ROGUE RIVER COURIER, GRANTS PASS. OREGON NOVEMBER 27. 1908. PROFESSIONAL CARDS JJ. C. F1NDLEY. M. D. Practice limited to EYE EAR, NOKE and THROAT. Glasses fitted and furnished. Offloe hour 0 to 12; 2 to 6; and on sp pelntmeut. Telephones 261 and 77. GbaNTh Pass, Oma g LOUGHRIDGE, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON Ko. Phone 714 Oilf or country calls atUmded night orda. tlaonand H, Tuff's building. Olltoe I'hooe 261. Graww Pahs - . Okeoon. R. C. A. CAMPBELL OhTKCl'ATHIO PHYSICIAN Graduate Atneriran Hrbool ofOsteopatby, Klrkxville, Mo- Chronic; Disease and Diseases of Women " and Children a specialty ;OON8L'1.TATION KllEE Kooma 1. 2,18, First National Bank llldg. Pbonea: OHicei771, Kes. 71C Cabt Pah Oaicoos J) F. DeVore, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON City and Oonutrv calls promptly au swerd. Offioe. boors 9 to 12 a. m biTd 2 to 5 p. in. Res. I'hone, Main 478, Office, 941 Rooms 1, 2, 8 Bballliora Bldg. Grants Pass. - - OkE. Jf , D. NORTON, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Practice In all State and Federal Courts. Olllce in Ot.wra Houhb Building. Quants Pahs, Oheqon QLIVER & BROWN, LAWYER. Office over Dixons Store Grants Pass, Okkgon II. B. HENDRICKS COCNSELLORH-AT-LAW CWI1 and criminal matters attended to in all the courts. ' Real estate and Insurance. Offloe, 6th street, opposite Poetoffloe, Q, S. BLANCHARD, Attorney-at-Law ,,' Practice In all State and Federal courts. Banking and Trust Co. Bldg. Grant3 Pass; Okkgon WILLIAM P WRIGHT, U. H. DEPUTY SURVEYOR MINI NO ENOI.NEKR AND DRAUGHTSMAN tith St., north of Josephine Hotel. Grants Pars, Okkoon. The Popular Barber Shop Get your tonsorial work done at IRA TOMPKINS On Sixth Street Three chairs liath Room in connection N. E. McGlttiW, PIONEER TRUCK and DELIVERY Furniture and Piano Moving GRANTS PASS, OREGON. First National Bank OF Southern Oregon Grants Pass, Oregon Some of the Service that a Bank Renders the rublic DEPOSITS The safest and simplest way of keeping your numiy is l'v ilrpoMiinjr it in a Ki'linUo tnk. This Hank receive 1 posila subject to Check, or rn ilt'iimiiil (rrtiliiati's of deposit or on time t'erliluales of Di'po.iil.H. On time deposits pav 4 TER CENT INTEREST DRAFTS The lnst ami cheapest wav to transfer money is lv Hank Uraft. W soil Iiralts payalile in all parts of Hie country, LOANS On of the most Impor tant (urn-lions of the Hnnk. Wo endeavor to supply all reasonable needs of our customers. Capital and 8urplos..... $75,000 Stockholders' Additieual Responsibility. $50,000 OFFICERS L. 11. Haul, President J. 0. Cam rain,, VU-e-Pres. H I.. Uii.kiy. Cashier R. a. Hai tirr, AasC'Caahler SOUTHERN PACinC j NEW IMPROVEMENTS! Modern Pullman tare ou the Uno Through Grants 'Pass, Hwautte of IHg Jlualnina. A dispatch from San Francisco says: The Southern Pacific company yes terday made arrangementss with the Pullman Palace Car company for now Pullman cars, to cost 1 1,000, 000, with which to re-equlp Its owl trains between this city and Los An geles and trains 15 and 1 between San Francisco and Portland. This new equipment mean 50 of the lat est designed Pullmans. This bis order of E. H Harrlman means, in addition that the South ern I'uclflc Is to have train service between San Francisco and Los An geles and Portland which will be a duplicate of the Twentieth Century Limited trains of the New York Cen tral between Chic ago and New York. PaBBenger traffic on the Southern Pacific In California and Oregon and between this state and Oregon points has steadily Increased during the laBt few years, so much so In fact as to be an agreeable surprise to the railroad officials. It is not known what percentage of the earnings of the Harrlman system on this coast is represented by passenger travel. It Is an ever Increasing percentage, however, and Harrlman has decided to cater to this kind of traffic by getting equip ment of the best kind. This is one reason why he ordered a couple of weeks ago from several eastern car bulldlng firms 220 new passenger cars and coaches of various descrip tions. This order amounted to $2,000,0-00, and is entirely apart from the 11,000,000 order to the Pullman people. n latter order Is to embrace too iillowlng kinds of Pullmans: uis with two staterooms, I1; drawing room and ten sections. lth 12 sections, one drawing room and one smoking room. Twenty cars with 16 sections, per mitting of large dressing rooms. All of these cars will have a dent al room, which pasungers can repair to for daily attention to their teeth, instead of using the wush room as at present. The Pullman cars now In iiBe by the company will have a sim ilar change made In them as quickly as possible. The Harrlman people have also decided to have a valet, whoso duty it will be to press and cleun clothes of passengers on tho trains between this city and Portland, tho Overland Limited via. Ogden, the Sunset Lim ited between this city and New Or leans via El Pnso and tho Golden State Limited via El Pnso between Sau Francisco and Los Angeles and Chicago. It Is said by tho ruilroiid officials that the I'ulliuuii company will be able to deliver the 50 new cars with in tho next three months. HKST (WTAKItll IKK TOH. Huh Cured TIuiiimiikIn Will You or Money Hack. Cure This Is the little Hy oinel Inhaler, the little doctor that has cured many thousands of suf ferers from catarrh, brouchltls, asthma, liny lever, coughs, colds ut.u Klll. It Is so easy and pleasant to cure your self with llyoiuei. Just pour a few drops In the little inhaler. and breathe It In. The heal- lug, soothing and antl- the mucous membrane of the nose aim throat; win un tne irritation ,,i,..u, i, (iiiircTV IIIIUM lllitltn t will allav the lntlainm.i- using llyoiuei for t o i mouths for catarrh anJ i AUUAt. UH pulmouaty thouble, she has received more re lief and benefit than from anv other treatment." E. S. Pad ret t, Joffor- sonvllle, 11. "Hyomel cured me of terrible ear ache and buzzing, in the head. 1 would not be without It In the house for a single night." Mrs. S. IV Km ler. Columbia, S. C. Dcuinray, the druggist, selsl llyo iuei ( pronounced Hlgh-o-itiet nnd guarantees It. A complete outfit, in lcudlng Inhaler, only costs $1, and an extra bottle of Hyomel, If after- I wards needed, will cost hut 50 o U-::, 12-11 ! Hoii t be talked Into buying some thing "just us good" as Hex Fllnt kote Roofing. Hex Klintkote Is the best jcomposulun roof made. Sold by Hair-Riddle Hardware Co. win aiiay tne lnilaiinna- ' ' ' --.twiner riue in Hon; drive out the foul ' hands of hor little brother Saturday odor; kill the germs oven In. The shot took effect in the ""Mywife0 b'rn!''-'' " COUSIN OF JUDGE JEWELL DEAD. Judge Stephen Jewell this week re reived word of the death of hit cousin, Hon. R. B. Smith of Ktlispell, Mont , The two were raised together and were life-long friends. The Louisville Courier Journal of November 17th gives account of the death in the folios ing words: KalUpell, Mont , November 17. Former Governor R. A. Smith died in a hospital here )Mterdy ot uraemic pois- oairg. Robert Burnt r-niith was born in Hick man county, Ky., December 29, 1834. In eirly life be taught school and subse quently read law. He was adaiit'ed to i he bar at Mayfield, October 11, 1877 and practiced the'e until !8K2 when be re moved to Montana, locating at Dillon He at a member of the Montana Con di itutional Convention in 1883; wa United S'aiee District Attorney for Mon tana from 1885 to 188H; was City Attor ney of Helena in 1891-2, and in 1894 made an unsuccessful,, run jfor congress. In 189H lie was electedaUovernor, serving four years. Since bit reti'euient from oilice lie had practiced law in Helena un til recently when he went to Kalispeillbe csnse of ill health. In politics be was a democrat. Burns Smith, at be was generally known, is survived by a number ol reU' ttvet in Western Kentucky, and was per sonally known to many Kentuckians He vnited bis old home in Mavlleld 8evcral years ago NEW YORK NEWSPAPER PRINTS PRESCRIPTION Tells You How to Overcome Rheumatism With Simple R.e clpe. Which la Etxally Mixed. A well-known authority on Rlieuuia tism gives the following valuable, thoogli simple and harmless, presurip tion, which anyone can easily prepare at home : Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-balf ounce; Compound Kargun, one ounce;; Compound Syrup Sarspa- rilla, three ounces. Mix by shaking well in a bottle and take a teaspoon ful after each meal and at bedtime. He states that the ingredients can be ob tamed from any good prescription pharmacy at small cost, and, being of vegetable extraction, are harmless to take. This pleasant mixture, if taken reg ularly for a few days, is laid to over come almost any case of Rheumatism. The pain and swelling, if any, dimin ished with each dose, nntil permanent results are obtained, and withont injuring the ftouiach. While the.e are many so-called Rheumtism reine dies, patent medicines, etc., some of which do give relief, few really give permanent results, and the above will, no donbt, be greatly appreciated by many sufferers here at this time. Iuquiry at the drug stores of this neighborhood elicits the information that ttiese drugs are harmless and oau be brought separately, or the druggists here will niix the proscrip tion for our readers if asked to. 11-20 2t MIKPIIY W. T. Terry of (Iran's Pass was a visitor at Murhy Sunday. Road Supervisor Ueutner has sus pended work on the new road for a few da s on account of rain. Mrs. D. O. Hays returned home last Thursday from Grants IVs, where she hut been for medical treatment. She is mncli improved in health. E. Oentner has just completed a new ispension foot btidfe, acro-t the river at their place, but wo understand that it is lor private use only. H. L. Keed had tho misfortune to lose valuable Jersey cow liW week She was chased into the vicious! bo oe snot. A little daughter of Win. Bull, living !iu,, r...,. ,:i , irii oi Aitirpnv was il, I '-ciuenuv tnol Willi a 2: caliber ritle in " 1 rm''1" condition. Dr. Smith of 1 ' called but was un itilt t0 locate the ball. We are informed that W. T. Perry hat purchase.! what is known as the old Hathaway place, about one mile north of Murphy, and will set it out to fruit. We all wish Mr. IVrry eucces in his .enmrean.l (, Ul, t0 .pleoin mm among us as we all know him to be i a desirable cituen. HCPTERJ3ROWN. COFFEE Your grocer must sell poor coffee; we can't all be ccmfortable; but he needn't sell it to you. Toar rocsr rstara mt boost If ra (oat Iks ScsiUiai s B..I; we par hit. NEW SHIPPING RULES BEGINNING NEXT MONTH Different Forms of Hill of Lading to Facilitate Handling of Goods. Shippers and others interested will receive circulars soon from the traffic department of the Harrlman lines calling their atention to the operation of the uniform bill of lad ing that will become effective on the western roads December 7. The circular sets torth the permanent points of the new bill of lading and shows the Importance of making ar rangements to comply with it on the date fixed. The new bill of lading provides for two forms of shipment. One covers so-called "straight" con signments. The dlferent forms provide that a limited liability ser vice or a common carrier's liability service may be had of the railroads, as the consignor may elect. Unless otherwise provided, prop erty will be carried at the reduced rate specified if shipped subject to al the terms and conditions of the uniform bill of lading. If the con signor elects not to accept all the terms and conditions of this form, he should bo notify the agent at the shipping point. If he does not give such notice, it Is understood that he desires his property carried subject to the terms and conditions of the uniform bill of lading In order to secure the reduced rate. Property carried not subject to all the terms and conditions of the uni form bill of lading will be at the car rier's liability, limited only as pro vided by common law and by the laws of the United States and of the several states In so far as they apply, but subject to the terms and condi tions of the uniform bill of lading in so far as they are not inconsistent with such common carrier's liability. The rate charged therefor will be 10 per cent higher thun the rate charg ed for property Bhlpped subject to all the terms of the uniform bill of lading. Supplies of the new bill of lading will be furnished shippers by the Harrlman companies on request. The circulars to be issued will ex plain to shippers the requirements of tho new bill of lading and how to comply with Its provisions. In Memorlxjm. Death, the silent reaper, whose re morsele't scythe must soonlor late cut for each of us the tender thread of life which connects our earthly pilarimate with the voyane to "that undiscoveced coun try" lias ttknn from our midst, a genial companion in Frank, the second son of Mr. and Mrs. Alonso Hyde oi Murphy . He was 19 yeaas of and had en joyed the blossoms and gladness of the May day of life, shifting the scenes just at the dawn of the summer of man boo I. Let us hope that for him 'iwas better to have left theeon'est Jat the end of the innocent childhood, than to have gone ou and fought the battles incident to manhood, axe and decay and still to have been overtaken in the end by the same destroyer. Isn't it 'hniter since death is inevitable, to meet him on the high road of pleasure, youth ami er1- joyinon in the midst of schoolmates, family and friends than to have him call lor the dross that is left, after tbe fires of enmity and passion, old nH and decrepitude have burned away the lov ing and the lovable? We know not whether he he'd faith in any Christian craft or creed and we care less. We do know be was a model young man reared in an atmosphere ol morality that left its stamp on hia short career We do know that he wai just and kind and true. We do know that his friends were all that "new 111,11 anil enemies be hai none and we know that to fall at the door of manhood crowned with such a wreath is uroater than to hive pased the thresh old and see its co'ors fade in the burn- T "'K wln,,M " ol life, lo tho brothers and eiders we would y, forever, through life, swerve as le from the path or rectcude as cid ",e 0,1B no nfli tht vaont seat. r ... ... i ,i iiif imiin ami uiotner tase com j fort in the knowlee that they jave lo I the world so manly a child and that 'tis i as natural to die at 'tie to breathe. To hit many frtendt and plav mates let us remind yon thit to die is noth ng The grass and trees are daily preaching to you the fact as wel1 as the neces- ,lly of """,1 mlt to 'w in the true sens of living, is the divineet task ever given to mortal man and to do it well will take all your time and all your in- '"wt- L. M. "E. 0. DflWitt & Co., Chicago. Ill ; Ltentlemeu In 1S97 I had a disease J r ,Be stomach and bowels. In the ! spring of 1J03 I bongbt a bottle of I Kodol and the beneBt I received all the gold in Georgia could not bny. May von live lnn .n,i - ours yery truly, C. 5f. Cornell Rod- uS; Au,f- 87, xm-" sold by Modtl Drug Btote. j., y ' , '"'"'v TH E man who appoints his breeches pocket as his treas urer and bookkeeper is a first cousin to the man in the nursery rhyme who attempted to accumu late water in his mother's sieve. GRANTS PASS BANKING & TRUST CO. J. P. Tcffs, President, E. P. Dixon. Vice-President G. P. Jester, Assistant Cashier. ' nil VALUABLE INFORMATION for the Buyers of SETTING MACHINES QUALITIES TO CONSIDER IN MAKING A PURCHASE, Does It run easy Does it look food. Does It make a good stitch Does It sew fast. Is It well made. Is It easy to operate. Is it simple in construction. Does the manufacturer put his name on it. THE FREE sewing machine recently placed on the market by the Free Sewing Machine Co. combines the best qualities of all other machines. It is the latest, best and most com plete achievement in building of a 6ewing machine. Com pare it with all other ma chines in anything in which they claim to excel and you will find -CFREE easily the best. FREE SEWING MACHINE CO. CHICAGO, ILL. OKE Ml. 304 South Sixth St. Jtiamberlttlu'B Coujrh tho Moat Poimlur Itrcause it la the Beat. "1 liav snlil PI.i.,,,1.1.,:..'. n l. r , . , m vuugll ivt'm- ely for the pat eight Tram and find it to be i . r . . . ...v,wio .in me niar kft. ror lm iu. un, .i . . : - .-"""K ..i.u.imi mere is nothing Letter in the line of conKh srrnps " -wys I'aul Allen, Plain Dealing, La,' This renieoV not onlr inr t),o .,,.l.. i.i. j - '"f,n"i .lime anu oroiip so common ainoiiK voiingchildren, but is n esHHtit sii, I u.r.. r... ... ...i.. r. sale bv M. C lemens. A DELIGHTFUL mparts a pleasing softness and delicacy to the skin and restrains the ravairea nf un,wind and time. ts continued anoliratlnn .llni. nates sunburn. tan anrl frrM. mA renders imoercentihu annnm minor blemishes and sallowncss. It possesses a dainty, clinging odor uuusivciy its own ana is in every way a perfect toilet luxur. s 50 cents. Aak your druggist for it HOYT CHEMICAL CO. CEMENT CEMENT R. H. Gilfillan PHONE 744 Grants Pass, Oregon. nonowMum nn TTu IT 1 T r To Furnish House or Barn. New or Second Hand All kinds of Stoves to select from Heaters and Cook Stoves, new and second hand. Nov Is the Time to Boy DAVIS Grants Pass, Ore. Now is the time to visit California When summer has passed in these northern states, the sun is only mild under the bright blue eiiies of Southern Csliforuia. This is one of nature's happy provisions eternal sum mer for those who raunnt endure a more severe cli mate California has been culled the "Mecca of the muter touritt." Ita hotels and stopping placis sre as varbd stbofeofa'l we1! regulated cities. V'sitors can always find suitable aocomodations, roncenial companions, and varieil, pleasing recreations. Southern Paciic Co. Will be iilad to supply snie verv attractive literature, de 'Cribinu in detail the manv da lights of winter in California. Very low round trip excursion tickets are on sale toCalifoTtiii. The rate from Granta Pato Los Angeles and return il $55.00. Limit sis months, allowing stop-overs in either direction. Similar excursion rates are in effect to all California points. For full Information, sleeping car reser vations and tickets, call on, telerapa or write R. K. Montgomery, Agent S. P. Co. OB Wm. McMnrray, Gen. Pass. Agent Portland, Oregon Kennedys Laxative Coogb Syrsp aots gently upon the bowels and there by drivss the oold out of the ay Seld by Modsl Crag ton