Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 27, 1908, Image 4

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    The ltoguc Kiver Courier
Pdbmshcd Evkit Fbioat Bt
A. E. VOORHIES, Proprietor
Entered at the Pot Office t Grants Pans,
Oregon as second-claxs mail matter.
Subscription Rataai
One Year, in advance,
Six Months,
Three Months,
Single Copies,
Advertising Rates
fornl"hed on application at the oftice, or
by niau.
iili, : - mA ManlntlnnN of COn
dolence will be charged lor at 6c per line;
card of thanks ouo.
Following Irrigation lor tbls valley,
good roads are the next In importance:
nd In building roads the best are the
cheapest In the long run, lor a properly
constructed thorougfare will last sites.
That this Is so provsn by the fact
that the roads leading to Rome con
structed in the time of the Caesars are
good roads today. Grants "ass has or
should havs deep interest in the
building ol roads (or Josephine county.
This being the county seat and the
metropolis all roads should lead to this
city. The Commercial Cluh and every
business man connected with it
should become a live advocate of the
good roads movement ai d the most
effective way to do this will be to assist
the Josephine County Good Roads
League, the officers of which association
must be content to be judged by their
works. They have opportunity which
should spur them on and public necess
ity should cause them to enter upon the
Good Roads campaign without an
hour's delay.
President Roosevelt has one more
surprise in store for the people of the
United Slates before he retires from
office, and this time it will be the lame
ness of bis message to Congress at its
convening next month. It is said that
hi, will not recommend anv drastic re
forms and will even leave the tariff
question to bis successor. The met
if n ! aitxwtod to be in lame Dart in
the form ot a farewell to the people he
has served so well lor nearly seven ana
one half years.
The report of State Labor Controls
sloner Ho ft shows that 273 new man a
factoring plants were installed in
Oregon daring the last year, sad that
87 plants which have stood Idle for
sometime past are preparing to again
begin operations. Oregon seems to be
going ahead right along.
If the good work which has been going
on for the last week or so, in enllving
the Commercial Club, holding Good
Roads Conventions and lending fine ap
ple ethibibi to Spokane, Portland and
Council Illnfia is kept up, Grants Pass
and Josephine county will forge ahead
at s rapid rate.
When congress meets shortly lo
consider the tariff, the newspapers of
the country whioh usually depend un
on congress to furuiah a sensation
every day or two, will have a hard
time making readable copy out'of the
dry discussions of that subject
Imagine the oat infection President
Romeveli and Preidentelect Tuft will
feel when they open the boxes of perfect
apple sent them from this part of the
Rogue River Valley, and then imagine
the greater MtUfHrtlon when they bit
into this luscious fruit.
Of course Josephine county wants
good road and of courre she will hare
them. Now let hear that the Good
Roads League organited last Monday i
getting down to woik.
R. D. Hume, the millionaire salmon
kinir, of Gurry County, died at his home
in Wedderburn this morning. Kidney
trouble, with which he had been alllii-ted
for inanv years, was the cause ot death.
The funeral will be held Friday at
'WeddiThiiru sad the burial will be at
that place.
He lore Mr. Hume lapsed Into uticon
scioiiHness yesterday it is said he made
th request that he be buried on Hunt
Hook, a large pmmitorv, near Wedder
burn an. I overlooking the mouth of the
Kogue Hiver. It is aid bis wish will be
complied with.
Mr. Hume's schooner, the Osprev, ou
which he made his last trip to Wed
derburn when It came near Wing lost,
was in port at Coos Hay and the news
of the deaili was made known at Marsh
fltld when the Hag of the boat was put
at hall mast.
It is not known now just how Mr.
Hume lias lelt his wealth, but it is like
ly '.hat the estate will remain intact.e a
H in-'ludes about lO.OiMt acres ol land
and large rannlng establishment which
require operation on a large scale to be
productive. He aUo owned practically
all the tow n of Wedderburn a news-
aper, the Wedderburn Radium, race
torses and California property.
His property made up the largtwt
individual holdings in the state. His
wealth is estimated at f:,0t,00i. Should
the proterty lie divided or sold it may
mean the vonhwlzalion ol a large tract
of Curry County, which, axide from
Mr. Hume's enterprise, has heretofore
been practically undeveloped. -
(Continued from First Page.)
wasted. with good sprinkling and
good rolling the road will soo:i De
come Impervious to water and there
will be no chuck boles.
Judge Scott is a warm advocate
of the old-fashioned road roller and
he declares that his Implement is
more essential than a rock crusher,
thougn both must be used to obtain
really good roads Good roads are
an investment, and can be had very
easily in every community. He
favors the plan of using the state
convicts for rock crushing.
The road system of Michigan
which works so well, he thought
might be adopted in part by Oregon.
Roads are laid out in any district
wanting them, by the county en
gineer, and a definite building plan
adopted. When a mile or several
miles are built in the district it is in
spected by the state engineer and If
found satisfactory a specified sum,
perhaps equal to that already ex
pended, is applied from the state
treasury on the roads of that dis
Another plan which seems to
have many advocates in this Btate is
for the state, county and road dis
trict to apply equal sums of money
In the building of roads in any lo
cality. The road district has tne
power to levy special taxes and In
many instances a large portion of
the tax is paid by outside owners
such as railroad companies and tim
ber land Investors. This amount
with twice as much from the state
funds for building and maintaining
first class roads.
After Judge Scott concluded, Mr.
Mickle of Seattle, who happened to
be in the city and attending the con
vention, was asked to tell about the
good roads movement In his state of
Washington and In Californ'H, with
which he Is familiar. Mr. Mickle
made an Interesting ta.k r.nd
showed that if Oregon was to l:e-.p
in the same class with the other two
states mentioned her citizens would
have to bo awake and at work on
her roads.
The final result of the convention
was the forming of the JoBephlng
Josephine County Good Roads
League. A temparary organization
was formed with Judge J. O. Booth,
president; H. C. Kinney, vice-president;
and Lincoln Savage, secretary.
For Elastic book cases see O'Neill;
they grow with the books.
Another New Industry for
Prof. T. H. B. Taylor, the veteran
father renovatorman. of Jackson
ooanty, is now installing his steam
feather renovating and deodorizing
plant in Grants Pass and will be ready
for business in a few day. The
feathers (beds and pillows) will be
called for at each residence in the
morning taken iu the ticks as they
are and during the day will D per
fectly washed with medicated steam,
uertectly sterilized ana aeoaonzea
Every part'clH of animal matter
is eliminated and every form ot (lis
ease germs absolutely destroyed. They
are thoroughly screened and, fanned
and dusted. .MoHt perfectly hot air
dried and returned the same day, all
sewed, ready for immediate nse, pure
as auow.
Each family work is positively
kent aud treated entirely separate.
New tickings will be furnished and
put on the same dav if so desired at
reasonable price. Nothing bat the
beet tlcklmrs nsea. A specially
made of converting beds Into pillow.
or vise versa. Beds and pillows
evened np or changed to any size or
sliane desired.
Mr. Taylor says he bas the best
machinery and Is ostog the most per
feet method of steam renovating of
feathers of anyone on the Pacific
coast. Mr. Taylor is a 80 year resi
dent of Jackson county and also well
known in Grants Pas. The Med ford
Mail has said: "Whatever V. H. B.
Taylor says Is a goarantee. He does
a nice, clean family business. Krery
one treated fairly.
As this is a sanitary matter, no
doubt our people or Urauts Pans will
improve this opportunity. There can
hardly be a doubt of Mr. Taylor'
ability or Integrity. ll-so 2t
Hex Fllntkote Roofing at Hair
Kiddle Hardware Co.'s.
If you waul the best fence ou the
market for the least possible in-
ve-atment, get "American" woven
wire fence. Sold only by Hair
Kiddle Hardware Co.
tasanis cf writers
Levi Strauss & Co's
Cisiir lb
Services will be held In the Ad-
ventlst church Sunday evening the
28th inst. Subject "The Millenium
Soon to Dawn." All are cordially
invited. Elder Thumner, Pastor.
A Rabbit proof Fence is Pittsburgh
Perfect Poultry and Garden Fence, in
stock at Cramer Bros.
Window glass at Hair-Riddle's.
FOR RENT Everitt Gallery on H.
St., east of Layton hotel. Suitable
for gallery or dwelling. Inquire
of R. K. Hackett at First National
Bank. 11-27-tf
LOST 6-in. Gurley compass on the
Merlin road. Finder leave at this
office and receive $5 reward.
11-26 -It.
FOR SALE Gasoline engine, Work
harness, plow, cultivators, spring
wagon, carpenters tools, No. 65
Stasley plane, log chain, small
heating stove, bed steads and
springs, some rhairs and other
household articles. W. C. Dodge,
8'1 N 10th St. 11-27-tf
MONEY to loan on real estate. Mort
gages bought and sold. Marcus
W. Robblns, lawyer. ll-27-4t
LOST ladies' neck fur between the
post ollice and the Western Hotel or
ha Imtol nH L. P. Hall's lesideoce
on Fourth street. Finder leave at
office of Gillette Riggs Land Uom
pany. 11-27-tf,
FOR SALE or exchange for Grants
Pass property, either country or
city, a 20-acre fruit farm at Win
ter, Cal. The place is in the
suburbs of the town and in a high
state of cnltivation all out to al
monds, peaches and apricots, mo it
all bearing. All under irrigation, a
good 7-room house, a barn and other
improvements, a No. 1, borne and
will eanily net flOuO per year. Ad
dress for particnalrs Box 284 Grants
Pass. 11-20 2t
FOR SALE Senator Donlan Straw
berry plants, $5 per thousand, 76
cents per hundred. J. U. Calhoun.
11-13 tf
4-ROOM Bungalow and one acre
ground, young family orchard,
well, windmill and large tank giv
ing water for domestic and lrriga
tlou purposes. Desirable locatlou.
The above property,' including all
household Goods, for $1,300.
halt cash, balance to suit. E.W.
Smalley, 725 N 10th St., City.
DESIGNS, Cat flowers, potted plants,
bo lbs. Medford Greenhouse, phone
606. 11 6-tf
FOU SALE Almost new Btodebaker
Top buggy and single harness, a half
price. Address Box 886 11-6 tf
WANTED 10 rigging slingers. $flO
per month; 10 lumber pliers, 2 150
per day ; two lumber graders, $75
per month ; high wheel teamsters,
$05 per month Box factory men $2.
W. II. West & Co., Medford Ore.
PIANO Pupils wanted 20 years ex
perience in teaching. Address Mrs.
E. E. Foster J, N 6th St., next to
V. Uoron. 717 tr,.
FOR RENT A furnished room, with
or without board, 817 North 6th
street. 11 20 2t
FOR KENT or sale 6-room cottage,
good shed and small barn. Inquire
of Mrs. N. P. Dodge. 11-13 tf
FOR RENT 15 or 20 acres of liver
bottom land, luquire at place, fonr
miles dowu the river road or address
A. H. Bronson, RFD No. 2. 1113 tf
WILL rent vou a good farm, seven
miles of city. Best terms given.
Write Box 25, or see me, residence
corner Oak and Park streets. J. M.
LOST Sutnrday a gold anchor brooch
with raised letters U SN In front;
$1.50 reward it returned to Hazel
Gillette, 11-20-lt
MONEY to loan on real estate. Mort
gages bought and sold. Marcus W.
Riiuliiua, Lawyer. 10-30 4t.
mission furniture made to order.
I AM soliciting sobicrlptions for
"The Ladies Home Joornal and The
"Satnrriay Evening Post." Any
one desiring euher of tliem for in
dividual or for a Christmas preeeut
to st roe triend, will confer a great
favor by sending through me, and
if he or she will let me know
through phone 586 or in any other
way, I will call or send for the price
of subscription. Mrs. J. B. Paddock,
North Second sheet. 10.-80 tf
r A. PIERCE Renlstered Anmru
Flock headed by one of the famous
bucks of ihe "King Arthur" also
other bucks of diUereut strains of
breeding. Does of the noted strains.
Bocks for sale. Merlin, Ore. 8D
1U two years old Jersev rtnl!
years old Jersey
last seeil near Miller ranch, lout
September, brand, plain H un left '
hip. Reward given for information 1
leading to their recovery. Hvden 1
Close, WilderviUe. Phoue 887. " '
11-20 tf '
Lvlna Nahbor, Plaintiff, )
vs. )
JosephNahbor, Defendant)
In the Uircuu toun ui iuo oi
Oregon, for Josepnine j umy.
In the name ol tne staie oi unr
gon you are nereby summoned and
?i,-oH n nnnear In the circuit
court of the state of Oregon for Jo
sephine county in the above en
titled suit, on or before six weeks
from the date of the first publica
tion of this sumons, and before the
expiration of the time of said pub
lication thereof, which date of first
publication is Friday, November 27,
A. D. 1908, and which last date of
publication is Friday, January 8, A.
D. 1909, and then and there answer
or otherwise plead In said suit.
And if you fail to answer or other
wise plead within the time afore
said, the plaintiff will apply to tne
court for the relief prayed for In
the complaint, viz.: for a decree dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now
and heretofore existing between the
plaintiff and defendant, and for such
other and further relief as is equita
ble. This summons is published in the
Rogue River Courier, a newspaper
of general circulation published at
Grants Pass in Josephine county,
Oregon, by order ot Hon. Stephen
Jewell, county Judge for said county,
dated November 27, 1908, and re
quiring publication of said summons
for a period of six successive weeks.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Speolal sale of extra wide, all silk
ribbons this week. 20 cent ribbons go
at 15 cents at Gardener & Co. 11-13 tf
Just Coffee, but perfect
Your grocer will grind It
better if ground at horns not
too fins.
27, HQS.
This week we want to call
Gents Furnishing
Here you will find the correct thing in clothes
Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Neckties,
Shoes and everything that goes
to make a correctly dressed
man. Don't forget we also
dress the little men too. Our
boys' clothes are the kind that
wear like iron
Southern Oregon
Supply Company
"Providers for Outer and Inner Man"
You should read "The Wo
man's Invasion"; it's power
ful and disturbing, but it's
your business, and bound to
come home to you man or
woman. And you should see
see "The Child's Christmas
verse, almost a complete lit
tle gift-book in itself.
There's the making of a ser
mon, speech, a laugh, or a
debate in every number of
For Sale tt soy Drug Stor in
Gnat P$t
Protect Your Orchards From Frosts
By the Orchard Heating Device of the Frost Prevention Co. of
Fresno, Cal. For Sale by
GEO. II. PARKER, Grants Pass, Ore.
Special Sale
To Begin Saturday,
November 28
$1.00 Blankets at this sale $ .78
1.50 " - 1.00
2.50 " " 2.00
2.50 Comforts " 2.0O
1.75 " 1.45
3.00 Ladies fine shoes sizes
2 to 4 at 1.76
3.50 and $4 Ladies fine
shoes sizes 2 to 4 at 1.99
Sale will Continue Until the
above Goods are Sold
Only a few boys suits left, at your own price,
to close them out.
Come in and get a suit made to order by M.
Born & Co. We guarantee a good fit.
We have just received a new line of Ladies
fine shoes. Ladies and Mens slippers and
Ladies Juliets.
Ladies please remember we are sole agents
for Thomsons Glove Fitting Corsets.
W.J. Gardner Co.
Front Street Opposite Depot
attention to our splendid line of
High Grade
Carving Sets, Pearl Handled
Pocked Knives, Gillette Saf
ety Razors, Embroidery
Scissors, Fine Razors and
Joe Wharton's
Sporting Goods Store, 6 St.