Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 27, 1908, Image 7

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    from Every Ounce Oi
'Jg Lamp lira
. . Ike Ion winle
rd an, kj ft t are your ,. Uim imprmtd. centr.l
aickd slalei. twry lamp warrantee1.
B yew ecala anM nasi, the Raye Lame er PirUcbw 04
rUee. wnk Mr Karat Itaiqr W 1 saacriaen cirailu.
Perfection Oil Heaters
and Rayo Lamps are
for sale by Hair-Riddle
Hardware Co.
Courier and Oregonian $2
A. B. Blckford et ux to J. H.
Eggers. Lots 1, 2, 3, in blk
7, 1st ad to town of Takll
nm . . $ 275
Harriet Sllsby Kellogg to Mu-
Iry B. Wadsworth, lots 1-2,
, blk R Railroad Ad 500
Belt Lodge Xo. 18, A.F.& A.
M. et al, to Hattie L. Floyd
et al, lots 1-2-3-4, blk. 3,
iu Belt Lodge No. IS and
Kerbyvllle Lodge No. 55
cemetery near Kerhy, Ore.
P.P. Proctor et ux to Jolm (.' et al, W4 tifSE '4 and
SKVi of SW'U, ''C- Is- 1
3:, S, R 6 W 1"
S. to Jacob Miller, patent
f to N'H of SB" sec. In, tp.
35 S, R 6 W, 80 acres.
Josephine Co. to Agnes E.
j Merrick, K4 lot S Granite
Hill cemetery.
G. A. Savage et ux to Ella M.
Savage, lot 32 blk A Nel
Anme amain- a taeo-l. '" .JP"
anldlr ascertain rir rpiiii. n f
lionaametlr ennSderitlsl. HDB00t uo PMM
Patents tao Sturm A Co. reoelrs
mtnol Mtica, w.tboot CDaraa, IB
Scientific flmerican.
MUNN & Co.",Br-'- New York
HIV tilt VV Wtball Ik L.
Glowing Heat
When the mercury dxoos out of naliL ami
you just can 'keep the house warm, you'll
nna it wonderfully convenient to use a
Oil Heater
(Equipped with Smokeless Device)
It's very LgKt carry it ibour heit any cold
room, lum the wick high or low no
dinger no moke no imelL Easily wed
lor and gives nine hour ol
wry comfort at one tiling ol
" 9 brass font Finished in
nickel and japan. Every
heater warranted.
DmJ el il.Jr.
iaKt it uleal far
Saaeet Magazine offers tba readers of this tSer the baa vportuarQr
of the year
S3.00) ALL FOR
. Mn rprr with your order, a beautiful premium, a 75-pare a oak
r illustrated In four colora with 1U Western view.
son's Ad 21
E. II. Yancy et ux to M. T.
Hates, lands in sec. 16, tp.
3D S, R 6 V 350
Mildred Mattlson to J.C. Mat
tison, part of lot 14, blk IB
Lincoln Park Ad
C. G. Jenks to Clara E. Jenks
SH of SB4 of NE4 of
sec. 6, tp. 36 S, U 5 W,
20 acres
H. II. Miller et ux to C'has.D.
Welter, Vt interest In SV
i; of SEVi sec. 6, tp.36
S, R 5 W 100
John D. Fry et ux to H. J.
Clark and C. E. Wolfolk,
lots 1-2, blk 59, town of
Grants Pass 1000
F. W. VanDyke et ux to Sid
ney E. Lindsay, lot 12, blk
76. O.T S 105
W C. T. V.
It would seem that it requires
mure evidence to convict a liquor
dealer than an ordinary citizen.
We have heard of cases where the
evidence of one witness has been
enough to convict, but we have not,
as yet, been able to ascertain how
many witnesses, aside from detec
tives, the law requires to offer suf
ficient testimony to convict those
dealers who are in open violation to
our laws, making men drunk. And
yet, these law-breakers would have
us think that they are, of all men,
the most desirable citizens and the
most zealous in keeping the "Pure
Food Law" (as applied to liquor).
The malls are flooded with letters,
price lists and even premium offers
to Individuals soliciting holiday
trade in the accursed drink. How
many homes, think ye, would be
made happier. How many hearts
would be made lighter for the offer
made by these liquor dealers!
The day Is' coming when this corse
will be no more and this fair coun
try shall indeed be white. In the
meantime let the temperance forces
march steadily forward, trusting tn
God, who is the friend and guide,
leading in thla gigantic struggle
against wrong.
The Will of the Sovereign.
The anti-liquor laws in modern
democracy, are not edicts imposed
upon the people, as the saloon men
would be glad to have the people be
lieve; they are laws adopted by the
people themselves, and depend upon
the people for their execution. This
is especially true in regard t o the
local option law in our own state of
Oregon. By the "Initiative" the
citizens expressed their will, and of
fered to the people of the cities, pre
cincts, and counties a local option
law. This they did by a great ma
And again, when an attempt was
made this last year to emasculate
that law by cutting out from Its be-
nlflcent action the cities of our state
the people, by a very much larger
majority, repudiated that attempt.
By this action the people served
notice on the liquor fraternity that
they should keep their hands off the
local option law. That enactment
was by the will of the sovereign peo
ple of the state of Oregon, and must
stand. American Issue.
The boldness of these liquor men
Is Incomprehensible. One of the
class accosted a farmer the other day
day with "Do you want to do some
hauling?" This being a slack sea
son tn farm work, the farmer
thought he might take the Job, but
upon Inquiry found that the hauling
consisted of not much at a time but
a little off and on all winter or lon
ger well. In fact, supplies for the
saloon at Savage Rapids. And these
supplies are not to come from Med-
ford, but from Grants Pass. Can it
be possible that Medford liquor men
have their agents in our city?
Surely the men of Grants Pass are
loyal to the laws of our state (?).
Press Correspondent.
Received too late for last issue.
The W. O. T. U. in its meeting
last Friday did some work io plan
ning for the Parliamentary depart
ment. This line of work under Mrs.
Mary Hiidretb, as superintendent will
be taken op in a course of stody in
the near tutors. Full particulars will
be given later. There ware present
at the L. T. L. meeting about 80
children. It is hoped that the organi
zation with offloers, superintendents
and yearlr program of meetings can
be completed at our next meeting
that the year book may (to to the
publisher aud be in the hands of every
member before the end of the year.
L-t all the White Ribboners help to
make this year the "beat ever."
The Natioual Woman's Clmstiau
Tern iterance Union touched "high
watermark" in the oragnisatlons his
tory at the Thirty-fifth auuoal conven
tion just closed. The note of victory
sounded at Nsubville, Tenn., oue
yer ago, was caught up at DaDv-r
with greater euthosiasm aud deter-
miuatiou for the rapidly whitening
map of our country was the best po
sible evidence that we have wrought
to some purpose. The year's accom
plishments, aside from the gain In
prohibition territory, include un
precedented gain in memliersliip
120,463 above all losses, an increase of
mora than f 1000 in the amount con
riboted to the Frances . Willard
Memorial Fond, aud a balance of
S,697P9 in the treasury, with no
'bills; payable." O'l matters of
policy the convention was conspicu
ously harmonious.
Two new oBicers, corrospcinding
secretary and treasurer were lectea
one uew depsrment , that of Uo-oner
at ion with mioaionarv soe'etiea wis
adopted; a college Y secretaryship
waacreted; two white riblmn mis
ionaries to the orient, Mra. Katherine
Lent Stevenson of MHracha tts aud
Miss Roth Frances Davis of WUctusiu
and a missionary to 'Mexico, Mr.
Nelle Borger of Missouri, all onder
oommtssion from the World's W. C.
T. U. were consecrated to this special
service and bidden Godspeed Plans
for the coming yetir provide for an
extensioo of the work in many direc
tions. The convention of 1U09 was
voted to Omaha, Nab. (Signal)
Ths Haad Huntors.
In Tupuaclel. In New Guinea, the
bouses are built on plies In the open
oresn a good distance from the shore.
The object of this is to protect the In
habitants sgsinat sudden attacks of
the deadly bead hunters, who slwsys
are on the lookout foe victims, wboee
hesds tbey need In their buslaeae.
Other vlllsgae 1b this happy land are
perched up In all bet Inaccessible trees
for the same weighty reeaoa.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land Office.
Rosebnrg, Ore, Sept. 94, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Selma, Oregon, who, on April 93,
made Homestead t-ntry, Ne.
11493 S, R 016S for of NEW : WW
of SEl4', Section 14, Township its
South, Range 8 West, Willamette
Meridian, has hied notice of iuteution
to make final five year Proof, to es
tablish olaims to the land above des
cribed, before Joseph Moss. U. S.
Coaimlssioosr at Orauts Pass, Oregon,
on the 6th day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William U. Sargeut, of Sxlma. Ore.,
Roy Orair of Selma, Ore., David
Hoaus of Selma, Ore., Alfred Ragan,
of Selma, Ore.,
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at
Roaeburg. Ore,. September 19, 1908.
Notice is hereby given thst
of Selma, Josephine County. Oregon.
who, on Aaguat 95th, 1908, made Tim
ber A Stone Application, Nn. (WS8.
for of the NE and the NE.)' of
NWW, Sxotioo 6, Township 87 Suuth,
nanga 4 West, Willamette Meridian,
lias hied notice of intention to make
Final Timber & Stone Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Joseph tioss, U. S
Commission, at Orauts Past, Oregon,
on the 7th day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam U. Long, of Selma, Josephine
County, Oregon; Charles ttible of
Selma, Josephine County, Oregon ;
Joseph K. v e-diu of Grants Pass,
Josephine Coonty, Oregon ; Martin A.
Conger, of Grants Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
Rosebnrg. Ore., Msy 8, 1908.
Notice is hereby given, That in
compliance with the provisions of
ths Act of Congress, of Jobs 8, 1878,
entitled "An Act for the sale of Tim
ber Lands in the States of Califo nia.
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all Public
Land States by an act of August 4,
of Ashland, county of Jackson, State
of Oregon Died in this office on May
z, iwiH, tier sworn atatemsnt Mo.
10033 for the purchase of the North
east quarter of Section No. 92 In Town
ship Nn. 84 Sooth of Range No. 5
West W. M., Ore., anl will offer
poof to show that the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or stone
than for agriooltual purposes, and to
establish Ins claim to said land be
fore the Register and Receiver of this
office at Koseburg, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 7th day of January, 190K.
shs names as v itesses : George E.
Shearer, of Ashland, Ore , Thomas
K. Luster, of Koaeburg, Ore., Louis
Stsinbaoh, of Roseburg, Ore.,
Louia Steinbach, of Rosebnrg, Ore..
Benjamin O. MeOee.ef K wehnrg, Ore.
Any and all persons olaimiug ad
versely the above described lands are
reqoested to die their claims n this
office 00 or before said 7th day of
Department of the Intjitor.
U. S. Ind Office at Rojiurir, O.o.
A UK list 13, 1H0S.
Notice is hereby given '.hit
of Portland, Oregou.who, on A 11 trust
12. 1908, made Bworn' stat . m V.
0761, for Northwest quartcr(NV 4
Sec. 26, Tp. 40 8. R. ft V. W. ,
has filed notice of Intcr.lon to muke
final proof to establish claim to the
land above described, before Il uls
ter and Receiver at Koseburi, Ore ,
on the 11th Day of February, 1!)09.
Claimant names as wltnoses:
Frank Cain, of Riddle, Ore., Will A.
Leonard, of Portland, Ore., ChssPi J.
Freeman, of Holland, Ore. .Frank J.
Leonard, of Kerbv, Ore.
Department of the Interior.
1. S. I and Office at Roieliurr, Or
August 4, 1:mis.
Notice Is hereby given that
of Spokane, Wasn , who, on
Aegust 3d, 10S, made owo:-,i Slate
tnent No. 0656, for the V. S
and V 4 SKI,, S.-c. ;:, 1'p. SI S
It. 7 W.. Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of his Intention to n'ake
final proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, befor-i Regis
ter and Receiver, at Roseburg, Ore
Ion, on the 7th day of Februar) ,
Claimant names as witnesses:
Alnhoiia V Crriiu-h rtf flrnnta Pnua
Ore., Alrnon lawler, of Leland, Ore.,
jonn .Maioney 01 apogane, wasn.,
John Penner, of Heron, Mont.
The Laugh.
The gods had each bestowed upon
oho some gift, and now they were
standing about to lock blm over. "Ain't
be comical?" cried one or another of
them, and It was on thst suggestion
thst they all united In giving him the
laugh. It proved about the moat pre
cious gift of all. Only for the laugh,
bow should man have lived it out In
snythlng like comfort? Puck.
Ask Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. to
show you that Steel Range they are
selling for $35.00.
Department of the Interior,
U. a Land Office.
Rosebnrg, Ore., Sept. 28, 1908.
A sofflsient contest affidavit having
oeeo nied io this office by
contestant, against homeatead entrv
No. 10,874; made July 18, 1901 for
the SE Section 10, Township 39
a, nange 8 w, by Robert Bail, Con
testee, in which it is alleged that
said Robert Ball has abandooed asms
four years ago. more or less, and has
not been on said houitote-td a luce also
that no other person has lived on aania
since, nor made any impr Jveuieuts
aud that sUd alleged ab-euce from
i"e aid laud was not due to his em-
nlovment in the Armv, Navy, or
Maiiue Cone of Hie United States as
a private soldier, officer, seaman, or
marine, uurlug the war with Spain,
or during any other war iu which the
Cnited (states may be engaged. Said
parties are hereby notified to appear,
respond and offer evideuos touching
mm aiicgaiion at o o clock a. ui. on
November 28, 1908 before Joseph
Moss, U. S. Conilssioner, at his ollice
iu Ci rati ts Pass Oregon, and that final
hearing will be held at 11 o'clock a.
m., December IS, 1908, before the
Register and Receiver at the United
Miates Laud Office in Hoteburg,
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed September 88,
1908, set forth facte which show that
after due diligence personal service
of this notioe can not be made, it is
hereby orderexl and directed that such
notice be given by due and proper
Timber Land, Aot Jnne 3, 1878.
Rosebnrg, Ore., May 8, 1008.
Notioe is hereby given that in 00m
tillanoo With the nrovlsimia nf lha ,it
of Congress of June 8. 1878, entitled
aq aci 01 ine sale or timDer lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Wlahillirtnii Turrlrr '
as extended to all the Pnhlin I.nn.t
States by act of August 4, 1899,
of Rosebnrg, county of Douglas, State
of Oregon, filed in this office April 14,
1908, his sworn statement No. 10037,
for the pnrohase of the SEW NWW,
NE SWW and N SE.( of Section
No. 2i in Townshio No. 4 Range No.
S.WsatTW. M. and will offer proof to
show that the laud songht is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
bis claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Roseb'irg, Ore., on
rrictay, me etti flay of January, 1909.
He names as witnesses B. W.
Strong, of Rosebnrg, Ore., W. D.
Bell of Roseburg, Ore., Arthur L.
Roadman of Roseburg. Ore.. S. A.
Sauford, of Roseburg, Ore
Any aud all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to rile their claims in this
office on or before said 8th day of Jan
Timber Laud, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore.. Msy 2, 1908.
Notice 1. hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisions of the act
of Congress of June 8, I818, entitled
"An act for ths sale of timber lands
in the States nf California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory,"
as ei tended to all ths Pnblio Laud
States by act of Aognst 4, 1892,
of Portland, county of Miilnoniah,
State of Oregon, filed In this office,
February 1, 11HM, his sworn stateuieut
No H9, for the purchase of the H1-,
of 8El4, the NEi of SE aud NEI4
rf NE'. of Section No. 20. In Town
ship No. 40 8, Range No. 8 West. W.
M. and will offer proof to show thst
the land sooght is mors valuable for
its timber or atone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish his
oluirn to said land before Register
and Receiver at Ro'eburg, Oregon, on
Friday, the 4th dav of December, 1 WW.
He names as witnesses: James S.
Bailey of Ashland, Oregon, Harry
Silver, of Ashland, Oregon, David
Kuratli of Portland, Oregon, Ira A.
Martin, of Portland, Oregon
Auv and all pe aona claiming ad
verselv the abnve-descrlhed lauds aia
reonust d tile their claims In this
oltioe on or b'fore said 4tli dsy of De
cember, 1908.
Rug later.
Timber Land, A' t June 3, IH78.
Roseburg, Ore.. May 2, 1908.
Notioe it hereby given that in com-
pi lance with ibe provisions of the
Act of Congress of June 3, IH7H, en
titled "An Act for the sale of timber
Lands in the Status of California.
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory, " as extended to all Pub
lic Land Slates by an act of August
of (118 Pettvgrove St.. Portland
Coautv of Multnomah State of Ore
gon, tiled In this office on Jauoary 28,
HiOH, his sworn statement Nn. WHfyt for
the purchase of the WW 8E', rJK'f
HE1 Section 14, lot 8, of Section No.
2:1 10 Township No. 40 South, of
Itange fio. b, West, W. M., Ore., aud
111 offer proof to show that ths land
sought is more vainable for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish bis claim to
said land before Register and Re
ceiver of this office at Roseburg,
1 'regnn, 00 Friday, the 4tb day of
LiiHeuioer, iwio.
lie names as wi to esses : J. 8.
Bailey of Ashland, Ore., Harry Silver
ot Aahlaod, Ore., Ire A. Martin of
Portland, Ore., Adolf Bcbuls of Port
land. Ore
Any and alt persons claiming ad
versely the above-described lands are
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 4tb dsy of
December, 1908.
Timber Land, Act Jone S, 1878.
Roseburg, Oregon, May 9, 1908
Notioe is hereby given that H com
pliance with the Drnvlsiona of tha ant
Of Connnuia of Jnn X 1M7K an.
titled "An sot for the sals of timber
laous la the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada and Washington Terri
tory" as extended to all the Pobllo
Land States by act of August 4 1892,
of Portland pnnntv nf
of Oregon filed in this offioe on Jan-
nary iws her sworn statement No.
9887 for the parohase of the NK, of
Section No. 8a In Tnwmhln Vi jnu
Range No. 8 West W. M and' wili
offer proof to show that the land
sought is more valaahla for Ita ilmhov
or stone than for agricultural pur
poses, and to establish his claim to
said land befors Register and Receiver
at Rosebnrg. Orgon on Friday, the
4th oay of December, 1908.
one names as wltuesses: J, S.
Baily. of Ashland. Ore. ; Harry 8il-
Ver. Of Ashlanil Onnnie Tr a fu.
tin of Perfli.11,1 Or-, ta. 1,11. I.,ul
- " I H V T . U1
Portland, Ore.
jAuy aud all persona claiming advetse
y the above described lands are re
quested to (lie their claims in this
offioe on or before said 4th day of
December 1908.
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878.
Roseburg. Ore., May 7, 1908.
Notion Is hereby given That in
compliance with the provisious of the
Aot of Congress of Juue 8, 1878, en
titled "An Aot for the sale of Timber
Lands in ths States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as extended to all Public
Land States by an aot of August 4,
of 674 Nehaletn Ave., Portland
Couutv of Multnomah, Stats of Ore.,
goo, filed in this ollice on April 11,
1908, his sworn statement No. 10008
for the purchase of the N'SKi4' 8WW
SE4 SI4 SW)4' of Section Nu 14 iu
Township No. 89 South of Range No
8 West W. M. Or, and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or
stone than for sgrlnnltural purposes,
and to establish his claim to said laud
before the Register and Receiver of
this office, at Ross burg, Oregon, on
rriday tne istli day of December.
He names as w Itesses: Tra'A. Mar.
tin, of Holland, Ore., Fred H. Whit-.
Held, or Portland. Oregon, Edward H.
Sutton, ot Portlaud, Oregon, J. 8.
Bailey, of Ashland, Oregou, Charles
t urner, or Holland, Oregon.
Harry Silver, Ashland, Oregon.
Any and all peraons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their olaims io this
office on or before said 18th day of
December, limn.
In the County Court for Josephlue
Coouty, Oregon.
Iu ths matter of ths)
Estate or Thomas i
A Hood, Ditoeased )
Notioe is hereby given that Ora
Hood, the administratrix of the
Estate of Thomas A. Hood, deceased,
has filed In the above entitled oourt
and cause her final eoooiint, and that
Saturday, December fi, lUOS, at the
hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at the oounty
court room at the Court House at
Grants Pass, Josephlue County, Oie
gun, is hereby fixed as ths time ami
place for hearing said final account,
and all persons having objections to
said account are hereby notified to Ilia
and present the same on or before
said dute.
Dated this nth day of November, A.
D. 1908
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Office.
Rosebnrg, Ore., July 84, 19o8.
Notice is hereby given thst
of Ashland, Jackson County, Orsgon,
who on Jnly 23, 1908. made Tmilier
arid Ktone Application, No. 0437, for
NofNVVijaud 8Wrf of NWW and
NwtjiifSW Section 22, Tnwusihp
34 Soath, Rungs 6 west Willamette,
Meridian, has filed notioe of Intention
'n make Final Timber and Stoue
Proof, to establish claim tntihs Isnd
above described, before Register and
Receiver at Rrswburg, Oregon, on tha
30th day of January 19o9.
Claimant names as witnesses:
George Shearer of Ashland, Jackson
Oounty, Oregon, Louis Steinbach, of
Rosebnrg, Douglas comity, Oregon,
Thomas Luster, ol Roseburg, Douglas
county, Opgou, Thomas Taplln, of
nosciiiirg, uoogiaa coonty, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
U. a Land Office.
Roseburg. Ore., Sept. 80, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that
of Portland, Multnomah Connty,
Oregon, who, on September 30, 1108,
mivle 1 1 in her anil Htone Application
No. 0IW7. for W! of the SEk, and
the YM of the 8W!-i, section I. Town
ship 41 Sooth, Range 9 West, Willa
mette Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to mate Final Timber and
Stone Proof, to establish claim to the
land above described, before Joieph
Moss, U. 8. CommisHloner, at Grants
Pass, Oregon, on ths IU1I1 day of De
cs tn Iter, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Car
lton E. Harmoo, of Grants Pass, Juae
(bins Co.. Ore., Frank M. South, of
Grants Pass, Josephine Co., Ore.,
James Swearinger of Grants Pass,
Juseohine Co.. Ora.. Kzra U Al.
i.brlght, of Waldo. Josephine Co.. Ore.
' Peglster.
k VMi "