Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, December 04, 1908, Image 3

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Grants Pass Opera House
Monday, Dec. 7
Mr. Edmund Carroll
In Walker Whitesides
Greatest Comedy Success
"We Are ling"
Seats now on Sale at Russel's
I have just received
mv fine new line of
Solid Gold and Gold
Filled Jewelry.
Call and See It
I also have a fine line of
Watches and Clocks
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler
104 h'h St Orants Pass
A. 11. Carson Tells in Bolter Fruit
How to Huve Desired Varieties.
The Rogue River Nurseries
Are strong on TOKAY GRAPES, having about 250,000
fancy cuttings that are rooting nicely in the reddest of
lands. We are ready to contrac; for fall delivery at prices
that will surprise you. We are as well prepared to fur
nish you with anything in line of trees and general
nursery stock.
Conklin Building Grants Pass Or.
"Old Reliable Albany Nurseries"
and you are sure of getting just what you order. We grow
our trees for quality not cheap prices.
GEO. H. PARKER, - Agent
Office with J. E. PETERSON
High Grade
Carving Sets, Pearl Handled
Pocked Knives, Gillette Saf
ety Razors, Embroidery
Scissors, Fine Kazors and
Joe Wharton's
Sporting Goods Store. 6 St.
1,1 LIclllTVRE
Sixth St., Hetwccn J & K
Phone 513. with Centner Garage
De Witt's Little Early Risers,
pleasant little pllla that are'easr to
take. Sold by Model Drag Store.
Your iv
For San Jose
Scale and use ,
son's Concentrated Lime
and Sulphur Solution
Scale lives and works all the year round. Don't forget this. As the old
6cale dies, the new is ready to carry on the destruction of our orchards.
The scale is less rigorous in the fall, and more easily and surely destroyed
than in any other reason of the year. Therefore now is the best time to attact it
and kill it. If you spray now, many a valuable tree will be saved that otherwise,
because of the scale, would not retain life enough to start up in the spring.
YOU HAVE MORE TIME NOW There is less wind to scatter and waste
the spray, and make it hard to cover every part. Then, too, you cannot tell what
may happen to prevent thorough Bpraying in the fall. BUT ABOVE ALL, the
results of FALL SPHAYING are absolutely certain, provided, of course, that you
These are all "Spray Facts"
We claim no wonderful chemical discovery in this spray, but we do claim
most emphatically that
Sampson's Lime and Sulphur Solution always produces
satisfactory results, and does no injury. There is no
better spray manufactured than Sampson's Lime and
Sulphur Solution.
Sampson's Lime and Sulphur Solution is a clear, cherry-colorrd eolntion
free from sodiment. It is guaranteed to test 30 degrees Baume. If youe dealers
cannot supply you, write to us. BE SURE YOU USE SAMPSON'S SPRAY.
Manufactured Br
Grants Pass Canning' Co.
Grants Pass, Oregon
As there are many oid vineyard
In the country that are not com
mercial varieties which the owners
desire to change to those that are
commercial, I will say that this
change can be easily niado by graft
ing. To grub out the old vines and
plant new takes five or six years be-
for the vines would become profit
able, while grafting the old stumps
to desired varieties the secoud year
after grafting the grafted vines will
' bear ;i ht&vy crop.
! Scions for grafting Bhould be cut
about February 1st For making
the scions tdlio the best matured
canes of the previous year's growth
ana put away In a cool, dry place
packed In moss to keep dormant.
You can begin grafting the first of
; March and If your scions are prop
I eny kept, I. e., dormant, you can
I graft until April 15th.
I The scion for grafting should con
tain three buds if short Jointed, two
buds if long.
In shaping the scion to bo set in
the Btock, it Is cut as we cut an ap
pie or pear scion; with a sharp knife
cut your wedge well up past the
lower bud. leaving the scion thicker
on the bud side, so that the pressure
of the stock when the scion Is
placed, will contact with the inner
bark of the scion. The Bclon should
be well shoved down in the cleft of
tne stock, so that the bud will be at
least halt an Inch down from the top
of the stock, setting the scion at a
slight angle to the bark of the stock
and then contact of inner bark of
scion and stock will be aure. The
old vine to be grafted must he cut
off six inches below the surface of
the ground. It the stock Is very
large a thin sharp chisel with a
broad blade is used to split the
stock to admit the scion. The split
ting of the Btock need not be at the
center, but one side where the grain
of wood runs straight After scion
Is placed, use binding twine to tie
round the stock to press firmly stock
to scion. Use no grafting wax, but
bring the fine earth in over the
stock and around the scion, firming
It carefully. If scion after being
placed should extend above the sur
face, mound up with fine earth so as
to cover tho scion about an Inch.
The grafting of the pear Is a simple
operation, and if my suggestions are
followed success Is sure.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. F.J.Checney & Co, Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheeney for the past 15 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
in all business transactions, and
financially able to carry out any ob-
nations made by bis firm. Wald
Ing, Klnnan & Marvin, Wholesale
DruKglBts, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter
nally, acting directly upon the mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testi
monials sent free. Price 75c. per
bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Take Hall's Family Tills for constipation.
We Are King.
The coming of "We Are King"
at the opera house on Monday, Dec.
7, promises to be one of the best at
tractions of the present season, as
the play was used by Mr. Walker
Whiteside as a starring vehicle for
three seasons and was one of his
greatest succenses. Mr. Edmund
Carroll, who is now starring In this
play, was Mr. Whiteside's support
for many seasons and from the ad
vance newspaper reports is a most
worthy succesor.
Jose X Nelson to J B Hendricks
lot in block J, liourues ad, $600.
J C Urown to Gilbert W Johnson,
et ux, .85 acres sec 8, twp 36 S of
R5 W $1500.
Geo. H. Kestcrson et ux to A. M.
McFarland, lot 7 block F, Bournes
First add, $550.
W. C. Long to J. L. Engel, NW
of SWVi Sec. 29, tp. 36 8, H 6 W,
except 5 acres, $2100.
O S. IJlanchard et ux and II. L.
Andrews et ux., to Arthur D. Coon,
15 acres in sec. 24, tp. 36 8.R 6 W,
Henry W.Footh ct ux to EA.Cheet
ham, lot 3, sec 15, tp. 36 8, R 5 W,
and land adjoining. In all 33.012
acres, $4 200.
Katie N. Galvln to M. T. Calvin,
part of lot 4, blk E in Bourne's 1st
John II. Williams et ux and Jos.
Why these grapes ? Because from the
healthful grape comes the chief ingre
dient of Royal Baking Powder, Royal
Grape Cream of Tartar.
Alum-phosphite powders are made with hanh mineral -!,!
and must be avoided.
Moss et ux to Wm. M. Cheshire
6, blk 42 RIt ad $50.
Granta Pass Hardware Co. to H.
L. Herzlnger, lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
In blk 28, O T S, $1850.
Caleb Corder to Wm. A. Adams,
NE14 of NW14 aec. 2, tp 34 8. R 6
W, $600.
M. McLaughlin by administrator to
Hugh and Joseph McCourt, N4 of
SWU and NWK of SKVi and 8EK
of NE sec 4, tp 40 8, R 7 W.
H.A. Corlesa et ai to J C Brown, Jr,
4.85 acres sec 8, tp 36 8, R 5 W,
John W. Aldonon et ux to David
Shaw IB acres In BW14 of NW of
NWK and NW of SW of sec 8,
tp 34 8, R 6 W.
Dr Wm. Edwards et ux to Emer
son J.Edwards, NVs of of NW4
sec. 15, tp 36 8 R 5 W,$1400.
C. O. Reynolds et ux to Wm. V.
McElroy, 8EV. of NE sec 16, tp
35 8. R 6 W.
Melvlna P. Conklin to Arthur
Conklin, H Intorest in SW of NE
4 sec 29 S, It 5W.
J. W. Lucas et ux to W. 8. Max
well, 8Et4 sec 28. to 36 8. R 6 W.
160 acres, $800.
L. W. Kane et ux to Marcus W.
Robblns, lots 10, 11 and 12, blk 33,
O T S, $1500.
Merlin Townslte & Development
Co. to Ethelyn Alkens, lots 13 and
4, blk 22, Merlin, $100.
A Common Cold.
We claim (list if catching cold could lx
avoided some of tlis uiMt dangerous and
lulu I diaeaaea would never l heard of. A
cold often forms a culture bed for germa ot
iiilectioiie uim'Sws. I oiiKuniition, pnru
mollis, diphtheria and scarlet fever, four ol
the mint dangerous and fetal diaeaaea, are ol
tliia I'laae. 1 lie culture bed formed liv tin
o!d favors the development of the germa n
iliteaare, that would not otherwite hn
. .lent. There la little danger, Imwovr
nf any of Iheee diseases being
wben a good expectorant cough mriliiii
like fliamherlaiu Cough Ittnrdy in ti t
It dram out tliene culture beda that tin
the development of the germa of IIum il
mi. 1 hat Is why tliia remedv nan it"
ao univereally eureeirul in preventing i i
: . -... i , , . '
noma, n nut oiuy-i'uree your cum ijiih
hut niihiiuiM-e the rim of contracting il'
Jungrroua dieeaera. For sale bf hi. I'lrim r
DeWltta Wltoh Hazel Halve la es
pecially good for piles. Recom
mended and told by Model Drag Bore.
A bunch of High School boys are
practicing basket ball In the rink
twice a week and we hope to have
n tho near future, a team that will
furnish so mo interesting games for
tho winter.
The High School students have
organized, forming a Student Body,
and are doing things In a business
The reception given the foot ball
and basket ball players by the Stu
dent Body on Thanksgiving evening
was a grand success.
On Monday evening last, Novem
ber 30th a debate was held in the
assembly hall 'of tho High School In
order to choose students for tho regr
ular debating team. The question
waa: "Resolved: That life Impris
onment with restricted power nf
pardon on the part of the executive
should be substituted for capita:
punishment In Oregon. The
speakers on the affirmative were:
Krol Gllkey, Emma Mughrldge,
Geneva Myers and Electa Chap
man. For the negative: Henry
Norton, Iolsi Webber, Jnsfrrhtne)
Randle and Daniel McFarland.
The Editorial Staff of the Tokay
met on Monday evening last and
made preparations for Issuing the)
Christmas number.
Gordon Griffin, one ot our star
foot ball players, is unable to at
tend school this week as a result ot
the game last Thursday.
The Christmas Tokay will be a
great ad for our town. Better sub
scribe. Miss Cole, one of the High School
students who was Injured at the rink
by a falling seat, la reported to be
Evidently one ot the places wbera
Ice cream and soda are sold In tnla
town does not wish to solicit tba
High School students attendance.
Judging from the treatment on ot
our players and his friends received
at this place on Thursday aftor tba
To close ont our stock of Rain
Wagons we will sell one 3 Inch
Gear With standard holght whoela
and 3 In. tires for $90.09 cash
(reguiar price $105.00). Also on
one-horse Bain Georgia wagon $60.
(regular price $82). Hair-Riddle
Hardware Co.
Pioneer Awayin j and Rcf. Co.
Capital tinO.000. K-l 27 year. OeJd
bane Million: cyanide, rich ore, rte.
bought ; aavlng ftp". Hpot ranh oe
aaaaving values. 131 fitti at. near V.
8. Mini, Han Francisco, Cal.
UaMta fnrfUnl. (Ml
Oalraatliill Kaaln
llkala la Vrtaa
mat lae amattaj
VfeMnima. 711 uvaa.
U, a eAMiaaroaMiBTiifTHaia
I rae aitnuaaa I
I Waiaa tm 4 M Fuuko
Fruit, Shade
Hedge plauts, Cypress and Privet
Berry Plant
To Kay Grapes
as well at) other kiuds of fint class
grape roots. Apple, Pear, Peach,
Cherry and other trees at reasonable
pices. It will pay you to ae me
lielore buying.
Let me have your orders lefore
the assortment i broken. Some
kind? ate scarce already.
T. T. Taylor
Office iu brick near Conrt Uouaa