ROGUB RIVER rnTTVTRR. GRANTS PASS, OREGON. NOVEBEMR 20. W8. The Rogue River Courier Pdbliihid Evkt Kbidat Bt A. E. YOORHIES, Proprietor Entered at the Pott Office at Granta Pus, Oregon as second-clans mail matter. Subscription Rates! One Year, in advance, Bix Months, Three Months, Single Copies, $1.60 .76 .40 .05 Advertising Rates Furnished on application at tbe office, or oy msu. hi i. . .ui.ln t inn if Ann tsimuaritro , . ....... dolence will charged (or si 5c per hue; 1 & a L. - E caru oi wiiiuMi FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1908. as it should be and it will not be long until all resident! of tbia state will bsre too much pride about them to offer any bnt perfect frnlt for sale, even without tbe restraining in fluence of a law prohibiting It. When nature is so provident in making it possible to raise the Boest applet in the world, the most loscioni pears, and peaobes that can not be maiea anywhere, why ehoold the residents of the Rogue River Valley be con tent to offer any but the most perfect to buyers. EXAMINING COMMITTEE MAKE THEIR REPORT CLASSIFIED ADS. Next Thursday is Thansigiviog. The day will be fittingly observed in Grants Pass, and tbia is ss it should be for thera is certainly no fairer place on Uod'g green earth than this little city nestled in the hills and sorroanded by one of the most beauti ful valleys In the world, where the choiest of fruits and garden products abondantly grow, where the climate is almost perfection itself, aod where all of nature's gift have been lavishy applied. Residents of this favored section oertainly have much to be thankful for. OA LIFORN IANS AWAKENED. Ban Fraociico is aroused over tbe -dastardly attempt of an exoonvict to assasHloate Frauds J. Heney. It was supposed at firt that the would be murderer was in the pay of the Reuf grafter gang, bat this belief is not now generally accepted, However, the result is the same as it has brought about the awakening of a pobllo conscience and the people of the Bay City have determined to pat an end to bribery and graft in con nectloo with tbe handing oat of fran chises and other olvio matters. It Is ' too bad for Heney, that he mast be shot and wonnded nigh unto death to awaken the San Franciscans to their dotv. bat saoh Is the (ate of many eo listed In good oaase. Those who have watched the career of Heney, were not surprised to learn that his life had been attempted ; the wonder is that it did not oocor long ago. He has been absolutely fearless in his prosecution and has not alone made enemies of the persons on trial bat of all others whether tbey were jarvniBn, witnesses or otherwise oonneoted with cases where occasion warranted. Haas, who attempted bis life, was drawn on the jury panel of the first trial of Reuf, aod at that time was oonfrorted by Heney with Ills former record, and reminded of the stripes he had worn. This Inci dent caused Haas to attempt to kill him. lluuey may be, and probably Is a fanatic, but no one doubts but that he has been engaged ,n K01' work in his prosecutions of graft and 'fraud cases and nearly all will say, let the good work ga on. Now that Thanksgiving is near at hand and the season for making the winter's sopply of mince meat draws near, those who are wont to eat pies "like mother used to make" are wondering what will take the place of the brandy and sherry which have generally been added to that kind of plet. Looks as thoogb they would have to be thankful if tbey get pies at all. Just stop aod think what it will mean to Giants Pass and Jospehine oounty when all the new orchards and vineyards come Into bearing. The income from grapes, apples, pears and peaches set out in the fall of 1908 and early spring of 1909 w ll oertainly reach the million dollar mark and probably greatly exceed It. Things politically are warming op again and a determined fight is being made againt the election of Governor Chamberlain lo the Senate. There seems to be a wide difference of opin ion throughout tbe state as to whether Statement No. 1 means anything or not. ' Good roads are essential to the highest development of any country ; let everyone turn out to the good roads convention on the 23d, and see that the Rogue River Valley has Tbe lack of hitching posts on our streets is the cause for just ooiuplulut wbion is constantly being made by farmers. When they come to town they most either drive a team that hasn't life euotigh to run awny or else hitch them out in tbe suburbs before they transact their buslneM. As one of tbein remarked nut long ago, it looks as though they were not wauted In town. Here is a matter whteb might profitably be discussed and acted upon by the Commercial Club. As the matter now stands it is easier for a farmer to write out his order and buy his goods from a mall order house tlmu it is to hunt a place to tie his team ami theu ruu around town for supplies. Everywhere throughout Oregon the cry lit, raise better fruit, and nearly every city has panned au ordinance making it a misdemeanor to sell or offer for sale fruit that Is scaly, wormy or otherwise infected. This is the best roads possible. 200 10,000 inquire of Commercial olub. Another Mew Industry for Crania Paee. workingmcn 1 1 1 (ii Levi Strauss CS JOS Overalls atUxted dciuin Uw two hone brand -TWO to in in y Prof. T. H. B. Taylor, the veteran father renovatorman, of Jackson oonnty, is now Installing bis steam feather renovating and deodorising plant in Grants Pass and will be ready for business in a tew days. The feathers (beds and pillows) will be oalled for at each residence in tbe morning taken in tbe ticks as they are and daring the day will be per fectly washed with medicated steam, perfectly sterilized and deodorized. Everv cart els of animal matter is eliminated and every form of dls ease germs absolutely destroyed. They are thoroughly screened and, fanned and -lusted. iMost perfectly hot air dried and returned the same day, all sewed, ready for immediate use, pure s suow. Each family work is positively kept aod treated entirely separate. New tickings will be furnished and put on the same day if so desired at reasonable price. Nothing but the best tickings nsed. A specialty made of converting beds into pillows, or vise versa. ueus ana puiows evened np or changed to any size or shape desired. Mr. Taylor says he has the best machinery and is using the most per fect method of steam renovating of feathers of anyone on the Pacific ooast. Mr. Taylor is a 80 year resi dent of Jackson oounty and also well known in Grants Pass. Tbe Medford Mail has said : " Whatever T. H. B. Taylor says is a guarantee. He does a nice, clean family business. Every one treated fairly. As this is a sanitary matter, no doubt our people of Grants Pass will Improve this opportunity. There can hardly be a doubt of Mr. Taylor's ability or Integrity. 11-20 St Garland Ranges and stoves, the World's Best at Cramer Bros. Mrs. August Goetteche leaves this Saturday for Roseburg, where she and Mr. Goettsche will make their future home, provided they like that place. cardof"thanks. Murphy. Ore, Nov. 19, 11H8. Editor Courier: Will you kindly aunotiuce in your valuable paper the sincere thanks of the undersigned, to the good people if Grants Pass and Josephine oounty, for the generous aid they rendered our respective families in supplying the necessities, we so much needed after the destruction of oar homes, by fire on the night of November 17th. We are strangers in this community, came here to make a borne, aud were it not for the unasked for relief you'so generously performed for us on this occasiou, we fear, with the winter coining- oo.fwith our limited means, we would have had. a to The Executive Committee of the Commercial Club met Thursday after noon to receive the report of the com mittee appointed to examine the books and accounts of the club. The letter of transmittal is as follows; the entire report being too lengthy to publish this week: Grants Pass, Ore., Nov. 19 , 1908. Tn the Officers and Members of tbe Grants Pass Commercial Club, Gentlemen: We, your committee appointed to examine the books and accounts of the secretary, beg to re port that we have made a very careful examination of the books and find all acooouts correct, all receipts being properly accounted for and all ex pen ditnrea BroDerlv approved and re corded. Fnrther we wish to commend the secretary, H. L. Andrews for the good work he has done for the club. The attached report embodies a fall statemeot of the condition of the finances of the club and is hereby ap proved by this committee. We would further recommend tha tbe Executive committee take such steps as it may deem necessary for the collection of monthly dues, especially regarding the dues of delinquent mem bers as shown upon the accompanying report. Respectfully submitted. Signed L. B. HALL. R. W. CLARKE, G. W. DONA' ELL The Holy City. Just now when the country is flood ed with cheap claptrap melodramas, It will be refreshing to know that we are soon to have "The Holy City," a play dealing wholly with the great Book of John, this is a theatrical occasion that yon can well remember. E. W. Smith, editor of the Cor vallls Republican, and Mrs. Smith were in Grants Pass Thursday and called on the fraternity. They have been making a tour of the Btate and stopped off at all of the Southern Oregon towns. Universal meat outers at Halr- Rlddle's. FOUND Package containing BDout r,na vi. pH (if VRl OV BaUU. can have same by calling office TWO two last seen near FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Morning worship is at 10:80. The pastor preaches on the question ' 'Why don't your Disciples do .as we do?' Bible school is at 11:45. The Young People have a Thanksgiving meetln "Gratitude aod how to express it is the topic, and Geneva Myers leader. Evening service Is at 7:30, Rev. Thorp will preach. A cordial invitation is extended. NEW TODAY. Window glass at Hair-Riddle's. at this U-20 tf STRAYED. years old Jersey Miller hiu Reward givtn ii leading to tneir recovery. Close, Wilderville. Bulls, ranch, lost HeptemDer, brand, plain n on leiv itewaro itivtn iur iuiwuj-mv- Hydeu Phone 887. 11-20 tf LOST Between Josephine Hotel ana 820, A street, nes nunuu containing, money. Finder please leave at Best Fuller Realty Co. and receive suitable rewaid. 11-20 tf LOST Saturday a gold anchor brooch with raised letters U S N in front; $1.50 reward if returned to Hazel Gillette, 11-20-lt FOUND Ladies hand-bag containing purse. Owner describe bag and pay tor advertisement. 11-20-tf S. C. WHITE LEuHOKMs rue Eig Strain Cockerels o to fio Heos at $2.60 each. Trio, $10. PuL lets three months old at $9 dozen Casa Granda Poultry Co., Rose, burg, Oregon. ll-20lt Umbrella Hospital at Cramer Bros. A new xib put In for 25c. FOR SALE or exchange for Grants Pass propeity, either country or city, a 20-acre fruit farm at Win tew, Cal. The place is in tbe suburbs of the town and in a high state of cultivation all oat to al-, nionds, peaches and apricots, most all bearing. All under irrigation, a good 7-rouin house, a barn and other improvements, a No. 1, home and will easily net $10u0 per year. Ad drtss for particualrs Box 284, Grants Pass. U-20 2t FOR KENT A furnished room, with or without board, 817 JNortn otn street. 11 20 2t FOR SALE. FOR SALE Senator Donlap Straw berry plants, $5 per thousand, 75 cents psr hundred. J. O. Calhoun. 11-18 tf 4-ROOM Bungalow and one acre ground, young family orchard, well, windmill and large tank giv ing water for domestic and irrlga tiou purposes. Desirable locatiou. For terms and particulars apply at 725 N Tenth St. ' 11-13-tf DESIGNS, Cut flowers, potted plants, bulbs. Medford Greenhouse, phone 608. 11 -tf FOR SALE Almost new Stadebaker Top buggy and single harness, a half price. Address Box 336 11-6 tf WANTED. Oliver Chilled and Steel Plows a Cramer Bros. A. M. Knapp of Portland, grand commander of the Knights Templar, made Mellta Comraandery of this place an official visit Monday night. After the meeting the Sir Knights partook of an elaborate banquet In the Masonic Temple banquet rooms. lis tee ul v ti nJ . f T" tl .r have uiaicitainetljonmelvfa and Iter, uutil .such'time aswe could ami have raised a crop. Again we thank the good people of Giants Pass and the oounty. May God blena them all. JOSEPH B. GOI.DBACH, WILLIAM P. VL1NLAN. Coffee Quality clean perfect Your grocer will grind it better if ground at home not too flue. i WANTED 10 rigging slingers. $0 per month; 10 lumber pilers, $2 50 per day : two lumber graders, $75 per month ; high wheel teamsters, $H5 per month Box factory men 3. W. H. West & Co., Medford Ore. WANTED Man with buzz saw to out wood. Man with team to plow. Man with experience to do spraying. Will trade Winchester rifle,'82x30, with loading tool, $10. Six tier stove wood mostly hard wood at $1.25. Knapsack spray outfit, $3.50 Euqa re at 628 N 4th St, Phone 645. 11-6 It PIANO Pupils wanted 20 years ex perience in teaching. Addrtss Mrs. E. E. Foster J, N 6th St., next to F. Coron. 7-17 tf,. FOR RENT. FOR KENT or sale-5 room cottage. good shed and small barn. Inquire of Mrs. N P. Dodge. 11-13 tf FOR RENT-15 or 20 acres of river bottom ltiU'i. Inquire at place, four miles down the river road or address A. H. Brouon. KFD No. a. 1113 tf WU L rent voo a good furm, seven miles of city. Best terms given. Write Box 25, or see me, residence corner Oak and Park streets, J. M. 'lain. MISCELLANEOUS. MONEY to loan on real estate. Mort gages hough l and sold. Marcus W. Robbins, Lawyer. 10-80 4t. FRANK BURNKTT-Upholstering, mission furniture made to order. agazine Just Out This Christmas number Is Just one round of beauty, color and good cheer. Take one home they'll all like it. Head "The Suuday Lady of Possum Trot." You l be glad to Know that there are pooplo like that on earth. Best of all It's true. "Everybody's" is the llvest general niHKailne In America, lie a copy, 11.50 a year. For Sk t toy Drug Ston in Crtoit Ptt I AM soliciting subscriptions for "The Ladies Home Journal and The "Saturday Evening Post." Any oue desiring either of them for in dividual or for a Christmas present to some trinnd, will confer a great fiivor by sending through me, and if he or she will let me know through phone 5Srt or in any other way, 1 will call nrseud for the prioe ot subscription. Mrs. J. B. Paddock, North Second sheet. 10-30 tf F. A. PIERCE Registered Angoras, Flock headed i y one of the famous bucks of the "King Arthur" also other bucks of din erect strains of breeding. Does of the noted strains. Bucks for sale, Merlin, Ore. 8-27 tf Rain and Overcoats ARE A NECESSITY at this tim of year. We are ready for you to examine our large stock of exceptionally fine values. The goods are the best and the PRICES IN REACH OF ALL. Perhaps you need New Underwear If so you would be making a mistake if you failed to see the new stock which we have just receivcl direct from the mills. By buying in quantities we have been able to get the best quality at reasonable figures. Our customers will be given the benefit of right buying. Southern Oregon Supply Company "Providers for Outer and Inner Man" Grants Pass Opera House THANKSGIVING DAY TVTy7 Ckf THURSDAY.JwV.26 LeCOMTE AND FLESH ER PRESENT Clarence Bennett's The -Holy City wTTH ' Luella Morey as "Salome" "Princess of G&llilee" The Most Sublime Play Ever Written. Endorsed by the Clergy, Press and Public. Prices $1, 75c, 50c. j& FO 2C-0 0 NG & in Rogue River is now at its best and the place to get the best FISHING TACKLE is Joe Wharton's Sporting Goods vStore, 6 st. The Newly Wed And all Inexperienced house keep ers will always be sure of a squar deal when dealing with Ahlf. We don't want to get rich by unfair means, and prefer to get an honest live by selling honest meat. When you want a tender sirloin or porterhouse steak.a roast or som chops, give us a trial order. 8 know you will be pleased, and will get you for a regular customer on our merits alone. Call up Special sale of extra wide, all lilk ribbons this wtek. 30 oeot ribbons go at 15 cenj at Gardener & Co. 11-13 tf CHRISTIAN SCIENXE SERVICE. Tho Christian Science aervice will be held Sunday, November 15, 1908 at 11 a. ni. at the W. O. W. hall. Snbject "The Obligation to Thanksgiving." Duet. 8:6-18. All are cordially iue vited to attend. Fresh Fish Received Every Day CITY MEAT MARKET J. H. AHLF, Proprietor Pittsburgh Perfect Fence, Field, Razorback and Poultry at Cramer Bros. s,wmmmMWHwvwwwwwvwvwwwwttt) Protect Your Orchards From Frosts By the Orchard Heating Device of the Frost Prevention Co, Fresno, Cal. For Sale by GEO. II. PARKER. Grants Pass. Ore. ............ ........ ...... .............. . . . of