" Eul Front Street ELEVATED FLOOR Doors Open at 7il5 Moving Pictures Free Homes. 12,000 acres of timber and agri cultural land in the Umpqua Forest Reserve, Oregon, to be opened to entry January 20. 1909. Not all of these lands are vacant. For lists, bluo print maps with vacant lands marked thereon and full informa tion regarding filing, etc., send $2f.o Roseburg Abstract Company, Rose burg, Oregon. 12-4-41 Eodol will without any doubt help anyone who has stomach disorder! or itoinacb trouble. Take Eodol today and continue it for the ihort tims that is necessary to give you com plete relief. Eodol is sold by del Drug Store. ILLUSTRATED SONGS Change of (Pictures Three times each Week MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, FRIDAY Admission 10c Fancy and plain crocheting taught. Articles made to order. Mrs. Fisher, 118 K St., Grants Pass, Or. ll-26-2t. For Elastic book cases see O'Neill; they grow with the books. XEIL&G1UFF1X Grocers New Stock of Groceries, Everything Clean and Fresh Canned Goods Tea and Coffee Staples Flour Fruits 310 SOUTH 6th ST. 5 i IffllK The Development of the Remington is the History of the Writing Machine New Models 10 .-a 1 1 Now Ready linn Model 10 with Column Selector Model 11 With Built-in Tabulator ft Remington Typewriter Company Gncarparatad) New York and Everywhere Ml'KPIIV. -John McCalllsteir1 of Provolt will soon become a resident of Murphy again, having rented the Gibson place. Several of the Murphy boys at tended the foot ball game at Grants Pass Thanksgiving day. The Gilmore boys and Wheeler and Winnie Osborne attended the Thanksgiving ball at Provolt Thurs day night. They report having had a good time. We are informed that there will be a Christmas tree and entertain ment at the Murphy school house Christmas eve. Come everybody and have a good time. Johnie Meeks was taking pictures at Murphy Sunday, and he sure does take some fine ones too. Johnie never has to say now look pleas ant," for how can anyone help look ing pleased when facing Johnie and his camera. American field and stork fence 4 7 Inches high, which weighs 10 pounds to the rod at Hair-Riddle Hdwe Co's. The young people of Murphy met at the Murphy school house and or gaulzed a literary society Saturday evening. ihe following officers were elected: John Williams, president; Roy McAfee, vice-presi dent; Florence nlcAfee, secretary; L. W. Carson, treasurer; Hoy Heed, janitor; Alva Gilmore, sergeant-at arms. Everybody Is invited to at tend. We learn that the Goldback-Quin lan families are living on their farm again, after being hospitably enter tained and cared for at the home of Mr Carson for several days, while erecting a temporary dwelling. They have the sympathy of the en tire community in the loss of their home by fire recently. BUSTER BROWN. when we make the statement we.know it to be abeolntelytrua. "Mi-on-a tablets are truly great for uyone Ibat has stomach trouble. I oan not praise tbem too highly for what they bare done for ma. "Mrs. D W. Bennett, Buoksport, Me. The prioe is only 50 cents a bos. 11-90 St WHY SUFFER? Bre&the Hyomel and Kill th Loathsome Cevtarrh Germs. ' Demarar makes this square deal offer because he is authorised to do so by tbe makers of Mi-o-na tablets and he is willing to have his system ap pear in the Courier because he knows the offnr is genuine. And while it may be that there are about eight cases in 100 that are too far gone for Mi-o-na to ears, we are willing and ready to take all tbe chances, and if Mi-o-na does not cure any dyspeptic oan have his money back. Even with'this liberal offer, Demaray will not have to refund but a very small percentage, because the in curable dyspeptics will find to much relief in Miona that they will onoe again look npon the tunny side of life and will continue to use Mi-o-na. Now, reader, you may say how can the makers of Mi-o-na make such an offer. How do thev know that 93 per cent of the users will be cured and that the other 8 pur cent or the in curables, will bi ralievedT Why, t's all ver' simple. We've made this same off. r in 10(10 towus be fore we made it here, and we have figured out the percentages, so that lour of the Tourist" REMARKABLE event in the history of automobiledom vrai the tour of more than thirty Tourist cars from Los Angeles to Sa Francisco and return, Aueust 12th to 22d, 1908, canying 94 men, women and children. This tour differs radically from any previous automobile run in that practically every car was operated by its owner instead of a professional driver, thus demonstrating simplicity and ease of operation, and proving forcibly that the Tourist is an owner's car so simple in operation and mechanism as to enable the novice to negotiate the severest test to which an automobile could be put. This more-than-a-thousand-mile-run was successfully accomplished without mishap or accident, and will live long in the annals of automobiledom as a glowing testimonial to mechanical genius and constructional ability. MOd" M Tie Type "K" Teariaj Cm, Aat bowmU. SBavy Waicta sua whick mimtd nek aa nubia MpataU taa pa Im yn, is a his lyfianW car f leaMkablB sUsy- In iim'v'- OM rmj at el apfiary. md m etumtilnkti have sarwrj fat m akc wwJflVwIat Taeiatt, l-MtifuBy aawml m a .Uca el bat colon U H. P. fr.LMinw iswni'stila . W at Cm AayeW Tmrt Cm mm mrmmi by a vary ,aad wa dm hoary seise.-. Tat Tree "O" Team ReAaT i mCmo. peat ia rwe cybaaar sianwntiM iMii.iim. AlariMlaMwliMMl',K'' Imm Umirni w Sm mcj, cUUaiii kasW-pncaa R. S. WL80H AgL, Grants Pass Oregon. Nthsu a d At tpeW mm WvevaUv I aw type "O" U all bmI iiriMer ilay. yk ssUafcy md lew PCTVii a. wet a tmh aaWW ton -mt etik tar SIHX Wan aM mmbm mm ea IM, SU2J Mtwirk Wb mMml mm mi M.ii)5a p.ats.Us, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878. Roseburg. Ore., May 8. 1008. Notice ia hereby given, That in compliances with the provisions of the Act of Congress, cf June S, 1978, entitled "An Aol for the sale of Tim ber Lauds in the 8tate cf Califo nia, Oregou, Nevada aud Washington Ter ritory," as extended to all Publio Land Slates by an act of August 4, I9VI, LAURA B. GREGORY of Akhland, county of Jaoksoa, State of Urnuon filed in this office on May g, iaua, tier sworn statement No. 100J3 for tbe purchase of the North east quarter of Section No. 23 In Town ship No. 84 South of Range No. I West W. M., Ore., ant will offer poof to show that the land eonght is more valuable Cor its timber or stone than for agrlooltual purposes, audio establish his claim to said land be for the Register and Receiver of this office at Roseburg. Oregon, on Thurs day, the 7th day of Jaauary, 190H. she names as rite sees: Ueorire K Sliearer, of Ashland, Ore , Ibomaa h. Luster, of Rose num. Ore.. Louis Steinbaoh, of Roseburg, Ore Louis Steinbaoh. of Rosebarir. Ore.. tteniamln U. McUee.ef Kiseborg, Ore, Aov and all persons claiming ad verteiy me a Dove described lauds are requested to Die their claims in this office oq or before said 7th day of January, 1909 UU3JAMIN L. EDDY, Register, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. I. S. Land Office at Roieluirr, Or August 4, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that JAMES J. WALSH, of Spokane. Wasn . who. on August 3d, 1908, made 3woni State ment No. 0866, for the EH SV V and WV4 SE, Sec. 0. Tp. 31 S R. 7 W.. Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of his Intention to make final proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver, at Roseburg, Ore ion, on the 7th day of February. 1909. Claimant names as witnesses: Alpheus N. Crouch, of Grants Pass. Ore., Almon Lawler, of Leland, Ore., John Maloney of Spokane, WaBh., John Penner, of Heron, Mont. BENJAMIN L. EDDf, Register ! SUMMONS. Lvlna Nahuor. Plaintiff. ) vs. ) JosephNahbor, Defendant) In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon; for Josephine C .unty. In the name of the state of Ore gon, you are nereby summoned and required to appear in the circuit court of the state of Oregon for Jo sephine county In the above en titled suit, on or before six weeks from the date of the first publica tion of this Bunions, and before the expiration of the time of said pub lication thereof, which date of Brut publication Is Friday, November 27, A. D. 1908, and which last date of publication is Friday, January 8, A. L). 1909, and then and there answer or otherwise plead in said suit. And if you fall to answer or other wise plead within the time afore said, tbe plaintiff will apply to tne court for tbe relief prayed for iu the complaint, viz.: for a decree dis solving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as Is equita ble. This summons Is published In the Hogue Hiver Courier, a newspuper of general circulation published at Grants I'aas in Josephine county, Oregon, by order of Hon. Stephen Jewell, county JikIkh for said county, dated November ST, 190X, and re quiring piiblliatlon of sulci summons for a period of si miceesslvu weeks. II. D. NORTON, Attorney for Plaint Iff. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, U. & Land Offloe. Rosbrg, Ore., Sept, 38, 1908. A soffloient contest affidavit having oeeo Sled ia Ibis offloa by HENRY KLOPPER, contestant against homestead entry No. 10,876. made July 18. 1901 for tbe SKW Section 10. Toarnsliin 89 a, ttange 8 w. by Robert Ball, Con teatee, in which it is alleged that said Robert Ball baa abaudoued same fonr years ago. snore or lesa. and has not been on said homestead since also that no other person has lived on earns siope, nor made any improvements and that aald alleged absence from e aid land was not doa to hla em piovment in tne Armv, Navy, or Mariue Corps of the Uuited States as a private soldier, officer, aeamau, or marine, during the war with Spain. or daring any other war in which the United btatea may be engaged. Said parties are hereby nulitiad to appear. respond and offer evidenoe touching Mid allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on November 2t, 198 before Joseph Moan, U. S. Oouiissioner, at bis oftice in Urauts Pass, Oregon, and that final hearing will be held at II o'clock a. ni., Dec tuber 12, 1908, before the Register and Receiver at the United Stlates Laud Otlice in Roseburg, vreaou. The said contestant having, 'in proper affidavit, filed September 88, 1908, set forth facta which show that after due diligence personal eervioe of this notice can not be made, it is hereby ordered and directed that such notioe be given by doe and proper puoiicauon, BENJAMIN L. KDDY. Register, SIMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Josephne County. Leroy A. Palmer, I'lalutlff ,) vs ) Lucy J. Palmer Defendant, ) To Lucy J. aimer, defendant: In the nnmo of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby summoned and required to appear In the above entitled court and ruusu on or be fore six weeks from the dute of the first publl'atlon of this sum mons, which first date of publica tion Is Friday, December 4, 19U8, and the IuhI date of said publication and the lant day for your appear ance and answer Is Friday, Janu arp 17, 1909, and If you fall to ap pear and answer within the time aforesaid, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, viz: for a do cree. dissolving the bonds of mat rimony now and heretofore existing between tbe plaintiff and defend ant, and granting the plaintiff an absolute divorce against the defend ant . and for such other and further relief as Is equitable., , This summons Is published la the Rogue Klver Courier, a newspaper of general circulation published at Grants 1'asn, Josephine County, Or egon, by order of the Hon. Stephen Jewell, county judge for Josephine rcounty, Oregon, made and dated December 3, A. D. 190H, requiring publication of tnls summons In said newspaper for a period of alx sue nvo weeks, and the mailing of the summons and copy of the corn- I -tendant at your res idence and post office address at ii-, jli.mboldt county, Call 11. D. NORTON, Atorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Laud, Aot Jane 8, 1878. Roseburg, Ore.. Mar 8, 1908. Notice i. hereby given that in oom pliauoe with the provisions of the act of Ooogreaa of Jons 8, I8'i8, entitled "An aol for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Poblio Land States by aot of August 4, 189S, ADOLF 8CHULZ. of Portland, county of Mnlnomah, State of Oregon, filed in thia oftice. February 1, 1908, bis (worn statement No V889, for the purchase of the of SVM, the NE W of SK aud SEVa of NE4 of Section No. SO. In Town ship No. 40 8, Range No. 8 West, W. M. and will offer proof to show that tbe laud sought is more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricul tural purposes, aud to establish bis olaim to said land before Register and lieoeiver at Roseburg, Oregon, ot Friday, the 4Mi day of December, 1908. He nsmea as wituesses: James B. Bailey of Ashland, Oregon, Harry Milver, of Ahland, Oregon, David Kuratll of Portland, Oregon, Ira A. Martin, of Portland, Oregon. Any aud all persons olalmlng ad versely the above-described lands are request d file their claims In this otiloe on or before said 4th day of De cember, 1908. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICATION. Dejiartment of the Interior, U. S. Laod Office. Roseburg, Ore. Kept, 24, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that WILLIAM A. HOOUE. of Selma, Oregon, who, on April 23, 1902. mtdn Homestead fc-ntry, No. 11493 8, R 018 for W of NEC ; WW of HK'i, Section 14, Township S8 South. Range 8 West, Willamette Meridian, has filed notioe of iu tent Ion to tiiuke final Ave year Proof, to ea tihluh claims to the land above des cribed, before Joseph Mosa, U. 8. CoinmlaNiouer at (Iraots Pans, Oregon, on the nth day or December. 19()H. Claimant names aa wituesses: William H. Sargent, of Heluia. Ore., Roy Oral of heliua, Ore., David II on ii" of Selma, Ore., Alfred Ragao, of Selma, Ore., BENJAMIN L. EDUY. Register, NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878. Kosebnrf. Ore., May 7, 1908. Notice la hereby aiveu Thai In compliance with tbe provisions of the Act of Congress of Jons 8, 1878, en titled "An Aot for the sale of Timber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory, " as extended to all Public Laod States by an aot of August 4, 189$, WILLIS D. PALMER of 674 Nehalain Ave.. Pnrtln,t. County of Multnomah, Stats of Ore., goo, filed in this office on April 11, 1908, his sworn statement No. 10006 for the purchase of the NWSK 8W K,, 8 BWi of Section No 14 iu Township No. 89 Sooth of Range No 8 West W. M. Or, asd will offer proof to show that the land sought Is mors valuable for its timber or stone than for agrlonUnral pnrposes, aod to establish his olaim to said land before tha Rgiter and Receiver of ,J,i,,.offi08' Rowburg, Oregon, on Friday the 18th day of December, tMW, He names as w I teases: IraA. Mar tin, of Holland, Ore., Fred ll. Whit field, of Portland, Oregou, Edward H. Sutton, of Portland, Oregon, J. 8. Bailey, of Ashland, Oregon, Charles Turner, of Holland, Oregon. Harry Silver, Ash laud, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming ad versely the above described lands are requested to file their claims lu this othoe on .or before said 18th day of December, 1IHW. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the County Oonrt for Josephine uoanty, Oregon. In the matter of thai Instate of Thomas A Hood, Dttct'MsdJ Notioe Is hereby given that Ora Hood, the administratrix . of the Estate of Thomas A. Hood, deceased, baa filed in the above entitled oourt on cause her final aooonut, and that Saturday, December 6, 1908, at the boor of 10 o'olook a. m , at the county oonrt room at the Oonrt House at Grants Pass, Josephine County, Oie. gon, is hereby fixed as the time and place for bearing said final account, and all persona bavins ohlenttnn tn said aooonut are hereby notified to Ola and preseul the same on nr W,r Id date. Dated this flth dav nf NminKu a D. 1908 ORA HOOD, Administratrix. NOTIOE FOR PUBLICAriON. . Department of tbe Interior. U. 8. Land Offloe. ' Roseburg, Ore., July 84, 1908 Hollos is hereby given that i WILLARD M08ER, of Ashland, Jackson County. Oregon. who on Joly a8. 1908. made Tinirmr and Stone Application. No. 04S7. for NVofNWU and SWV of NWV and NWitf of SWV( Section 93, Townsihp 84 Soath, Range 6 west Willamette, Meridian, has filed notioe of Intention 'o mass rinal Timber and Stone Proof, to establish olaim tnltha Unit alxive described, before Register and Receiver at Roaeburg, Oregon, on the UOth day of Januarv 19ou. Claimant names aa wltneaanai Osorga Shearer of Ashland, Jackson County, Oregon, Louis Htelnbaoh. of Roseburg, Donglas county, Oregon, Thomas Luster, ol Rosobtirg. Douirlaa county, Oregon, Thomas taplln. of Roseburg, Douglas oonnty, Oregon. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUHLIOATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Oftice at Roseburg. Ore,. Hepteuilwr 19, 1908. Notice la hereby given that FRANCES E. WHILE, of Selma, Josephine County, Oregon, who, on Aogiixi U.'.th. 1908, made Tim ber A Stone Application, No. OUM. for W of the NEW and the NK'.f of NWtf, Sictioo 8, Tnwuship 87 South, Range 4 Went, Willamette Meridian, bss filed notice of intention to make Final Timber & Stooe Proof, to es lalilth claim to the land above de scribed, before Joseph loas, U. 8 Commission, at Urania Pass, Oregou, on the 7th day of December, 190H. Claimant names as witnesses: Wil liam (J. Long, of Selma, Joeephlne County, Oregon; Charles itile of Keliua, Joaephlne County, Oregon; Joseph E. VVdin of (irants Pass, Josephine County. Oregon ; Martin A. Conger, of (irants Pass, Josephine County, Oregon BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Intirlor. V. B. Land Ottlre at Roj'jiiurg. ();e. August 13, 1908. Notice Is hereby given that JOHN W. WILSON, of l ortland. Oregon.who, on Aug'isl 12. 190H, made sworn stat mi ::t Vi. 071, for Northwest quarter! NW K ) flee. 2f,, Tp. 40 8 H i V. W. M , has filed notice of Inteu'.lon to miike Dual proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Regis ter and Receiver at Roseburg, Ore , on the 11th Day of February, 1909, Claimant names as wltneses: Frank Cain, of Kiddie, Ore., Will A. Leonard, of Portland, Ore., Cail) J. Freeman, of Holland, Ore., Frank J. Leonard, of Kerby, Ore. BENJAMIN L. KDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. a Land Oftlna. Roseburg. Ors.,8ept. 80, 1908. Notice ia hereby given that BENJAMIN U MASHBURN, Multuomah County. neptemlier DO, 1908, Application of Portland, Oregon, who, on made Timber and Stone No. 0I6I7, for W) of the8EL( and tbe E' of the 8W4. section 1, Town ship 41 Sooth, Range 9 West, Willa mette Meridian, has filed notioe of in tention to make Final Timber and Stone Proof, to establish olaim to the land above described, before Joieph Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at O rants Pass. Oregon, on the lUih day of De cember, 1908. Claimant names as witnesses: Car lton E. Harmon, of Urauts Paes, Jose. ' jihlne Co., Ore., Frank M. South, of Irants Pass, Josephine Co., lire., James Swearinger of Urants Pass, J'leeiihlne Co., Ore., Ezra M. Al bright, of Waldo Jnsxphin Co.. Ore. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Timber Land, Aot Jonn 8, 1878. Rimehtirg, Ore., May 8, 1908. Notice is hereby given that in com pliance with the provisions of tbe act of CongrenN of June 8, IHTH, entitled "An act of tbe sale of timber lands In the States of California. Oregoo, Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all tbe Poblio Laud States by act of August 4, 1893, JOHN O. MEIZ, of Rosebarg, county of Douglas, State of Oregon, filed in this cRtoe April 14, 1900, bis sworn statement No. HK7, for tbe pnrohese of the SEU NW,1", NK' KWW and N! HE. of Seoti'oo No. n In Township No. 84 Range No. filWestrW. M. and will offer proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish Ins claim to said land before Register and Receiver at RoaebTg, Ore., on Friday, the th day of Janoary, 1909. He names aa witnesses H. W. Strong, of Roseburg, Ore., W. D. Bell of Rosebarg, Ore., Arthur L. Roadman of Roseburg, Ore., 8. A. Saoford. of Rosebarg, Ore Any and all persona claiming ad versely the above described lands sre requested to file their claims la tnia office on or before said Hth day of Jan oary, 1909. BENJAMIN L. (rnnY. I Peg) iter.