Rogue River courier. (Grants Pass, Or.) 1886-1927, November 20, 1908, Image 7

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    Plember of FrulMaJ Grange
Give Some Good Pointers
on the) Subject.
In all fruit and fanning sections
poultry raising is a very desirable and
profitable adjunct, and this portion
of Josephine county Is keeping
abreast of other parts of the state in
raising good fowls and jast at this
time there seems to be a deteimina
tion on all Bides to raise the best and
get the best results from them. At
the last session of the Fruitdale
Grange, Mrs. E. H. Wise, one of the
enooesefal poultry raisers of that
neighborhood read the following
paper :
Henology is a new science. Every
farmer is or should be interested in
it. Heretofore he has left it to the
women folks or the oldest boy ; now
be has found that he can make $1 a
year per hen by a few simple rules,
so he has become interested. , Of
course poultry raising is made up of
little things but what can we find
that is worth while that isn't. First
the profitable poultry raiser found
that the old yellow striped-necked
hen that had become too old to do
Anything bot set was not worth her
feed, so he came to the conclusion
that bens must be young. Another
thing, the old ben's grandmother and
grandfather were not np to the stand
ard of fo'l blooded poultry, besides
being respectively "dominicker"
and btahma, so the old hen and all
the poultry were replaced with
young full blooded stock. We will
not dlsooss the breed for it might
cause onr Rood neighbors to have a
bone of contention. But rest assured
the flock were of small breed and
light eaters for he didn't care to go
too heavy at flrt.
The hen house was fixed op so that
plenty of good fresh air was proonred
by having one side of the house open.
The next thing he sprayed the
henhouse thoroughly with a good
Hoe killer. He didn't want his hens
to get to soch a state as the yoong
woman who wrote to the department
of agriculture thai:
" Every morniug when I go out to
my hen house I find three or fonr
of the hens turned on their backs, legs
curled op, never to rise'again. Please
tell me what Is the matter with
them." After thinking long and
earnestly over the matter bright
thought entered the head of the
man into whose bands the letter bad
fallen to answer, and Beizing a pen
be wrote: "Dear Madam, yonr hens
are dead." Please do not expect
yonr bens to feed vermin and you too.
He prooured a liberal supply of grit
and kept green bone, which is rich in
animal matter and protein. One can
not always obtain this, bot it pays to
buy a cotter if you have, a flock of
bens. Grains contain so little protein
that yoor heus will uot be supplied.
Skininied milk is very valuable for
laying hens, so iustead of wetting
the iraah with water he used milk.
The Daparmeot of Agrioulture has
received a report from West Virginia
which says, in the first test of 121
days 23 hens fad skimmed milk laid
1244 eggs as compared wish 99G egg
laid by 212 heus fed by the mash
mixed with water. The second test
60 hens laid 803 eggs in 37 days on the
skimmed milk ratiou as compared
with 632 eggs laid by a similar lot
fed no skimmed milk. Tlie second
priod of the second test the rations
were reversed and the chickens fed
skimmed milk laid 1230 eggs in 56
days as compared with 978 in the c-ise
of no skimmed milk ration.
' When be fed the heus be threw the
grain among some straw aud litter
that he had placed on tue floor of I he
shed. This gives his hens plenty of
exeroise during the winter months.
He selected eggs from his best bens
and hatolied iu the incubator. This
he set very early so that his chickens
cams off the first of April. The pallets
werti fed so they woold uot b
scrawny, and he was paid for his
trouble by gettiug eggs toe middle of
October. He did not use any poultry
tooio to weaken the digestive orgaus
of his chickens, but kept them busy
after their feed so ihey wereu t over
led but alert aud active. Hens, he
decldtd, hould moult eaily to lis
tried foroing the uioit. He fed ver
light raiioos so the hens got
very thin, theu be Martd tue first ot
August to fe d a.l tnev woi.ld eat.
They soon lot tieir fe-tbrm, gained
them agaiu aud werj ready to lay
when eggs were huh.
He has fouud out ihat cleanlinest is
the watchword. Heus do not get
irk without a cause. The feed
troughs should never be left with
fond to tlecav in them. Another
thing, be fouud that all grit should
be placed separate and not mixed
with the' foud. Hi hens were fed
alfalfa, cabbage -i
Too many cabbage leaves will cause
the eggs to have a cabbage flavor.
The average farm flock should lay
n average of 150 tgn Be, vear.
even if there
Breevthe Hyomel and Kill the
Loathsome Cewarrh Germ.
Detnarav makes this an nam ril
offer because he is authorised to do so
by the makers of Mi-o-oa tablets and
he is willing to have his system ap
pear in the Coorier because he knows
the offer is geooine.
And while it may be that then
about eight cases in ,100 that ara too
Iar goue for Mi-o-na to cure, we are
willing and ready to take all the
chances, and if Mi-o-na does not cure
any djspeptio can have his money
Even withjthis liberal offer, Deniaray
will not have to refund but a very
small percentage, because the in-
curable dyspeptics will find so much
relief in Miona that they will once
again look upon the sunny side of life
and will continue to use Mi-o-na.
Now, reader, you mav sav how
can the makers of Mi-o-na make such
an offer. How do they know that 93
per cent of the users will be oared and
that the other 8 per cent or the in
curables, willjbe relieved?
why, 1 1 all ver simple. We've
made this same offer in 1000 towns be
fore we made it here, and we have
figured out the percentages, so tbat
when we make the statement we know
it to be absolotelytrue.
"Mi on a tablets are trulv irreat for
anyouejtbathat stomach trouble. I
can not prtiBe them too highly for
what they have done forme." Mrs.
D W. Bennett, Bucksport, Me. The
price is only 60 ceuts a box. 11-20 2t
The One He Liked Bast.
A country clergyman on his round
of visits Interviewed a youngster as
to his acquaintance with nible stories.
"My lad," he ssld, "you have of course
beard of the parables r
"Yes, sir," slyly answered the boy,
whose mother had inducted him in
sacred history; "yes, sir."
"Good!" said the clergyman. "Now.
which of them do you like best of
The boy squirmed, but at last, heed
ing his mother's frowns, he replied,
"1 guess I like that one where some
body loafs and fishes." Argonaut
New Hampshire.
New Hampshire was first called I -a
conla, or Lacedaemon, a scholar among
the New Englanders remembering that
the Peloponnesus, the borne of the
Spartans and Argives. was mountain
ous; so was a portion of New Hamp
shire, hence the propriety of the name.
John Mason, however, who held a pat
ent for the district, called It New
Hampshire after his native country Iu
England, noil then the name l-nconlu
ns transferred to the hilly district
surrounding I.nke Cbauiplulu. Ihsrtoii
The men were holding an auliuuted
"You're a line!" suddenly shouted one
of tlll'lll.
Well." responded the other, "muke
less iioi.v about It. If you were a liar
jmi noiildn't wiint the whole crowd
told stunt it. would you':"
Nora I'lnso, inn'um. Ol wish to lave
Mrs. Close I'lsted Hut why. Nora?
Haw we imt llnays treated you like
one of the family?
Xnra Thot yez iniv, inu'iil.i. un' It's
limit, t tin 1 1 tlesli an' blood kill shtand
Himy longer. Judge.
"I tell you." said Sluuick. "tneu nre
getting so foufiiiiudedly deceitful these
days that yu eun't trust your West
"Ami. wh:it's worse."" Interrupted
Burroughs gloomily, "you can't get
yonr best friends to trust you." Ex
change. "Edmund Is the smartest child 1 ever
nw." Iwusted the fond mother. "He Is
as keen us a rar.or."
"Yes," spoke up grumpy grandpa; "hi
reminds uie of u razor."
"In what way?"
"Why. he neods a strapping." Chi
cago News.
"Jin. why don't you keep out of the
parlor? Things are running smoothly
Cnonrr on vesr St SO
Tradi Marks
Copyshomts Ac.
Anions Mnatnf tkMeb and flwrlpllrtii nay
qvlcklf aaeartain our opinion rr nhr an
In? noon w probaMr palntM. Commonta.
llmirictlfor.nflc1nllal. HANDBOOK on Patent
Mnt frM. OldMt uoorr fur t curing psutit.
Patent Ulen throoih Sunn Lo. cIM
prnal notfc, without chart, la the
Scientific American.
A nandKnoal? mwtrw) Mttf. I-rt .
million of mit rtntlB kmroaL Tra.a. S3
fw. f"ar sionui. IL 8ol4 0711 nwdlr.
Electricity From Human Bd.
Thai electricity, best and ether are
one and the same fluid Is the assertion
of Frederick Uovendon of London, who
also claims that every person exhales
electricity from the finger tips and
that be can take moving picture of
the process. To do this be fills a square
glass box with cigarette smoke mixed
with air. The experimenter thrusts a
finger through a hole In the bottom of
the glass box. and a powerful arc lamp
is turned on. The ether or electricity Is
Immedlnately seen Issuing from the fin
ger tips and photographed. Popular
8aved the Edition.
Sir Frederick Gori Ouseley used to
tell a story about the famous Claren
don Tress, at Oxford, which shows
how very easily serious blunders may
be made. It was when a uew edition
of the Bible was comlug out, aud uot
till the final revision of the text, when
In another moment it would have been
Irrevocably fixed Iu Immortal type,
that the printer was discovered to
have Riven the following 'tree" ren-
deriuR of 1 Corinthians xv, &i:
ihe trumpet shall sound, and
we Bhall be hanged."
The Usual Treatment.
"Look at that hoy!" I exclaimed.
Sherlock Holmes" keou gate follow
ed my own.
The urchin now sketched in pencil
on the drawing room wall. Now he
carved his name on the piauo. Anon,
laughing lightly, be spilled milk ou a
Louis Seize fauteull.
"In heaven's nomel" I cried.
"Calm yourself, my dear Watson,"
Sherlock Holmes Interposed. "There
la no need for Interference here. Do
you not understand? Tbat villa has
been rented furnished for the season."
New Orleans Times-Democrat
"Not It Were My Boy."
Borne years ago the late Horace
Mann, the eminent educator, delivered
an address at the opening of some re
formatory Institution for boys, during
which he remarked that if only one
boy was saved from ruin It would pay
for all the cost and care and labor of
establishing such an institution as that
After the exercises had clesed. In pri
vate conversation, a gentleman rallied
Mr. Maun upon his statement and said
to him: .
"Did you not color that a little when
you said that all that expense and la
bor would be repaid If it only saved
one boy?"
"Not If It were my boy," waa the
solemn and convincing reply.
An Amaxed Woman.
A woman who bad an Arabic glass
cup of the fourteenth century end did
not kuow Its value took it to the Brit
ish museum. After due consideration
the expert, to her surprise, said that,
though the museum did uot waat It It
might be worth $2,0110. The womau
shuddered, because she had been igr
rying In a crowded Loudon omnibus a
bit of gssa worth so much money snd
It had miraculously escaped smashing.
Finally, wasting money more than
Arabian glass, she sent the object to
sn auctioneer's. Ksaey her amazement
when, starting st (1.B00, the Amble
cup went by le and bouixta and
was anally knocked dowa for tbe nice
sum of XWW. The bidding of two
rivet collectors did tbe business.
Timber Land. Art June 3, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore.. Mav 2, 1908,
Notioe is herehv given that in com
pliance with the provUioua of ths
Act of Connress of Juii" 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act for the sle of timber
Lands in the State of California,
Oregon, Nevad, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all Pub
lic Land States by an act of August
4, 18112,
nf BI8 Pettygrove Sr., Portland
Coaotv of Multnomah State of Ore
gon, filed in this office on January 28,
11108, his sworu statement No. 9H8H tor
the purchase of the W'i SEI4, dE
SEW Section 14, lot 3, of Section No.
2.1 in Township No. 40 South, of
Ksuge No. 8, West. W. M., Ore., and
will offer proof to show thai th land
sought is more vslushlH for its tim
ber or stone than for agricultural
purposes, aud to establish bis claim to
naid laud before He sier and Re
ceiver of thi nfllce at Robbing,
Or. gnn, on Friday, the 4ih day of
December, 1908.
lie names as witneB-s : J. S.
Bailev of Ashland. Ore, Hatry Silfer
ot Aahlttnd. Ore., Ira A. Ma'tiu of
Portland. Ore., Adolf Sohulz of Port
laud. Ore
Anv and all rie'son) claiming ad
verrelv the above den-rued 1ii.h are
requested to tile their claims in ilns
office on or before said 4ih day of
December, 190.
Department of the Iut-rior,
U. S. Land Office.
Roeeburg, Ore. Sept. 24, 1908.
Notice is hereby given tbat
of Selma, Oregon, who, 'on April 22,
1902. mde Homestead Entry, Ne.
U493 8, R 0l3 for WW. of NEW; WW
of SE4, Section 14, Townnhip 58
Sooth, Range 8 West, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notice of intention
to make final five year Proof, to es
tablish claims to the land above des
cribed, before Joseph Moss, U. B.
Commissioner at Grants Pass, Oregon,
on tbe fith day of Deoember. 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses:
William H. Sargent, of Selma. Ore.,
Roy Craig of Selma, Ore., David
Hogue of Selma, Ore., Alfred Regan,
of Selma, Ore.,
- - nT ""I Pai.tA.
mil 11" ""
Department of the Interior,
C. S. Land Office.
Roeeborg, Ore., Sept 38, 1908.
A sofflelent contest affidavit having
been filed in this office by
contestant, against homestead entry
No. 10.876, made Jnly 18. 1901 for
the SEW Section 10. Township 89
S, Range 8 W. by Robert Ball, Con
teste, in which it Is alleged that
said Robert Ball has abandoned same
fonr years ago, more or less, and has
not been on said homestetd since also
that no other person has lived on same
since, nor made any impr Jveiueots
and that sUd alleged atx-ence from
the aid land was not due to his eni
nlovment in tha Arrar. Navv. or
Mariue Corps of lbs United States as I
a private soldier, omoer, seaman, or
marine, during the war with bpain.
or dariug any other war in which the
t'nited atatee may be engaged. Said
parties are hereby notified to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching
said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on
November 2, 1908 before Joseph
Mors, U. S. Comissionsr, at his office
in Grants Pass, Oregon, and that final
bearing will bi held at II o'clock a.
m., December 12, 1908, before the
Register and Receiver at the United
Stiates Laud Oillce in Roseburg,
The said contestant having, in a
proper affidavit, filed September 38,
1908, Bet forth facts which show that
after due diligence personal service
o( this notice can not be made, it is
hereby ordered and directed that such
notice be given by due and proper
Timber Land, Aot June 8, 1878.
Roseburg, Ore., May 8, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that in com
pliance with the provisious of the act
of Congress of June 8, 1878, eutitlud
"An act of the sale of timber lands
in the States of California, Oregon,
Nevada and Washington Territory, "
as extended to all the Public Laud
States by sot of August 4, 1893,
of Rosebnrg, county ol Douglas, State
of Oregon, filed in this office April 14,
mm, hit sworn statement mo. ious7,
for the purchase of the SEI4 NWU,
NE 8W Jaand Ntf SEW of Section
No. 22 in Township No. 114 Range No.
S.WestrW. M. and will offer proof to
show 4 bat the land sought is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for
agricultural purposes, and to establish
his claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Rosebirg, Ore., on
Friday, the 8tb day of Jauaary, 1909.
He names as witnesses B. VY.
Strong, of Roeeborg. Ore., W. D.
Bell of Roseburg, Ore., Arthur L.
Roadman ot Roseburg, Ore., H. A.
Sanford, of Rosebnrg, Ore
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands ars
requested to file their claims in this
office on or before said 8th day of Jao
oary, 1909. BENJAMIN L. EDDY, '
Department of tbe Interior.
U. S. Land Ofhoe.
" Roseburg. Ore., Jaly 24, 1908.
2 Notioe is hut eh y given that '
of Ashland, Jackson Cuuntr, Or gun,
who on Jnly 2U, 1908, made T'mher
and Stone Application, No. 0457, for
NS,' of N WW. and SW'V of NW4' aud
NWLj ofSWlj Section 23, Townsihp
.14 Sosth, Rsugs ft west Willamette,
Mi-ririiau, has filed notice of intention
o make Fiual Timber aud Stoue
Proof, to estahlish clsiui ',lotba iam
abov described, before Register and
Keceiver at Roseburg, Oregon, ou ths
HOt 1 1 day of Jiuuary 190U.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Oeorge Shearer 'f Ashland, Jackson
Count, Or-goii, Louis Steinbach, of
Komburu, D'l-.iglan county, Oregon
Thomas Luster, ol Rosi burg, Douglas
ouutv. Or gon, Thomas Taplm, of
Roseburg, Dounlas comity, Op-gnu.
In the Comity Court for Josephine
Comity, Oregon.
Iu the matter of ths 1
Estate of Thotuui
A Hood, D ceased J
Notice is beieby given that Ora
Hood, the aliuininiratrix of the
Estate of Tlmmss A. H od, deceawd,
has filed iu the above entitled court
aud cause her final account, aud that
Satorday, Dec-mlier 5, 1908, at the
hour of 10 o'cl ck a. m . at ths county
court room at the Court House at
Grants Psss. Joseph! un Count. O e
gun, is herehv Hied ss the tirus and
place for hearing said finsl account,
snd all peri-oiH having objections t i
said acciiaut are herehv notified to Al
and present the same on or liefore
said date.
. Dated 0th day of November, A.
D. 1 908
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Offlce.
Roeeborg. Ore, April "0, 1908.
Notie is beretiy given that
of Portland. Oregon, who, on January
. 1908. made Timber Applletlou
So 9842. for HW'-i. Section 12, Town-
hin 8 Sooth. Range 8 West, Will
aruetta Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make Final Proof, to
establish claim to the land above de
scribed, before tbe Register and Re
ceiver at Roseburg, Oregon, on Ihe
21 day of November, 1908. I
Claimantlnames ss witnesses: Wil
lis D. Palmer of Portland, Orr gon.
Arthur D. Dabney, of Portland, Ore ,
James A. Bennett, of Portland, Ed
ward H. Suttoo. of Portland, Ore.,
J. S. Bailey of Ashland, Ore., Harry
Silver of Ashland Ore.
1 Register
Department of the Interior.
U. a Land Offlce at
Roeeborg. Ore,. September 19, 1908.
Notioe Is hereby gives that
of Selms. Josephine County. Oregon.
who. 00 Aogasl HMh. 1908, made tim-
ner a Btooe Application, No. 0953,
for WK of the NEW and the NEW of
VT It t t fi . . a neT . . .
" it, section o, iowoanip 87 South,
Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian,
baa hied notioe of intention to make
final Timber A Stone Proof, la m.
tabKsh claim to the land above de
scribed, before Joseph uoss, U. a
Commission, at Grants Pass. Oreoon.
on the 7tli day of December, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Wil
liam O. Long, of Selma, Josephine
County, Oregon; Charms wible of
Selma. Josephine County, Oregon;
jisepn c. erdin of Ursnts Pass,
Josephine Coonty, Oregon; Martin A.
Conger, of Oranta Pass, Josephine
County, Oregon.
Department of the Interior,
U. S. Land OthVe.
Roeeburg, Ore., Sept. 80, 1908.
Notice is hereby giveu that
of Portland, Multnomah County,
Oregon, who, 00 September 80, 1!W8,
made Timber and Stone Application
No. 01567, for WW, of the SEU aud
the ESi of the SW4, section 1. Town
ship 41 Sooth, Range 9 West. Willa
mette Meridian, has filed notice of in
tention to make Final Timber and
Stone Proof, to establish olaim to the
land above described, before Joieph
Moss, U. S. Commissioner, at Grants
Pass, Oregon, on the 19th day of De
cember, 1908.
Claimant names as witnesses: Car
lton E. Harmon, of Grants Pass, Jose
phine Co., Ore., Frank M. South, of
O rants Pass. Joaenhine Co.. Ore..
James Swearlnger of U rants Pass,
Josephine Co., Ore., Ezra M. Al
bright, of Waldo, Josephine Co.. Ore.
Department of the Interior.
United States Laod Office.
Rosebnrg, Ore., Sept. 9, 1908.
Notice i hereby given that
formerly Mary Sanford Dunham, ol
Selma, Oregon, who, on January 21,
luoa, made Homestead Entry No,
13,882, SH. OHM) for SW of NWW.
Si' of NE W. Section 26, toweshlp 87
onth, Range 8 West, Willamette
Meridian, has filed notioe of intention
to make final five rear Proof, to es
tablish claim to the land above de
scribed, before Joseph Moss, U. 8.
Commissioner, at Grants Pass, Oregon
on toe 24 ih day of November, 1908.
Claimant u nines as witnesses:
Clarence A. Frost of Selma. Ore..
Alfred B. Regan, of Ssima, Ore.,
Dolphin H. Wiiuer, of Selma. Ore.,
Ed srd D. Hagan, of Selma. Ore.
Timber Land, Act J tins 8, 1878.
Roeeborg. Ore., May 8, 11)08.
Notice is hereby given, That In
oomplisncce with the provisions of
the Act of Congress, of Jobs 8. 1878,
entitled "An Act for ths sale of Tim
ber Lauds in ths Stats of Califo-nia,
Oregou, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, " as exteuded to all Pnblio
Land States by an act of August 4,
of Athlaud, county nf Jackson, (Male
nf Oregon filed in this office on May
2, 1908, her sworn statement No,
lOOMIi for the purubai-e of Ihs North
eastqoHiier of Section No. 22 iu Town
ship No. 4 Month of Rang No. 5
West W. M., Ore., an1 will offer
poof to show that the land sought Is
more valuable for its timber or stuns
than for agri.:nltoal purposes, aud to
establish his claim to said land he
fop the Register and Reoelver of this
office at Rnaeburg, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 7th day of Jaauary, 1 Hon.
Mis names as leitesses: George K.
Shearer, of Ashland, Ore , Thomas
E. Luster, of Kosebnrg, Ore.. Louis
Steinbaoh, of Roseburg, Ore.,
Louis Steintinch, of Rosehurg. Ore.,
Beujamiu O. R iseborg, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above described lands are
requested to file their claims In this
office ou or before said 7th day of
January, 1909
lif.NJAMlN L. r.UDX,
Timber Land, Act Jone 8, 187H.
Rosebnrg, Ore.. Msy 2, 1908. '
Notice 1. hereby given that in com
pliance witn the provisions of the act
of Congress of Jone 8, I818, entitled
An act for lbs sain of timber lands
In the States of California, Oregon,
Nsvada and - Washington Territory,"
as extended to all the Pohlin Land
States by act of Aogust 4, IHU2,
of Portland, county of Mulnomah,
State of Oregnn, filed In this office,
February 1, 1908, his sworn statement
No V8M9, for the porcbase of the HW,
of SEW,, the NEW. of SEW, and SEW,
cf NEW of Sectiou No. 20, In Town
ship No. 40 8, Range No. 8 West, W.
M. aud will offer proof to show that
the land sought is more valuable for
its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, aud to establish bis
claim to said land before Register
and Receiver at Kosebnrg, Oregon, oa
Friday, the 4th day of December, 19118.
He names as witnesses: James 8.
Ruilev of Ashland. Oregon, Harry
Silver, of A'hland. Oregon, David
Kuratli of Portland, Oregon. Ira A.
Martin, of Portland, Oregon.
Anv and all pern. 11 1 claiming ad
versely ths above-described lands ate
re.iaet-d file their claims In this
office on or before said 4tb day of De
oember, 1908.
.r . , rxr r irr.T.V
Ur,,ijAJii,i 1. TtVkJ , ,
TfOTLSX " ;Keg liter. I
Timber 'Land. Aot Jane S, 1878.
Roeeborg, Oregon. May S, 1908
Notioe is hereby given that rn com
pliance with tbe provisions of the aot
of Congress of Jons a, 1878, en
titled "An act for the sale of timber
lands la the States of California, Ore
gon, Nevada", and Washington Terri
tory" as extended to all the Pnblio
Land btatea bv act of Aogust 4 1892,
of Portland county of Moltouiah State
of Oregnn filed in this office on Jan
uary 28 1908 her sworn statement No.
9887 for the porohase of the NEW. of
Section No. 4 lo Township No. 408,
Range No. 8 West W. M and will
offer proof to show that the land
sought Is more valuable for its timber
or stone than for agricultural rjur-
pones, and to establish his olaim to
said laud before Register and Receiver
at Rosaburg, Oregou on rriday, the
4th aay of Dsoomber, 1908.
She names as witnesses: J. 8.
Baily. of Ashland. Ore. : Harrv Sil
ver, of Ashland Oregon; Ira A. Mar
tin of Portland Ore ; Isabella Joval of
Portland, Ore.
Any aud all persons claiming advetse
ly tbe above described lands are re
quested to file their claims in this
otliue on or before said 4th day of
December 1908.
Timber Land, Aot Juno 8, 178.
Rosebirg, Ore., April 80, 1008.
Notice is hereby giveu tbat iu com
pliance with the provisions of the
Ant ot Congress of Juue 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act tot the sale of Timber
Lauds in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory," as extended to all Publio
Land Slates by an aot of August 4.
of 450 Thompson St., Portland,
County of Multuomah, State of Ore
gon, filed In this office ou January
9, 1908, his sworn statement No. 9841
for the pure base of tbe SEW of Seo-
tion No. 12 In Township No. 89 South
of Range No. 8 West W. M.. Ore.,
and will offer ptoof to show that the
land sought U more valuable for its
timber or stoue than for agricultural
purposes, and to establish his olaim to
said land before the Register and Re
ceiver of this office, at Roseburg,
Oregon, on Monday, the 23d day .of
November. 1908.
He names as witnesses: Willis D.
Palmer of Portland, Ore., Fred H.
Whitefleld of Portland, Ore., Edward
H. Sutton of Portland, Ore., Arthur
D Dabney of Portlaud, Ore,. J. S.
Bailev of Ashland. Ore. Harrv Silver
of Aalilaod, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-desorlbed lauds are
requested to file their olalms in this
oftloe on or Wore said 23d day of
November, 1908.
Timber Lau'd,'
Aot Juue 8. 1H7B.
Rosebnrg. Ore.. Aorll 80. 1208.
Notioe is hereby given, That in
oowpllanoe with the provitons of the
Aot of Congress ot Juus 8, 1878, en
titled "An Act for the sale of Timber
Lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Ter
ritory, " as exteudod to all Publio
Land States by an aot of August 4,
of 428 Bwoond St., 'Portland. County
of Multnomah, State of Oregon, filed
in this office 00 January 9, 1908 his
worn statement No. 9840 for the
purchase of the W NWf, N' 8WW
of Section No. 14 in Township No. 89
South of Range No. 8 West W.M.,
Ore., and will offer proof to show
that the land sought la more valuable
for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposws, aud to establish his
claim to said laud before ths Register
and Receiver of this office, at Rose
burg, Oregon, 00 Monday, the 23d
dy or Novsmlier, 1908.
He names as witnesses: Willis D.
Palmer of Portland, Ore., Fred H.
Whitfield of Portland, Ore., James
A. Bennett of Portland, Ore., Edward
II. Sutton of Portlaud, Ore., J. S.
lialley ol Ashland, Ore., Harry Silver
of Ashland, Ore.
Anv and all persons claiming ad
versely the above-desoribwl lands are
requested to filu their olalms In this
office on or before said 2 J d day of
November, 10(8.
Timber Lind, Act Juno U, 1878.
Hosuburg, Ore., May 7, 1908.
Notioe la hereby given That in
compliance with the provisions of the
Act of Congresi of Joue 8, 1878, en
titled "Au Aot for tbe sale of Tluber
Linda in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington
Territory," as exteuded to all pnblio
Land States by an act of August 4,
of 674 Nenalem Ave., Portland
County of Multnomah, Slate of Ore.,
gon, tiled In this offlce on April It,
IWOH, his sworn statement No. IOO0U
for the purchase of the NW8EW, 8 WW,
rtr,M WW www or Hectlon No 14 iu
Township No. 89 South of Range No
West W. M. On. and will offer
proof to show tbat the land sought is
more valuable for its timber or
stoue than for agricultural pur noses.
and to establish bis claim to said laud
before the Regitter and Receiver of
this office, at Rosebnrg, Oregon, on
Friday the 18th day of December,
He names as wltesses: Ira'A. Mar
tin, of Holland, Ore., Kred II. Whit
field, or Portland, Oregon, Edward II.
Htittou, of Portland, Oregon, J. S.
Bailey, of Ashland, Oregon, Charles
Turner, of Holland, Oregon.
Harry riliver, Ashland, Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming ad
versely tbe above described lauds are
reqatwted to file tbelr claims in this
office on or before said 18th day of
December, 1908.
stakes Klitiw. t wti iar