ROGUE RIVER COURIER. GRANTS PASS. OREGON. NOVEMBER 20. 1908 Now The Time To buy a Hot Water Bottle. For a few days only ve sli all sell a regular $1.25 bottle at 82e. These bear our print ed guarantee on each bottle for one year. Take a look at our window and you will realize that this is in deed a special sale. Sabins Drug Store BORN. Mr.. M. E. Raefly left Thursday for . month, with horn, folks at jilanor, Wash. J- Q. Jarvis. the Gold Hill ding, gist .pent Wednesuay in Qrant, Pass on business. Two huudred-ten thousaud-io-qaire of Commercial Club. Misses Oro WilUon and Bertha Kennedy soeut Saturday and Sunday in Grants Pass. Mrs. Sam White is tired of buying .Uuu couee. sue buy. tfomenGate whole it Folger's roast and grinds at Hair- Qmni, weigh ana manure everything you fruy American Grocer. For Thanksgiving We have New English Walnuts, per It).... 20 ' New Soft Shell Almonds, per lb. .20 New Brazil Nuts (Nigger toes).. 20 New Filberts and PIneNuts 20 New Seeded Raisins, 16 OZ....12H New English Currants 12 New Seedless SultanaRalslns.very good 12 Vi New Black Figs, 10c, 3 It) for.... 25 New Cape Cod Cranberries, very fine. Citron, Orange and Lemon Peel. Eastern Sheled Pop Corn (the ,ktnd pops. Satnpsou'r Boiled Cider (tor that mlcce meat. Sampson's Sweet Cider (filtered). Fancy Carolina Head Rice. New Japan Rice. Fresh Self - Rising Buckwheat Flour (the finest ever). Johnson's Sliced Pineapple 30 Tillman's whole Pineapple, 3 lb D ran 30 OUK SPECIALS "Singapore" Sliced Pineapple ..10 Plmolas (Stuffed Olives) 10 New Cod Fish,, middles and 21b bricks. New Mackerel, each 15 Chase & Sanborn's Coffee 20c, 25c, 30c, and 40c (none bet ter Is there?) , All the leading varieties ol Teas. Will have Oranges, Bananas, Celery, Lemons, etc., White House Grocery Perfection Oil Heaters Riddle Hardware Co's. D. C. Hefley leaves tomorrow even ing for bis home in the Forty Mile Coontry, Alaska. While Id Grant. Pass this fall he has purchased several pieces or. property, among others a residence in the Lincoln Park addition, which will nltimately be occupied by himself and wife. Mr. Heflty remained in the north during the summer. The return journey from Grants Pass to Forty Mile is a very tedious one. involving many tops and delays. After reaching Seattle a boat is taken as far as Skagway, Alaska, some 1000 mile, further on; from that place to White- norse tne way is over the fnm White Pass and Ynkou railroad; then by stipe and trail to destination, the entire trip requiring anywhere from 15 to 40 days. Old papers for sale. Two bunches for 5c until the present lot is gone. Taze Hsi An, the Dowager Empress of China, autocrat io head of the government, which she has directed without successful interference sinoe 1861, died November 15. Kwang Hsu, who field the title of emperor, died the day before. Prince Pa Yi. the three-year -old too of Prince Chun, the Regent of the Empire, was placed upon the throne. Nine foot cedar anchor posts for woven wire fence at Hair-Riddle Hardware Co's. Harvey W. Browne, publisher of the Silvertonian Appeal spent a couple of days in Grants Pass last week, transacting basinets and re newing acquaintances. Mr. Brown was formerly a resident of this oity having held the position of foreman on the old Mining Journal Friends here are pleased to know that he Is conducting a prosperous business at Silverton. The people of Grants Pass regret to learn of the burning of the Goldbach Qulnlan raoch'on the night of Novem ber 17th, the aocount of which is giv en in the Fruitdale column of this is sue. Bicycle Hospital at Cramer Bros. Excursion to the City of Mexico. On Tuesday, December lbtn, me Southern Pacific Company will run an excursion train from San Francis co to the City of Mexico and return Tickets may be purchased at Grants Pass for this excursion for $93.40, round trlD. first-cluss, with stop over privileges, limited to return February 15th. Come and see me about this trip If you contemplate making It or write to me and I will eo and see you or send a man. Mr. W. H. Jenkins of the General Pass enger Agont's office, Portland, Ore will nlso take pleasure In seeing you thia trlD. or Mr. Emll Pell of Ashland will arrange all details. R. K. MONTGOMERY, Aeeiu a. r. o. MARX HODK.INSON At the home or the Dride s parent., Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hodkinson, at Grants Pass, Ore., Mondav, November 18, 1906, thnetian Marx and Miss Hazel HodiiDson, both of Eugene, Rev. A. R. Maclean officiating. The bride was formerly an emnlove of the Pacific States Telephone office at this place and has nianv friends here. Mr. Marx is the proprietor of the Eugene Dye Works. The bride and groom left Monday noon foi Port land, where they will spend their oneymoon, later returning to Eugene to reside, followed by the belt wishes of a host of friends, who nnita In wishing them a bright and prosperous wedded life. BALDWIN WILKENSON At Med- rord. November 9, 1908, O. H. Bald, win of Grants Past and Miss Zoma WilkHwon of Harden, Oolo, Rev. Goold-r officiating. Mr. Baldwin is a comparatively new comer in this country and is engaged in the Harth Clothing store. Tboy reside on a small orohard tract north of the oity, which is rapidly becom ing one of the beautiful phoes on North Sixth Street. LOVERIDGE At his home near Engeoe, Saturday, November 14, 1908, Rev. 1). E. Loveridge, aged 84 years. Rev. Loveridge was well known io this city, having preached many times , membership to 140 and making them 11-13- Rex Flintkote Roofing Is rain .of vdnd proof and sun proof. -,,iwi in stock and sold only by Hair-Riddle Hardware Co's. A. U. BANNARDj The North Sixth Street Furniture Dealer Has the exclusive agency for this county of the Ostermoor Mat tress Co. pave a lare sh,Pment n way also" Cook's Linoleum Tin fine and medium furniture, yon will not find such an assortment or price n Southern Oregon. Goods -old for ca h :ilm0nt. n an. iouiuuo , On mam""'- r . -At Grants Pass.Saturday. Nov. 14, to Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Swartz, a son. , DIED. i-H-M-M-Hiim 1 1 1 ij- SOME BARGAIN POINTERS PERSONAL ITEMS. t;SVARTZ Ben Evans returned hn.,. cj. fromTooanab. Ne. J MAKUED. LOCAL EVENTS. MM I 1 l l.M-H- 4 M MM-l Don't forget to atteud the Good Roads Coven t Ion. J. N Johoion has accepted the'ap pointroent as deputy district attorney in place of A. O. Hough, resigned. Copious showers Tuesday Wedursday and Thurs. nights were generally wel comed. Rayo Lamps at Halr-Rldle Hard ware Co's. Commencing Sunday, November 2i, the general delivery window at the postoffice will be open from IS to 1 p. ni. instead or 10 to 11 a. m. A new lease has been taken by ths government on the present quarters of the postoffice in the Masonio boild ing for a term of 10 years at aa an nual rental of 1730. The meeting of the Rcgne River Frait Exchange will be held at the opera bouse tomorrow Instead of the Commercial Club Rooms as at first announced. The speaking will begin at 2 p. tn. Gray Building Paper at Halr-Rld-dle's. Henry Van AUnieo, one of the owners of the Richards store at Mer lin, who was burned in his attempts to extinguish the fire but is getting over bis injuries nicely, was in the city one day this week. The Modern Woodmen of America took in a class of IS members Tuesday i evenloe. the addition raising their News Notes From tha Business Man to R.evdere. in the Episcopal church; his visits here gaining him many warm friends. Until 1907 he served as rector of 8t Mary's Episcopal church at Eugene, at that time retiring from the minis try and devoting bis time to the frait industry. Three daughters survive him, Miss Emily Loveridge, superia tendent of the Oood Samaritan hospit- tal, Portland, and Misses Ruth and Mrya Loveridge of Eugene. Miss Ruth Loveridge was at one time a resident of this city, engaged in the photograph bnslnness, HYDE In Grants Pass at South Pacific Hospital, November 17, 1908, Frank Hyde of Laurel Grove, Ore., agea id years. Deceased was the sou of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hyde, residing at Laurel Grove near Murphy, and was taken sick about six weeks ago. Despite all that loving care and the beat of medical attentioo could do for him, he con tinned to grow worse. A week ago he was brought to the South Paoiflo Hospital of this city, where he passed a way on Tnesday. He is mourned by a large circle of friends, besides his family, to whom the loss is irrepar a Die, Reduced Railroad Rates For the following occasions re duced rates on the certificate plan will be in effect from Grants Pass. Tickets will be sold on any of the three days prior to or on the open- Inging day: Eugoue Ore., Nov., 2"th & 29th, Annual Boys Conference, Y, M. C. A., McMInnvllle, Dec. 4th and 6th, Annual State Convention, Y. M. C. A Annual Convention Northwest Fruit Growers Association Portland Dec. 2, 3, 4 Annual Convention State Dairy Association, Salem. Dec. 10-11. For further Information Inquire of R. K. Montgomery, Agent S. P. Co. 11-13-tf NEWMAN M. E. CHURHC. The pa.tor will preah morning and evening. At the' morning hour the chorus choir will render another new anthem and at the evening service A S. Reits will sing solo "My Mother's prayer." Sunday shool at 10. H. L. Gilkev, supt Junior Leagoe at ?. Mrs. M. O. Findley, superintendent. Ep worth League at 6:80, D. H. Stovall, President. The Leagoe service will be an espeoiaUy nrenared Missionary program In charge of the Standard Bearers There wlU be special music and a solo by A. S. Reitz. We cordially Invite the public to all these services. Pink Building Paper at Hair-Rid die's. The city cooncil held a meeting Thursday evening In the Dew room over the city hall. The new chambers have been nioely fitted op, with lineoleum on the floor, new chairs and the walls decorated with numerous pictures. A fraacblse was granted to the Rogue River and Southern Railway for tha ose of the streets on Sixth and to the terminal on F." The petition of J property or at this stow to get the lo.CBtpr.ccs. I A. U. BANNARDj owners wno uesirea hi improve aau grade street, was fallowed with the PDiVn-tDliDg that !tb shotting tiroieity wliooi'i stand the expense. The ordinances covering blocks 88 and 44," forpotting linj the sewer and Petitious wit" rwt-ived from rwnHlents the second largest beneficial lodge In the city. After the business of the evening a social session was iodugled in, . winding op with a sumptuous banquet FOR SALE Dining room furni ture, book case, hat rack, etc. Geo. P. Cramer, 620 N 3d St. 11-13-tf There will be a meeting of the stock holders of the Rogue River Frait Ex change Saturday, November SI. (to. morrow) at p. m. at the Grants Pass Opera Hon Be. The matter of purchasing spray material will be discussed and other business taken care of. The prlnolpal and most Im portant feature of the meeting will be the presence of Profe.sor P. J. O'Gara, of the Horticultural Depart ment, of Washintgoo, D. O. who will give an instructive and interesting talk about orchard conditions In this part of the Rogue River Valley. Get a Universal meat cutter at Hair-Riddle's and you will save the price of It In one month It you will use it aa much as possible. Wro. King, who presides over the Churchill Vineyard foor miles from town In the Frultdale district passed one more of life's mile posts last Sunday and the occasion was oele brated by a birthday dinner, to which several Grants Pass friends were Invited. Tha gnesta from this city were ;Mr. and Mrs. E. u Churohlll and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Rlggs. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Barrough and son, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Ingles and daughter. A handsome rocking cnair was presented to Mr. King. First Oregon Legion N. P. L. held a social session in M. W. A. hall last Friday uight over 100 were1 present Wilier Dodse showed evidence of having been there before" io a dar key sketch. By debate it was firmly decided that man Is not a ires moral agent Mrs. Megargle, Miss Caldwell, and Miss Meiers added to the enjoy ment with recitation, song and in strumental nius'c Mr. McCraoken, made a great hit with his paper" Le gioo News" and a trio composed of Messrs. Mlnch, Fitzgerald and Dodge brought down the boose with their "Peanuts." After the program the refreshments served by the ladies were amply appreciated. James H. Poyoer, a carpenter by trade, is a recent arrival from Califor nia as is also Earl A. fake, a farmer from Texas. These gentlemen both came originally rrom iseoraaza, ine one going to California and the other to Texas, and both with the same idea io view, that of finding a desir able place to ; locate. Aftrr spending some time In the respective states they determined that another move was desirable, and this time they moved together and as a result are now In the city. They have rented the Eallen tract fnear ;tbe 'old power bouse, consisting !of 19 acres and will cultivate the Pnd while waiting to aatisfy themselves that Grants Pass is really the place they wish to make their permanent borne. Mr. Drake will look after the crops while Mr. Poyoer works at his trade, should he be successful in finding employment. After a time, if satisfied with this country, (and they are sore to be) tbey will purchase homes for them selves. Dr. Flanagan, Physician and Dentist Go to Corun lor Plumbing. J. E. Petersoa, Pioneer Insurance Man. M. Clemens fmnunption Druitvist. A splendid line ol Royal Charter Oak RaiiKes etCornn't Alfred Letcher, Reaistered Optoin etrii-t aud Jeweler in Dixon sold stand, Front stieet Eys tested free. Bert Barber, of Elton, Wis., sav) "Ihaveouly taken four doses of De Witts Kidney aud Bladder Pills and they have none fur we more than auy other medicine has ever doue. Sold by Model Drug Store. Special sale on blaukets and comforts for two weeks at Gardner A Co. Elbert Veatch was greatly sur prised this week on the oocasion of his 29th birthday, a host of friends having descended upon the oozy Veatuh home on North Third street in the evening. The guests were all dressed in Juvenile costumes and each brought to the young 89-year old a present some were tin whistles, toy building blocks, toy carpeater tools and many others of a similar nature. Childreu's gsm's were played throughout the eve niog, aod when the handsome birth day cake waa cut they .all ate with truly children's appetites. The oooa sioo was a highly enjoyable one from first to last Agents for Tompkins' Glove fitting corsets Gardner & Co. 11-18 tf Prof. O'Brien has been Interviewing the business men of this city for the purpose of Mooring subscriptions to defray the expense of painting the beautiful picture of Grants Psas so that It may become the property of the Commercial Club. The picture is very highly praised br competent ar tists and is admitted to be worth fully 500 and some place the valoe higher. As Prof. O'Brleo Is a pobllo spirited man he has said that if S128 were raised be would acoept that amount and torn the picture over to the dab, though $135 would not begio to compensate him for the time spent In painting It So far about one-half of the necessary sum has bean secured. It Is to be hoped that the balance will be forthcoming at an early day as the painting will be of great valoe to Grants Pass for ose in advertising In booklets, eto., aod to place on ex hlbltioo at the Alaska-Yokon-Paolflo and other like affairs. From the pictore strangers and homeseekers would be able to see for themselves and form mo idea of the beauties and magnitude of Grants Pass and vicinity. The local Milling and Lumbering firm of Kesterson and Heokle have closed their mills and delivered their lumber. This firm Is one of our lar gest operators, having when running full force, about 100 men In their em ploy. And Serve with Proper Trimmings, get a Set of Landers, Frary and Clark Carvers For Roasting the Turkey, there is nothing better than the Savory or Lisk Enamelled Roasters Cramer Bros. ODD FELLOWS BLOBK "WORTH REMEMBERING - Housekeepers shoold bear In mind, that when asked by canvassers or ro of rs to purchase a phosphate baking powder, ibat if they value their health they will refuse such powder. Phosphate baking powder is mad from bornlog the bones, gathered at slaughter houses, whether from die eased animals or not It Is then mixed with a eolation of oil of vitriol. Such baking powder sells for 85 cents a pound. . Be on the safe side and proteot your health by demanding the Pure Cream of Tartar kind, which is made from the purest of grapes. Read the label and don't be de ceived. I0-t0.8c Lands for flnle. Ten acres fine alfalfa, frnlt and berry lmd, five acres in cultiva tion, three acres in alfalfa. Small bouse, quarter of a niile from nioe little town school, church and R. R. station. Must be sold in 10 days. Address Box 517, Wooville, Ore. 11 20 4t Lost $50 Reward. About October 10, one diamond ring, tiger claw setting, old gold finish. Address P. O. Hox C Grants Pass. 11-20 1 Rifles, shot gons, ammunition and Fishing Tackle at Cramer Dros. Building paper Hardware Co's. at Halr-Rlddle COMING EVENTS. Thursday, Kor. 20, Dance at Savage Creek halL tickets, including sappe. and horse feed, 1150. 11-18 3 1 Nov. 86 "The Holy City" at opera Hoose. The NEW KINK Pot cover should be In every kitchen; ask to see them at Cramer Bros. Nearly every town In the state has held or will in the future have a good roads convention. Heaters, Heaters and Heaters at Cramer Bros. of I.jpixiln Park aking for the ezten nl..o tf'sewer, water and lights. The ctirDi)tl)ilU were ordered paid. M if you want an inside finish tnat will not wear nor scratch and one that you can wash with hot water, get CHIN AM EL at Hair-Riddle's. Again I want to call your attention to Coffee It's my own Special Blend the very best tobe had for the money anywhere.-. I make a specialty of fine Coffees and Teas, and anything sold by me may be relied upon as to both quality and quantity Gibson's Grocery Front Street, opposite Depot. Phone 61 Grants Pass, Ore.