Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 20, 1908, Image 8

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r f i-
l.aisins, murrains,
drapes, Cranberries,
Oranges, Lemons,
Walnuts, Almonds,
Fancy Comb Honey,
Celery nd
Sweet Potatoes.
fl fit
417 G St.
Phone 863
School ooeimd th la Monduy mora,
ing with Mi-s Callahan aa teacher.
Rev. A. J. Holliugtwofh of Grant
Phki iirenoied to a lnrgH und atten
tive audi' nee at Murphy Hnnriay.
He was n companied by Mr. and Mra.
Cowdry and Mrs. Lex Calvert and
Ask Halr-Hlddlo Hardware Co. to
show you that Steel Hungi' they are
HollInK for $35.00.
W. J Russell ban a crew of men
at work moving the hoase pnruiiared
from Ira Hull onto hit farm ahout ona
tuile tuttt of Murphy.
Will Hayes ays confidence in sorely
restored amo eleaiou fir their old
black cow bus twin caliei and the
heus have liexun to lay.
H. P. Burheton is moving onto the
L. T Day place he liavinK rented it
aotne time ago.
RosstTS and Carving fats at
Crauier Bros.
. The timoy friends of Elmer Qilmore
jjave biiii a pleaiant aurpriae rartv
taut Siturcley evening, it being the
oonsHlon of his 21st birthriay. All re
port having bad a good time.
Get CHINAMEL, at Hair-Riddle's
to ue on your floor and furniture
That the recent anlo did not edect
this favored part of the country i
evidenced by the many iinpruvxuients
conatuutly being ma'Ir. Mr. Ueotner
hasereoied a lull tec of farm buildinga
on bis fiirni runt of Muriby, II. L.
ftoed Ih building a ntw hoii-e, barn,
etc on iU i:ew plnuo ahout ouu mile
west of thH Api li'irate bildgu ru the
8outh aid 1 Mr. Winetr ml, Mr.
Leith and the llnym Hro', all have
line new reidciicen couit Itottl, alsu D
O. Hayes Is tu i 1 n 4 tu mlditii n lo
tiis hoiiHH Hiid ht but ui t leu t k j
Mint not forget L wis Mittilm l's new
tarn. KUdTKlt 11KOAN.
I'ittnhurtrli I'erfict Fencing posi
tively Hal hit priHif at C.iuutr Hros.
Iam Shoulder.
Thii is a common form of rnus'iilnr rheu
matism. No interim! treatment it needed
Apply Clikinlu'rlntn'K Liniment freely Ihree
times n day sndiiiiuiek cure is ccrtiiii'i. 'I'll it
liniment lino prnvrii orciiillr Trihinhln fin
miiNeulnriinil elironie ilteiinuitixni. Sold In
M. ( 'lemcn.
Continuous Performance
Every Nijrht Thin Week
Except Sund.'ty nt the.
Eaat Front Street
Doors Open at 7:15
w V u
Change of Pictures
Three times each Week
Admission 10c
A very disastrous fire occurred last
Monday night when tne large new
bouse owned and occupied by Joseph
Qolribach and Mr. Qninlan and their
families was completely destroyed.
They were awakeoed aboot 1 o'clock
In the morning by the smoke. The
children wen carried oat in tbeir
nlRht clothes. The Are had made each
headway that there was no time to
aav anything. All their furniture
and l 'l"DKin(;s were burned including
tu 1"(K) pianos. A toil bouse was
also hurued together with a lot of new
(uuchiuery winch it coutainel The
Gcldbucha and Quinl.ics came from tit.
Lnuie, Mo., only a few mouths ago
and purchased the Oeutner farm.
Xhey are very nice people and have
the sympathy tf (be entire community
.'. D" lullvL-il into buying some
thing "just as good" as Rex Kllnt
kote Hoofing. Rex Fllntkote is the
. M,.i.!M)-:Uon roof made. Sold
I by Hair-Kiddle Hardware Co.
' There-will be preaching here next
Sunday at 8 :80 p in. by Rev. A. K.
! M.f.aun nf flid NnuniBn AT V. rliiireh
A. 8. Keit willl Aog a anlo at this
service. Dont' fail to be present.
Sunday school at 2:30 p. in. as UHoal.
If you want some cheap powder
to blow out those stumps auk Halr
Klddle Hdwe. Co. about what they
Someone said lut Saturday id Orange
ireeting was the best they had ever at
tended. But then they aie all up to
the mark.
A DravmeL of Wonderful Intent.
Most strikingly effective of all the
religions dramas ever presented is
"The Holy City," Clarence Bennett's
powerful and Interesting play p i t' res
with vivid strength and aastcrly
power the scenes and incidents leadiug
np to the betrayal of the Master by
The dance of Salome, the daughter
of Herndlaa, before King H'irod, is
shown aa Is ber sucoeaKfnl plea fur the
bead of the great pieacher. After
John's death events move with great
rapidity and the plotting and schem
ing of the high riet and the Phari
sees with Herod are depicted a well
as the giving of the 30 pieces of ailvr
to Juda who proinisei to b. tray Jesus
into the hand of his enemies.
Tne presence of Jeans is, of ooure,
only sugKesttd, but so cleverly is thin
done that the spcotittor deems canied
tuck 2000 years aud faucirs himself an
actual witness of the great scenes
which aocouipauied the euacttuunt of
the great st tragedy in the history of
the world.
Other eones depict the convulsion
of natii' at the mot'cut of the crnci-
fillon, the Sll'Cide of the ri.nin,-vf ,,1
Judas and the IritiginK'of th gNd
iiuiuya or. tne r snrr ctmu. The en
tile pi ;y i a ilri'iM i f simple majes
ty and wonderml I t rest aud is pre.
suited ly a uoiuptny of sterling play,
The n ly "Citv" will bo rre'euted
at the Umnta I'as' op ra Honsa on
iliaiiKhgiviiigjiiii t, Jw.y, aiith.
The (Ji iimi' r (nl Cluh ha" adopted
a new logan SOo 1O.U00 innuire of
Secretarr AudrewM hh to the uueauiug
or anyone weariiig fie leide.
Cedar fence posts 10 cents each
while, the present stock lasts, at
llal.'-liiddlc Hardware I'o's.
I'liion (uiiiinntce AsMieiiitiiin.
'i write Insurance on nil kinds of
plate, tstoam bollcrri, also Indemnity
bonds for officers, contractors;
accldont Insurnnco ngalnat casualty.
('encral olllce New York City. Our
ngi'iil hfie la ti II Hendricks, ofllce
ground floor, oppoMto P. O. Oiants
Pass, Oregon. Katcj reasiitinhle and
company gllt-ed.neil. ll-C0-tf
I jj The" Development of the M
W Remington M
is the History cf
New Models 10
Model 10
with Column Selector
Remington Typewriter Company
t;5J IDCmponM)
Vf'N. Ncw YorIt nd Ery where
The Courier's Golden Eagle Con
test developed some bustlers last
week, and several thousand coupons
were turned loose. The extra prize
of $5 put new life Into the contest
and brought in betwen twenty and
thirty new subscribers to the Courier.
Miss Ruth Smith carried away the o
for having brought In the greatest
number of new ones, she had 10 to
her credit.
For the next week we will give an
other V for new subscriptions, but
this time it will be $3 to the one who
brings In the greatest number of new
yearly subscribers by Friday morning
at 9 o'clock, and $2 to the one who
brings in the next highest list. Ail
the new names appearing on this
week's report will be counted and all
up to next Friday morning.
All "Yellow Certificates" now out
must he voted not later than Decem
ber 1. but "Yellow Certificates'
which will hereafter be given out
need not be voted until the last day
day of the contest, anhough they can
be voted at any t,me. Some may
prefer to keep them until the close
of the contest and vote them In a
We told you that we had great
faith In the boys and we were not
mistaken, for the only boy In the con
test has been working Donald Cal
vert, although he started late in the
race has made a good showing and
has several "Yellows" to his credit.
Mable Darnelll, who started out In
the beglnlng of the contest, although
not In the lead at this count has sev
eral coupons which she has not yet
cast. Edna Cornell Is now getting
well Into the race and will have a big
..w Certificates" before
the contest closes. Ella Turner is
looking after the votes in the Kerby
country, and has sent in several new
subscribers. There are a great many
more to be had in that section. Ruth
Smith, who now heads the Hit. did
pome splendid work last ween, and
fhe will continue to bring In the now
So far the contestants have ue
voted only a portion of the'.r spae
time to the work and yet they hare
had splendid success. A little more
time will mean better results, and
"Everlastingly at it" would mean the
(60. There are only about four
ouu Halt weens more in
which to work, and you cannot af
ford to slack up now, for every week
means money to the winner, and how
can you eurn money easier? You all
have friends, lots of them, and they
wnnt to see you win the big prize.
They also want the Courier and are
willing to pay for it. The price is
$1.50 to all. Your neighbor is not
getting it for a cent loss. If he wants
the Weekly Oregonlnn with It tho
price will he (2 for both papers ono
year. ,
Tho standing of the candidates as
counted Friday noon Is as folows:
Ruth Smith 8 115
Maud Reynolds, Itr.D. 1 7 ' ." 5
Mabel Darnelll Tm.'.u
Donald Calvert r.o;o
Pearl Kearns 13 50
Hdua Cornell 140J
Rota Mowers 1040
Ada llrockman, Merlin 475
Ella Turner, Kerby 705
Trnry Stlth, Kerby 315
.Marguerite South no
Mrs. It. O. McCroskey arrived from
Portland Monday to visit her daugh
ter. Miss Luetic, and her many
friends in Grants Pass.
the Writing Machine
nd 1 1 - Now Ready
Model 1 1
Willi Built-in Tabulator
Rule of Golden Civile Contest.
1. The Golden Eagle Cont' sr. fhall
close Tuesilay, De -em her 2'.', t Ml :I.O
o'clock p. in. und no roipopa wid
ha received after tha: hour, eicept
thone sent by umil, which mint Aunt
evidence by poxtmatk that they were
mailed before that hour.
2. Ccntes'atiti slia'l to yonim men
find women ui.iler 21) icir of aue
Tho contestant receiving th- l ighis'
number of poiutH w 11 r-cive ti;o in
Uoldeu Eaglet. Tlie i ii ip eivp g
the next liith st ir.n l r of prints
will rec ive 120 i'l (ioldeu K . h.
Awards will lie wad" as nnn n pos-,j.
ble Bfter the conte t elesi s.
3. A coupon go d for fivo oint
will be printi d iu each iiMie of ihe
Courier during thi con lis:. Tliee
shall be clipped ont and rust at
The Page Woven Wire Fence Co. IZyU Fence,made
Twenty-seven inolip to iirt
Pllt'C OrtP ik
Standard ? ":; ' V;'.-:: '
Ranch L a-l J:--
l -ncc p t ... . e.f, :&;f!iiAi
pi"mwu ic as rcprcscnicu
An experienced nun a,.d tools are furnished to assist in the erection of all Page- Fence, without extra
He w 111 irect fel,ce over ay gni without cutting ot lapping, baling or sagging.
fl.lili!i .t- rir.M "Ti... n
.uc t a,c rcnce Aien
Distributors Southern Oregon and Northern California;
Take your pick from our long
at 90 cents on the dollar.
To-morrow and all of next
week we give 10 per cent off
on all Men's and Boys' Suits
and Overcoats.
Saturday, Nov. 21
Hart Schaffner h Marx
$27.50, $26.50, and $25.00 Suits for
S. Calhoun Co.
"Outfitter to Boy and Mavn"
this office pinned tngtther in tunclits.
4. Coupons will be issued from
this t tt'ce at follows: Three hundred
points fix eicli (1.50 received on Bob
si ri 1 1 ion, or two points for a. h lie
cent rec ived on sal sen lion. A
siecal BOO point Yellcw Certifi'iate
Tnii Coutxn it V nit if
Courier's Golden Eagle Contest
Is the time to
z-ti IiMfli;
wH. - cn'-
l liocunio quality of all Page Fence. High
: ti sir. in ..f . or IS. 000 pounds. U.
will be issued for each new subscrip
tion accompanied by (1.60 in cash.
5. Cast all ooopong at the ballot
box st this ofllce before the date then
ou expires. Yellow Certificate! man
not be cast until the contest is four
wi ea old
Nat Vuted by November 28
i - .1
Cor. 6th and I Strtcts
Grants Pas, Orego